

Research on the Evolution of National Reading Behaviour and Its Countermeasures in the Digital Age

【作者】 李新祥

【导师】 朱静雯;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 出版发行学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文全面梳理了国内外数字时代读者阅读行为研究文献,描述了研究现状,讨论了已有研究存在的问题,整合分析了我国历年全国国民阅读及相关调查的数据,对抽象的、理论化的“国民阅读行为嬗变”进行可操作化描述,提炼出一个包括阅读主体、阅读媒介、阅读环境三个维度的指标体系。根据这一指标体系设计问卷,在全国范围内展开调查。基于调查所得4256个样本数据,展开量化研究,描述我国国民阅读行为嬗变的具体表现。调查发现:(1)数字化时代作为阅读主体的读者,在数量上是不断扩大的,总体阅读率上升。但阅读主体的素质是参差不齐的,结构异常复杂。数字时代我国国民对阅读重要性进一步认可,对纸质阅读的前景不如网络出现前那么乐观,但依然有相当比重的读者对“数字阅读会取代纸质阅读”的观点不太认可。读者的阅读需求进一步多元化,知识需求依然是第一需求,但资讯需求提升明显。值得注意的是,思想需求和审美需求没有随着数字化进程减弱,反而有提升的趋向。读者的阅读耐心减弱是数字时代我国国民阅读行为嬗变表现出的一个重要特点,而阅读能力、阅读目的、阅读积极性、阅读范围、阅读量等指标总体上呈现出积极的变化。个人阅读总体满意度提升不明显,尤其是女性读者的阅读满意度比会上网前还有所降低。读者阅读习惯发生改变的比例较高,但认为“改变程度有限”的比“改变很大”的还是要多,而且读者比较认可自己的阅读习惯。(2)从阅读媒介维度看,数字阅读媒介兴起,书报刊等传统纸质媒介的阅读率提升乏力。但远未到唱衰纸本阅读的时刻,纸本阅读依旧有其魅力,将在很长时期内与数字阅读并存。数字阅读的付费意愿有所增强,但仍然维持在一个较低的水平。(3)阅读内容方面,功利阅读超越人文阅读,“浅阅读”、泛阅读的取向明显。流行阅读超越经典阅读,信息获取超越知识习得,新闻关注超越文学感受,娱乐追求超越理论探讨,但这并不表明经典、知识、文学、理论阅读的缺失。(4)阅读方式上,由过去单纯的读,变为现在的读、听、看三种方式并存。随着多种媒体的兴起,尤其是互联网的飞速发展,快速浏览和扫读超越慢速凝视和审读,选择性阅读超越接受性阅读,跳跃性阅读超越连续性阅读,“F”式阅读超越“Z”式阅读。在传统纸质文献上深度阅读的频率和时长均有下降的趋向,但研究性阅读并没有受到轻视。(5)阅读环境方面,第一,在途阅读兴起,传统的图书馆、书店作为阅读场所其吸引力有所降低,去咖啡馆阅读的兴起说明读者对阅读环境的舒适度要求进一步提高;第二,读者对个人阅读环境改善的认可度高于对社会总体阅读环境改善的认可度,说明社会阅读环境尚有更大的提升空间。