

The Commentary of Heilongjiang Higher Education during the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 徐振岐

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近代以来的黑龙江省行政区域多有变化,本文所阐述的黑龙江高等教育是指现在黑龙江省的区域,因为当时这一地区的高等教育主要分布于哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、牡丹江等城市,故以这些城市的高等院校为主要考察对象。鸦片战争后,中国开始近代化历程,东北社会各方面也发生了重大变化,清末新政前后,中国在高等教育方面学习日本经验,黑龙江地区也逐渐出现高等教育雏形,但在此期间,随着中东铁路的开通,沙皇俄国在中东铁路附属地尤其是哈尔滨地区开设了一些教育设施促进了黑龙江地区高等教育的发展,使该地区的高等教育有别于中国其他地区。北洋政府时期,实际上长时间控制黑龙江地区的张作霖、张学良父子对于黑龙江地区高等教育的发展倾注了一定心血,但由于基础薄弱,民国初年黑龙江地区仅有黑龙江法政专门学校、黑龙江优级师范学堂、东北讲武堂黑龙江分校等为数不多的高等院校,而且办学规模小,入学学生少。20年代后俄国控制的中东铁路当局为俄国移民创办的高等院校在数量上和质量上都远超黑龙江当地政府,实际上构成了黑龙江地区高等教育的主体。此期间黑龙江地区的高等教育虽然比不上关内一些省份发展迅速,却一直在逐步发展建设当中,至九一八事变前,黑龙江地区已经建成了东省特别区法政大学、哈尔滨工业大学、哈尔滨医学专门学校、东省特别区俄文师范专科学校、东北商船学校等十几所高等学校,学校规模和入学学生人数都大大超过民国初年。九一八事变之后,黑龙江地区沦为日本帝国主义铁蹄之下。一直到1945年苏军解放东北,黑龙江地区被日本帝国主义视为殖民地。随着1935年3月23日,苏联与伪满双方在东京签订了《苏满关于中东路转让基本协定》,苏联将中东铁路出售给伪满洲国,原先中东铁路局创办的学校很快失去依靠,很快被日本接收,整个黑龙江地区的高等教育已经没有俄国侨民教育的痕迹,而黑龙江地区其他高等院校除内迁外,均已被日伪强行接管,高等教育完全受到日伪的控制。在日本殖民统治的这一段时间内,推行殖民奴化教育的方针政策,黑龙江地区的高等教育作为奴化教育的重要组成部分深受殖民主义的影响,在高校教学中强化日语教育,抹杀学生的民族性;宣扬皇道主义,忠君思想;强化实务教育,轻视文化教育;抬高高等教育门槛,高等院校中的中国学生只占少数。通过这些方式日本帝国主义企图磨灭中国青年的民族性。日伪当局在推行殖民奴化教育的同时,也在黑龙江地区设立了一系列新的高等学校:哈尔滨农业大学(1940年创办)、佳木斯医科大学(1939年创办)、北安开拓医学院(1940年创办)、龙井开拓医学院(1940年创办)、齐齐哈尔开拓医学院(1940年创办)等等。日伪虽然建立了一些高等院校,但是规模不大,学校招生人数并不多,而且学科偏废,以工科、医科、农科为主,突出体现了日本帝国主义在高等教育方面采取急功近利违背规律的政策和措施,为其殖民掠夺目的服务。在抗战胜利之后,黑龙江的哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、牡丹江等城市在日军投降后由苏军占领,国民党军接收不久便被中共领导的东北民主联军赶走,实际上从1946年全面内战爆发开始之前整个黑龙江地区便处于中共领导的东北民主联军直接控制之下。此后中共对黑龙江地区高等教育进行了改造与建设,在1948年8月之前,中共以原先根据地高等教育的经验来改造黑龙江地区的高等教育,将其变为干部教育的一个重要组成部分,加强高等教育中的思想政治教育。中共改造黑龙江地区高等教育的同时,还创办了一批新的高等院校:东北军政大学,东北大学、东北鲁迅文艺学院、中国医科大学、哈尔滨大学、哈尔滨外国语专门学校、东北行政学院、东北铁路学院、东北农学院、哈尔滨医科大学、黑龙江省农业专科学校、哈尔滨工业专门学校等等。1948年8月之后,随着解放战争的胜利进行,整个东北地区即将解放,当时的中心任务是生产建设支援战争,而从事建设必须拥有大批知识分子干部,因此黑龙江地区的高等教育开始了新型正规化的过程,逐渐确定了新的学制、新的课程标准等等,在黑龙江地区的高等教育新型正规化的过程中,在这一过程中,不得不提的就是在高等教育的改造过程中,苏联模式的深刻影响。在具体学习方面,中共东北行政委员会决定哈尔滨工业大学一切制度都要采用苏联高等学校的制度,本科教学计划及课程也全部按苏联高等学校决定,并全部采用苏联高等学校的课本。并且要将哈尔滨工业大学实行苏联教育制度的全部经验和采用的教材有系统的全部介绍给全东北的高等院校。黑龙江地区高等教育在三十余年的发展过程中,成绩显著,从几乎零基础发展到具备一定规模,在这三十余年发展历程中经历了几个不同阶段:1912年至1931年九一八事变前为第一阶段,1931年九一八事变至1945年日寇投降为第二阶段,1945年日寇投降至1949年新中国成立为第三阶段,在这几个不同发展阶段高等教育的特征完全不同。与中国其他地区相比,黑龙江地区的高等教育除了受到政治的影响外,还受外来因素影响强烈,早期受俄国教育影响,后受日本影响,在解放战争时期中共对高等教育的改造与建设又借鉴了苏联模式。1912年至1949年,黑龙江地区高等教育的发展可以看成中国教育近代化的一方面,高等教育的发展受到政治的严重影响,政府主导了高等教育的发展方向,总体上是伴随着社会近代化的过程产生,呈现出强烈的近代化趋向,并为近代化服务。

【Abstract】 Modern administrative region of Heilongjiang Province since more than a changein higher education described in this paper is now Heilongjiang Heilongjiang Provinceregion,because it was the region’s higher education mainly in Harbin,Qiqihar,Mudanjiang City,so to these cities institutions of higher learning as the main studyobject.After the Opium War,China began to modernization process,the Northeast allaspects of society has undergone major changes,before and after the late QingDynasty,China to learn the Japanese experience in higher education,but also thegradual emergence of Heilongjiang Higher prototype, but in the meantime,with theMiddle East opening of the railway,the Tsar of Russia,especially in the Middle Eastrailway subsidiary was opened in Harbin, Heilongjiang number of educationalfacilities to promote the development of higher education,higher education in theregion is different from other parts of China. Northern Government,in fact, for a longtime control of Heilongjiang regions Chang Tso-lin,Zhang and his son for thedevelopment of higher education