

Study of Land Contractual Management Trust System

【作者】 张征宇

【导师】 马新彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 土地承包经营权信托制度是农村土地流转的一种重要形式,农户通过将其享有的土地承包经营权信托给特定的经济主体进行规模化经营,信托过程中土地承包经营权仍然归农户,信托关系终止以后农户仍可拥有完整的土地承包经营权。土地承包经营权信托制度突破了原本行政区域的界线,实现了土地在更大更广范围内的流转,有利于促进全国土地流转市场的形成,实现土地经济效益的最大化。意欲建立完善的土地承包经营权信托制度,使其具有现实的可操作性首先要探讨建立土地承包经营权信托制度的可行性,同时要明确土地承包经营权信托制度的构成并将土地承包经营权信托的配套制度进行完善。在研究过程中需要更多的利用比较分析方法与实证分析方法去论证观点,同时也需涉及历史分析方法与文本分析方法,努力构建完善的土地承包经营权信托制度。随着经济的发展,尽管土地承包经营权流转在现行法层面存在着诸多限制,实践中人们依然不断进行创新来加速土地承包经营权的流转。但是,在实践中规范土地承包经营权流转的立法及流转方式存在着一定的缺陷及不足,主要涉及到立法之间的冲突及中央与地方的利益博弈等问题。建立有效而科学的农村土地承包经营权流转制度对于解决上述问题具有重要作用。适应实践的需要,土地承包经营权信托制度便应运而生。在土地承包经营权制度中加入信托因素有助于实现土地的保值和增值,同时也有助于抑制土地抛荒现象。英美法系土地信托制度对我国土地承包经营权的流转具有一定的借鉴意义,其认为信托财产的所有权具有双重性,既有属于委托人的实质意义上的所有权,又有属于受托人的名义上的所有权。在构建土地承包经营权流转的相关制度时,应该看到在现行的法律规制模式下,法律本身存在着内在的矛盾,既体现为法律规定自身的不合理,又体现在上位法与下位法以及相邻法之间存在着矛盾和冲突。所以,在创新土地承包经营权流转方式时,要从内在的法律规制与外在的社会环境两个方面进行完善。一方面应对现行关于规制土地承包经营权流转的法律进行梳理,理顺不同法律之间的相互关系;另一方面应综合考虑并完善税费征收、社会保障、土地登记等相关配套制度。我国实践中创设的土地承包经营权信托流转对我国的土地承包经营权流转市场能够进行有效的整合,而且也具有较强的制度优势和制度基础。从法律构建上来说,土地承包经营权信托制度是土地承包经营权制度与信托制度的法律结合。与一般信托关系不同的是,土地承包经营权信托制度中,通常情况下委托人与受益人为同一人。土地承包经营权信托制度实质上是在保证土地所有权归属于集体且土地用途不变的前提下,以土地信托机构为中间人,土地承包经营权人作为委托人,将承包土地的使用权在一定期限内信托给具有受托人主体资格的经济主体,由受托人按照土地承包经营权人的意愿以自己的名义对承包土地的使用权进行管理或者处分,从而使土地收益由委托人或者委托人指定的受益人所享有,受托人收取一定报酬的行为。土地承包经营权信托在与其他土地承包经营权流转方式相比,其信托财产具有特殊性,是承包土地的使用权而非所有权,信托过程中委托人并非农村土地的所有权人,受托人可以是本集体成员也可以是其他经济主体,并以自己名义独立对信托土地进行管理或处分,土地信托期限不得超过土地承包经营权的期限,信托土地的用途也不能随意更改。土地承包经营权信托程序中不可或缺的另外一环就是登记程序,即为了第三人利益的保护,明确信托财产的独立性,确定信托财产的范围,由委托人与受托人共同申请向县级以上地方政府土地管理部门提出经营权信托流转登记,由该部门对其进行转移登记并注明“信托”字样,以作为信托流转方式对外公示的形式。土地承包经营权信托登记主要产生了确权的效力、公示的效力、合同生效的效力,能够确保信托财产的独立性。在登记过程中,委托人为主要的登记义务人,受托人为登记权利人。委托人为主要申请人,受托人为辅助申请人。当然,土地承包经营权信托制度也需要其它配套制度的支撑,只有这样才能培育良好的流转市场环境,发挥土地信托制度的应有功能。首先,土地信托流转制度在我国属于新生事物,农民对其不甚了解,但到目前为止,其在我国的发展还很不健全,对于农民作为委托人在土地信托流转制度中享有的权利和履行的义务立法上规定的仍比较模糊。所以,就需一种公益性的中介服务机构履行土地信托中介的服务职能,为进行土地信托的委托人和受托人双方进行信托交流提供一定的便利条件。其次,建立土地信托基金,能够有效解决土地开发需要大量资金、但是通过财政拨款和个人自有资金等途径往往受资金来源的限制满足不了要求的困境,使土地开发的资金在制度上有了进一步的保障,在土地开发过程中起到了资金保障的作用。最后,构建土地承包经营权信托制度的同时,也要重视对委托人利益的保护。委托人是土地信托流转法律关系中最为关键的一方,保护委托人利益有助于土地信托市场的繁荣。同现代金融市场上保护投资人原理一致,只有在土地信托流转中对委托人的利益进行有效的保障,这样信托市场、信托业才有存在的基础与前提。信托合同的订立关乎信托关系的设立,对于信托关系的双方具有重要的意义。土地承包经营权的物权化是我国广大农村土地的现实需要,它能够更好地维护土地的经济效益,对土地资源进行更优化的配置,真正促使农民与土地的利益结合在一起,发挥农地的效益。在土地承包经营权流转中必然会存在公共利益、集体利益和私人利益等各方利益的冲突,在不同的利益和冲突面前,我们必须要努力达成利益之间的协调统一,根据价值目标的不同,选择不同的利益层级以促进农村经济的发展,保证农村社会的稳定与和谐。

【Abstract】 The right to land contractual management trust system is an important form ofrural land circulation. Farmers through the land use right enjoyed by the trust to thespecific economic subject of scale management. Trust in the process of right to thecontracted management of land still belongs to the farmers and trust in the process ofright to the contracted management of land still belongs to the farmers. After thetermination of trust relations, farmers can still have the full right to the contractedmanagement of land. Break through the right to the contracted management of landtrust system originally the boundaries of administrative areas, implements the land inthe transfer of larger, more wide scope, is conducive to the formation of the nationalland circulation market, realizing the maximization of land economic benefit. Intendsto create a perfect right to the contracted management of land trust system, andhaving the realistic operability is firstly established to explore the feasibility of thesystem of right to the contracted management of land trust. At the same time to clearthe composition of the right to the contracted management of land trust system andperfect supporting system of the right to the contracted management of land trust. Needmore in the process of research using the method of comparative analysis andempirical analysis method to an argument, but also involves the historical analysisand text analysis method, efforts to