

Research on Pneumatic Fire-extinguish Cannon for High-rise Building

【作者】 刘刚

【导师】 刘少刚;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 针对现有灭火设备难以扑灭的高层和超高层建筑火灾,本文研究了气动发射式高层建筑灭火炮。现有的高层建筑火灾扑消主要采取人员进入火场内部使用小型设备进行区域灭火与外部通过消防水炮进行喷洒灭火相结合的方式。这种灭火方式对于高层建筑上层火灾往往无能为力。本文研究的气动发射式高层建筑灭火炮可以远距离将装有干粉灭火剂的灭火弹投送到火场内部弥散灭火,弥补了上述灭火装备的不足之处。本系统配有可移动载体和计算机火控系统、采用无火药的气动发射方式。根据中国现有建筑的楼层高度和房间面积,做了相应的射击诸元研究和弹载灭火剂量研究。因此在射击精度、城市使用环境和实际灭火效果上都具有可靠性和适用性。该系统也适用于森林、机场、仓库、石油化工企业、储罐区、港口码头等场所的远距离灭火工作。本文首先研究了现代高层建筑火灾特点、高层建筑灭火技术的应用和发展现状,并根据实际需求确定了适用于高层建筑远程灭火的气动灭火炮系统方案。然后研究探讨了气动灭火炮的工作机理,并对发射机构进行了详细的研究设计。研究中采用伴随式击发射方式,解决了高压空气发射击发时需要瞬态达到膛内发射全压的难题。最终对灭火炮的机械本体结构和控制系统进行了全面系统的研究设计工作,并对灭火炮辅助设备进行了配置。研究中基于击发装置的结构特点,对灭火炮的击发过程进行了动力学分析,建立了击发过程动力学模型和膛内气体参数模型,给出了击发过程灭火弹运动方程。利用MATLAB对击发过程进行了仿真分析,得到了击发过程膛内气体参数变化特性。研究了不同击发角对击发特性的影响,得到了最优击发角。借助ANSYS软件对击发装置的动态过程进行了研究。研究结果表明伴随管式击发装置能有效地解决瞬态达到膛内发射全压的要求。针对灭火弹的膛内运动过程进行了分析,建立了灭火弹运动过程动力学模型以及弹后气体膨胀过程的气体动力学模型。利用MATLAB分析软件对击发和发射过程进行了运动学和动力学分析解算,建立了灭火弹炮口初速随气室发射气压的关系曲线,绘制了炮口初速与发射气压的对应关系表。根据内弹道方程推导出了发射过程后坐力随时间变化曲线,利用动力学分析软件对灭火炮发射过程炮身的动力学响应进行了仿真分析,得出了炮身在不同发射角时的动力学响应曲线,验证了灭火炮发射稳定性。基于火炮经典外弹道理论,对灭火弹外弹道进行了分析,建立了外弹道数学模型。根据灭火弹对目标点的撞击要求,如侵彻角度等参数,建立了灭火弹撞击目标点时的外弹道优化方程,进而确立了目标点参数与灭火炮发射气压和发射角度的对应关系,从而建立了灭火炮发射射表数据库,并规划了射表的查取方式。根据不同高层建筑火灾现场的特点,研究了目标点在直角坐标系和球面坐标系下的参数求解方法,并建立了目标点参数解算数学模型。根据灭火炮的目标点参数解算方法和射表数据库的查询特点,研究了灭火炮控制系统结构,进而对高层建筑灭火炮的软件系统进行了研究设计工作。根据灭火炮的工作特点和火场环境确定了灭火弹的总体方案,并着重阐述了弹体结构及引信控制系统的研究方法和过程。在此基础上,深入研究了灭火弹发射时的受载情况,利用ANSYS软件对该环境下弹体关键部位的发射安全性进行了分析。

