

On the Development of Service Industry in Gansu from the Cluster Perspective

【作者】 金梅

【导师】 高新才;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 现今的世界已步入服务经济发展阶段,发达国家的服务业已经成为国民经济的主导产业。与此形成鲜明对比的是,中国服务业明显滞后于世界服务业的发展,加快发展服务业,努力提高服务业的质量和水平,不断优化服务业行业结构,尽快实现服务业集群化发展道路,是未来5-10年中国国民经济和社会发展的重心所在。然而就甘肃服务业发展水平而言,尽管纵向发展速度相对较快,但应该看到,与我国发达地区相比,与人们提高物质文化生活水平的需要相比,甘肃服务业发展还有很大差距。因此,深刻认识尤其是从集群视角深刻认识甘肃服务业发展现状和存在的问题,对推动甘肃服务业持续快速健康发展具有重要的意义。本文以甘肃服务业发展为研究对象,以集群为视角,借鉴国内外尤其是国外服务经济前沿理论,采用科学研究和对策探索相结合的方法,研究发达国家与我国发达地区服务业发展内部结构演变规律与趋势。通过研究发现,目前发达国家已经完成了由“工业型经济”向“服务型经济”的转变,服务业在整个国民经济中占据绝对主导地位。伴随着服务经济的飞速发展和内部结构的转变,发达国家内部逐渐孕育形成了一批对本国乃至世界经济都具有相当影响力的服务业集群。相对而言,我国发达地区服务经济与发达国家还有一定的差距,然而它们所处的制度环境、人文气氛等内外部条件和甘肃却具有更多的一致性和可比性。因此本文从国际和国内双重角度审视了服务业及其集群的发展,总结支撑和引领服务业发展的普遍规律。本文研究发现,集群发展是服务业发展的普遍经验;经济发展水平是服务业集群形成和发展的原动力;城市化水平是服务业集群形成和发展的土壤;政府是服务业集聚发展的重要推动力。本文认为,近年来甘肃服务业在取得长足进步的同时,也存在服务业总量偏低、服务业内部结构发展不均衡、服务业整体劳动生产率不高、服务业地域发展不平衡等特征。因此,本文归纳总结及分析了甘肃服务业集群发展所面临的内部条件和环境,运用因子分析法,从区位和交通通信、科技和人力资源、经济发展和市场、社会服务四个重要方面,对发展服务业集群的环境因素进行了横向比较。研究发现,和其他省份相比,甘肃发展服务业集群的环境整体并不理想,但和周边的青海、宁夏等省份比较,却具有一定的优势。考虑到服务业集群在某种程度上是一个空间概念,因此客观来讲,甘肃目前具备发展服务业集群的一些必要条件。本文在对现行服务业评价指标体系进行述评的基础上,以集群为视角,构建了服务业综合评价体系,系统、全面地探讨甘肃服务业的发展问题。论文通过对我国各省份服务业集群水平的横向比较及甘肃各地区各行业服务业集群水平的纵向比较发现,甘肃服务业集群与区域经济实力、产业结构等存在重要的依存关系。区域经济实力强,服务业集群发展水平就高;反过来,服务业集群的发展又可为区域经济注入活力,带动地方经济发展和产业结构调整。同时作为甘肃的两个典型的工业城市嘉峪关市和金昌市,工业化发展与地区服务业发展水平不匹配,没有形成支撑工业高水平发展的服务体系,大大抑制了产业结构的优化升级及当地经济的健康发展。本文认为,集群是服务业发展的经济学典型特征之一,科学划分服务业发展阶段,是正确制定政策建议的依据和基础。本文在对模型适用性判断的基础上,运用Logistic增长模型科学划分甘肃服务业发展阶段,根据甘肃经济社会的现实条件,按照国内外服务业集群发展的普遍经验和适用理论,提出甘肃服务业及其集群发展的基本战略、路径及相关政策建议。以期揭示总结我国经济欠发达地区服务业集群发展的新路径,为甘肃服务业集群式发展的政策体系构建提供理论和实践依据。

