

Study on Bankruptcy Estate System

【作者】 王欣

【导师】 傅穹;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 经济法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 破产财产是破产分配的基础,破产财产的多少直接关系到众多破产利害关系人的利益。在破产实务中,债权人与债务人、债权人与债权人、破产企业与第三人之间的利益的冲突不断,矛盾的根源和指向即为有限的破产财产。破产法首要宗旨在于债权人的权益保护,而债权人的权益最大化依赖于破产财产的价值最大化。因此,如何使破产财产保值增值成为了破产司法实践所致力于追求的目标和破产立法技术性设计的衡量标准。破产财产的确定、管理和分配也就成为破产法的核心问题。导言。从本文研究的动因出发,明确本文写作的目的和价值,说明本文的研究对象——破产财产制度对实现破产法立法目的的重要意义;本文的研究思路紧紧围绕破产程序中各方利益的结点——破产财产,在明确破产制度的价值位阶的基础上提出建立统一以破产财产为核心的破产法体系,建立市场主导的破产财产管理分配机制,建立健全破产财产制度的配套机制。第一章破产财产制度基本理论与司法实践。梳理了有关破产财产的诸多概念,在此基础上进一步讨论破产财产的性质,分析破产财产的主客体之争。从破产实务中的真实案例出发,在真实的案例中对不同形态的破产财产、不同位阶的破产债权以及实践中发生的特殊情况结合破产法理论和相关规定进行探讨和分析。通过分析实际遇到的混淆与困惑,指出问题产生的症结与问题解决的关键点:第一,破产财产的本质、范围和限制;第二,破产财产的功能和体系功能;第三,破产财产的制度构建;第四,破产财产制度的立法政策。第二章破产财产的范围与确认。破产财产的范围直接决定着债权人能够获得清偿和债务人受到保护的程度。本章在明确破产财产性质的基础上,从时间和空间两个维度界定破产财产的范围;将破产财产的种类进行梳理和归纳,指出不同种类的破产财产在破产程序中的特点,有针对性的对特殊破产财产的确认进行分析。第三章破产财产的管理与分配。本章以如何实现市场主导下的破产财产最大化为主线,详细分析了三种不同的破产财产管理模式,探讨对破产财产特殊的管理手段及其具体的行使方式。正确划定不同破产财产管理模式的特征、优劣对破产程序进行期间破产财产的保值增值至关重要;在破产财产分配过程中,要以破产财产分配的基本原则为指导,并且考量影响破产财产分配的各项因素,在此基础上对破产财产分配的具体问题进行分析。第四章我国破产财产制度的检讨。明确破产财产制度运行的前提和基础,即以公司有限责任、破产财产客体说为基础,以调和债权人、债务人、社会公共利益之间的冲突为破产法内在价值追求。将破产法体系中的破产财产制度与我国法律体系中的破产财产制度进行比较,指出我国目前破产财产制度存在的不足:债务人财产制度中产权关系不清;债务人财产的管理制度不合理;债务人财产的价值评价机制不健全。第五章我国破产财产制度的重构。在对我国破产财产制度相关立法进行梳理和对司法实践问题充分考量的基础上,借鉴美国破产立法和司法实践的经验,针对我国目前破产财产制度中的缺失提出完善我国破产财产制度的立法建议:明确破产制度的价值位阶;统一以破产财产为核心的破产法体系;建立市场主导的破产财产管理分配机制;建立健全破产财产制度的配套机制。结论。破产财产制度内容丰富且复杂,无论从梳理观点、廓清认识的理论意义,还是从指导司法、修改完善的实践意义出发,破产财产制度作为破产法体系的核心其本身的管理分配机制及相应配套机制都应该进一步得到规范化和体系化。笔者认为合理借鉴美国破产立法和司法实践对完善我国相关理论和立法具有重要意义。一方面,深度挖掘美国破产法的精髓以及司法实践中判例所形成的破产规则,另一方面结合我国现阶段社会发展状态、经济发展形态和现阶段亟待解决的政策性导向,最终形成上述问题的本土化解决方案。

【Abstract】 Bankruptcy estate is the base of bankruptcy distribution, and the value of itclosely relates to the benefits of all bankruptcy related parties. Bankruptcy judicialpractices are full of interest conflicts between creditors and debtors, creditorsthemselves and the debtor in bankruptcy and the third parties, which are mainlyfocused on the limited bankruptcy estates. The most important duty of bankruptcylaw is protecting the benefits of the creditors, which is by realizing the maxima ofbankruptcy estates. The affirmation and distribution of bankruptcy estate come thecore issue of bankruptcy law.Introduction. From the research motivation, this part introduces the researchtopic and analysis the research object, namely the important meanings of thebankruptcy estate to the legislative targets of bankruptcy law, the methodology andbasic ideas of this paper, and proposes to build uniform bankruptcy law system basedon clarified value ladder of bankruptcy estate system, to establish the market drivenbankruptcy estate management and distribution system, and to improve the matchingsystems of bankruptcy estate system.Chapter One Theoretical and Confusions of Bankruptcy Estates System. Basedon the bankruptcy cases, bankruptcy theories and related legislations, this chapterexplores and analyses different types of bankruptcy estates, bankruptcy creditors’rights and special incidents in practices. By analyzing practical problems andconfusions, this paper points out the key points of solvencies, including the essences,coverage and limits of bankruptcy estates; functions and systematical functions ofbankruptcy estates; institutional construction of bankruptcy estates; legislativepolicies of bankruptcy estate system.Chapter Two Coverage and Confirmation of Bankruptcy Estates. The Coverageof bankruptcy estates directly determines the creditors can get paid and the degree ofprotection. Based on analyzing various concepts of bankruptcy estates, this paperdiscusses the essence of bankruptcy estate, tries to confirm the coverage ofbankruptcy estate, classifies bankruptcy estates. Chapter Three Management and Distribution of Bankruptcy Estates. Designatingthe different bankruptcy property management modes The value during thebankruptcy property in the bankrupt procedure is critical. Explores methods torealize the maxima of bankruptcy estates through analyzing the duties andmanagement of the estate controllers. At last, this paper develops specific analysis ofbankruptcy estate distribution considering related factors.Chapter Four Rethinking of Chinese Bankruptcy Estates System. This paper triesto harmonize the interest conflicts among creditors, debtors and social public interestsas the inner value pursue of bankruptcy law by taking the system of corporate limitedresponsibility and regarding bankruptcy estate as objects as premise. This papercompares Chinese bankruptcy estates system with that of advanced countries, so as topoint out: The property rights are not clear; management system is not reasonable;evaluation mechanism is not perfect.Chapter Five Reconstruction of Chinese Bankruptcy Estates System. This papercompares Chinese bankruptcy estates system with that of advanced countries, so as topropose legislative suggestions: to clarify the value ladder of the bankruptcy system;to unite the bankruptcy legal system with bankruptcy estate as core; to establish themarket driven management and distribution system of bankruptcy estate; to establishand improve the matching mechanisms.Conclusion.There should be amendments and improvements of the bankruptcyestate system of Chinese Bankruptcy Law. Since the bankruptcy estate systemhas rich and complicated contents, as the core of bankruptcy law the bankruptcyestate system should be further regulated and systematized for both theoretical andpractical meanings. On the one hand, draw on the experience of American bankruptcylaw and judicial practice, the essence of the precedents in bankruptcy rules.On theother hand, combined with our current state of social development, economicdevelopment pattern and the policy orientation to solve these problems,get thefinal formation of localized solution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】738
  • 攻读期成果

