

Research on the Question of the National Government Sending Troops Abroad in the War of Resistance Against Japan

【作者】 张智丹

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 抗战期间,日本南进倾向日益显露,不仅对中国西南国际交通和西南根据地的安全构成威胁,亦对法、英等国在东南亚地区的利益形成冲击。为此,国民政府不再单方面地寻求外来援助,而是试图推动大国间反侵略的平等互助合作,即通过派兵协防法、英等国在东南亚地区的属地,取得法、英等国的切实的军事合作和物资支持。但是,法、英等国只是希望国民政府尽可能地牵制日军于中国战场,对其派兵协防计划并未给予有力配合。太平洋战争爆发后,国民政府着力推动盟国筹建统一的指挥机构、制定全盘的军事计划,并对缅甸防务、向越南与泰国派兵等事项作了较为详尽的筹划。国民政府希望通过这些努力扭转盟国的“先欧后亚”战略,以达到尽速打败日本之目的。由于英、美对中国反攻能力缺乏信心且英方对中国存在戒备心理,国民政府的战略规划并未得到英、美的重视和支持。日军对缅甸的入侵推动了中国与英、美的合作,国民政府派出远征军入缅作战。盟国对抗击日本侵略的准备不周、投入不足,使以中国远征军为主的中英联军在缅甸战事中陷于被动地位。由于蒋介石、史迪威对敌情判断有误、对战事指挥失当,中国远征军在缅甸战役中遭受重大损失。缅甸战役失败后,国民政府积极与英、美展开反攻缅甸交涉,并对远征军和驻印军进行了整训。英、美坚持执行“先欧后亚”战略,无意满足国民政府对反攻缅甸的多方面要求,使全面反攻计划的实施屡屡延后,其间多次发生局部与全面反攻缅甸计划之争、撤消与保留反攻缅甸计划之争。在美国方面的压力下,国民政府勉强地接受了缅北局部作战计划。中国驻印军和远征军在缅北、滇西地区进行了艰苦的反击战,在盟国的有力支援下打通了滇缅陆路交通。在筹备反攻缅甸战役之时,国民政府亦对在隶属于中国战区的泰国和越南的日军采取军事行动作了准备,但由于未得到英、美的军事配合,迟迟未能对之发起攻势。英国方面为尽量消除中国在东南亚地区的影响力,有意将泰国和越南从中国战区移出,最终在美方的同意下使泰国和越南南部归入由蒙巴顿领导的东南亚战区,使国民政府只保留了对越南北部地区的对日受降权。抗战胜利前后,国民政府希望派兵占领日本,协助盟国对之进行改造,以免日本日后再度构成军事威胁,但由于内政的制约未能实现其占领计划。国民政府在抗战期间为推动国际反侵略合作,考虑过派兵赴欧洲作战问题,并先后对德国和意大利绝交、宣战,但由于诸多因素的制约并未实际派兵赴欧,因而对欧战善后事务的发言权极为有限。国民政府海外派兵谋划意在保障中国西南国际交通和西南后方的安全,同时也含有其他方面的战略考量:使对日战争先于欧洲战争结束,便于其在苏联将注意力转向远东之前解决中国北部边疆问题和中共问题;提高中国在东南亚地区的影响力,推动亚洲民族独立运动。但由于军事实力不足、国内政局不稳,国民政府无力扭转盟国的既定战略,亦无过多精力干预战后的东南亚事务。战时国民政府海外派兵的谋划与行动,对其争取外来援助和提高中国国际地位起到了一定的积极作用,但亦使其付出沉重代价:国民政府为保障抗战胜利和政权稳固,过于依赖争取外在机遇和利用国际矛盾,而未将根本放在自身改造和国内改革上,最终因自身的弱点在战后国内外诸多重大事务的处置中陷于被动境地。

