

Research on the Chinese Communist Party Anti-corruption and Clean Government Thought Since the Founding of New China

【作者】 黄圣

【导师】 李斌雄;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中共党史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国共产党的反腐廉政思想是反腐廉政实践反映在政党意识中经过思维活动而产生的意识运动形式。中国共产党在继承马克思列宁主义反腐廉政思想的基础上,积极发挥无产阶级政党的主观能动性,将反腐廉政实践中得来的感性认识通过去粗取精、去伪存真、由表及里和由内而外的辩证思维过程,上升为理性认识来指导反腐廉政实践,并随着反腐廉政实践的变化发展而不断丰富完善。其主要回答了三个方面的问题,即什么是反腐廉政,中国共产党为什么要反腐廉政以及如何反腐廉政。本文以新中国成立以来中国共产党的反腐廉政思想为整体研究对象,按照中共党史的历史分期,具体研究不同历史时期党的领导集体和党的核心领导人的反腐廉政思想。本文全面系统地考察和研究了不同的时代背景和历史方位给新中国成立以来中国共产党的反腐廉政带来的新情况和新问题,共产党对反腐廉政重要性的认知和对反腐廉政形势的判断,共产党进行反腐廉政的重点和难点所在,梳理中国共产党反腐廉政的方针原则、工作思路、任务部署和组织领导等方面重要思想,阐述中国共产党反腐廉政思想在指导反腐廉政实践,确保革命、建设和改革成功中的历史作用,并在此基础上对中国共产党反腐廉政思想的丰富、完善和发展作出预判。本文的正文部分包括六章:第一章主要论述了中国共产党以马克思列宁主义反腐廉政思想为理论基石,批判地继承中西方古代和近代的反腐廉政思想,积极投身新民主主义革命时期的反腐廉政实践,并初步形成了新民主主义革命时期中国共产党的反腐廉政思想,为新中国成立以来中国共产党的反腐廉政思想提供了实践基础。第二章主要论述了从新民主主义向社会主义过渡时期中国共产党以恢复发展国民经济和巩固新生政权为出发点来思考反腐廉政建设,主要依据党的七届二中全会对反腐廉政的形势判断,提出反对资产阶级的腐蚀等一系列反腐廉政思想。其中,毛泽东认为政治思想上的蜕化变质是导致党员干部经济贪污和生活腐化的思想原因,因而侧重运用思想教育的柔性引导来培育党员干部的反腐廉政自觉。同时,中国共产党沿袭了革命战争时期的群众运动方式来开展反腐廉政建设,取得了显著的反腐廉政成效。但是,反腐廉政思想中的有益因子未能得以理论化和系统化。第三章主要论述了开始全面建设社会主义时期中国共产党以保证社会主义建设的顺利进行为出发点来思考反腐廉政建设,主要依据党的八大对反腐廉政形势作出的正确判断,提出了防止党内产生脱离人民的“特权阶层”等一系列反腐廉政思想。其中,毛泽东注重从阶级斗争的视野来看待腐败问题,经常性地发动群众运动反对腐败,有效地防止了帝国主义“和平演变”战略对共产党的腐蚀和侵袭。反对特权和干部特殊化是开始全面建设社会主义时期反腐廉政建设的重要内容。但是,随着国内外形势的变化,毛泽东对社会主义社会主要矛盾的认知产生了偏差,导致他将党内正常的意见分歧以及贪污腐化和官僚主义现象视为阶级斗争。加之共产党缺乏在社会主义条件下进行反腐廉政建设的经验,对反腐廉政建设客观规律的探索研究不足,导致“文化大革命”时期反腐廉政建设脱离了党的领导,给党内团结和政治稳定带来了深刻的教训。第四章主要论述了改革开放展开推进时期中国共产党通过开展反腐廉政建设,着力消除改革开放和发展商品经济给党员干部带来的负面影响,并围绕着恢复党的优良传统和作风,解决党内存在的特殊化现象,打击经济犯罪和防止权力商品化等问题开展反腐廉政实践,提出了一系列的新论断和新观点,继承和发扬了毛泽东反腐廉政思想,为改革开放和现代化建设条件下执政党的反腐廉政建设确立了方针原则和提供了具体思路。第五章主要论述了社会主义市场经济体制建立时期的中国共产党在世情、国情和党情发生深刻变化的形势下,以发展社会主义市场经济为出发点思考反腐廉政建设,围绕着提高党的领导水平和执政水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力两大历史性课题,对中国特色反腐廉政建设的重大问题进行深入探究,阐释了在新的历史条件下开展反腐廉政建设的重大意义、指导思想、工作思路、领导体制、基本原则和工作格局等理论与实践问题,反映了时代变革对党的建设和反腐廉政建设的新要求,为新形势下全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争指明了前进的方向。第六章主要论述了党的十六大以来中国共产党从中国特色社会主义事业兴衰成败、党的生死存亡和国家长治久安的战略高度来认识反腐廉政建设的重要性,提出了把反腐廉政建设放在更加突出的位置,将反腐廉政建设作为党的建设的重要组成部分,确立标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的战略方针,建立健全教育、制度、监督、改革、纠风、惩处并重的惩治和预防腐败体系等一系列重大的观点和论断,使得反腐廉政理论在实践中不断丰富发展创新。同时,廉政文化建设的提出也代表着中国共产党的反腐廉政建设由政治自觉转变为文化自觉。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought is a form of consciousness campaign, which is a reflection of anti-corruption and clean government practice in the political Party’s consciousness. Basing on the Marx Lenin’s anti-corruption and clean government thought, the Chinese Communist Party actively plays the subjective initiative of the proletarian political party, to promote the perceptual knowledge raised from the anti-corruption and clean government practice into rational knowledge in order to guide the anti-corruption and clean government practice, in the process of dialectical thinking by discarding the dross and selecting the essential, discarding the false and retaining the true perceptual knowledge, from the outside to the inside, which becomes more perfect with the development of the anti-corruption and clean government practice. The thought gives the answer to the three questions, namely, what is the anti-corruption and clean government, why should the Chinese Communist Party carry on anti-corruption and clean government, and how to realize anti-corruption and clean government.The thesis takes the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought since the founding of the new China as the study object as a whole. According to the historical stages of the Chinese Communist Party, the thesis studies about the collective leadership and the core leaders of the Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought of the different historical stages. The thesis systematically studies the new situation and new problems which were raised by the different background and historical orientation since the founding of the new China, the Communist Party’s cognition on the importance of anti-corruption and clean government and the judgment on anti-corruption and clean government situation, the key point and the difficulty of the anti-corruption and clean government. The thesis also integrates the principles, ideas, task deployment and organizational leadership and other important aspects of the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought. It elaborates the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought’s historical role in the anti-corruption and clean government practice and the revolution, construction and reform. The thesis makes a prediction on the development of the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought. The body of the thesis includes six chapters:The first chapter mainly discusses that the Chinese Communist Party takes Marxist-Leninist’s anti-corruption and clean government thought as the theory cornerstone, critically inherits the ancient and modern anti-corruption and clean government thought, and actively participates in the new democratic revolution period’s anti-corruption and clean government practice, and forms the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought in the new democratic revolution period, which provides the practical basis for the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-corruption and clean government thought since the founding of the new China.The second chapter mainly discusses that from New Democracy to Socialism period, the Chinese Communist Party thought about the anti-corruption and clean government construction from the start point of restoring the development of the national economy and consolidating the new regime. According to the Party’s Seventh Plenary Meeting’s political judgment, the Chinese Communist Party put forward the thought of the anti-corruption and clean government to protest the corrosion of the bourgeoisie. Among them, Mao Zedong thought that the degeneration in the political ideology was the ideological reason for the Party members and cadres’ economic corruption and debauchery. Therefore, he focused on the use of ideological education’ s a flexible guiding to cultivate the anti-corruption awareness of the Party members and cadres. