

Research on the Purchase Motivation and Mechanism of Luxury Brand Loyalty of Middle Class in China

【作者】 李茉

【导师】 金晓彤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 在人们传统的价值观念中,奢侈消费就意味着“腐败、不公平、浪费、衰败”。现如今,“奢侈”这一概念早已超越了过去人们的观念,奢侈品牌消费实际上己经成为社会结构升级和经济向前发展的强大推动力。在全球化的进程中,奢侈品消费文化从欧洲、美国等成熟的发达国家扩展至新兴的亚洲市场。从某种程度上来讲,奢侈品变为必需品正是生活福利提高和经济水平上升的表现,我国现在的经济发展和社会消费就处于这样的升级过程当中。根据世界奢侈品协会的官方报告,在全球经济衰退情况下,2009年中国奢侈品消费总额仍高达94亿美元,占据27.5%的全球市场份额,首次超越美国,成为世界第二大奢侈品牌消费国。2010年,国内奢侈品销售额创记录的达到了120亿美元。专家还预计,5年后,中国奢侈品销售额预计将达到270亿美元,中国将超过日本,成为全球最大的奢侈品贸易与消费中心。目前,中国的奢侈品牌消费人群已经占到了总人口的13%。其中,中产阶级正成为奢侈品消费的主力军。这一群体是在中国经济逐步发展的过程中成长起来的,接受过高等教育,同时接受了中西方文化冲撞的洗礼,他们对奢侈品牌的认识已经开始从非理性状态向理性状态转变,其消费心理也日趋成熟,逐渐从盲目地崇拜和迷恋奢侈品牌所具有的符号价值和象征意义,向现在通过合理的消费决策而实现一种低调的奢华转变。中产阶级作为中国真正意义上的第一代奢侈品喜爱者,其购买动机具有独特的形成机理。针对这一问题进行深入系统的探究,对于全面了解这一消费主力军的消费心理和消费行为具有重要的意义,不但能够弥补奢侈品牌购买动机相关理论的空白,而且为进一步探究我国中产阶级的品牌忠诚行为形成机制奠定理论基础,为科学合理地引导中国消费者进行奢侈品牌消费以及促进中国奢侈品经济健康持续发展提供科学的指引和建议。本研究在结合心理学、社会学、经济学与营销学等相关理论的基础上,通过对已有文献中相关理论的回溯和述评,归纳并总结出具有代表性的奢侈品牌购买动机,同时结合深度访谈的案例分析,提出了中国情景下中产阶级的奢侈品牌购买动机模型,并用332份实证数据进行了佐证。然后,在此基础上,研究从态度功能理论(functional theory of attitude)视角出发,通过对已有相关理论的梳理和分析,并结合北京、上海、天津、广州、沈阳和长春等城市中产阶级的现实访谈案例剖析,试图打开中产阶级奢侈品牌忠诚形成机制的黑箱,以态度功能价值作为中介变量,建构了中产阶级奢侈品牌购买动机到品牌忠诚的传导机制链条。接着,对来自线上(网络问卷调查)和线下(传统的拦截式访问)的856份问卷调查数据的分析来检验本研究的理论假设。最终,对本研究实证结果进行了理论的剖析与解读,提出了一系列的相关建议。本研究对现有理论进行了一种前瞻性和延伸性的阐释,并对研究结论的管理意义进行了归纳和提炼。遵照科学严谨的研究范式,通过系统详实的研究工作,本研究得出如下结论:第一,我国中产阶级购买奢侈品牌的购买动机模型是以自我意识的主我与客我的相互作用为条件,其购买动机可分为两类,一种是追求符号价值的社会导向动机,包括:炫耀性动机、从众性动机和独特性等动机;一种是施展低调奢华的个人导向动机,包括品质保证、自我享乐和自我赠礼等动机。第二,不同的购买动机会导致态度所发挥的功能不同。通常情况下,基于社会导向动机而购买奢侈品牌的中产阶级,其态度更偏向于具有社会性功能价值(如:自我展示价值和自我表达价值)。如果进一步细分的话,基于炫耀性动机或从众性动机的购买者,其态度倾向于具有自我展示价值;基于独特性购买动机的购买者,其态度则倾向于具有自我表达价值。基于个人导向动机的中产阶级,他们对奢侈品牌的态度更倾向于体现情感性功能价值。第三,中产阶级奢侈品牌消费者因其购买动机不同,其在品牌忠诚的表现上存在差异,态度的功能价值作为比动机更稳定的心理动因变量,对这些差异的形成机理给出了一个科学合理的解答,成为搭建奢侈品牌购买动机到品牌忠诚之间关系的中介桥梁,同时也是我国中产阶级奢侈品牌忠诚形成机制中不可或缺的重要解释变量之一。第四,中产阶级对奢侈品牌消费所持态度体现的功能价值不同,其在品牌忠诚表现上也存在差异体现,具体来讲:相对于态度自我展示价值得分高的消费者而言,态度自我展示价值得分高的消费者和情感价值得分高的消费者对品牌知识的了解更多;相对于态度情感价值得分高的消费者,态度自我展示价值得分高的消费者和自我表达价值得分高的消费者更愿意向他人进行品牌的推荐;相对于相对于态度自我展示价值得分高的消费者以及自我表达价值得分高的消费者,态度情感价值得分高的消费者的重复购买行为意愿更强。中国的奢侈品经济起步较晚,相关的研究尚属于新兴的研究领域,本文选择这一热点问题进行研究,并把中产阶级这一特殊群体作为研究对象,所得结论的创新之处可以体现在如下几点:第一,本文以“奢侈品牌(luxury brand)”为研究主题,这对前人的“奢侈品(luxury)”研究有了进一步的提升和深化。奢侈是一种无形的理念或生活方式,奢侈品是将奢侈概念实体化的一种有形表现,而奢侈品牌则是对奢侈品的总结性和抽象性的提升。奢侈品牌和奢侈品的研究意义是有着迥然的差别的,以往的学者进行了模糊化处理,导致一些重要的研究结论被忽略了。本研究对这两个概念进行了严格区分,以更高层面、更具理论价值和时间意义的“奢侈品牌”为研究主题,不但避免了奢侈品选择标准的主观性,同时也深化了奢华消费背后的真正原因。第二,本研究率先提出了中国情境下的中产阶级奢侈品牌购买动机模型。以往对奢侈品牌购买动机的研究多数是试图去寻找一个具有普适性的研究结论,即不对消费群体进行细分化研究,而只是探讨所有奢侈品牌消费者的购买动机。随着奢侈品牌购买动机的研究的不断深化,也有一些学者意识到不同群体在购买动机上的差异性,因此开始针对不同细分群体来进行购买动机的特殊性研究,但是对中产阶级这一消费主力军群体的购买动机研究的深入程度仍显不够,尤其是在中国,中产阶级是第一代真正意义上的奢侈品牌消费者,这一群体对于中国奢侈品牌市场的发展有着重要的意义。虽然有一些学者已经进行了理论上的论述,但并没有确切地给出这一群体的奢侈品牌购买动机模型及实证检验。本研究首次提出了一个基于我国中产阶级消费心理和消费行为特点的奢侈品牌购买动机模型,并进行了科学详实的实证检验。第三,本研究首次从态度功能理论的视角对购买动机和奢侈品牌忠诚之间的关系进行了深入地剖析,将态度功能价值作为中介变量,建构了中产阶级奢侈品牌忠诚的形成机制模型。以往研究中对奢侈品牌的研究不够深入,只是停留在购买动机不同会引起品牌忠诚差异的层面上,而并没有深入地挖掘其内部的真正作用机制和产生差异的真正原因。态度功能理论作为一个全新的视角,不但对这些差异形成的原因给予了科学合理的解释,同时进一步探究了我国中产阶级奢侈品牌忠诚的形成机理。将心理学领域的构念应用到市场营销学领域来对消费者行为进行解读,这一成功的尝试将拓宽未来奢侈品牌消费的研究视野。

【Abstract】 The concept of luxury has already surmounted the past people’s perspective that the luxuryconsumption means corruption, unfairness, waste and decay. The luxury brand consumption hasactually become the powerful impetus of the social structure upgrading and the economicdevelopment. In the process of globalization, luxury goods consumption culture spread fromEurope, the United States and other developed countries to emerging Asian markets. To someextent, the luxury becomes the necessities reflecting the welfare improvement and economicincreasement. The economic development and social consumption of our country is being in suchan upgrading process. According to the official report of the World Luxury Association, in theglobal economic recession, the Chineses total consumption of luxury goods in2009is still as highas$9.4billion accounting for27.5%of the global market share. China becomes the second largestmarket of luxury beyond