

A Study on the Sinicization of Social Capital Reproduction Theory

【作者】 吴晓梅

【导师】 王维平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会资本再生产理论在马克思经济理论中占有重要地位,其中揭示的资本主义乃至市场经济和社会化大生产的一般规律,许多原理被实践所证实,特别是被中国社会主义经济发展历程所验证,总结社会资本再生产理论中国化的理论和实践,对建设中国特色的社会主义经济,推进马克思主义中国化影响深远。社会资本再生产理论在资本运动中研究经济增长,其科学内涵和精神实质具有一般性,这种一般性使其不仅能够对中国经济建设具有指导作用,同时具有和中国经济建设相结合的现实可能性。社会资本再生产理论和中国具体经济实践相结合的过程,就是社会资本再生产理论中国化。作为马克思主义中国化、马克思经济学中国化的重要组成部分,从理论研究现状和中国经济社会发展的要求两方面看,社会资本再生产理论中国化的研究都需要系统进行,这不仅是一个理论问题,同时是一个现实问题,对于中国经济实现可持续发展具有重要意义。社会资本再生产理论是本论文的研究基点和落脚点,本文在对涉及相关概念做了阐明和界定之后,按照时间顺序解读了社会资本再生产理论形成的相关文献和理论的产生过程。作为马克思宏观经济理论重要组成部分的社会资本再生产理论,理论的科学性阐述是该理论中国化的基本前提。社会资本再生产理论的科学性首先体现在理论具有的系统性和可延伸性以及可扩展性上。系统性体现在社会资本再生产理论具有完整的理论基础、理论前提、理论假设和理论内容;可延伸性体现在从理论本身能够自然引申出经济周期和宏观调控理论;可扩展性体现在随着历史条件的变化,对理论本身研究假设的疏离和研究内容的拓展都不会改变其基本结论,甚至今天的西方经济增长理论都是以此为基础发展而来。社会资本再生产理论的科学性还体现在该理论不仅具有经济价值,能够给予经济建设以指导作用,同时具有社会价值,能够给予人类社会发展以思考空间,并且这些科学性能够一再被社会经济发展的实践所证实。社会资本再生产理论中国化包括理论在中国的实证和发展。中国几十年社会主义经济建设特别是改革开放实践探索为这个理论的中国化提供了广阔深刻的社会舞台。社会资本再生产理论在中国的实证是通过计划经济体制的实行、重工业优先发展战略的实施、市场经济体制的转型、宏观调控手段的变革、经历的经济周期以及宏观调控的理论生成和实践过程等重要经济现象来实现的。理论的中国化不仅是证实理论的科学性,而且要和中国经济建设的具体实践相结合来对其进行发展。在把中国具体经济建设和社会资本再生产理论相结合的过程中,毛泽东提出了农轻重并举和全国一盘棋思想,实行了与前苏联不完全一样的计划经济;陈云提出了综合平衡理论,提出了建设规模要和国力相适应的原则;邓小平对社会资本再生产理论的发展则体现在提出了“三步走”发展战略、“两个大局”思想、社会主义可以和市场经济相结合等思想;科学发展观中的全面、协调、可持续发展和“五个统筹”的发展观则进一步回答了中国经济应该实现什么样的发展和怎样实现发展的问题。社会资本再生产中国化带来了经济发展成就、形成了新的理论成果,但问题也不能回避。在推进社会资本再生产理论中国化进程的思考中,本论文从坚持社会主义基本经济制度、市场经济体制建立和完善、继承和发展了经济计划措施、与时俱进调整经济发展战略和不断趋于完善的宏观调控五个方面归纳了这一过程的基本特征。由于经济增长问题的复杂性,决定了对理论中国化过程中的现实问题进行分析必然涉及经济生活的诸多方面,论文从经济结构、经济发展方式、经济发展中的政府和市场关系、政府宏观调控政策和中国收入分配问题五个方面分析了问题,在对推进社会资本再生产理论中国化进程从科学理解和坚持理论精髓、把握当代社会再生产的新特点和新趋势以及不断总结和提升中国化马克思主义再生产理论的成果三个方面做了理论思考之后,从理顺政府和市场关系、转变经济发展方式,缩小收入差距、注重国内市场和调整经济结构五个方面进行了实践思考,以进一步推进社会资本再生产理论的中国化,实现社会资本再生产过程的总量均衡、结构优化、经济社会均衡、协调发展的目标。