in Heilongjiang devoted some effort, but due to aweak foundation,the early Republican just Heilongjiang Heilongjiang law school,grade school teacher in Heilongjiang northeast Heilongjiang Branch and other militaryacademy one of the few institutions of higher learning,and small size of the school,student enrollment less.20years after the Russian controlled Eastern Railwayauthorities to institutions of higher learning founded by Russian immigrants in terms ofquantity and quality far exceeds that of Heilongjiang local government,in fact,constitute the main body of higher education in Heilongjiang. Heilongjiang regionduring this period of higher clearance within some provinces, although not as rapid development,has been building them in the progressive development to MukdenIncident ago,Heilongjiang Province has built a special area Hosei University,HarbinInstitute of Technology,Harbin Medical specialized schools, Eastern Province, inparticular Russian Teachers College, northeast merchant Marine Academy and a dozencolleges and universities, school size and the number of students enrolled are muchhigher than early Republic.After the Mukden Incident,Heilongjiang reduced under the iron heel of Japaneseimperialism. Until1945the Soviet liberation of northeastern Heilongjiang regionconsidered by the Japanese colonial imperialism. With the March23,1935,the SovietUnion and Manchukuo sides in Tokyo signed the " Soviet Manchurian basic agreementon the transfer of East ",the Soviet Union would be sold to Eastern RailwayManchukuo,originally founded in the Middle East Railway Bureau to rely on theschool soon lose,soon to be received in Japan,the entire region of HeilongjiangHigher education has no traces of the Russian diaspora,and other institutions of higherlearning in addition to migration of Heilongjiang,have been forcibly taken over byPuppet,Puppet completely controlled by the control of higher education. Japan’scolonial rule in this period of time,the implementation of the policy of colonialenslavement education policy,Heilongjiang enslaving education higher education asan important part by the effects of colonialism,strengthened in college teachingJapanese language education, students denied nationality; promote Huanghumanitarian, ideological loyalty; strengthen practical education, cultural andeducational neglect;raise the threshold of higher education,Higher educationstudents in China and only a few students. In these ways the Japanese imperialistattempt to obliterate Chinese youth national character. Puppet authorities in theimplementation of colonial enslavement education,while also setting up a new seriesof Heilongjiang regions of higher learning: Harbin Agricultural University (foundedin1940),Jiamusi Medical University (founded in1939),the North pioneeringSchool of Medicine (1940founder),Longjing pioneering Medicine (founded in1940),Qiqihar Medical College to develop (founded in1940) and so on. Puppet Although established some colleges and universities, however small, the schoolenrollment is not much, but neglected subject to engineering,medical, agricultural-based, highlights the Japanese imperialists in higher education take quick successagainst the law policies and measures for its colonial exploitation purposes.After the victory in the war,Heilongjiang Harbin,Qiqihar, Mudanjiang and othercities in the Soviet occupation after the Japanese surrender,the KMT army was soonreceiving CCP Northeast Democratic coalition led away, in fact, from1946before