

On the Joint Trial of Criminal Procedure

【作者】 汪容

【导师】 蔡杰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 诉讼法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 刑事合并审判是当今世界任何一个国家的刑事诉讼理论与司法实践中都必须面对的一个问题。本文运用价值分析、比较分析、历史分析、实证分析等多种研究方法,从刑事合并审判制度的基本理论问题入手,有针对性的撷取了域外主要代表性国家和地区刑事合并审判制度进行比较研究,并就我国刑事合并审判制度之零散规定与司法实践中存在的弊端进行评析与检讨,提出了我国刑事合并审判制度之体系构建与相关制度完善的建议。除引言外,本论文共分五章。第一章,刑事合并审判制度概述。本章分三节。第一节整理了国内外学者对刑事合并审判之内涵的不同理解,分析了刑事合并审判的两种不同样态,即非典型的刑事合并审判与典型的刑事合并审判。典型的刑事合并审判即构成本文的主要研究范围。第二节剖析了刑事合并审判的对象及其构成要素。从审判对象的构成要素上看,审判对象的合并主要包括两个以上的被告人,或两个以上的犯罪事实,或被告人与犯罪事实皆为两个以上。第三节探讨了刑事合并审判的分类。以合并审判的要素为标准的分类,合并审判可分为主观合并、客观合并、混合合并;以合并审判的形成原因为标准的分类,可将其划分为三种形式:因控方合并起诉或提出申请而引起的合并审判、因辩方提出申请而引起的合并审判、由法院依职权适用的合并审判;以合并审判前法院之间是否具有上下级关系为标准的分类,可将合并审判划分为数同级法院间之合并审判与数不同级法院间之合并审判;以检察官的起诉方式为分类标准,可将合并审判分为因合并起诉而发生的合并审判与因追加起诉而发生的合并审判。第二章,合并审判制度之正当性与局限性。本章分三节。第一节分析了合并审判有利于实现实体公正之功能。第二节探讨了合并审判促进诉讼经济之功能。第三节剖析了合并审判的局限性,即合并审判的适用在有些情况下会背离诉讼经济与司法公正的方向,反而导致诉讼上不经济的后果或妨害程序公正实现之弊端,因而需要采取相应的矫治措施,即分离审判。分离审判是对合并审判的重要补充,二者殊途同归,共奉诉讼经济与司法公正为圭臬。第三章,域外主要代表性国家、地区合并审判制度之比较。本章分五节。第一节介绍并分析了美国的合并审判制度。美国法上关于合并审判制度的规定及判例兼顾了控、辩双方对合并审判方式的利益诉求,确立了法官对合并审判方式是否得当进行审查的司法权威。其中,尤其考虑到了合并审判方式下,证据的叠加效应等问题对被告人所产生的偏见影响,进而确立了诸多的审判分离之判例类型。第二节介绍了德国的合并审判制度。包括关联的含义、合并管辖、追加起诉引起的合并审判、审判程序开始后的合并、分离审判等问题。分析了合并管辖制度正是德国法定法官原则的重要体现,以及“更为适宜审判”作为决定合并或分离审判的标准充分体现了德国刑事诉讼构造的职权主义特点。第三节介绍了日本的合并审判制度。包括牵连案件的合并管辖、牵连案件的合并、分离审判、辩论的合并、分离、追加起诉。分析了日本合并审判制度的混合式特点。第四节介绍了我国台湾地区的合并审判制度,重点分析了2003年“修法”所涉合并、分离审判方面的内容存在的进步与不足。第五节美、德、日及我国台湾地区合并审判制度之若干焦点问题比较。主要从合并审判的案件范围及其限制、合并管辖与合并审判的关系、追加起诉引起的合并审判、合并审判后的“分离”问题等四个方面进行了比较,总结了它们之间存在的异同之处。第四章,我国合并审判现有规定之评析与实践弊端之检视。本章分两节。第一节介绍了我国合并审判之现有规定,并对其作了详细的分析,提出了初步的完善意见。第二节对我国合并审判实践中存在的弊端,主要从“该合不合”与“该分不分”两个方面进行了检讨。第五章,我国合并审判制度之体系构建与相关制度之完善。本章分四节。第一节合并审判的对象与合并管辖制度的建立。第二节建立合并与分离审判之转换的两种方式。第三节追加起诉引起的合并审判之完善。第四节合并审判中共同被告间对质制度之完善。