【Abstract】 In the War of Resistance against Japan, Japanese southward tendency wasincreasingly apparent, which threatened the security of southwest base andinternational traffic of China, and had an impact on the interest of France, U.K. andother countries in Southeast Asia. To this end, the National Government no longerstrived for external assistance unilaterally. It tried to promote equal and mutualcooperation against aggression among the major powers: achieving practical militarycooperation and material support of France, U.K. and other countries by defendingtheir colonies in Southeast Asia with troops. However, France, U.K. and othercountries just wanted the National Government to contain the Japanese army as muchas possible in the Chinese battlefield, and did not give a strong support for Chineseplan of sending troops.After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the National Government focused onpromoting a unified command and a comprehensive military plan among the allies, andprepared for the Burma defense and sending troops to Vietnam and Thailand. TheNational Government hoped to change the “Asia Prior to Europe” strategy of the alliesthrough these efforts, in order to achieve the purpose of defeating the Japanese as soonas possible. Because U.K. and U.S. had no confidence on Chinese counter-offensivecapability and U.K. was wary of China, the National Government’s strategic plan didnot receive the attention and support of the allies.The Japanese invasion of Burma promoted the cooperation among China, U.K.and U.S., and the National Government sent expeditionary forces fighting in Burma.Because of the allies’ poor preparation and insufficient investment for countering theJapanese aggression, Sino-British army based on Chinese Expeditionary Force wascaught in a passive position in Burma Campaign. As Chiang Kai-shek and Stilwellmisjudged the enemy situation and misconduct the war, Chinese Expeditionary Forcesuffered significant losses in Burma Campaign.After the failure of Burma Campaign, the National Government actively negotiated with U.K. and U.S. to counterattack the enemy in Burma, and trained theExpeditionary Force and the army stationed in India. U.K. and U.S. insisted on the“Asia Prior to Europe” strategy, and had no intention to meet the NationalGovernment’s various requirements for counterattack in Burma, making theimplementation of a comprehensive counterattack postpone repeatedly, during whichtime there occurred the disputes of local and comprehensive counterattack plans, andcancellation and retention of counterattack plans. Under the pressure of U.S., theNational Government reluctantly accepted the operational plans in North Burma.Chinese Army in India and the Expeditionary Force conducted a painstakingcounterattack in northern Burma and western Yunnan, and finally got through theBurma Road in strong support of the allies.When preparing for the Burma Campaign, the National Government was ready totake military action for the enemy in Thailand and Vietnam affiliated to ChineseTheater. However, the National Government did not get the full of military cooperationof U.K and U.S. and delayed in launching the offensive. U.K. wanted to removeThailand and Vietnam from the Chinese Theater in order to eliminate China’s influencein Southeast Asia as far as possible. Under the consent of U.S., Thailand and southernVietnam was allotted to Southeast Asia Theater led by Mountbatten, and northernVietnam was retained in Chinese Theater.Before and after the Anti-Japanese war, the National Government hoped to sendtroops to occupy Japan in order to assist the allies to transform Japan and avoid Japanbecoming a military threat again. Due to the constraints of internal affairs, the NationalGovernment did not realize the occupation plan.In the War of Resistance against Japan, the National Government considered thequestion of sending troops to Europe, and broke diplomatic relations and declared warwith Germany and Italy in order to promote international cooperation againstaggression. Because of the restriction of many factors, the National Government didn’tsend troops to Europe, which resulted in its limited voice for the aftermath of EuropeanWar.The intention of the National government planning sending troops abroad lied inmaintaining the security of southwest base and international traffic of China, and alsocontained other strategic considerations: ending the war against Japan before the endof European war, and making the National government solve the issues of Chinese northern frontier and Chinese Communist Party before the Soviet Union turned itsattention to the Far East; enhance China’s influence in Southeast Asia, and promotingnational independence movement in Southeast Asia. However, due to the lack ofmilitary strength and instability of domestic politics, the National Government wasunable to change the original strategy of the allies, and hadn’t much attention tointervene in the post-war effort in Southeast Asia Affairs.The National government planning sending troops overseas played a positive rolein obtaining foreign aid and improving China’s international status. The Nationalgovernment also paid a heavy price for it: focusing on striving for externalopportunities and using international conflicts, made the National Government payingno attention to self-remolding and domestic reforms, and finally introducing foreigninterference because of internal problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

