

Research on Cultural Capital Operation and the Development of Cultural Industry

【作者】 刘丽娟

【导师】 杜莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 世界范围内的实践证明,文化产业已经成为各国国民经济发展新的增长点,具有巨大的发展潜力。文化产业作为一种特殊的文化形态和特殊的经济形态,必然同时兼有文化和经济的某些特征。文化产业的特征包括:第一,文化产业的本质在于文化的产业化;第二,文化产业是一个知识密集型的创意产业;第三,文化产业具有很强的包容性和扩展性,同时也具有全球化的特征。第四,文化产业是一个高收入的弹性产业,同时也具有较强的风险性;第五,文化产业作为文化的特殊形态,也具有意识形态性。而文化资本是文化产业发展的基础和前提,也是文化产业实现快速发展和产业升级的强有力保障。文化资本运营的模式是否合理完善,关系着文化产业是否可以健康可持续发展。当前,世界上的美国、英国、法国、日本、韩国等发达国家大力发展文化产业,通过多年的经验积累和实践探索,依靠其先进的科学技术和国家政策支持,开发制作出大量具有国际市场竞争力的文化产品,并通过其完善的文化资本运营模式,侵占我国优质的文化资源,抢占我国的文化市场,已经威胁到了我国文化的国家安全。同时,由于我国文化产业发展时间较短,文化体制改革还不够深入,文化产业的管理体制、投融资体制和资本运营体制均还不够完善,缺乏文化产业和文化资本运营的政策支持体系,文化产业相关的法律法规还不健全,核心的文化产品缺少创新和文化主题,国际市场竞争力不强。因而,对于文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展的研究,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文以文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展为研究对象,以马克思主义研究问题的两个基本方法为研究工具和分析方法,具体包括:一是运用理论抽象与实证分析相结合的研究方法;二是运用综合比较分析的方法。通过对比分析我国和国外的文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展的现状,以及当前我国文化产业采取的政府规制模式,总结得出我国文化资本运营和文化产业发展存在的问题和原因,从而探索和寻找到解决问题的措施和办法,创建和优化我国文化资本运营模式,构建起我国完善的文化产业发展体系,并通过对吉林省影视文化资本运营的实证研究来进一步验证。本文共分为八个部分:第一部分,导论:分析我国文化产业发展的实践背景和理论背景,初步探讨文化产业与农业、工业以及传统制造业的区别,揭示文化产业发展特有的规律,简要地回顾目前国内外理论界的研究现状,发现薄弱环节和需要突破的方向,并对文化产业、文化产品、文化经济和文化资本的概念进行了界定,确定了本文的研究对象、理论工具和分析方法。第二部分,文化资本理论综述:挖掘马克思关于文化资本的论述,区分文化资本与物质资本的特征,总结马克思文化资本理论。马克思文化资本理论是人类文明成果的组成部分,在历史背景、理论内容、产生的历史过程等方面,与西方文化资本理论既有交叉又有不同,将两者进行比较分析、概括、提炼出可供当代借鉴与指导实践的价值内容,为创建中国文化资本运营模式提供理论基础。第三部分,文化资本运营过程中的交易模式及其文化产业组织:按照马克思的观点,资本的生命在于运动,资本的价值在于增值,文化资本的本质同样如此。本部分在对文化资本运营过程中的交易模式进行分析基础上,进一步阐述文化产业组织产生、发展及其特征,以及文化资本运营过程中的交易模式与产业组织之间的相关作用。第四部分,我国文化资本运营模式、文化产业发展现状及政府规制模式:本部分重点分析和总结我国文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展现状,具体包括:我国电影业、广播电视业和新闻出版业的资本运营模式以及产业发展现状,同时,从文化资源和文化资本配置方式的角度,分析了我国文化产业的政府规制模式,从而发现存在的问题和原因,为下一步制定解决措施,完善我国文化产业法律法规体系和政策支持体系奠定基础。第五部分,国外文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展现状:本部分通过分析对比国外文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展现状,具体包括:美国、英国、法国、日本和韩国五个国家的文化资本运营模式和文化产业发展现状,从而借鉴其文化产业发展经验和教训,为我国文化产业发展提供参考依据。第六部分,我国文化资本运营和文化产业发展中的问题和原因:本部分主要是通过分析我国文化资本运营和文化产业发展中存在的问题和原因,从而可以有针对性地采取措施和手段解决问题,不断完善我国文化产业体系,促进我国文化产业的快速发展。第七部分,吉林省影视文化资本运营的实证研究:在论述影视产业的特征、构成及其在文化产业中的地位的基础上,以长影集团文化资本运营为案例,提出合理完善的文化资本运营模式,进一步验证本文研究结论的正确性。第八部分,依托文化资本运营的优化推动文化产业发展的路径选择:以前几部分的分析为基础,以文化资源优势向资本优势的转化为前提,以经营性文化事业改革为重点,以政策支持为支撑条件,以市场环境为载体,研究分析如何依托文化资本运营的优化来选择一条能够推动文化产业发展的正确路径。