thestart of the Civil War broke out throughout the Heilongjiang region will be at northeastDemocratic coalition led by the CPC under the direct control. Since the CPCHeilongjiang region carried out renovation and construction of higher education,inAugust1948,before the Chinese Communists to the original base of experience inhigher education to transform higher education in Heilongjiang area,turn it into acadre education is an important part of strengthening higher Education ideological andpolitical education. Transformation of higher education in the CPC Heilongjiangregion,it is also the founder of a number of new institutions of higher learning:Northeast Military University, Northeastern University, Northeastern Lu XunLiterature Institute,China Medical University,Harbin University, Harbin College ofForeign Languages, Northeast School of Administration, Northeastern RailwayCollege, northeast Agricultural College,Harbin Medical University,Heilongjiangagricultural College,Harbin Institute of specialized schools and so on. After August1948,with the victory of the war for liberation,the liberation of the entire northeastregion soon,when the central task is to build support for war production,whileengaged in the construction must have a large number of intellectuals, cadres,soHeilongjiang start a new formal higher education of the process,and graduallyestablished a new academic structure,the new curriculum standards,etc., in the area ofhigher education in Heilongjiang new regularization process, in this process,I mustmention that the transformation process in higher education,a profound impact on theSoviet model. In the specific learning, CPC Northeast Executive Committee decidedHarbin Institute of Technology all systems should adopt the Soviet system of colleges and universities,undergraduate teaching programs and courses are all determined bythe Soviet universities and colleges all use Soviet textbooks. To Harbin Institute ofTechnology and the implementation of all the experience of the Soviet educationsystem and the use of all the materials in a systematic introduction to the wholenortheastern universities.Heilongjiang Higher Education in the thirty years of the development process,significant achievements, from virtually zero base developed to a certain size,it morethan thirty years in the course of development has gone through several distinct phases:1912-1931ninety-one eight Incident for the first phase,1931to1945Mukden IncidentJapanese surrender to the second stage, in1945the Japanese surrendered to thefounding of New China in1949for the third phase,in which several different stages ofdevelopment of higher education the characteristics are completely different.Compared with other parts of China,Heilongjiang regions subject to political influencein addition to higher education,but also strongly affected by external factors,earlyeducation affected by Russia,the latter by the Japanese influence in the Liberation WarCPC renovation and construction of higher education and draws on the Soviet model.1912-1949,Heilongjiang Higher Education Modernization in China can be seen as amicrocosm of education, higher education seriously affected by politics,government-led development of higher education,on the whole is accompanied bymodern society the process of production, showing a strong trend of modernizationand for the modern service.

【关键词】 黑龙江高等教育近代
【Key words】 HeilongjiangHigher EducationModern
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