【Abstract】 Joint criminal trial is a problem that any country must be faced with theoretically and practically in the judicial practice of criminal justice. This thesis uses value analysis, comparative analysis, historical analysis, empirical analysis and other research methods to make a comparative study of the court system, analyses and reviews some drawbacks in the judicial practice and makes valuable suggestions to perfect the construction of joint criminal trial system. In addition to the introduction, this thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter one gives an overview to the system of joint criminal trial. There are three sections in this chapter. Section one presents domestic and foreign scholars’ different understanding on joint criminal trial, analyzes two different states in joint criminal trial, that is, non-typical joint criminal trial and typical joint criminal trial. Typical joint criminal trial is the main research scope of this article. The second section analyzes the object of joint criminal trial and its constituent elements. The object of joint trial consists of two or more of the defendants, or more than two criminal facts, or both of each. The third section discusses the classification of joint criminal trial. Using the constituent elements of joint criminal trial as a standard, it can be divided into subjective, objective and mixed types. Using the forming cause as a standard, it can be divided into three types:caused by the prosecution from the prosecutor; caused by the application from the defense; caused by the power of the court. Taking the relationship of courts before the joint criminal trial as a standard, the two types are distinguished according to whether the courts are of the same level or of different levels. Taking the prosecution style of the prosecutor as a standard, the two types are distinguished according to joint charges, and additional charges.Chapter two analyzes the legitimacy and limitations of the joint criminal trial system. There are three sections. The first section discusses the economical function of joint criminal trail. The second section presents that joint criminal trial helps to realize the justice function of substantive justice. The third section analyzes the limitations of joint criminal trial. Joint criminal trial may in some cases deviate from the direction of judicial justice, or lead to uneconomical consequences, therefore needs to take corresponding remedial measures, namely the separation of trial. Separate trial is an important complement of the joint criminal trial, both of which is aimed at the lawsuit economy and judicial justice.Chapter three makes a comparison of the joint criminal trial system in some representative countries in different areas. There are five sections in this chapter. The first section introduces and analyses the joint criminal trial system in America. The joint criminal trial system in America gives consideration to the interest of both the prosecutor and the defendant and has established judicial authority. In particular, it has been taken into consideration that the evidence stacking effect may bring bias to defendants, therefore, many separate trials have been established. The second section introduces the joint trial system in Germany, including joint jurisdiction, joint trial after additional charges, the problem of merger or separation after the beginning of the trial, etc. The third section introduces the joint trial system in Japan and analyzes the mixed features of Japanese joint trial system. The fourth section introduces the joint trial system in Taiwan, and particularly evaluates the progresses and deficiencies related to joint and separate trial in "amendment to the criminal procedure law" of2003. The last section makes a comparison between Chinese joint trial system and that of these countries and regions based on the scope and limitation of joint trial, the relationship between the jurisdiction and the joint trial, the joint trial caused by additional charges, and the "separation" problem caused by joint trial.Chapter four evaluates the Chinese scattered rules in joint trial and the problems in judicial practice. There are two sections. Section one gives an introduction and detailed analysis to the scattered rules in joint trial and also presents suggestions to improve them. Section two deals with the problems in judicial practice, mainly analyzing the problems of when to separate and when to joint.Chapter five discusses the construction and improvement of the joint trial system in China. There are four sections. Section one discusses the object and the joint trial and the establishment of the jurisdiction system. Section two discusses the two ways of converting joint trial into separate trial. Section three discusses how to improve the system of joint trial which is caused by additional charges. Section four discusses how to improve the confrontation system between mutual defendants in joint trials.

【关键词】 合并分离关联案件诉讼经济司法公正
【Key words】 joinderseverancerelevant caselawsuit economyimpartial justice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

