

A Study on the Applications of Social Work in the Ethnic Communities in China:Local Practice and Theoretical Construction

【作者】 何乃柱

【导师】 闫丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国进入了社会转型及城市化进程的加速期,各种社会冲突迭起,社区成为了新时期社会问题和民族问题的聚焦点。社会工作如何立足于社区回应上述问题具有重要的理论和现实意义。目前,学术界对民族社会工作的系统性研究还很薄弱,民族社会工作在中国整体处于初步发展阶段;在国内民族社区中开展的社会工作实践还比较少,有关社会工作应用于民族社区的研究(即民族社区社会工作研究)还较为单薄、不够深入、不够系统。以民族社区为切入点,探讨社会工作如何应用于民族社区的重要性不言而喻,本研究是一次探索性尝试。本文以建构主义、证据为本和行动研究为研究范式,采用实地研究、文献研究和参与式研究相结合的方式对民族社区社会工作开展了系列的探讨:一是对民族社区社会工作的相关概念和相互关系进行界定,对国内外相关研究进行回顾和简评。二是初步梳理了社会工作在国内外民族社区的发展史和实践史。三是立足于中国城市基层民族社区的现实处境,探讨社会工作如何介入城市散杂居社区民族工作、如何介入城市社区少数民族困境群体的社区照顾服务。四是立足于中国农村社会,探讨了社会工作如何介入农村民族社区的传统文化保护工作,探讨社会工作介入灾害管理时的文化敏感问题,分析了社会工作如何在基层民族社区治理中发挥作用。五是立足于民族社区,建构民族社会工作的哲学思想、价值观、伦理规范、理论、知识和实务体系等。六是探讨了社会工作在中国多民族情境下的本土化问题。文末,笔者还基于田野调查探讨社会工作如何介入中国境内的外国族裔社区。本文的主要结论是:1.当社会工作遇到少数民族时,民族社会工作就出现了。民族社会工作是应用社会工作及相关的理论、知识和方法,协助少数民族个体、群体、组织、社区和社会解决各种问题的、专业的助人活动。民族社区社会工作是指社区里的民族社会工作,也就是社会工作在民族社区中的应用。2.国外的民族社会工作实践至今已有一百多年了,其实践和研究对象主要集中于原住民和移民中的少数族裔,反压迫、反歧视、民族敏感是其主要视角。研究成果集中于英美两国,多为宏大叙事,缺乏系统的、基于社区的深度研究,且许多成果尚未翻译到国内。李安宅的《边疆社会工作》被认为是国内民族社会工作研究的起点,但至今民族社会工作的研究尚未进入主流视野、研究队伍薄弱,研究成果多集中于概念和理论层面的探讨,缺乏系统的和实操性的成果,立足于某一具体的民族社区的研究更少。3.民族社会工作的学科基础主要是社会工作而非民族学。遵照国外社会工作的传统和基于社会工作实践视角,本文认为广义上的民族社区如城乡民族聚居社区、少数民族散杂居社区及中国境内的外国族裔社区也是民族社会工作的实践和研究对象。4.学术界普遍认为,西方社会工作最早是由美国传教士步济时(John Stewart Burgess)于1909年借由北京基督教青年会传入中国的。经过100多年的发展,目前中国的社会工作处于发展加速期。西方社会工作传入中国之前,中国已有与本土文化相契合的、有效的、制度化的本土性社会工作,包括民政等行政性的本土性社会工作和社会组织从事的具有社会工作性质的工作等。助人自助的目标、长期性的助人活动、接受过社会工作相关的理论和知识培训是社会工作区别于其他助人活动的重要标准。5.民族社会工作主要面对的是发展和文化等多方面的问题。本文通过对本土民族社区的多个实践个案的研究认为,社会工作可以成为城市社区民族工作乃至统战工作的新力量;社会工作在城市少数民族流动儿童、穆斯林长者服务等方面可大有作为;文化敏感性和文化能力是社会工作介入重大灾害救援必须考虑的重要方面;民族文化作为地方性知识可以被社会工作充分利用于开展基层社区治理。6.社会工作本质上是一个社会建构的过程,民族社区社会工作亦是如此。西方社会工作、行政性的本土性社会工作、民间性的本土性社会工作及社会组织的本土实践等都是中国社会工作营养来源。多源流性是中国社会工作结构的重要特点。中国是统一的多民族国家,宗教和文化的多元、区域文化的差别等使社会工作针对不同的民族、在不同的民族社区应用时,必须面对多重的实务系统。作为西方舶来品的社会工作体系在中国情境下急需进行本土性的、整体性的、系统性的建构。7.中西方国家社会文化土壤的差异、社会工作专业的理念要求、西方社会工作在中国的嵌入式发展现状等使社会工作的中国本土化成为必然,并需处理好西方社会工作与中国本土性社会工作的关系。社会工作在中国的发展路径具有多元性。社会工作应用于中国的民族社区可能面临多次本土化的任务,并以服务中国特色的社会主义和谐社会的发展为重要目标,对民族社会工作教育也提出了诸多要求。

