

Research on Agile Management of the Defective Products Recall

【作者】 代磊

【导师】 李春好;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,市场竞争在科技推动下不断加剧,新产品不断涌现,产品的种类更加丰富,结构也越来越复杂,产品的生命周期不断缩短,随之而来的问题是新产品在未经充分实验的情况下进入市场,增大了技术风险的概率和出现产品缺陷的可能性。“缺陷产品”给消费者带来的伤害也越来越多。缺陷产品的召回范围已从最早的汽车制造业逐步扩展到涉及公众安全的诸多领域。然而,尽管许多国家和地区都通过法律明确了缺陷产品召回制度,但从三鹿“毒奶粉”事件和丰田召回事件来看,光依靠政府的强制召回,无法有效地应对因缺陷产品进入市场而带来的生存危机。企业虽然意识到了主动、快速召回的重要性,但如何及时捕捉到缺陷产品信息,又如何做出科学、快速的处理,这是企业普遍存在的困惑。现有的企业内部结构和职能划分导致缺陷产品召回管理组织混乱,管理流程设计不合理、召回管理决策缓慢,更制约了缺陷产品召回管理的敏捷性。而缺陷产品召回本身存在信息流动量大、操作复杂、设计部门多、决策难度高、管理困难等特点。结合缺陷产品召回特点及现有企业内部结构情况,本文从缺陷产品召回管理入手,探索将敏捷制造思想因素引入缺陷产品召回管理中。从理论研究上来看,缺陷产品召回管理的研究更多是从政府角度出发,探究缺陷产品召回管理的行政性制度,而忽略了对主动召回的研究,学术界对召回模式以及实现方式的研究更少,从敏捷制造理论方向探讨企业缺陷产品召回管理的研究填补了该领域的空白。根据以上的研究思路,本文通过相关理论和文献综述,分析了我国缺陷产品召回管理现状,立足于缺陷产品召回的要求,综合应用敏捷制造理论、危机管理理论和社会责任理论等科学理论和方法,对企业缺陷产品召回敏捷管理进行了科学、深入和系统的研究。主要研究内容分以下几部分:(1)将敏捷制造思想引入召回管理流程设计中,对召回管理的流程进行了重新优化,设计出了缺陷产品召回的敏捷管理流程,实现了召回管理流程的敏捷性。(2)对符合敏捷制造思想的多种备选组织结构形式进行评价,结论是虚拟组织结构模式对支持企业缺陷产品召回的敏捷性最为有效,并以此为基础设计了缺陷产品召回的敏捷管理组织结构。(3)根绝缺陷产品召回的敏捷管理流程,设计出缺陷产品召回敏捷管理的系统平台,包括客户信息管理子系统、信息反馈子系统、产品缺陷分析子系统、召回预警子系统、产品追溯子系统、召回产品处理子系统、召回评价子系统,可以帮助企业在缺陷产品召回过程中有效、敏捷管理。(4)文章设计了企业缺陷产品召回敏捷管理的绩效评价体系,通过专家打分、层级分析法选取指标并确定权重,采用模糊综合评价法对企业缺陷产品召回管理绩效进行评价。本研究通过采用实证分析和规范分析相结合、理论研究与实践检验相结合、定量分析与应用研究相结合的研究方法,深入探讨了影响企业缺陷产品召回管理敏捷性问题,将敏捷制造思想引入缺陷产品召回管理当中,可以使企业有效的应对产品缺陷这一类突发事件,最大程度地减少对顾客的伤害。利用敏捷制造思想,对现有缺陷产品召回的管理流程进行了优化整合,设计出缺陷产品召回敏捷管理流程,为系统深入研究缺陷产品召回管理打下基础。本人还确定了虚拟型组织结构最适宜缺陷产品召回敏捷管理的组织结构,为企业在缺陷产品召回时建立组织结构提供了理论支持和实践指导。文章通过信息技术构建的缺陷产品召回敏捷管理系统平台,可以帮助企业有效地实现对产品缺陷召回的敏捷管理,最大程度地减少对顾客的伤害及企业损失。以上研究填补了该领域的研究空白,对理论界和实践界均有一定的启示意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the advances in technology, new products continue to emerge andthe range of products also is more abundant. With the structure become more and morecomplex, driven by market competition intensified in the technology, product life cyclescontinue to shorten, the ensuing question is new products in the case of experimentswithout adequate access to markets increases the probability of technical risk and thepossibility of defects,"defective products" bring harm to consumers is also increasing.Recall of defective products from the earliest automobile industry gradually extended toomany other areas of public safety concerns. However, despite the many countries andregions have passed laws clearly defective product recall system, from the view of "Sanlupoisonous milk powder" incident and the Toyota recalls, we could see that only depend onthe government ’s mandatory recall can not effectively respond to enter the market due todefective products brought about a crisis of survival. Although the enterprises have realizedthe importance of active and quick recall, but on how to capture the first time defectiveproduct information and how to make from a scientific and fast processing is the widespreadconfusion. Internal structure and functions of the division of existing defective product recallmanagement led to disorganized management process design is unreasonable, the recalldecision-making is slow, not fast agile recall. Defective product recall information flowsexist large, complex operation, design departments, decision-making difficult and hardto manage and so on. Features and recall defective products combine the internal structure ofthe situation, this article from defective product recall management; it will explore thefactors that guide agile manufacturing defective product recall management. From the theorypoint of view, defective product recall management research more from the governmentpoint of view, to explore defective product recall management, administrative systems,while ignoring the voluntary recall of the