

Economic Analysis of Labor Contract Law

【作者】 唐庆会

【导师】 杜莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 经济体系与法律体系之间的相互关系极其复杂,法律变化对经济体系运行可以产生诸多方面的影响。劳动合同法是劳动法的重要组成部分,也是我国社会主义市场经济法制建设不可或缺的一部法律,从经济学角度审视劳动合同法立法宗旨和立法功能,通过实践检验劳动合同法的法律效果,提出修改完善的建议,使劳动合同法更具有可操作性,这对于进一步实现劳动合同法的经济价值和经济意义具有十分重要的作用。本文首先对劳动合同法制定的价值目标与现实意义进行了经济学理论论述,进而对劳动合同法的立法、履行、效力等几方面进一步进行经济学分析。同时也对劳动合同法的未来发展趋势进行了预测,并提出具体建议,以使立法者设计出更有效的劳动合同法律制度,进而达到维护劳动者的合法权益、改善社会经济发展大环境、提高经济发展效益,最终实现促进我国劳动关系的和谐。第1章绪论部分。首先阐述了劳动合同法的经济分析的选题背景、理论意义和实践意义;其次对国内外学术界关于法经济学基础理论方面的研究现状进行梳理,分析了国内外对于劳动合同法经济分析的研究现状;最后提出了论文的研究内容、逻辑框架和研究方法及试图实现的创新。第2章对劳动合同法经济学的理论基础进行分析。主要分析了交易成本理论、博弈论、卡尔多——希克斯效率、成本收益理论、激励理论、信息不对称理论。第3章对我国劳动合同法的制定、实施现状进行梳理、分析。2008年颁布的劳动合同法对促进我国经济增长,维护劳动者权益,提高企业经济效率,平衡劳资双方关系的确起了重要作用,但在实施期间也出现了一些问题。本文力图通过经济学分析的角度探讨完善劳动合同法的一些具体法律规定。同时指出,目前除了应该进一步加强制度规制以外,政府还应当利用调控手段发挥其监管作用,进而使得劳动关系协调发展。第4章对我国劳动合同法立法进行经济学分析。主要从立法宗旨和立法功能两个方面进行了分析。通过理论研究和实践对比分析指出:劳动合同法立法追求效益和追求公平其实代表着劳资双方不同的利益需求。企业力求法律制度能尽可能保护其利益、促进企业经济效益的增长;而劳动者则希望法律制度能从保护劳动者利益出发,实现社会正义与公平。然而立法者应如何取舍,既取决于劳资双方对立法的影响力又取决于劳动合同法立法所立志于解决的社会问题。从我国现实来看,劳资双方力量不平衡、不对等,劳动者权益受到侵害一直是一个突出的社会问题。追求社会公正以促使劳动关系达到平衡成为劳动合同立法的必然选择。第5章对劳动合同履行、效力及违法责任进行经济学分析。具体从劳动合同的订立和履行、法律效力、违反劳动合同、劳动者诉求权利的成本几个方面进行了深入细致的理论分析。第6章对国外劳动合同法的经验与借鉴进行研究。具体包括国外劳动关系中规章制度的民主确定、劳动合同短期化现象、劳动合同形式强制、典型劳动关系的规范几个方面的论述。文章指出,被冠以“资方”的学者们往往关注的是国外劳动法管制松散的潮流,却忽略了我国劳动力市场及法治资源的具体情况和自身特点,而且还忽略了国外的再管制思想。所以应该从公司、合同两个层面加强传统劳动法对新时期劳动关系的具体问题的回应。关于此问题相反的论述,那些代表“劳方”立场学者们的观点仍然缺乏说服力。这些问题我国劳动合同法研究及立法无法回避。第7章提出了完善劳动合同法的对策建议。在对劳动合同法进行理论与实践分析的基础上,为实现这一法律的经济价值和立法目标,具体阐述了完善我国劳动合同法的对策建议:提高劳动者素质;建立完善社会保障体系;完善企业战略调整;强化政府监管;政府、社会应该提供更好、更全面的就业机会。