【Abstract】 Since the mid-1990-s, China has entered a transitional period. And the development of modernization and urbanization led to more and more social conflicts and ethnic issues in china. Community has become the focus point and field of the social conflicts and ethnic issues.Social work how to respond to the problem above in ethnic community has high theoretical and practical significance.The literature suggests that People pay less attention on the study of the ethnic social work in China, which is not systematic and abundant. The ethnic social work in China is primary development.The practice and the study of social work in ethnic community are poor and not systematic too. To discuss social work how to be applied in ethnic community is so significant and innovative.Therefore, the dissertation discusses the following subject s:Subject1is to define related concepts at home and abroad about social work in the ethnic community and their correlations. Subject2is to carding the practical and educational history of social work and social work practice in the ethnic community in China and abroad. Subject3starts from the reality analysis to China’s urban ethnic communities, using the method of case analysis to discuss about how the social work intervene ethnic work in mixed community and how to intervene the predicaments in the ethnic community. Subject4discusses about social work how to intervene the protecting of traditional ethnic culture, how to face disaster social work with high cultural sensitivity and how to make use of local knowledges to carry out the community governance. Subject5is to construct the social work system of the philosophical thoughts, values, code of ethics, theoretical and practical tendencies etc. Subject6discusses the social work how to localize successfully in the multi-ethnic field in China. At the end, the dissertation discussed the subject on social work how to intervene in the foreign country in China.The main conclusions and viewpoint of the dissertation as follow:Ⅰ.When social work encounter the ethnic minority or ethnic groups, the ethnic social work appears, which applies social work and the related theory, knowledges and method to face the problems and the needs in the ethnic communities. Ethnic community social work is just the applications of social work in the ethnic community.Ⅱ.The history of social work practices on the ethnic group has more than100yeas, which mainly focus on the minorites of the immigrant and the indigenous peoples. Anti-oppressive practice, anti-discrimination practice and the ethnic sensitivity are the main social work practice views. Lots of the studies have not been translated into Chinese. The Social Work in the Borderland writeen by Lee an-zhai is considered to the origin of the ethnic social work study in China. Current studies on the ethnic social work and the applications of social work in ethnic communities is not systemic and too theoretical.III The subject basis of ethnic social work is social work not ethnology. Comply with the tradition of social work, live in a compact community, the mixed or scattered community and the foreign community are all the objects of the ethnic social work.Ⅳ Academic world in China think that western social work was introduction to China by a American missionary named John Stewart Burgess in1909, who taked office in Peking Young Men’s Christian Association. After100years of development, social work in China is entering a speedup time. Before western social work was introduced to China, China has developed the local social work. Help people to help themselves, Long lasting and be trained on the social work and the related theory and method are the significant standards which are the differences from other helping activities.Ⅴ.Ethnic social work must face the subjects like development and the culture-maintain. Social work can become the new power for the urban community ethnic affairs, also can help the floating children and the old who are the ethnic minorities effectively. When social work intervene to the disaster-aid, social worker must have high cultural sensibilities. Local knowledges in the ethnic communities should be mad use of effectively to carry out ethnic community governance.Ⅵ.Social work is a process of social construction in essentially. Multi-origin is a significant characteristic of social work in China. China is a united multi-ethnic country, which lead to that local and systemic social wok system must be reconstructed in urgent.Ⅶ. Because of the differences from the China and the western, the professional values etc., localization is necessarily in China. When social work applied to ethnic community, the task of localization must face the culture, religion and others.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】D633;D669.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】4360
  • 攻读期成果

