

The Culture of Farmers’ Economic Behavior

【作者】 周振

【导师】 冯尚春;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农村经济发展重点在农民,农民个体行为与整个经济环境的冲突与协调,是现代经济学以经济行为研究为核心的体现。而文化解释就是以文化作为要素为解释的这个过程而建立起来的与其他学科、其他相关事物的一种相关联系。把行为、经济行为和农民经济行为的概念逐层深入界定,并试着以文化解释的视角对于农民经济行为的结构、意义以及农民未来的发展前景等进行了理论梳理与研究。首先,关注文化含义的研究,文化已经远远不是一种简单的“语言化”的东西,文化的含义与它的那个原初形态——以传递信息、告知秘密的工具有了很大不同,在某种程度上可以说它形成了一种“在场”的存在者,也就是一种文化的境遇。现在,不能说哪个东西表征了文化本身,而应当反思它是否融入到了文化本身,是否被文化所印刻。出于这种意义,我们认为存在着一种解释的维度或空间,它与文化及其相关之物构成了我们思维着的、考察着的对象,这就是出于一种文化解释的维度。我们试图从文化的历史逻辑、人文观念、内在价值反映我们的所视之物、所视之现象,以此给予对象、解释以文化的参考与关注,所以在这种意义上来说文化解释的维度不仅是可能的而且也是必要的。再者,关注农民经济行为的研究,中西方学者站在不同的角度进行了阐释,而通过文化角度的阐释是其中重要组成部分,我们要分析借鉴的这些阐释过程中的理论产生背景、理论需要达成的目的、使用的方法论、后世理论影响的意义等来阐释适合本文的研究。农民经济行为的文化解释理论,它意识到林林总总的农民经济行为自身内部的差异与共通,显然这是一种一般意义上的考察,考察的目标是发现这种经济行为本身所蕴含的人类社会与历史的普遍意义。本文共有六章构成,分为五个部分围绕着农民经济行为的研究的理论脉络,以文化解析的视角重新对于农民经济行为的结构、意义以及农民未来的发展展望进行了理论梳理与尝试性研究,具体结构如下:第一部分即第1章,是导论和研究综述部分。主要交代了研究背景和意义、研究的基本指导思想和方法、研究的基本思路和框架。并对研究的主要内容作了简明扼要的介绍。论文较详细地回顾了当代西方最新的行为经济学理论,系统的总结了国内外学者关于农户行为研究的主要流派、研究现状及其相关研究的基本脉络。第二部分包括第2章和第3章,农户行为基本概念界定与认识、经济行为与文化关系理论的综述与启示。此部分是文章的一个重点部分,从对于不同概念的界定以构建对于农民经济行为的认识的完整过程,行为与经济行为的概念的认识是包含了不同学科的多个理解维度,也就是说不同学科间对于同一个概念的理解与定义是存在着差异的,认识这些差异就是对于概念把握的关键,所以文中对于如行为、经济行为、文化与文化解释都是在不同学科定义的基础上进行的进一步的总结与重新认识。进而阐释这些关键性概念直接关系的理论及理论渊源,中西方学者对于农民经济行为的研究,整理其中关于从文化角度的阐释经济行为的理论,借鉴其理论中构建的逻辑关系。因此我们要分析这些理论产生背景、理论需要达成的目的、使用的方法论、后世理论影响的意义等来阐释适合本题的研究。农民经济行为的文化解释理论实际是围绕着农民这个群体所归纳和概括的一种一般的理论界定,这种界定的关键在于既要看到农民经济行为本身所存在的现实意义,也要看到文化解释的理论含义。第三部分即第4章,农民经济行为特征的历史变迁与现状思考。理论是为了指导实践与解释现实中的问题,所以在对于农民经济行为理论与文化的关系理论找到了理论脉络的同时,就要与现实的经济现象相结合,解释农民经济行为的现象从而把握其未来发展方向。对于农民经济行为的现象特征,文章大体从时间与空间两个方向进行了总结。其一,以空间来讲就是农民经济行为的地域性特征,地域性差异必然导致一系列的行为差异,所以环境对于农民经济行为的影响是直接在经济现象中反应出来的。其二,是时间上的差异导致农民经济行为的变化,也就是以历史发展过程中,在不同的社会历史发展背景、政治历史发展背景、文化历史发展背景下所体现出的经济行为差异。文章通过农民经济行为在以上描述的时间发展与空间地域差异的不同,总结其农民经济行为既是塑造农民文化与农民认识。同时也是传统文化本身对于农民经济行为的指导作用,通过这些现象反映出的差别来总结一定的规律、经验和特点,以便为了实事求是、因地制宜的地区发展提供可靠的依据。第四部分即第5章,农民经济行为的文化解释。用文化去解释经济行为现象,是一个角度的尝试,这也是文章的重点与难点所在的部分,所以文章细分了农民经济行为的组成,包括:农民生产行为、农民消费行为、农民经营行为、农民就业行为与农民金融行为。这样的结构性区分是为了更好的深入剖析在具体的经济行为下,文化因素对于行为的影响在于什么地方,以及影响的程度有多大。所以文章不仅细分了农民经济行为,同时对于不同的经济行为的特征与发展困境都做了一定的总结,从而思考两个变化,是文化因素在人的行为选择过程中产生了变化;还是经济行为的发展塑造了文化环境的变化。第五部分即第6章,结论与政策建议部分,先进文化的发展对于现代农民的影响。文化与经济行为的关系的阐释目的就是要解决国家社会发展过程中的现实问题,而先进文化理论的提出与发展是文化概念的重要组成部分,先进文化包括了物质文化的组成、精神文化组成、制度文化组成、行为文化组成等等多个方面。进一步讲经济发展的目的就是为了人的更好的生存与发展,所以文化塑造新时代农民,指导农民经济行为的发展方向。同时农民也是先进文化的创造者与实践者,是经济行为的承载者,对于农民素质的提高,展望其发展的未来就是都在先进文化指引下的行为表现。

