

Research on Enterprise’s Defect Management Based on Medical Thought

【作者】 唐书林

【导师】 史丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着消费水平的提高,企业需求环境越来越多变,使得企业之间的关键竞争要素不断增多。当企业无法满足顾客的特定需求时则构成了相应的企业缺陷。发展的历史表明随着顾客需求的不断提升,企业在生产经营中关注的诸如质量、安全生产、环境保护、职业健康和社会责任等竞争要素不断增加,因此企业缺陷涉及的构成越来越多。目前企业对一种缺陷执行一套管理模式的做法将导致企业管理的效率大大降低。因此,寻求一种整合型缺陷管理理论一方面可以满足内容不断增多的管理需求,另一方面可以满足企业管理效率提高的追求,缺陷管理的整合研究迫在眉睫。本文将医学理论、企业仿生学理论和企业缺陷管理理论相结合研究多种企业缺陷的整合管理模式,为企业缺陷一体化管理研究提供了新思路。研究的主要内容包括以下六个部分:第一部分,对企业缺陷的相关概念及管理属性进行研究。首先,通过质量缺陷、安全缺陷、职业健康缺陷、环境缺陷和社会责任缺陷的概念及特征的比较和融合,提炼出“企业缺陷”这一整合概念,将这些缺陷归属为由企业的某类过程的结果,将“大质量”概念进一步具象化。其次,从企业内、外部视角分析了企业缺陷的管理驱动机制和管理特征。最后,探讨了企业缺陷管理的功能和内容,为后文的展开奠定基础。第二部分,对基于医学思维的企业缺陷管理理论基础的建立进行研究。首先,从“大质量”概念、企业仿生化和企业缺陷的类病属性三个方面探讨了企业缺陷管理需求的延伸,分析了企业缺陷管理应基于医学思维的新需求,重新界定了企业缺陷管理的内涵并将本文理论与现有理论进行比较。其次,探讨了医学思维的管理学本质,分析普遍医学思维、中医学和西医学的管理哲理,为企业缺陷管理探索基于医学思维的新的管理理念。第三,建立了基于医学思维的企业缺陷管理逻辑,找到了基于医学思维达到企业缺陷管理目标的新路径,并界定“企业健康”和“企业缺陷”两个关键概念,给出了基于医学思维的企业缺陷管理模式建立的类比逻辑。第四,借鉴医学思维的管理哲理建立了基于医学思维的企业缺陷管理九项准则。最后,从管理理念、管理框架和管理流程三个方面构建了基于医学思维的企业缺陷管理模式。第三部分,对企业缺陷的信息传递过程进行研究。首先,界定了企业缺陷信息的定义,分析了企业缺陷信息的特点、传递模式和影响因素。其次,通过对企业缺陷信息的真实性要求和现状的分析,提出了基于管理信息化平台的企业缺陷信息传递真实机制。第三,通过信息传递博弈模型模拟了企业与顾客之间的信任博弈过程,分析博弈均衡及出现条件,提出了基于认证制度的企业缺陷信息传递信任机制。第四部分,对企业缺陷的诊断进行研究。首先,界定了企业缺陷诊断的内涵。其次,从顾客获取企业缺陷信息的方法、顾客对企业缺陷信息的反应模式以及企业缺陷信息对顾客的作用机理三个方面探讨了顾客与企业缺陷信息的关系。第三,提出了基于顾客缺陷感知的企业缺陷状态判定模型,并探讨了企业缺陷基因的分析工具。最后,通过实证研究验证了基于顾客缺陷感知的企业缺陷状态模型的有效性。第五部分,对企业缺陷的治疗进行研究。首先,界定了企业缺陷治疗的内涵,给出了企业缺陷治疗的定义、目的、原则及经济学解释。其次,引入QFD模型对企业缺陷关键基因进行分析。第三,建立了企业和顾客的静态博弈模型,对企业缺陷的三种治疗策略的成本和效益进行分析,给出了治疗类型选择的最优决策和成本路径。最后,通过实证研究验证了本章内容的合理性。第六部分,对企业缺陷的预防进行研究。首先,从企业缺陷预防的动力、总体思路和原则研究企业缺陷预防的机制。其次,构建了基于现有标准整合的企业缺陷预防体系,给出了企业缺陷预防体系构建的指导思想、整合方法以及基本结构。第三,通过总结和借鉴已有研究成果,找到了16个影响企业缺陷预防有效性的关键指标,利用突变级数法对企业缺陷预防的有效性进行评价,并通过实证研究验证了评价指标和方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the enhancement of consumption level, the demand environment of enterprise isbecoming changeable, which makes the key competition elements increase. Enterprise defectswill occur when enterprises can not make the specific demand of consumers. The increasingrequirement of consumers will require enterprises to focus on the continuous productionfactors in the production operation such as quality, safety production, environment protection,occupational health, social responsibility and so on. Therefore, enterprise defects may includemore and more contents. The approach of the implementation of enterprise defectsmanagement model will lead to greatly reduce the efficiency of enterprise management.Seeking an integration defects management theory in order to meet the continuousmanagement needs and be in the pursuit of increasing management efficiency of enterprises,integration research of defects management is in urgent need. This thesis combines medicaltheory, enterprise bionics theory with enterprise defects management theory to researchvarious integration management model of enterprise defects in order to provide new ideas forintegration management research of enterprise defects. The main contents of this thesisinclude the six sections as follows:The first part is to study the concepts and management characteristics of enterprisedefects. Firstly, compare and integrate the concepts and characteristics of quality defect,safety defect, occupational health defect and social responsibility defect, refine the integrationconcepts of enterprise defects, attribute these defects to the results of certain process ofenterprise, realize the concept of “big quality”. Secondly, analyze the management drivemechanism of enterprise defects in the perspectives of internal and external enterprises.Thirdly, discuss the functions and contents of conventional enterprise management, whichwill make foundations for the thesis.The second part is to research on the establishment of theory foundation of enterprisedefects management based on medical thought. Firstly, discuss the extension of enterprisedefects management demand from the aspects of “big quality” concept, enterprise bionics andquasi-virus attributes of enterprise defects, analyze the