第三,读者认可社会各界为改善和促进国民阅读做出积极努力,大多数读者个人也愿意为此付出努力。结合个人访谈和专家访谈,质化方法与量化方法相结合,多学科交叉探寻国民阅读行为嬗变的原因和影响。作者认为数字化技术引发的阅读媒介发生变化,是我国国民阅读行为嬗变的直接原因;现代市场化、产业化体制下发展的中国媒介的重合性和叠加性,是我国国民阅读行为嬗变的特殊原因;社会政治、经济、文化、教育体制的变化,是国民阅读行为嬗变的环境因素;作为阅读主体的读者,在信息素养、生活形态等方面发生的变化导致阅读需求的变化是国民阅读行为嬗变的基础原因。从个体读者而言,阅读行为嬗变的积极影响是阅读更自由便捷,相应的,读者的精神生活也获得更大的自由空间。消极影响可以概括为数字阅读硬件设备存在的缺陷形成不良影响、阅读耐心的减弱、思想深度的缺失等。从社会性影响而言,积极的方面表现为阅读行为的嬗变会推动政治民主、经济发展、文化繁荣和社会和谐的进程,消极的方面则表现为对政治权威的怀疑、对经济发展的迷茫、对文化发展的失望和对社会共同理想的消解。应对数字时代我国国民阅读行为嬗变的对策主要包括:(1)就国民个体而言,首先要树立能够适应数字时代发展的“大阅读观”,要有“阅读是一种权利”、“阅读并非万能”的意识;其次要提升阅读素养;第三要建构自己的意识框架。家庭组织可以在优化家庭阅读硬环境、塑造家庭阅读软环境两方面努力,特别注意要避免数字媒介成为孩子的“保姆”。(2)政府组织的对策包括:将促进国民阅读作为国家战略并切实加强制度建设,加大对文化教育事业的投入是促进阅读的根本之策,加强阅读的权利意识,政府在主导文化发展的过程中要释放全社会的积极性,努力消除“阅读障碍”和“阅读歧视”,加强基层阅读服务组织建设,提高阅读推广活动的协同性和长效性,提升社会组织参与阅读推广的积极性等。(3)教育组织应该承担特殊重要的角色并发挥重要的功能。就基础教育组织而言,理念层面要明确“掌握知识和技能不是阅读教育的落脚点”,阅读教育的目标是培养具有独立精神、思想自由和敢于表达的公民。操作层面主要是建设专业的阅读指导教师队伍、推进分级阅读、迎接数字化等。高等教育组织应成为国民阅读的示范中心,要改善大学生的阅读结构,要发挥高校教师意见领袖的作用,大学生可成为推广国民阅读的志愿者,高校的阅读资源向社会开放,高校应为社会培养专业的阅读指导人才等。(4)媒介组织的对策:遵循扩大信息流量、追求阅读价值、追求易读指数、追求美学品格的原则,优化传播渠道,顺应媒介融合,生产与传播能满足和引导读者需求的阅读产品。(5)公共图书馆应充分利用其所拥有的公共阅读资源,提高阅读服务水平;顺应阅读媒介形态的变动潮流,开展新型阅读服务。其他社会组织也应该为促进国民阅读贡献自己的力量。社会各界应该通力合作,构建更个性化、更快捷、更有效、更准确的交流信息、知识、情感、思想的阅读生态。