build a perfect system of right to the contractedmanagement of land trust.Along with the development of the economy,there is a right to the contractedmanagement of land circulation in designing level restrictions. People are still inpractice constantly innovating to speed up the right to the contracted management ofland circulation. In practice, regulate the circulation of right to the contracted management of land circulation of legislation and the way with some shortcomings anddeficiencies, mainly involving the interests of the conflict between legislation and thecentral and local game and so on. Establishing an effective and scientific to thecontracted management of rural land circulation system play an important role insolving the above problems. Adapt to the needs of practice, right to the contractedmanagement of land trust system arises at the historic moment. In the system of rightto the contracted management of land trust factors contribute to achieving land valuemaintained and added. At the same time can also help curb land pasturelandphenomenon.Land trust system of Anglo-American law system of our country have certainreference significance of right to the contracted management of land circulation. Itconsiders the trust property ownership of a duality, both belong to the nature of theprincipal in the sense of ownership, and belong to the nominal ownership of thetrustee. When to construct the related to the contracted management of land circulationsystem, it should see in the existing legal regulation mode, and inner contradictionsexist in the law. It is embodied in the law and itself is not reasonable, and reflected inThe upper law and Lower level law and contradictions and conflicts existing betweenadjacent method. So, in the innovation to the contracted management of landcirculation mode, from the legal regulating of the inner and outer social environmenttwo aspects to perfect. On the one hand to cope with the current legal regulation rightto the contracted management of land circulation to comb, straighten out therelationship between different legal; On the other hand should be considered andperfecting the tax and fee collection, social security, land registration and otherrelated supporting system. Establishment of circulation of right to the contractedmanagement of land trust in our practice of our country’s right to the contractedmanagement of land circulation market can effectively integrate, but also have stronginstitutional advantages and institutional basis.From the legal construction, right to the contracted management of land trustsystem is the right to the contracted management of land system combined with trust legal system. Unlike general trust relationship, right to the contracted management ofland trust system, usually the trustor and the beneficiary the same person. Right to thecontracted management of land trust system is essentially in ensure that belongs to thecollective land ownership and land uses under the premise of constant to land trust as amiddleman, right to the contracted management of land as a client, would becontracted land use rights within a certain period of the economic subject of the trust toa trustee subject qualification, the trustee shall, according to the contractedmanagement of land the will of people in its own name to manage or dispose ofcontracted land use rights, so that the land benefit is enjoyed by the trustor or thebeneficiary designated by the trustor, the trustee for a reward. In the contractedmanagement of land trust system compared with other right to the contractedmanagement of land circulation mode, it has particularity of the trust property, andthe contracted land use rights rather than ownership. Trust in the process of the client isnot the ownership of farmland, the trustee may be the collective and members mayalso be other