【Abstract】 The world has entered the stage of service industry development, and service industry in developed countries has become the leading industry of the national economy. In contrast, China’s service industry has lagged far behind of the world. It is the focus of China’s national economical and social development in the next5-10years to speed up service industry development, take efforts to improve the quality and level of service industry, optimize the structure of service industry, and achieve the cluster development of service industry as soon as possible. In terms of the level of service industry development in Gansu, despite that service industry has a relatively fast development pace, it should be noted that there is still a great gap in Gansu, compared with the service industry in the developed areas in China, and with people’s need to improve living standards. Therefore, a profound understanding of the status and existing problems of Gansu’s service industry, especially from the cluster perspective, is significant for the continuous, rapid and healthy development of Gansu’s service industry.Taking Gansu’s service industry as its research object, the cluster as its perspective, learning from the latest domestic and foreign theories on service economy, employing scientific research and countermeasures exploration as its research methods, the present paper studies the evolution law and trends of the internal structure of the service industry development in developed countries and developed regions in China. The research results show that the developed countries have already completed the transition from the "industrial-based" economy to the "service economy", and the service industry has taken a dominant position in national economy. With the rapid development and the transformation of the internal structure of the service industry, developed countries have formed the cluster of service industry which has cast influence not only to their own countries but also to the world. Relatively speaking, there exists a gap in the service industry between the advanced regions of China and the advanced countries, whose internal and external conditions such as the institutional environment, cultural atmosphere and so on, however, have more similarities and comparability. Therefore, this paper examines service industry and its cluster development from the perspective of international and domestic, sums up the universal law which supports and leads the development of service industry. The research has found that cluster development is the universal experience of the service industry development; the level of development of economy is the driving force for the formation and development of the service industry cluster; the level of urbanization is the soil for the formation and development of the service industry cluster; government is an important driving force of the service industry cluster.This paper argued that, Gansu’s service industry has made great progress in recent years. At the same time, there also exist some problems in service industry such as low total amount, the uneven development of internal structure, the poor productivity, and unbalanced regional development. Therefore, this paper analyzes and summarizes the internal conditions and environment of the cluster development of service industry in Gansu, using the factor analysis, makes a horizontal comparison to the environmental factors of service industry cluster development from the aspects of location and transportation, communications, science technology, human resources, economic development and the market and so on. The research has found that, compared with other provinces, the environment of the cluster development of Gansu’s service industry is not ideal, but it has certain advantages compared with the surrounding provinces such as Qinghai, Ningxia and so on, and objectively speaking, some necessary conditions are available for the cluster development of service industry in Gansu since the service industry cluster is a spatial concept in some way.Having reviewed the existing evaluation system of service industry, from the perspective of cluster and constructed complex evaluation system of service industry, this paper has explored the problem in the development of Gansu’s service industry systematically and comprehensively. Having made an empirical analysis and evaluation comprehensively to the cluster level of service industry in different provinces in China and different cities in Gansu, the study has found that there are dependencies between the cluster of s Gansu’s service industry and the regional economic strength and industrial structure. For example, if a region has strength economy, its level of cluster development of service industry will be high; and the cluster development of service industry, in turn, can pour energy to a region’s economy, and promote the development of local’s economy and the adjustment of industrial structure. At the same time, in Jiayuguan and Jinchang, the two typical industrial cities of Gansu, the development of services does not match the development of industry, and the service system supporting a high level industry development hasn’t formed, thus inhibiting the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and the healthy development of local’s economy.This paper argued that the cluster is a typical feature of the development of service industry, the scientific division of the developmental stages of service industry is the basis and foundation for the correct policy making. Having based on the suitability judged with the model, this paper, employing the Logistic function, divides the developmental stages of Gansu’s service industry, and puts forwards the strategy, path and policy recommendations with the cluster development of Gansu’s service industry according to the economical reality of Gansu and the universal experience and general theory of domestic and international cluster development of service industry in order to reveal and summarize the new cluster development path of the economically backward regions in China, and provide theoretical and practical basis for the cluster development of Gansu’s service industry.

【关键词】 甘肃服务业集群
【Key words】 Gansuservice industrycluster
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