【Abstract】 Rural economic development focus on farmers, the farmers the conflict betweenindividual behavior and the entire economic environment and the coordination, is tostudy the economic behavior as the core of modern economics. The culturalexplanation is to culture as a factor to explain the process and set up with otherdisciplines and other things of a kind of related links. The behavior, economic behavior,and further define, step by step a farmers’ economic behavior and try to use theperspective of cultural interpretation to research finding ways to the farmers’ economicbehavior.Culture has been far from a simple "language", and its the original form-toconvey information, told the secret tools have greatly different, to some extent, itformed a "present" existence, also is a kind of culture. Now, can’t say something whichrepresents the culture itself, but whether it should reflect into the culture itself, whetherbe engraved by culture. For this kind of meaning, we think there is a kind ofexplanation dimension or space, its culture and its related thing in the world constitutethe thinking of, we examine the object, it is a kind of cultural interpretation ofdimension. We tried to logic from the history of culture, cultural idea, the intrinsicvalue reflects on the thing in the world, what we see it, this gives culture reference tothe object, explanation and attention, in this sense there is a kind of culturalinterpretation of the dimension is not only possible but also necessary.Chinese and western scholars research on farmers’ economic behavior, standing indifferent angles has carried on the interpretation, and through cultural Angleexplanation is an important part of our to analyze how to use the theory of the interpretation in the process of the need to achieve the purpose of the background,theory, methodology, to interpret the meaning of the theory of aftertime for research inthis paper. Cultural interpretation theory of farmers’ economic behavior, it is realizedthat many farmers’ economic behavior within the differences and common, obviouslythis is a general sense of the inspection, the inspection goal is found that the economicbehavior itself, etc.for the culvert with universal significance in the history of humansociety. Farmers’ economic behavior of cultural interpretation theory is actually aroundthe farmers induction and generalization of this group with a general theoreticaldefinition, this definition to see both the existing the realistic significance of farmers’economic behavior itself, such as: we don’t get the meaning, then it is a description ofthe phenomenon of the clark, at the same time it will be this kind of meaning to deepento the reflection and summary with human commonness and universality.In this paper, a total of six chapters, divided into five parts around the farmers ofthe theory of the study of economic behavior, with the view of cultural analysis to thestructure of the farmers’ economic behavior, significance and the development offarmers’ future prospect theory carding and tentative study of the concrete structure isas follows:The first part is chapter1, the part is the introduction and research review. Mainlynarrates the research background and significance, the research of the basic guidingideology and method, study the basic train of thought and framework. And a simplesummary of the main content of the research is introduced. Paper reviews in detail thecontemporary western new behavioral economics theory, summarized the domesticand foreign scholars about the peasant household behavior research, research statusand related research of the major schools of the basic context. Points out the results ofexisting literature and has yet to be further solve the problem. Predicts the futuredevelopment trends and application prospects. The second part includes chapter2and chapter3, the peasant household behaviorbasic definition and understanding, economic and cultural relations theory review andenlightenment. This part is a key part of the article, from the different definition of theconcept to build a complete understanding of farmers’ economic behavior of theprocess, behavior and economic behavior of the understanding of the concept containsseveral different disciplines to understand dimensions, that is the same betweendifferent disciplines is understanding and definition of the concept of differences,understanding these differences is the key for the concept to grasp, so the article forsuch as behavior, economy, culture and behavior culture explanation is defined indifferent subjects on the basis of further summarized and recognition. It discusses thekey concepts of direct