the United States for the first time. In2010, the domestic luxury sales seta new record of$12billion. Some expert predicted that the Chinese luxury sales were expected toreach$27billion after5years and China would overtake Japan to be the world’s largest trade andconsumption center of luxury goods.At present, China’s luxury brand consumers have accounted for13%of the total population.Among them, the middle class has become the main force of luxury consumption. This groupgrew up in the process of economic development in China, received higher education and alsoaccepted the baptism of western and Chinese culture’s collision. Such background make theirinterpretation of the luxury brand has begun to shift from the irrational state to a rational state.Their consumption psychology has been increasingly matured, gradually transforming fromblindly worshiping luxury the brands’ symbolic value to aspiring the modest luxury through thereasonable decision-making. China’s middle class are the first generation of luxury real lovers.Therefore the in-depth systematic research on their consumption motivations means a lot tounderstanding the main consumption force’s psychology and behavior, which can not only supplythe luxury brand purchase motivation related theoretical gap, but also lay a theoretical foundationfor further exploration of this group’s brand loyalty’s formation mechanism. The results will guideChinese consumers to scientifically and reasonably consume luxury brands and provide scientificsuggestions to the sustainable development of China’s luxury economy. So based on the review of relevant theories in the existing literatures, the study summarizedthe typical luxury brand consumption motivations in the background of Multidisciplinarycombination of psychology, sociology, economics and marketing. At the same time this studybuilt the luxury brand consumption motivations model of the Chinese middle-class with theanalysis of depth interview cases, which is supported by332empirical data. Then, based on aboveresults this research built the transmission mechanism of the middle-class’ luxury brand loyaltywith attitude functional value as mediator from the attitude functional theory perspective, whichcould not be separated from review of existing brand loyalty related theory and analysis of depthinterview cases from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Changchun, in orderto open the black box of the formation mechanism of luxury brand loyalty of Chinesemiddle-class. And then the theoretical hypothesises in the mechanism were empirical tested by835questionnaires data from online (online survey) data and offline (traditional man-access suvey)data. Finally, the empirical results of this study were analyzed and interpretated, aiming at givingthe prospective and extensible interpretation of the existing luxuy brand related theory andsummarizing valuable managerial implications to the luxury brand managers and practitioners.Conforming to the rigorous scientific research paradigm, the following conclusions weregotten through systemic and detailed work.First, China’s middle class’ luxury brand consumption motivation model is based on theinteraction of Subjective self and objective self. Their purchase motivations can be divided intotwo categories. One is social oriented motivation pursuiting symbolic value of luxury brands andthe other oen is personal oriented motivation seeking the modest luxury. Social orientedmotivations include conspicuous motivation, bandwagon motivation and uniqueness motivation.Personal oriented motivations include quality assurance motivation, self-pleasure motivation andself-gift motivation.Second, the attitude plays different functions because of different purchase motivations.Generally if the middle class purchase luxury brands based on social oriented motivations, theirattitude tend to play social function. Specifically, luxury consumers with conspicuous motives orbandwagon motivation have self-presentaion attitude