【Abstract】 Social capital reproduction theory is important in Marx’s economic theory. It reveals the general rule of capitalism, market economy and socialization production. Many principles of the theory are validated by the practice, especially by the socialist economic development in China. It is significant to summarize the theory and practice of the sinicization of social capital reproduction theory. It can work in building socialism economy with Chinese characteristics and promoting the sinicization of Marxism.The social capital reproduction theory makes researches on the economic growth in the capital movement. Its scientific connotation and spiritual essence is universal. The theory can not only function as a guide in Chinese economic construction, but also have the realistic possibility of combining with Chinese economic development. The sinicization of Social Capital Reproduction Theory is to combine social capital reproduction theory with the specific economic practice in China. As a part of the sinicization of Marxism and Marxist economics, the sinicization research of social capital reproduction theory is not only a theoretical problem, but also a practical problem for the economy sustainable development in China, assessing by the present theoretical studies and the requirements of economic and social development in China.Social capital reproduction theory is the basis point of this paper. After expounding and defining the related concepts, this dissertation interprets the emerging of the relevant literature and theory. The social capital reproduction theory, as an important part of Marx’s macroeconomic theory, can be sinicizated only after expounding its theory scientifically. The scientificity of social capital reproduction theory is its theoretical systemicness, extendibility and expandability. The systemicness Is embodied in the theory’s complete theoretical basis, theoretical premise, theoretical assumptions and theoretical content; Its extendibility can be found in the fact that from theory itself we can study naturally economic cycle and macroeconomic regulation and control theory; its expandability is that the basic conclusion will remain the same even the historical conditions change, the alienation of the theory’s research hypothesis and the development of the research contents emerge. The current western economic growth theories are developed on this basis. The scientific nature of the social capital reproduction theory is also embodied in that it is not only valuable economically, giving guidance to the economic construction, but also it is valuable socially, to be able to making us thinking over the development of human society. And, the scientific nature can be verified by the practice of social and economic development repeatedly.The sinicization of social capital reproduction theory includes the theory’s empirical side and development in China. The decades of socialist economic construction, especially the reform and opening up practice has provided a broad social stage for the sinicization. The empirical side includes such economic situations as:the practice of the planned economy system, the implementation of the strategy of developing heavy industry first, the transformation of the market economy system, the change of macroeconomic regulation and control means, as well as the experiences of the economic cycles and the theory and practice of macroeconomic regulation and control process, and other important economic phenomena. The sinicization will not only confirm that the theory is scientific, but also want to promote it by combining it with the practice of the Chinese economic construction. In practice, MAO Zedong proposed the idea of developing the farming, Light&Heavy Industry simultaneously and integrally and implemented a planned economy different from the former Soviet Union; Chen Yun put forward the comprehensive balance theory, thinking the construction scale should adapt to national capabilities; and Deng Xiaoping’s contributions are reflected in the "three-step" development strategy, the idea of "two overall situations", the combination of socialism with market economy, etc; the comprehensiveness, coordination and sustainable development of the scientific outlook on development, and the development concept of "five overall plans" have further answered the two problems:what kind of economic development in China is required and how to realize the development.The sinicization has contributed to economic development and new theory achievements in China. However, it created some problems. In thinking over the promoting of sinicization, this dissertation summarizes the basic characteristics of the process by the following5aspects: adhering to the socialist basic economic system, establishing and perfecting market economic system, inheriting and developing the economic planning measures, adjusting economic development strategies timely, and perfecting the macroeconomic regulation and control constantly. The economic growth problems are really complex, which makes it necessary to analyze many aspects of economic life. This dissertation analyzes the problems of5aspects: economic structure, the pattern of economic development, the relationship between government and market in economic development, macroeconomic regulation and control policies of the government and the income distribution in China. After the theoretical studies of understanding the sinicization and adhering to the theory, comprehending new characteristics and new trends of contemporary social reproduction, and summarizing and promoting the reproduction theory of Marxism sinicization, the dissertation focuses on problems of five aspects:straightening out the relationship between government and market, transforming the mode of economic development, narrowing the income gap, laying emphasis on the domestic market and adjusting the economic structure. Thus, the sinicization can be further promoted, the purpose of aggregate equilibrium, structure optimization, balanced and coordinated development of economy and society of social capital reproduction can be realized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