【Abstract】 The dissertation collects the literature on reading behaviour home and abroad, describes the research situation, discusses the existing issue and does integrative analysis of data of the national reading and survey related. By an instructive description of the evolution of national reading behaviour, which is the abstract and theoretic, it refines three index system, consist of reading subject, reading media and reading environment.According to the index system, questionnaires were designed and nation-wide survey undergone. Based on the data from4256sample, a series quantity researches have been done, embodying the evolution of national reading behaviour.There come following findings.a. As the subjects of reading in digital age, the number of readers increases gradually, and the total reading rate goes up. However, the literacy of the reading subjects varies from person to person and the structure is very complicated. Though the importance of national reading unprecedentedly attaches further attention, yet the idea that digital reading will replace physical reading has not so far accepted by a great number of readers.In spite of diversity of readers’demand, the first demand still focuses on knowledge. At the meantime, the demand for information increases. What deserves attention is that both demands for thinking and aesthetic do not tend to decrease but to increase with development of digitalization.The decrease of readers’patience is another feather that the evolution of national reading behavior demonstrates, while the indexes like reading ability, reading aims, reading motivation, reading range and reading amount tend to be positive.The individual satisfaction with reading is not obviously increasing, especially the female readers’ reading satisfaction decreases more than before they access web. The readers’ reading habit changes at high rate, and yet there is more "limited changes" than "great changes". Besides, readers tend to confirm their own reading habits.b. From the perspective of reading media, the traditional physical media like books and newspaper come to lost their attraction, with the digital media booming. Though someone says that the physical media will lose their market, the physical media still have their charming and will keep pace with digital media for a long time in the future. Readers tend to be more willing pay for the content but still remain a low rate.c. From the perspective of reading content, reader tend to utilitarian reading rather than humanity reading, with shallow reading and extensive reading as the main features. While popular reading is prior to classic reading, information attainment to knowledge acquisition, news attention to literature feeling, entertainment to theory investigation, there are no evidences that the classic, knowledge, literature and theory are missing.d. From the perspective of reading way, coexistence of three ways of reading, listening and watching now transfers from simply way of reading in the past. With the booming of multimedia, especially the fast development of internet, rapid scanning and skipping are prior to gazing and reading, selective reading to receptive reading, jumping reading to continuous reading, F-reading to Z-reading. The in-depth reading frequence and time consumed on physical literature tend to decline, while investigative reading is not ignored.e.From the perspective of reading environment, with on-line reading booming, the attraction of traditional reading places like libraries and book stores goes down. The booming of reading in coffee bars shows that the readers are critical of cozy reading environment. The readers’ priority of the recognition of personal reading environment improvement to overall reading environment improvement shows that there is more room to improve the overall reading environment. Readers are willing to make efforts to promote the overall reading environment just as the all walks of life do.By the combination of personal interview with expert interview, quality research with quantity research and from the cross-discipline, the dissertation investigate the causes and influences of evolution of national reading behavior, the media overlap under the system of modern marketing and industrialization is the special reason for the national reading behaviour. The change of politic, economic, cultural and educational system is the factor influencing national reading behaviour. The change of reading demand raised by the readers’information literacy and ways of life is the basic reason for national reading behaviour.As far as individual readers concerned, the evolution of reading behaviour has its positive impacts, making reading much more freely, and therefore the readers have more freedom to enjoy their life. Negative impacts can be summarized as adverse effects caused by the digital reading hardware defects, weakened reading patience and the lack of depth of thought. From the perspective of sociology, the positive impacts lie in that the evolution of reading behaviour will push the process of the development of democracy, economy, culture and social harmony, while the negative impact in the doubt about political authority and economy development and disappointed with the cultural development and the dispelling the common ideals.The countermeasures to the evolution of reading behaviour can be summarized as follows. a. As far as the individuals concerned, it is critical to have the notion of broad reading suited to digital age, and the awareness that the reading is a kind of right, and reading is not omnipotent. b. The readers’s literacy should be upgraded. c.the behaviour framework should be established. Families should make efforts to optimize both hard and soft reading environment, avoiding digital media becoming children’s babysitters.The countermeasures for government includes the followings:constructing of system as a national strategy to promote the national and effectively strengthen the, increasing investment in culture and education as a fundamental policy to promote reading, strengthening the awareness of the rights to read, releasing the enthusiasm of the whole society in the cultural development process led by cultural development, making efforts to eliminate reading barriers and reading discrimination, strengthening grass-roots reading service organizations, upgrade the interoperability of continuity of reading promotion activities, and enhancing the social organizations’ participation in reading promotion and so on.Educational organizations should bear a special and important role to play important functions. As far as basic education organizations concerned, it is critical to make sure that it is mastery of knowledge and skills is not the standing point of reading education, the goal of education is to cultivate citizens with independent spirit, freedom of thought and brave expression. From the perspective of operational level, it is important to form professional reading instructors, promote class reading, meet digitization. Higher education organizations should become national centers of excellence in reading, improving students’ reading structure, with the university teachers as opinion leaders and students as national reading promotion volunteers. What’s more, college reading resources should be open to the community, and colleges and universities should cultivate read professional reading guides.Media organizations countermeasures are following the principles to expand information flow, pursuing the reading value, readability index, and aesthetic character principle, optimizing distribution channels, adapting media convergency, and producing and disseminating the products to meet and guide the readers’ needs.Public libraries should make full use of their own public reading resources, improving the reading service, conform to the trend of changes in reading media forms and carry out new reading service. Other social organizations should promote national reading to do contributions. All walks of life should work together to build a more personalized, efficient, effective reading ecology for accurate information, feelings and thoughts exchange.

【关键词】 国民阅读嬗变媒介读者
【Key words】 national readingevolutionmediareader
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