economic main body, and in the name of their independence to manageor dispose of trust of land, land trust period shall not exceed the duration of the rightto the contracted management of land, nor trust of land use change.Right to the contracted management of land trust program is an integral part of theother loop in the registration procedures, namely for the purpose of the third person’sinterests protection, clear the independence of the trust property, determine thescope of the trust property by the trustee and the trustee to apply to the administrativedepartments of the local government at or above the county level land put forward themanagement of the trust registration, conducted by the department for the transferregistration and indicate the word "trust", as the form of the trust transfer foreignpublic. Right to the contracted management of land trust registration is mainlyproduced the effectiveness of the approval, the effectiveness of the public, theeffectiveness of the contract comes into force, to ensure the independence of the trustproperty. In the process of registration, the entrusted people as primary obligor, thetrustee for the obligee. Commissioned for principal applicant, the trustee for assisted the applicant.Naturally,Land trust is not a system of stand-alone complex. Firstly,Land trustsystem in our country belongs to new things, it does not know much of its farmers,but so far, in the development of our country is not perfect, as a client for farmers inthe circulation system of the right to use land trust rights and the obligations stipulatedby the legislation on still blurred. So,as a kind of public welfare of intermediaryservice agencies to perform the service function of land trust intermediary, for bothsides of the trustor and the trustee of the trust of land trust, communication provides aconvenient conditions. Secondly, the establishment of land trust fund is of gravesignificance to resolve the dilemma in which it is hardly possible for the parties to raisethe fund as prerequisite to the agricultural enterprise both solely by individual effortsor with governmental subsidy, and in the meanwhile functions as institutional supportfor the development of land. Thirdly,to construct the system of right to the contractedmanagement of land trust at the same time, also attaches great importance to theprotection for the interests of the client. The client is the most critical in the land trustlegal relation, to protect the interests of the principal will help land trust marketprosperity. Investor protection principle is consistent with the modern financialmarket, only in the land trust for effective protection of the interests of the principal,such trust market, trust is the basis and premise of existence. Of the trust contractconclude about the establishment of the trust relationship,for the people on both sidesof the trust relationship is of great importance.Right to the contracted management of rural land property rights is the needs ofthe reality of rural land in our country. It can better safeguard the economic benefits ofland, the land resources to more optimize configuration, really prompted farmerstogether with the interests of the land. Farmland benefit into full play. Will inevitablyexist in the contracted management of land circulation of public interests and collectiveinterests and personal interests of parties to conflicts of interest, in front of differentinterests and conflict. We must strive to achieve between the interests of theharmonious and unified,according to different value target,the choice of different interest levels in order to promote the development of rural economy, to ensure thatthe rural social stability and harmony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.32;D922.282
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3209
  • 攻读期成果