new demand of enterprise defectsmanagement based on medical thought, redefine the concepts of enterprise defects management, compare the theory of the thesis with the current theory. Secondly, discuss themanagement essence of medical thought, analyze the management philosophy of commonmedical thought, tradition chinese medical thought and western medical thought in order toprovide new management philosophy of enterprise defects management based on medicalthought. Thirdly, establish enterprise defects management logic based on medical theory, findout new paths of achieving enterprise defects management goals based on medical thought,define the two key concepts of enterprise health and enterprise defects, give out the analogylogic of establishing enterprise defects management model based on medical thought.Fourthly, use the medical thought management philosophy reference for establishing ninecriterions of enterprise defects management based on medical thought. Finally, establishenterprise defects management model based on medical thought from the aspects ofmanagement philosophy, management framework and management process.The third part is to research on information transmission process of enterprise defects.Firstly, define the concepts of enterprise defects information, analyze the characteristics,transmission system framework and transmission influence factors of enterprise defectsinformation. Secondly, put forward the enterprise defects information transmissionmechanism based on management informatization platform through the authenticityrequirement and status analysis of enterprise defect information. Thirdly, simulate the trustgame process between enterprises and consumers through information transmission gamemodel, analyze game balance and occurrence conditions, put forward the enterprise defectsinformation transmission trust mechanism based on license system.The fourth part is to research on enterprise defect diagnosis process. Firstly, defineenterprise defects diagnosis concept. Secondly, discuss the relationships between consumersand enterprise defects information through the methods of obtaining enterprise defectsinformation of consumers, reaction model of enterprise defects information of consumers andthe function mechanism of enterprise defect information on consumers. Thirdly, put forwardthe enterprise defects status judgment model based on defects recognition of consumers,introduce the analysis instrument of enterprise defects gene.Finally, demonstrate the validityof enterprise defects status model based on defect recognition of consumers through empiricalstudy.The fifth part is to research on treatment process of enterprise defects. Firstly, define the concepts of enterprise defects treatment, give out the definition, purposes, principles andeconomic interpretations of enterprise defects treatment. Secondly, analyze key genes ofenterprise defects after introducing QFD model. Thirdly, establish static game model ofenterprises and consumers, analyze the cost and benefits of three treatment strategies ofenterprise defects, give out the optimum decision and cost path of choosing treatment types.Finally, demonstrate the content reasonability of this chapter through empirical study.The sixth part is to research on enterprise defects prevention. Firstly, study enterprisedefects prevention mechanism through the motivation, process and technology instrument ofenterprise defects prevention. Secondly, establish the prevention system based on theintegration of standard system, give out the guideline ideas, guideline principles, integrationmethods, basic structures and contents of establishing enterprise defects management system.Thirdly, find out the16key indicators of affecting enterprise defects management systemperformance by summarizing the current study achievement, and use catastrophe seriesapproae to evaluate the enterprise defects management system performance, demonstrate thevalidity of evaluation indicators and methods by empirical study.