【Abstract】 It has been proved that the cultural industry has become a new growth point ofnational economy development, and has great potentiality for development in thenear future. The cultural industry, which is a special form of culture and a specialeconomic form, must has some characteristics of both culture and economic.The cultural industry includes the features as the following: first, the essenceof cultural industry is the industrialization of culture; second, the cultural industry isa creative industries of knowledge intensive; third, the cultural industry hasinclusive and scalability, but also has the feature of globalization; fourth, thecultural industry is an industry of high income elasticity, but also has a strong risk;fifth, the cultural industry, which is a special form of culture, has an ideology.The cultural capital is the basis and the premises for the development ofcultural industry, the guarantee for the rapid development and industrial upgradingof cultural industry. Cultural capital operation mode is the key part for the feasibledevelopment of culture industry in the future.At present, some developed countries like United States, Britain, France, Japan,South Korea, has been developing the cultural industry. Through many years ofaccumulated experience and practice, based on the science and technology and thenational policy support, they has made a great number of products ofcompetitiveness in the international market.Through the improvement of culturalcapital operation mode, they occupied our nation’s qualified cultural resources, andseized the Chinese cultural market, which has been a threat to the security for ournation. Due to the short time of development of our nation’s cultural industry andthe reform of the cultural system industry is imperfect, The management system,the investment and financing system and capital operation system of cultural industry is imperfect, the support system for cultural industry and capital operationis insufficient, the related laws and policy of cultural industry is uncompleted, thecultural products are lack of innovation and cultural theme, and the competitionability of international market is not strong. Therefore, the study on cultural capitaloperation mode and the development of cultural industry, has important theoreticaland practical significance.In this paper, we made the cultural capital operation mode and thedevelopment of cultural industry as the research object, using the two basic methodsof Marx’s studying on the problems as the research tools and methods of analysis.Including: one is the use of a combination of research methods of theoretical andempirical analysis; the other is the methods of comprehensive comparative analysis.Through the comparison and analysis of current situation of cultural capitaloperation mode and the development of cultural industry of nation and foreign, andthe current government regulation mode of China’s cultural industry, summing upproblems and reasons for China’s cultural capital operation and the development ofcultural industry, so as to explore and find the measures and ways to solve theproblems, to create and optimize operation mode of China’s cultural capital, to buildup the perfect cultural industrial development system, and further verifying thecorrectness based on the study of the capital operation of movie and televisionindustry in Jilin province.The first part, introduction: analysis on the practical and theoreticalbackground of the development of China’s cultural industry, exploring thedifference of cultural industry and agriculture, industry and traditionalmanufacturing industry, revealing the unique rules of cultural industry development,briefly reviewing the present research situation on the current theoretical circlesdomestic and abroad,finding the weakness and the direction, and defining theconcept of the cultural industry, cultural products, cultural economy and culturalcapital, and determining the object of study, the theoretical tools and analysismethods. The second part: the review on cultural capital theory: Finding Marx’sdiscussing about the cultural capital, distinguishing feature of cultural capital andmaterial capital, summary of Marx’s cultural capital theory. Marx’s cultural capitaltheory is a part of human civilization which has some difference and same toWestern cultural capital theory in the historical background, theoretical content, thehistorical process.By Comparing, summarizing,and refining the valuable contentfor the contemporary reference and guide practice, we will provide a theoreticalfoundation for the establishment of Chinese cultural capital operation mode.The third part, the transaction mode of cultural capital operation and culturalindustry organization: according to Marx, the essence of capital is the movement,the value of the capital is adding value, the same as the culture industry. In this part,based on the mode of transaction of the process of cultural capital operation, wefurther elaborate the generation, development and characteristic of the culturalindustry organization,, and the interaction between the trade pattern of the processof cultural capital operation and the industrial organization.The fourth part, the operation mode of China’s culture capital, the presentsituation of culture industry development and the mode of government regulations:in this part, we focused on the analysis and summary of China’s cultural capitaloperation mode and present situation of cultural industry development, whichincludes the capital operation mode and present situation of China’s film industry,broadcasting and television industry and the press and publication industry. At thesame time, from the point of cultural resources and cultural capital allocationperspective, we made analysis on the mode of government regulations on culturalindustry, so as to find the problems and reasons, and made foundation for findingsolutions, improving the system of laws and regulations and policy support ofcultural industry in the next step.The fifth part, the present situation of the foreign cultural capital operationmode and cultural industry development: we made the comparative analysis on thepresent situation of the foreign cultural capital operation mode and cultural industrydevelopment, including: the cultural capital operation mode and the present situation of cultural industry development in the United States, Britain, France,Japan and South Korea, in order to learn its experience and the lesson of culturalindustry development, which will provide the reference for the development ofcultural industry of our nation.The sixth part, the problems and reasons of our nation’s cultural capitaloperation and development: we mainly through the analysis of the existingproblems and reasons of China’s cultural capital operation and development of theculture industry, which can be targeted to take measures to solve the problem, andconstantly improve our cultural industry system, and promote the rapiddevelopment of our cultural industry.The seventh part, the empirical study of the capital operation of the film andtelevision industry in Jilin province: Based on characteristics of the film andtelevision industry, mading the Changchun Film Studio Group’s cultural capitaloperation as the case, putting forward reasonable improvement of cultural capitaloperation mode, further verifying the correctness of the conclusions of this study.The eighth part, The route choice to promote the development of culturalindustry relying on the optimization of cultural capital operation: based on analysisfrom the above parts, taking advantages of cultural resources to advantages of thecapital as the premise, taking the reform the business culture as the key point, andthe policy support as supporting conditions, with the market environment as carrier,studying how to rely on cultural capital operation optimization to choose a rightpath to promote the development of cultural industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】G124;G114
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】4581
  • 攻读期成果