relationship between the theory and the theory origin, Chineseand western scholars on the study of farmers’ economic behavior, sort of from theperspective of cultural interpretation of the theory of economic behavior, draw lessonsfrom the logic relationship of theory to build. So we need to analyze the interpretationin the process of the theoretical background, theoretical need to achieve the purpose of,the use of methodology, to interpret the meaning of the theory of aftertime is suitablefor the research subject. Farmers’ economic behavior of cultural interpretation theory isactually around the farmers induction and generalization of this group with a generaltheoretical definition, the definition of the key is to see the practical significance of thefarmers’ economic behavior itself exists, must see the theory meaning of culturalinterpretation.The third part namely chapter4, the history change of farmers’ economic behaviorcharacteristics and the status quo thinking. Theory is in order to guide the reality, andexplain the problems in the reality, so the economic behavior theory and culturaltheory for farmers found the theoretical context and at the same time, combined withthe reality of economic phenomenon, to explain the phenomenon of farmers’ economicbehavior and grasp the future development direction. For the phenomenon of farmers’economic behavior characteristics, the article roughly two directions from time and space has carried on the summary, first, in terms of space is the regional characteristics,regional differences inevitably lead to a series of actions, so the influence of theenvironment for farmers’ economic behavior is directly reflected in the economicphenomena. Second, is the time differences lead to the change of farmers’ economicbehavior, also is in the process of historical development, in different social andhistorical background, political background, historical development under thebackground of cultural and historical development that reflects the difference ofeconomic behavior. In this paper, through the farmers’ economic behavior in the abovedescription of geographical differences in different time and space, summarizes itsfarmers’ economic behavior is not only the shape culture and farmers know andtraditional culture itself for guidance to farmers’ economic behavior, summarized bythe difference between these phenomena reflect certain regularity, experience andcharacteristics of the so that in order to seek truth from facts, adjust measures to localconditions of regional development to provide reliable basis.The fourth part namely chapter5, the culture of the farmers’ economic behavior.Use culture to explain economic activities, is a Angle, this is also the focus of thearticle and the difficulty of part, so the article subdivide the farmers’ economicbehavior, including: the production behavior of peasants, farmers consumer behaviorand management behavior of peasants, rural employment behavior and farmersfinancial behavior. Such a structural distinction is to better under the economicbehavior of concrete, deep insight into the effects of cultural factors on behavior lies inwhat place, and the degree of influence. So the article not only segment the economicbehavior, at the same time for different economic behavior characteristics anddevelopment dilemma do a summary, so as to make people think is cultural factors inmaking behavior selection in the process of the change or the development ofeconomic behavior shapers cultural environment changes.The fifth part is chapter6, conclusions and policy recommendations section, theinfluence of the development of advanced culture in modern farmers. The development of advanced culture theory is very important to a country’s economic development,advanced culture including the composition of the composition of the material culture,spiritual culture, system culture, behavior culture and so on several aspects of thecultural and economic behavior, the relationship between the fundamental purpose isto search for effective and lasting economic development momentum, and the purposeof further economic development is in order to better survival and development ofpeople, so the farmer culture to shape the new era, the development direction ofguiding farmers’ economic behavior. Farmers also is the creator of the advancedculture and practitioners at the same time, is the carrier of economic behavior, to theimprovement of peasant quality, looking forward to the future of its development is inthe advanced culture under the guidance of behavior.

【关键词】 农民经济行为文化解释
【Key words】 farmersEconomic behaviorCultural analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