【Abstract】 There are very complicate interrelations between economic system and laws.Legal changes may impose different impacts upon the economic system operation.Labor Contract Law is a very important component of Labor Law and is indispensiblefor legal system building of Chinese socialist market economy. In terms of economics,legislative destination and functions of Labor Contract Law is reviewed. The legaleffects of Labor Contract Law are inquired and valuable modification andrecommendation are proposed to improve Labor Contract Law more manipulable andpractical. This is very important to achieve its economic values and goals of LaborContract Law.In this research, Labor Contract Law’s value destination and practicalsignificance is analyzed and followed by legislation, execution, effects discussion interms of economics theory. Labor Contract Law’s future developing trends isforecasted and detailed reliable proposals are suggested. It is benefit for legislators tobuild a more efficient labor contract laws and regulations which will guaranteeemployee’s its legal rights, improve social economic developmental environment,increase economic benefit, and achieve a harmonious capital-labor relationships inChina.In Chapter1, rationale for study, theoretical value and practical significance ofthis research is introduced. Then, domestic and international studies of Law andEconomics are reviewed and research status of Labor Contract Law’s economicanalysis is inquired. In the end, research contents, logic framework, methods andpotential innovations is proposed. In Chapter2, basic economic analysis theories of Labor Contract Law arestudied, including Transaction Costs Theory, Game Theory, Kaldor-Hicks EfficiencyTheory, Cost-Benefit Theory, Incentive Theory, and Asymmetric Information Theory.In Chapter3, legislative process and implementation of current Labor ContractLaw in China is reviewed and analyzed. The Labor Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China went into effect on January1,2008.2008Labor Contract Lawplays an important role in promoting national economic growth, protectingemployees’ legal rights, improving enterprises’ economic efficiency and mediatingcapital-labor relationships. However, some problems raised during theimplementation of this law. In this research, improvement of Labor Contract Law’srelated regulations is inquired in terms of economic analysis. Meanwhile, exceptingthe enforcement of lawful provisions, government responsibility of regulation andadministration is also emphasized to ensure the coordinated growth of capital-laborrelationship.In Chapter4, the legislative process of Labor Contract Law in China is studiedby means of economic analysis focusing on legislative purpose and function.Compared theoretical research with practice effect, it indicates that the efficient andfair goals of Labor Contract Law is the demands of different interests of employeesand employers. Employer expects this law to protect its interests and promote itseconomic growth, while employee expects to protect its benefits and develop socialfairness and justice. However, lawmakers’ mediation depends upon impact pressurecapital-labor imposed, and ultimate goal of social contradiction as well. According tocurrent domestic situation, employee right violation is a long-term prominent socialproblem due to the imbalance and unfairness between the employer and employee.Therefore, for national legislators, it is inevitable to seek social justice and rebalancecapital-labor relations by means of legislative process of Labor Contract Law.In Chapter5, economic analysis was used to comprehensively study Labor Contract Law’s execution, effectiveness and illegal responsibility including laborcontract signing, implementing, legal obligation, contract-broken and labor appealright related cost, etc..In Chapter6, experience and lessons of some foreign Labor Contract Laws arestudied including the democratic formulation of labor relationship regulations andrules, short-terming of labor contract, forms compulsion of labor contract, typicallabor relations norms. It is argued that those pro-employers scholars often pay moreattention to deregulation trends in labor laws abroad, but ignore domestic uniquelabor market and law resources situation and characteristics, as well as re-regulationideas abroad. Our labor laws should respond positively to specific issues in new era todomestic traditional labor relations in terms of company level and from contract level.The opposite views from pro-employees are still unpersuasive, which our laborcontract law study and legislation can’t avoid.In Chapter7, some recommendations and suggestions is proposed for LaborContract Law improvement on the basis of analysis of Labor Contract Law’s theoryand practice. It will help to realize its economic values and legislative goals, improveemployee’ quality, establish perfect social security system, fulfill enterprises’ strategicadjustment, strengthen government regulation, provide better and overall employmentopportunity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