value and those with uniqueness motivationhave self-expression value. If the middle class purchase luxury brands based on personal orientedmotivation, their attitude to luxury brands tend to play emotional function.Third, the middle class with different attitudes towards luxury brands have differences in theperformance of luxury brand loyalty. Some with high self-presentattion attitude value have strongintention to recommend to others and to repurchase, but they have little interest in luxury brandknowledge. And some with high self-expression attitude value have more brand knowledge, alsoare pleasure to recommend their favorit luxury brand to other consumers and have more stable repurchase behavior. Those with high emotional function attitude value not only want to learn theluxury brand knowledge, but also engage in word-of-mouth and repurchase behavior. At the sametime middle-class consumers with differently functional attitude value have differences in thedegree of luxury brand loyalty.Fourth, middle-class consumers with different purchase motivations will behave differentllyin brand loyalty. Functional attitude value as a more stable psychological variable than motivationcan give a reasonable explaination to these differences. Functional attitude can be taken as animportant explanatory variable of the middle class’ luxury brand loyalty formation mechanism andbridge purchase motivation to brand loyalty.Due to the late development of Chinese luxury goods economy, the luxury related research isstill a new subject. This thesis research on this hot issues, choose the special group of the middleclass as the object and have following innovation points.First, this thesis researches on the luxury brand not luxury or luxury goods, which enhanceand deepen the previous related theory. Luxury is a kind of intangible ideas or a lifestyle, theluxury good is a tangible entity of luxury concept and the luxury brand is the summary andpromotion of luxury concept. Although the scholars didn’t distinguish between luxury brand andluxury, their research significanceis are quietly difference. This research emphasies the luxurybrand’s research value and all the research problems focus on the brand level.Second, this study first proposes the luxury brand purchase motivation model of the middleclass in China background. The majority of existing researches tried to find a universal conclusionon luxury brand purchase motivation without subdividing consumer groups. Although somescholars began to study special buying motivation of different consumer segments, few paidattention to the middle class. Researches on this main consumption group’s purchasing motivationare still not enough. Some scholars had carried out Logical discussion on their luxuryconsumption, but they didn’t have the empirical test. This study is the first to propose a luxurybrand purchase motivation model of middle-class reflecting the special group’s consumptionpsychology and behavior characteristics.Third, this is the first study that gives the in-depth analysis of the relationship between thepurchase motivation and luxury brand loyalty from the perspective of attitude functional theory.The functional attitude value is taken as an intermediary variable in the luxury brand loyalty’sformation mechanism of the middle-class. Previous researches on luxury brand were not deepenough. Most of them just focused on the result that consumers with different purchasemotivations behaved differently on luxury brand loyalty, however the real reason why thesedifferences existed were not explained. Attitude functional theory is a new perspective to give ascientific and reasonable interpretation of these differences and exploration on the formation mechanism of the middle class’ luxury brand loyalty. Successfully applying the psychologyconcept to interpret consumer behavior in the marketing field will broaden the future research onluxury brand consumption.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

