

Study on the Effect of Perceived Organizational Justice of Dispatched Labor on the Employee Voice

【作者】 籍林

【导师】 孙乃纪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 劳务派遣工对组织创新活动的参与意愿是值得关注的管理实践问题。劳务派遣工在企业中属于较为特殊的群体,他们因为没有和企业直接签订用工合同而往往在个人归属感和安全感上有所欠缺,对企业前途和命运的感知也较为麻木。但他们常常身处一线岗位,直接接触关系企业产品质量或客户满意度的关键环节,有机会为企业提供重要的创新需求信息。如果他们参与积极性高,能够为企业创造宝贵的价值。为了增强企业的竞争力,组织希望每个员工都能够积极主动地为组织提供持续改进的建议和意见,而不仅仅完成自己职责内的工作。建言是员工参与创新活动的主要途径。员工建言构成了企业创意的重要来源,对于组织变革与发展意义重大,因而受到企业界和学术界越来越多的关注。针对企业中这一部分重要且独特的员工,探讨劳务派遣工的组织公平感对其建言行为的影响及其发生机制有重要的实践意义。劳务派遣工的特殊身份与地位决定了他们对组织公平格外敏感。在既有的文献中,学者们已经发现组织公平是员工建言行为的最为重要的影响因素,这为研究组织公平对劳务派遣工建言行为的影响提供了普遍性理论基础。学术界关于组织公平的研究颇为深入,最近的研究构建了组织公平的四个维度,即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平。但现有关于组织公平影响员工建言行为的研究,都限于考察两者间的直接影响,而对其间的中介变量的研究尚未开展;此外,对于组织公平的四个维度各自发挥的作用及区别如何,亦缺少理论分析与实证检验。劳务派遣工在不同的企业中参与创新活动的意愿是有差别的。这一事实提示我们,即使在组织公平感较低的情况下,仍然有些因素可以改善劳务派遣工的建言行为。本研究从组织整体和人际关系两个方面考虑可能存在的重要影响因素,借鉴相关的研究成果,引入组织支持感和领导成员交换关系作为两个中介变量,期望进一步揭示组织公平影响建言行为的过程。员工在企业中的行为是他们日常生活的组成部分,不同文化中的企业员工行为带着深刻的民族文化印记。现有关于组织公平影响员工建言行为的研究大多是西方学者关于西方企业的成果。要想理解中国组织员工的行为特点,有必要从中国特有的文化背景出发,在中国企业情境下做出自己的研究。本研究在对已有文献进行综述与分析的基础上,依据社会交换理论、组织拟人性化理论、及个体和环境交互影响理论,提出组织公平与员工建言之间的影响关系模型,并进而分别验证组织公平四个维度即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平的作用路径与差异;构建中介变量关系模型,验证组织支持感与领导成员交换的中介作用;同时,验证在中国传统文化价值观影响下,组织公平对员工建言的影响关系发生了怎样的变化。本研究通过对708份有效问卷进行数据分析,结果表明:1.组织公平及其维度对员工建言具有显著的正向影响。2.组织公平及其维度对组织支持感具有显著的正向影响。3.组织公平及其维度对领导成员交换关系具有显著的正向影响。4.组织支持感及其维度对员工建言具有显著的正向影响。5.领导成员交换关系及其维度部分对员工建言显著的正向影响。6.组织支持感在组织公平与员工建言正向关系之间发挥了部分中介作用。7.领导成员交换关系在组织公平与员工建言正向关系之间发挥了部分中介作用。8.传统性在组织公平与员工建言之间起调节作用。本研究的结论如下:1.劳务派遣工的组织公平不仅直接正向影响着建言行为的发生,而且还通过组织支持感和领导成员交换关系间接影响着员工建言行为,本文提出的理论模型成立。2.组织公平的四个维度、组织支持感的三个维度和领导成员交换关系的四个维度也分别不同程度的正向影响着员工建言行为的发生。3.组织公平与员工建言之间的关系受到中国传统文化价值观的调节作用。本研究的理论意义和创新点体现在:1.解析组织公平与建言行为之间的作用机制。对于组织公平与建言行为的研究进行实证检验,可以得到实际效果的验证,更具有理论说服力。本研究框架在已有研究基础上,对组织公平与建言行为之间的关系进行了详尽分析,构建了关系模型并进行实证检验,在以往研究的基础上做出了归纳性总结和提升,具有重要的理论意义。2.探究组织支持感和领导成员交换关系的中介作用。以往对组织公平与建言行为之间关系的探索多基于二者的直接关系,而缺乏对二者关系作用机理的探索。组织公平各个维度,即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平所发挥的作用路径有所不同,分配公平基于经济交换的契约关系影响了员工对具体分配结果的感知,如薪酬与工作任务的分配;程序公平、人际公平和信息公平则基于不同社会交换关系(组织整体的支持以及与主管个体的互动关系)分别影响了员工对组织整体与主管个体的感知与态度。因此,对组织公平与员工建言的研究,需考虑组织支持感和领导成员交换关系的中介作用,这也是本文的理论创新之一。3.验证组织公平与员工建言关系的文化特殊性。中国文化情境下,基于西方环境提出的理论与构念往往因情境的不同而有所差异或变化。针对以往文献中所出现的矛盾观点,本文旨在对社会交换理论的普适性质疑作出解释,引入传统性作为本土化研究的文化价值观变量,并检验其调节作用,从而验证中国文化情境下组织公平对员工建言的影响作用,比较其与西方理论的异同,具有重要的本土化研究意义。

