

The Research on Su Shi’s Humorous Poetry

【作者】 李恒

【导师】 木斋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在《词话丛编》之“戏作”中载,丘石常曰:“词中每多戏赠,曲中谓之诨语。周德清谓庄重之余,出以诙谐,顾用之者何如。独恨今之以风格笑人者,如陈仲子笑齐人,庄谐皆优,然不如谐者之神明,足以解颐。”沈雄则曰:“苏长公为游戏之圣,刑俊臣亦滑稽之雄。苏赠舞鬟云:‘春入腰肢金缕细,轻柔。种柳应需柳柳州。’盖柳州用吕温嘲宗元诗‘柳州柳刺史,种柳柳江边’也。”1这段话实际上正说明,何为谐趣词及谐趣词的创作动因两个重要的问题。而这当中以苏词举例并推崇苏公为“游戏之圣”,也恰恰说明苏词创作的一个重要方面,即谐趣词创作。本文主要着眼于苏轼的谐趣词研究。第一部分主要研究:苏轼谐趣词研究的选题依据及意义概说;目前学界研究现状分析;本论文结构及创新点。目的是承前启后,既总结前代学者的研究成果,又将之系统整理和分析,以期开启苏轼谐趣词的全面系统研究。第二部分主要研究:苏轼谐趣词的成因,儒释道思想的影响;北宋社会风气的影响,前代文人文学的影响;其自身性格与人生经历上的影响。第三部分主要研究:全面梳理苏轼词作中内容谐趣词作品篇目,即题目或序言中含“戏”和“戏作”之作;虽未点明,但内容上含有谐趣涵义之作。从文本内容上进行戏谑之作,嘲讽之作,诙谐之作三方面的总结分析。从时间上,用历时的角度来解读苏轼不同时期带有谐趣的词作及其艺术特点。第四部分主要研究:创作体式的谐趣词作,通过福唐体、藏头词、集句词、檃栝词、回文词、复字体不同形式来分析总结苏轼的形式上的游戏之作,将之归为苏轼形式上的谐趣词创作。在分析其文本同时,总结其艺术创作特点。最后将苏轼的内容和形式谐趣词进行整体分析和总结。第五部分主要研究:苏轼谐趣词研究意义及对后世文人和文学创作的影响。

【Abstract】 In Poetry Collection referred to “playing work”. Qiu Shi said that there weremany playing works in poetries. These works were called witty utterance. ZhouDeqing said except solemnity, poetry also contained witticism, what about the writers.Someone jokes about poetry style, who likes Chen Zhongzi jokes about Qi people;solemnity and witticism are both good. So this wording could settle the doubts, thatsolemnity and witticism which is better. And Shen Xiong said Su Shi was a playmaster, Xing Junchen also was a paly talent. Su Shi gave poetry to a dancer whosename is Huan Yun; the sentence is “girl’s soft waist likes the branches of the willow,and if want to plant willow, need to find Liu Zongyuan. And Lv Wen also used thepoetry sentence to joking about Liu Zongyuan “Liu Zongyuan is the governor ofLiuzhou, who plants the willow at Liu riverside. In fact,this paragraph shows thatwhat is humorous poetry and creative impetus of humorous poetry. In this paragraph,the writer takes Su Shi for an example, and Su Shi is esteemed a play master, the onlyshows that important part of Su Shi humorous poetry’s creation, that is creation of SuShi’s humorous poetry.The thesis mainly explores Su Shi poetry’s creation. In the first part, the mainitems researched are listed as follows: The selecting reasons and meaning summaryabout the research of Su Shi’s humorous poetry; and the analysis of research status inacademic circle at present; the structure and the innovation point of this thesis. Theaim is to plays pivot roles, this thesis summarizes the research results of previousscholars, sorts and analyses this results systemic, that to open systematic andcomprehensive study of Su Shi’s humorous poetry. The second part is: the origin ofSu Shi’s humorous poetry was affected by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, thesocial atmosphere of Northern Song Dynasty, ancient humorous literature, theprevious scholars, the characters and experiences of Su Shi. The third part is: thewriter sorts out the narrowest humorous works of Su Shi’s poetries completely. Thispart is broken down into two areas. One is the title or the preface contains “play” or“paly work”. The other is the works have humorous meanings although not point out.Analyze the joking poetry, taunting poetry and humorous poetry from the work’s content. In its historical perspective, the writer reads Su Shi’s humorous poetry indifferent times. The forth part is: In created form, by classify the poetry, analyzesingle rhymed blank verse poetry, possession of the first poem, merging, palindrome,repeating word poetry, try to summarize Su Shi’s playing poetry down to general SuShi’s humorous poetry. Analyze the different poetries, at the same time, summarizethe art creating characters. At last, summarize and analyze the general and narrow SuShi’s humorous poetry. The fifth part is: the meaning of Su Shi’s humorous poetry, theinfluence on posterity literati and literature creation.

【关键词】 苏轼谐趣词文本图表研究
【Key words】 Su ShiHumorous PoetryTextChartResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