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party followed the mass movement which inherited from the revolution period to carry out anti-corruption and clean government construction, which gained remarkable achievement. However, the beneficial factors of the anti-corruption and clean government thought failed to be theorized and systematized.The third chapter mainly discusses that during the period of all-round socialist construction, the Chinese Communist Party thought about the anti-corruption and clean government construction from the start point of ensuring the smooth progress of socialist construction. According to the Party’s Eighth National Conference’s political judgment, the Chinese Communist Party put forward the thought of the anti-corruption and clean government to prevent the production of "privileges" level. Among them, Mao Zedong focused on considering the problem of corruption from the perspective of class struggle, and mobilized the masses movement against corruption, which effectively prevented the imperialism’s "peaceful evolution" strategy on the corrosion and invasion of the Communist party. Fighting against privilege and cadres is the important content of the anti-corruption and clean government construction during the period of all-round socialist construction. However, with the changes in domestic and foreign situation, Mao Zedong made cognitive deviation on the main contradiction of the socialist society, which resulted that he considered the normal opinion analysis and corruption and degeneration and bureaucracy as the class struggle. Together with the poor experience of anti-corruption and clean government construction under the socialist condition and not enough research on the rule of anti-corruption and clean government construction deficiencies, resulting that anti-corruption and clean government construction broke from the leadership of the Party in the "Cultural Revolution" period, which is a profound lesson for the Party’s unity and political stability.The fourth chapter mainly discusses that during the period of the reform and opening up, the Chinese Communist Party eliminated the negative influence which the reform and opening up and the development of the commodity economy brought to the Party members and cadres by carrying out the anti-corruption and clean government construction. In order to restore the fine tradition of the Party and solve the special phenomenon existing in the Party, to fight against economic crimes and prevent power commodity, the Party put forward a series of new judgments and ideas, inherited and carried forward the anti-corruption and clean government thought of Mao Zedong, which established principles and provided specific ideas for the Party’s anti-corruption and clean government construction under the condition of the reform and open policy and the modernization construction.The fifth chapter mainly discusses that during the period of the establishment of the socialist market economic system, when the world situation, circumstances and the Party situation has undergone profound changes, the Chinese Communist Party thought about the anti-corruption and clean government construction from the start point of developing the socialist market economy. Around the two historical tasks of promoting the Party’s leadership and the ability to resist corruption and risk, the Party made a deep research on the major issue of Chinese anti-corruption and clean government construction and interpreted the anti-corruption and clean government construction’s main significance, the guiding ideology, work thinking, leadership system, the basic principle and the pattern of theory and practice, reflected the change of the era’s new requirements for the construction of the Party and the anti-corruption and clean government construction, and indicated the development direction of the Party’s construction and the anti-corruption and clean government construction.The sixth chapter mainly discusses the Chinese Communist Party’s realization of the importance of the anti-corruption and clean government construction in the strategic height of the success and failure of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and national stability since the Sixteenth National Conference of the Party. It suggests to put the anti-corruption and clean government construction to a more prominent position, to consider the anti-corruption and clean government construction as an important part of the construction of the Party, to establish specimen and cure, comprehensive treatment, punishment and prevention strategy simultaneously, focus on prevention, establish a series of important views and conclusions on sound education, system, supervision, reform, rectification and punishment for punishing and preventing corruption, which helps the anti-corruption and clean government theory make continuous innovation in practice. At the same time, the proposition of clean government construction also represents the Party’s anti-corruption and clean government construction has changed from political consciousness into cultural consciousness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