【Abstract】 Dispatch labor’s willingness to participate in organization’s innovation activitiesis a concerned management practice. Dispatched labor are special groups, they don’thave the organization’s directly signed labor contracts and are often lacking ofpersonal senses of belonging and senses of security, in the organization, theirperceptions to the enterprise ’s future and destiny are also numb. But they are oftenworking at front-line positions, as keys to the product quality and customersatisfaction, thus, they have the most opportunities to provide important innovationdemand information to the enterprise, and it is very valuable for the enterprise if theyare highly motivated to participate in such activities. In order to enhance thecompetitiveness of enterprises, organizations want every employee to be proactivelyproviding suggestions and advices to the organization for continuous improvement,but not just completing their work within duties. Employee voice became main sourceof enterprise’s innovation, and it had a significant impact on the enterprise’s changeand development, thus, it stimulates much interest from both business and academiccommunities. Concentrating on this special and important part of people in theenterprise, it is practically significant to make studies on the effect of perceivedorganizational justice of dispatched labor on the employee voice, and the effect’smechanism as well.The special status and position of dispatched labor make them extremelysensitive to organizational justice. In the existing literature, scholars have found thatthe most important factor of organizational justice is employee voice behavior, which provides the basic theory for general studies on the effect of organizational justice onemployee voice behavior of dispatched labor. Academic research on organizationaljustice is deep, recent research constructs four dimensions of organizational justice,including distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice andinformational justice. But the effects of organizational justice on employee voicebehavior researching are limited to examining the direct effects between the two, andthe research on the intermediary variable has not been carried out; in addition, thedifference among the effects of the four dimensions of organizational justice, is alsolacking of theoretical analysis and empirical test.The willingness of dispatched labor is different during their participating in theinnovative activities in different enterprises. This fact suggests that, even in thecircumstance of low organizational justice, there are still some factors improving theemployee voice of dispatched labor. In this study, drawing on related research results,and considering possibly existing important factors from the aspects of bothorganizational and interpersonal relationship, the perceived organizational supportand leader member exchange relationship are the two intermediate variables,expecting to reveal the process of organizational justice’s effect on the employeevoice.Employees’ behavior in the enterprise is part of their daily lives, and it hasnative culture marks in different cultures. The existing studies on the effect oforganizational justice on employee voice behavior are mostly western scholars’achievements about the western enterprises. To understand the behavioralcharacteristics of Chinese employees, it is necessary to proceed from China’s uniquecultural background, making research in Chinese business context.In this study, based on the review and analysis of literatures, based on socialexchange theory, organization personification theory, and individual and environment interaction theory, the effecting relation model between organizational justice andemployee voice is well structured, verifying effecting paths and their differences oforganization justice’s four dimensions, which are distributive justice, proceduraljustice, interpersonal justice and information justice, constructing relationship modelof mediating variables, verifying the intermediary roles of perceived organizationalsupport and leader member exchange, at the same time, verifying the change of effectof organizational justice on employee voice at the Chinese traditional cultural values’influence.In this study, through a certain statistical data analyzing of708validquestionnaires, the results showed that:1. Organizational justice and its dimensionshave a significant positive effect on employee voice.2. Organizational justice and itsdimensions have a significant positive effect on organizational support.3.Organizational justice and its dimensions have a significant positive effect on leadermember exchange.4. Organizational support and its dimensions have a significantpositive effect on employee voice.5. Leader member exchange and its dimensionshave a significant positive effect on employee voice.6. Organizational support playsa role of partial mediating variable between organizational justice and employeevoice.7. Leader member exchange plays a role of partial mediating variable betweenorganizational justice and employee voice.8. Traditionality plays a role ofmoderating variable between organizational justice and employee voice.The conclusions of the study are as follows:1. Organizational justice ofdispatched labor not only has direct positive effect on employee voice, but also hasindirect positive effect on employee voice through organizational support andleader-member exchange. The presenting theoretical model was established.2. Thefour dimensions of organizational justice, the three dimensions of perceivedorganizational support, and the four dimensions of leader-member exchange all have positive effect on employee voice behavior at different levels.3. The relationshipbetween organizational justice and employee voice is moderated by Chinesetraditional cultural values.The theoretical significance and innovation of this study lies in:1. Themechanism of interaction between organizational justice and employee voice.Empirical testing research on organizational justice and employee voice behavior,actual effect verification can be obtained to make theory persuasive. On the basis ofexisting research, the research framework contains exhaustive analysis of relationshipbetween organizational justice and employee voice, establishment of the relationmodels, proceeding of empirical test, and induction summary and promotion of theprevious studies, which endow the research important theoretical significance.2.Testifying the mediating effects of perceived organizational support, andleader-member exchange. Previous studies on the relationship between organizationaljustice and employee voice are based on the direct relationship between the two, andlacking of research on the relationship mechanisms. Organizational justice’sdimensions, namely the distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justiceand informational justice, each has different role though different paths. Therefore,research on organizational justice and employee voice, need to consider the perceivedorganizational support and leader member exchange’s intermediary roles. This is alsoone of the theoretical innovations of this study.3. Validation of the culturalpeculiarities’ effect on relationship between organizational justice and employeevoice. In the Chinese cultural context, the western theories and constructs are oftenchanged due to situation varying. According to the contradictions in the formerliterature, this paper aims to explain the social exchange theory’s generalization query,brings in traditionality as variables of cultural values, and tests its moderating role, inorder to verify the effect of organizational justice on employee voice in Chinese cultural context, comparing the similarities and differences with western theory,which endow the research important localization significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