【Abstract】 For the situation that it’s difficult to put out high-rise and ultra-high-rise building fire byusing existing fire-extinguish equipment, Research on pneumatic fire-extinguish cannon forhigh-rise building is studied in this paper. The existing means to put out the high-rise buildingfire mainly is that people go into the internal fire scene and use small equipment for theregional fire-fighting and combine with using fire blisters for long-range spray from theoutside. This kind of fire-extinguishing method for high-rise building upper fire is oftenhelpless.Research on pneumatic fire-extinguish cannon for high-rise building studied in this papercan remotely emission the fire-extinguish bomb equipped with fire-extinguish agent to theinternal fire scene to carry out blasting for dispersion extinguishing, and it can compensate forthe inadequacies of fire-extinguish equipment. The system is equipped with movable vectorand fire control computer system, and its pneumatic emission method which is no power isadopted. According to the floor height and room size of existing buildings in China, thecorresponding research on firing data and missile-borne fire-extinguish doses are done. So thesystem has the reliable guarantee and applicability on the shooting accuracy, the urban useenvironment and the actual fire-Fighting effect. This system not only can be used for high-risebuilding fire extinguishing, but also can realize remote fire-fighting operations on severaloccasions, such as forest, airports, warehouses, petrochemical enterprise, storage tank area,port, etc.First of all, the characteristics of modern high-rise building fire, application anddevelopment status of high-rise building fire technology are studied in this paper. Accordingto actual demand, the pneumatic fire-extinguish gun system program which is suitable forremote high-rise fire-fighting extinguishing is determined. Then this paper investigates theworking mechanism of pneumatic fire-extinguish gun and carry out detailed research anddesign on firing mechanism. The design adopt servo launch by the associated tube, solvingthe problem that the total launch pressure transiently within the chamber when launching thecannon. Finally comprehensive and systematic research and design on mechanical structureand control system of fire-extinguish gun are carried out,and auxiliary equipment offire-fighting cannon are configured.Based on the structural characterizes of firing mechanism in the study, dynamic analysisof the firing process is carried out, and dynamic model of the firing process and the model ofgas parameters in the chamber are established, and motion equation of projectile during firingprocess is given. Through the simulation analysis of firing process at MATLAB environment,the variation characteristics of gas parameters in bore are obtained. The impact of differentfiring angle on the firing characteristics was studied, and the optimal firing angle wasobtained. The dynamic process of the firing mechanism is studied by using the softwareANSYS. The result shows that the firing mechanism with associated tube can effectively solve the problem of high-pressure gas reaching the total launching pressure within thechamber transiently.According to analysis of motion process of fire-Fighting bomb in the chamber, thedynamic model of projectile during motion process and the gas dynamic model during gasexpansion process in the space after projectile are established. By using the softwareMATLAB, kinematics and dynamic analysis calculation in firing and launching process arecarried on, and the relation curve of muzzle initial velocity and firing pressure in the chamberis established and the corresponding relation table is drawn. According to the interior ballisticequations, the change curve of recoil force in the firing process varied with time is deduced.By using dynamic analysis software, the simulation analysis of dynamic response of the gunbarrel in firing process is carried out, and the curve of dynamic response of the gun barrelwith different firing angle is gained and the emission stability of the fire-extinguish gun isverified.Based on the classic theory of artillery exterior ballistics, exterior ballistics of thefire-extinguish bomb is analyzed and the mathematical model of the external ballistics isestablished. According to the impact requirements of target shooting point for fire-extinguishbombs, such as the parameters of penetration angle, the optimization equations of exteriorballistics as fire bombs hit the target shooting point is established. And then correspondingrelationship between the parameters of the target shooting point and firing pressure and firingangle are determined. Thus fire-Fighting artillery table database is established, and then theinquiry way of the table is planned.According to the characterizes of different high-rise building fire scene, parametercalculation of the target shooting point in rectangular coordinates and sphere coordinatesystem is studied, and the mathematical model for parameter calculation of the target shootingpoint is established. According to the characterizes of the parameter calculation and theinquiry way of the table database, the structure of control system software of thefire-extinguish gun is studied, and then the software system of high-rise buildingfire-extinguish gun is studied and designed.According to the working characteristics of fire-fighting cannon and fire environment todetermine the overall program of fire-fighting bombs, and then emphatically describes themethods and processes of the airframe structure and fuse control system. On this basis, thesupported load condition as the bomb emission has been studied deeply, and under thisenvironment the launching security analysis of the key parts of the airframe is analyzed byusing ANSYS software.