study. Academic circles to recall mode and way ofresearch is very little, from the research of agile manufacture theory direction of the defective products recall management enterprises to fill the gaps in the field.Based on the above research ideas, this paper analysis of the defective product recallmanagement present situation through the relevant theory and literature review. From therecall of defective products, this paper comprehensive application of the theory ofmanagement science and agile manufacture theory and social responsibility theory and otherscientific theories and methods of enterprise, the defective product recall management agilemanufacture theory of the defective product recall management scientifically, deep andsystematic research. The main research content is divided into the following four parts:(1) This paper will introduce the recall management of agile into the manufacturingprocess design and re optimization the recall management process to design the defectiveproduct recall of agile management process, which is to achieve the agility of the recallmanagement process.(2) This paper evaluate various alternative forms of organizational structure to meet theagile manufacturing, the conclusion is virtual structure on the agility to support enterprisedefect product recall is the most effective, and as a basis for design of agile managementorganization structure defect product recall.(3) Based on the recall of defective products agile management process, designed torecall defective products agile management system platforms, including customerinformation management subsystem, information feedback subsystem, product defectanalysis subsystem, recall and warning subsystem, product tracing subsystem,recalled products processing subsystem, recall evaluation subsystem, can helpcompanies in the defective product recall process effective, agile management.(4) This article recall of defective products designed agile enterprise management,performance evaluation system, through expert scoring, AHP selected metrics anddetermine the weight, the use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for enterprisedefective product recall management performance evaluation.In this study, we discusses the effects of enterprise agility of defective product recallmanagement through the use of empirical analysis and normative analysis combining theoryand practice tests combining quantitative analysis and applied research combining researchmethods. We also introduce the idea of agile manufacturing defective products recall management which can enable enterprises to effectively deal with this type of productdefects emergencies to minimize the harm to customers. The use of agile manufacturing,defective product recall of existing management processes are optimized integration,designdefective product recall agile management process for the system in-depth study lay thefoundation for the defective product recall management.Determined by studying thestructure of a virtual organization as a defective product recall management, agileorganizational structure for enterprises in the establishment of the defective product recallorganizational structure provides theoretical support and practical guidance. Article throughinformation technology to build the defective product recall agile management systemplatform that can enable enterprises to effectively respond to emergencies such defectiveproducts, minimizing the harm to customers and loss of business. More research to fill thegaps in research in this field, on the theory and practice of community have someenlightenment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

