

Research on Innovation Environment Assessment of High-tech Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 吕超

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界经济全球化和知识经济时代的到来,世界各国高技术企业得到快速的发展,逐渐成为推动各国社会经济发展的重要力量。整体来看,高技术企业具有其特殊的成长方式和发展规律。近几年来,高技术企业创新迅速发展,由于知识的更新速度加快,产品生命周期相对较短,产品与技术在更新换代方面正在不断加速。但是,在高技术企业实现快速创新发展的过程当中,还需要一定的环境,环境的不确定性,给高技术企业创新的发展带来许多挑战。目前,黑龙江省高技术企业创新所面临的外部环境既有机遇也有挑战,其内部环境既有优势也有劣势。因此,需要根据黑龙江省高技术企业的特点及创新环境的现状,对黑龙江省高技术企业创新面临各种环境的不确定性进行研究,以改善黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境,提高黑龙江省高技术企业创新的能力。本文首先对国内外高新技术创新环境现状进行了分析,主要介绍了美国、日本、欧洲以及发展中国家的高技术企业创新环境现状,并结合黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境的实际情况,得到了改善黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境的经验及启示;其次,对黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境的影响因素,如外部因素中的宏观企业经济实力因素、资源因素、法律政策因素、市场因素、科学技术因素、社会文化服务因素等六个方面的因素;内部因素如创新管理因素、R&D投入因素、学习能力因素、营销能力因素、生产能力因素等五个方面的因素进行了研究;再次,结合高技术企业创新环境的影响因素,对黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境系统进行了研究,并建立了黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境决策、开发、实现、扩散四个子系统,并对决策、开发、实现、扩散子系统系统机制进行研究;在此基础上,构建了高技术企业创新环境指标体系,并运用因子分析方法,根据对黑龙江省10家高技术企业实际调研获取的统计数据资料,对黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境指标体系进行实证研究,并对评价结果进行了分析;最后,提出了保障黑龙江省高技术企业创新环境的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 With the globalization of the world economy and the knowledge economy era,the worldof high-tech enterprises rapid development, becoming an important force for promotingnational socio-economic development. Overall,high-tech enterprise with its growth anddevelopment laws. In recent years, the innovation is the rapid development of high-techenterprises, products and technologies is accelerating in upgrading knowledge update speed,relatively short product life cycle. However, in the high-tech enterprises to achieve rapidinnovation and development process which also requires a certain environment,environmental uncertainty has brought many challenges to the development of innovativehigh-tech enterprises.Currently, the innovation of high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, the externalenvironment facing both opportunities and challenges, the internal environment bothadvantages and disadvantages. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the high-techenterprises in Heilongjiang Province and the current situation of the environment forinnovation, the innovation of high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, facing a varietyof environmental uncertainty conduct research to improve the innovation environment ofhigh-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province to improve the high-tech of HeilongjiangProvince the ability of enterprises to innovate.Firstly, the state of the environment on the domestic and foreign high-tech innovation,introduces the United States, Japan, Europe, and the innovative state of the environment of thehigh-tech enterprises in developing countries, combined with the actual situation of theinnovative environment of high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, has beenimprovedexperience and revelation of the innovative environment of high-tech enterprises inHeilongjiang Province. Secondly, the innovative environment of high-tech enterprises inHeilongjiang Province factors, external factors such as the macro-enterprise economicstrength factors, resource factors, legal policy factors, market factors, factors of science andtechnology, social and cultural services factors, six factors; factors of internal factors such asinnovation management, R&D input factors, learning ability factors, marketing capacityfactors, factors of production capacity of the five factors; once again, the combination ofhigh-tech enterprise innovation environment factors, high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province innovative environmental systems and the establishment of high-tech enterprises inHeilongjiang Province, innovation in environmental decision-making, development,implementation, proliferation of four sub-systems, and decision-making, development,implementation, diffusion subsystem mechanism research; constructed on this basis, high-techenterprise innovation environment index system, and the use of factor analysis method, basedon actual research to obtain statistical data on10high-tech enterprises in HeilongjiangProvince, the empirical study of innovative environmental indicators system of high-techenterprises in Heilongjiang Province, and the evaluation results analyzed. Finally, put forwardthe countermeasures to protect the environment for innovation of high-tech enterprises inHeilongjiang Province.


