

Research on Culture Carrier of Ideological and Political Education of Contemporary China

【作者】 王景云

【导师】 史少博;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界,全球化进程已经从经济领域逐渐延伸、扩展到政治、文化领域。在这种经济、政治和文化相互交织的全球化趋势中,文化领域的交流和冲突日益频繁,由此而引发的意识形态争夺和思想文化建设成为人们关注的热点。中国作为苏东剧变后最大的社会主义国家,无疑成为西方国家企图通过文化渗透实施和平演变战略的重点,作为意识形态教育重要手段的思想政治教育面临困境与挑战。基于思想政治教育与文化的内在联系,以文化建设为载体,成为新时期思想政治教育发展创新的重要举措。因此,探索、设计和运用思想政治教育文化载体具有重大的理论意义和现实价值。本文首先对思想政治教育文化载体已有研究成果进行梳理,辨析思想政治教育与文化的内在联系,在此基础上阐述思想政治文化载体基本理论。其次,总结思想政治教育文化载体研究的依据和价值目标。再次,论述改革开放以前我国思想政治教育文化载体建设的总体经验,对改革开放以来思想政治教育文化载体建设取得的发展状况进行分析,阐述全球化态势下思想政治教育文化载体建设面临的主要问题。最后,提出我国思想政治教育文化载体建设的现实对策,即确立思想政治教育文化载体的指导思想和基本原则;注重思想政治教育文化载体的系统分析;加快思想政治教育文化载体的制度建设;实施思想政治教育文化载体的群体文化战略;把握思想政治教育文化载体的发展趋势。本研究丰富和发展了思想政治教育载体研究的理论内容,拓展了思想政治教育文化载体建设的有效途径,创新了思想政治教育方式方法,有利于提升与优化思想政治教育功能和效果。论文研究为构建思想政治教育与文化建设双向互动机制提供理论指导和对策参考,对于推进社会主义先进文化建设、积极应对文化领域的交流和冲突带来的多重挑战,充分发挥文化载体培育社会主义新人的作用,具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the globalization process has been gradually extended from the economicfield to the political and cultural fields. Cultural exchanges and conflicts become morefrequent in this mixed globalization trend of economic, political and cultural intertwined, thustriggering the ideological battle and the ideological and cultural construction have become thefocus of attention. China, as the largest socialist country after the dramatic changes in SovietUnion and East Europe, will undoubtedly become the emphasis of western countries’ attemptto implement peaceful evolution strategy through cultural infiltration. Ideological andpolitical education (IPE), which is an important means of ideological education, is facingdifficulties and challenges. Based on the inner relationship between IPE and culture, it hasbecome an important measure in the development and innovation of today’s IPE that theeducation should take culture construction as the carrier. Therefore, it will be great theoreticaland practical value to explore, design and use of the cultural carrier of IPE.This present dissertation at first reviews the precedent research achievements related toculture carrier of IPE, analyzes the interal relations of IPE and culture and then eloborates thebasic theory of culture carrier of IPE on these basis. Secondly, it summarizes the basis andvalue goal of research on culture carrier of IPE. The third part of this thesis discusses theoverall experience in the construction of culture carrier of IPE before the reform and openingup in China, analyzes the state of development of the construction of culture carrier of IPEsince the reform and opening up, and then expounds the main issues that construction ofculture carrier of IPE confronted under the trend of globalization. At last, this thesis proposespractical measures for the construction of culture carrier of IPE in China, namely, establishingguiding ideologies and basic principles for culture carrier of IPE, focusing on the systematicanalysis of culture carrier of IPE, speeding up the institutional construction of culture carrierof IPE, implementing group culture strategy of culture carrier of IPE and grasping thedevelopment trends of culture carrier of IPE.In my present dissertation, the theoretical content of research on culture carrier of IPEhas been enriched and developed, effective ways to construct the culture carrier of IPE havebeen expanded, methods and modes for IPE have been innovated. All of these improvementsstated above will be favorable toward promoting and optimizing the functions and effects ofIPE. Furthermore, the exploration of this thesis will provide both theoretical guidance andreference of countermeasures for establishing a two-way interaction mechanism between IPE and culture construction. There are also important realistic meaning of this paper forpromoting construction of advanced socialist culture, actively responding to multiplechallenges caused by cultural exchanges and conflicts, and so fully playing the role of culturecarrier in cultivating new socialist man


