

Research on Knowledge Acquisition System in the Innovation of Complex Product

【作者】 付振通

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界正处在一个知识经济兴起并迅速发展的时代,创新是经济发展的重要推进剂。创新的基石是知识,知识资源是企业持续创新的源泉,要实现快速和持续创新,企业就必须不断地获取新知识、积累并运用已有知识。复杂产品创新是一个以知识为基础的创造过程,是由涉及多个领域的设计团队在用户需求和企业资源约束下,相互协作、共同完成的一体化协同过程。复杂产品制造业是我国工业体系的重要组成部分,在国民经济中占有举足轻重的作用,复杂产品的技术水平与创新能力直接体现一个国家整体的工业发展水平,关系到国际竞争力。然而,知识获取作为整个创新过程的前提和基础,一直是影响复杂产品创新绩效的关键因素和瓶颈之一。因此,开展面向复杂产品创新的知识获取研究,是增强我国复杂产品创新知识管理能力、自主创新能力的有效途径,对于国家创新驱动战略的实施和国际竞争力的提高具有重要意义。通过对国内外相关文献资料搜集与分析,在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,界定了复杂产品、复杂产品创新、复杂产品创新知识获取等相关概念,分析了复杂产品创新与知识获取的交互关系,提出了复杂产品创新知识获取的构成要素与基本过程;采用元分析法归纳提炼了复杂产品创新知识获取的影响因素,基于WSR(物理-事理-人理)理论,构建了复杂产品创新知识获取影响因素概念模型,在借鉴现有研究成果基础上提出相关假设,根据调研获得的数据对理论模型和假设进行检验,实证研究复杂产品创新知识获取的影响因素;根据复杂产品创新知识获取的特征,构建了复杂产品创新知识获取系统,包括复杂产品创新知识资源支撑子系统、知识获取处理子系统、知识获取管理子系统,并对其子系统进行深入分析给出了复杂产品创新知识获取系统构成子系统的关联关系函数,分析并揭示了复杂产品创新知识获取系统构成子系统的关联机理;设计了复杂产品创新知识获取系统运行机制,包括知识获取动力机制、知识获取决策机制和知识获取匹配机制,并分析了复杂产品创新知识获取运行动力机制、决策机制、匹配机制的构成及功能作用;通过对复杂产品创新知识获取系统中的知识资源支撑子系统、知识获取处理子系统和知识获取管理子系统的因果关系分析,构建复杂产品创新知识获取系统运行仿真模型,通过仿真验证构建的复杂产品创新知识获取系统的有效性和可靠性,根据系统反馈回路中关键变量对系统运行的影响程度,辨识复杂产品创新知识获取系统中的关键变量,确定围绕关键变量的系统运行主导回路;结合当前我国复杂产品创新中知识获取这一瓶颈问题,从优化系统运行环境、加强系统运行管理以及完善系统运行机制三个方面提出复杂产品创新知识获取系统的运行策略。

【Abstract】 The world is at an age of rising and rapid development of knowledge economy. Innovationis the driving force of the economic development. Knowledge is not only the foundation ofinnovation, but also the headspring of enterprise sustainable innovation. In order to realizerapid and sustainable innovation, enterprises must obtain, accumulate, and use newknowledge continuously. Complex product innovation is base on knowledge, involving teamsfrom multiple areas to design the product which is restrained by the specific need of thecustom and the limitation of the enterprise resources. Complex product manufacture is animportant part of national industrial system, playing a crucial role in national economy. Tosome extent, the technological level and innovation ability of complex product system reflectthe level of a nation’s industrial development. Nevertheless, knowledge acquisition, as thevery first step of the innovation process, has been the critical factor which affects theinnovation performance of complex product. Therefore, doing researches on the knowledgeacquisition of complex product innovation is an effective way to promote the knowledgemanagement and independent innovation ability of complex product innovation. It also has asignificant meaning in enforcing the national innovation-driven strategy and promoting theinternational competition.First, through collecting the domestic and overseas related materials, and referring to theexisting research results, this paper defines the concepts of complex product, complex productinnovation, and complex product innovation knowledge acquisition. It illustrates theinteractive relationship between complex product innovation and knowledge acquisition,putting forward the components and basic process of knowledge acquisition in complexproduct innovation. Second, this paper applies the component analysis to obtain theinfluencing factors of knowledge acquisition in the complex product innovation. This paperconstructs the conceptual model and related research hypothesis of knowledge acquisition incomplex product system innovation by using WSR method. The variables and dimensions ofvariables are designed in this paper. It uses the data which is obtained by questionnaire survey,to test the conceptual model and hypothesis, study the influencing factors of knowledgeacquisition in complex product innovation. Third, this paper constructs the knowledgeacquisition system in complex product innovation based on the characteristics of the knowledge acquisition in complex product innovation. The knowledge acquisition systemconsists of three subsystems, which are knowledge resources supporting subsystem,knowledge acquisition processing subsystem, and knowledge acquisition managementsubsystem. This paper designs the incidence relation function of subsystems by deeplyanalyzing every subsystem. It reveals the correlation mechanism of the subsystem of complexproduct innovation knowledge acquisition system. Forth, this paper constructs the workingmechanism of knowledge acquisition system in complex product innovation. The workingmechanism is made up of dynamic mechanism, knowledge acquisition decision-makingmechanism, and knowledge acquisition matching mechanism. The components and functionsof three mechanisms are also illustrated in the paper. Fifth, this paper constructs a simulationmodel of the knowledge acquisition system in complex product innovation by analyzing thecausal relationship between knowledge resources supporting subsystem, knowledgeacquisition processing subsystem, and knowledge acquisition management subsystem. Thesimulation experiment tests the effectiveness and reliability of the model. This paperdistinguishes the key variables in complex product innovation knowledge acquisition systemby the degree to which the variables in the system feedback loop affect the system. And itconfirms the system working leading loop which circles the key variables. At last, combiningwith the bottleneck of Chinese complex product innovation knowledge acquisition, this papergives the countermeasures and advice for promoting the knowledge acquisition performancein complex product system from the following three dimensions: optimizing the systemworking environment, strengthening system operational management, and perfecting thesystem working mechanisms.

【关键词】 复杂产品创新知识获取系统动力学
【Key words】 Complex ProductInnovationKnowledge AcquisitionSD

