

Research on Variable Direction Axis Variable Vector Propeller Control System of Underwater Vehicle

【作者】 任冬

【导师】 刘胜;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前,在海洋开发和海洋工程中,潜器要执行各种复杂的任务,并且随着各项技术水平的发展,潜器完成任务的难度也在不断提高,这对潜器的操纵性能提出了更高的要求。随着海洋开发和海洋工程的不断深入发展,潜器推进器的小型化、智能化、高效率和高机动性能越来越受到研究者的关注。针对海洋潜器的空间全方位机动行进要求,常规的推进方式已经不能满足研究者对潜器设计的需求。为了使潜器具有更优良的操纵性能,矢量推进技术应运而生,由此而产生的矢量推进系统更是代表了潜器推进系统的发展趋势,也必将成为潜器的主要推进系统之一。本文提出的变向轴全方位推进器正是基于矢量推进技术而设计的一种潜器推进装置,因此,研究潜器变向轴全方位推进器控制系统具有非常重要的意义。首先,本文研究了变向轴全方位推进器的工作机理,提出了变向轴全方位推进器的系统构成方案。通过研究轴变向伺服控制系统角位置控制原理,提出了轴变向伺服控制系统的构成方案,最终给出了轴变向控制系统构成。其次,本文建立了潜器变向轴全方位推进器控制系统数学模型。采用图谱计算法,通过分析常规桨的敞水特性图谱,运用回归分析方法计算变向轴全方位推进器的敞水特性,建立了可用于工程计算的水动力数学模型。通过分析变向轴全方位推进器的矢量力分解过程,建立了各坐标轴上推力的数学模型,为潜器变向轴全方位推进器的运动控制奠定了基础。在此基础上,本文研究了轴变向伺服控制系统的建模问题,建立了轴变向伺服控制系统的动力学模型和转动力矩模型,并完成了对轴变向伺服控制系统的设计。接着,本文研究了潜器艏艉变向轴全方位推进器智能协调控制问题,提出了艏艉变向轴全方位推进器的推力分配策略,对产生的推力进行合理的分配和控制,实现变向轴全方位推进器的推力效率最大化,通过仿真验证了策略的可行性。然后,提出基于固定尺度的最小二乘法支持向量机方法对变向轴全方位推进器推力指令参数进行求解,解决了推力指令参数求解计算过程复杂,求解效率低的问题。通过仿真结果表明,潜器变向轴全方位推进器推力指令参数求解方法有较高的精度及较快的计算速度。最后,本文研究了装有变向轴全方位推进器的潜器位姿智能控制问题。针对潜器的运动特点,将潜器位姿智能控制系统划分为三个独立的控制系统并分别设计了水平面运动控制器、垂直面运动控制器和空间运动控制器。在研究水平面运动控制时,考虑到控制系统主要实现潜器的水平回转运动,引入反演设计思想,提出基于反演的模型参考自适应滑模控制方法,同时在滑模控制算法中引入自适应规律,解决了系统复杂性的问题,有效地克服了系统的复杂性和不确定性等因素的影响。在研究垂直面运动控制时,考虑到潜器在垂直面运动过程中重心和浮心变化较强,提出采用模糊滑模控制方法来实现对潜器的垂直面运动控制,克服了模型的不确定性给系统带来的影响,维持了系统的稳定性。考虑到基本模糊控制器很难通过扩充模糊规则库的办法减小稳态误差,本文引入变论域模糊控制器的概念,通过论域的收缩达到增加模糊规则的目的,从而提高系统的控制精度。在研究空间运动控制时,考虑到系统是非线性、时变性、不确定性并存的耦合多变量系统,很难建立其精确数学模型。本文引入变论域的思想,提出了一种基于变论域的多变量自适应模糊滑模控制器,解决了这些问题,有效的实现了潜器空间运动的位姿控制。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the underwater vehicle has to do various complex tasks in both oceanexploitation and ocean engineering area. With the improvement of the technology, theunderwater vehicle needs to deal with some tasks that more and more difficult, so it meansthat the underwater vehicle must have a good maneuverability to adapt to the demand ofsubmersible. With the development of ocean exploitation and ocean engineering, the humanspay more and more attention to underwater vehicle which has the miniaturization, intelligent,high efficiency and high mobility, so the conventional propulsion system has been unable tomeet on the demand of human beings for submarine design. In order to improve themaneuverability of the underwater vehicle, the vector propulsion technology emerges as thetimes require. And the vector propulsion system is led to represent the development directionof the submersible propulsion system, which also will become the main propulsion system ofsubmersible. In this paper, VDA-VVP which has been designed for submersible as apropulsion system is based on vector propulsion technology, so it has a very importantmeaning to research on the VDA-VVP control system of the underwater vehicle.Firstly, the working principle of the VDA-VVP was researched, and then the systemcomposing project of VDA-VVP was proposed. The composing project of variable directionaxis servo control system was proposed by researching the principle of angle position control.At last, the composing of servo control system of variable direction axis was given.Secondly, the model of VDA-VVP for underwater vehicle is founded. This papercalculates the open water characteristics of VDA-VVP by adopting the open water diagram.The model of hydrodynamic coefficient and thrust coefficient for VDA-VVP were founded.By using the reasonable regress model and the data sampling of chats, the coefficients ofregress models were required by means of the least square algorithm. So we can get theregress models which can be used in engineering calculating. And then, the torque model ofvery axis was given by analyzing the progress of vector force decomposition of VDA-VVP. Atlast, the dynamics model and torque model of servo control system of VDA-VVP wasfounded, and then, the servo control system of variable direction axis was designed.Then, this paper studies the problem of intelligent coordination control for bow and sternVDA-VVP. The thrust distributed strategy of VDA-VVP was proposed to distribute and tocontrol the thrust reasonably. The maximum efficiency of VDA-VVP was realized throughthis method. And then, the fixed size recollection least-squares support vector machines was proposed to calculate the thrust parameter by aiming to the complicated calculating processand the low efficiency of characteristic equation.Finally, the intelligent pose control system of VDA-VVP for the underwater vehicle wasdesigned. Aiming to the moment characteristic of underwater autonomous, pose intelligentcontrol system is divided into three independent control systems, which include the horizontalmotion controller, the vertical motion controller and the space motion controller respectively.In the study of the horizontal motion control, considering with the control system which is inorder to realize the horizontal turning motion of the underwater vehicle and to solve theproblem of system complexity, this paper adopts backstepping model reference adaptivesliding mode control algorithm. By adding adaptive law into the backstepping sliding modecontrol, this method overcomes the effect of system complexity and uncertainty factorseffectively. In the study of the vertical motion control, considering with the strong variationfor center of gravity and center of buoyancy in the vertical motion process, in order toovercome the uncertainty of the model, to maintain the stability of the system and to keep theconsistency and dynamic characteristics better, this paper adopts fuzzy sliding mode controlalgorithm. The basic fuzzy controller is very difficult to reduce steady-state error by extendingthe fuzzy rule, so it adds the variable universe fuzzy controller. In the same rules, the universebecome small with the smaller error, it means that the rules have been increased. So, it canimprove the control precision of the system. In the study of the space motion control,considering with the system of multi-variables which has nonlinear, time variation andstrong-coupling, and it very difficult to establish the precise model. In order to solve theseproblems, this paper designs a multi-variables adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller basedon the variable universe method, and then the pose control of underwater vehicle is realizedeffectively.


