

Toward a Feminist Discourse on American Foreign Policy

【作者】 蒋倩昱

【导师】 王恩铭;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 女性主义话语是美国女性主义学者从理论研究和实践斗争中得出的知识观和方法论,是解构父权制社会权力结构、构建多元女性身份以及促进各国妇女交流对话的有效工具。女性主义话语汲取女权主义理论的学术精华,从社会性别的视角揭示妇女遭受男权压迫的社会历史根源,并且在此基础上构建女性的政治主体地位。美国各个族裔的妇女都为国家的建立和发展作出了巨大的贡献,但直到19世纪她们仍然处于依附于男性的”二等公民”地位。黑人妇女更是经历了奴隶主、父权统治者和白人女性的多重种族和性别压迫,与第三世界妇女一样面临无数教育、健康和经济问题。女性主义话语揭示出构成美国社会权力等级秩序的种族、阶级和性别关系,强调男女地位的悬殊差距是产生不平等社会制度的重要原因。国际关系女性主义学者以妇女们共同的生活经历为基础,揭示出男权统治者利用白人女性角色规范向其他国家和地区传播西方文明的目的是建立不平等的国际社会权力结构,维持白人男性至上的种族、性别和阶级秩序。女性主义话语解构国际政治理论中的男权话语,并且强调美国国内外的社会性别权力关系是联系美国国内政策与外交政策的重要因素。女性主义国际关系理论是构建美国女性主义外交政策的基本依据。女性主义国际关系学者从女性主体的人性特征出发,强调身受主流社会排斥的妇女是改变不平等的社会性别权力关系和不平等的国际政治经济秩序,以及建设世界”积极和平”的主体力量。女性主义话语揭示出男权政治统治是导致贫富悬殊以及其他”结构性暴力”的重要原因,并且从国家安全、经济安全和生态安全三个方面构建起自成一体的女性主义外交政策方案。基于以上分析,本论文分四个章节阐述构建美国女性主义外交政策的必要性和合理性。第一章论述”社会性别”概念对于揭示美国内外不平等的种族、性别和阶级权力关系的重要意义;第二章论述女性主义话语构建妇女政治历史主体地位的哲学理论基础和现实意义;第三章论述男权国际政治权力结构的弊端和构建女性主义外交政策的理论依椐和积极意义;第四章阐述女性主义外交话语对于揭示美国”人权”意识形态工具的负面作用,及它对于争取女性人权和推动国际法律政策与组织机构改革的重要意义。女性主义国际关系话语不仅能够克服男权统治者按地缘政治理论划分国家安全责任和势力范围界线,区别种族和阶级地位尊卑的政策给世界生态环境带来的负面影响,而且将有力地促进各国妇女和政策制定者之间的交流对话,帮助她们通过各级妇女组织改进以国家安全为中心的外交政策,以实现国际社会和平与公正。

【Abstract】 The feminist discourse is constructed to represent diverse voices of women, and tofacilitate effective inter-cultural communications among women from different countries inthe post-modern era. It draws on the materialist standpoint of feminist theories, analyzesthe historical roots of gender oppression, and regards women as the agency exertingpolitical significances in the development of history. American women in the academicfield have devoted themselves to analyzing the forces contributing to the creation ofpatriarchy and to challenging the established epistemology. They believe that Americanwomen of different ethnic groups have played essential roles in founding the Republic andin maintaining the Republican ideology. Yet women remained dependent on meneconomically as "second-class citizens" devoid of any political rights. In particular, the lifeexperiences of black women under multiple oppressions of slavery, patriarchy, sexism andracism, most closely resemble that of the Third-World women, because they are all under-educated, under-nourished, and mired in poverty. The feminist discourse reveals that maledominance is the ultimate cause for American social hierarchy based on inter-connectedrace, class, and sex relationships. Feminist International Relations scholars attribute themasculine behavior of states, spread of Western Civilization through Anglo-Saxonfemininity, and justifications for unequal international political order to similar racial andsexual oppressions by men at home. Therefore, the feminist discourse has linked upAmerica’s domestic unequal race relations with its imperial foreign policy to imposewestern gender roles upon people in under-developed countries.In line with the feminist philosophy on human nature, feminist International Relationsscholars prioritize the agency of marginalized women for their potential in transformingthe unequal gender hierarchy and uneven political and economic developmentinternationally, in an effort to bring about “positive peace” to the world. The feministdiscourse foregrounds masculine hegemony as an important cause for “structural violence”and for the disparity between the rich and the poor, and proposes the feminist agenda ofAmerican Foreign Policy based on the interconnectedness among national security,economic security, and ecological security. The dissertation is divided into four chapters:Chapter1explicates the meaning of “gender” and its significance for analyzing race, sexand class hierarchies both within and outside America. Chapter2explicates the philosophical and theoretical grounds for constructing the feminist agency. Chapter3discusses the harmful effects of male-dominated international politics, and constructs afeminist discourse on American Foreign Policy based on feminist international theories.Chapter4reveals the emptiness of human rights ideology as an ideological weapon toextend American control all over the world, and argues for the significance of feministdiscourse in transforming international institutions and legal policies. The feminist foreignpolicy agenda not only challenges the geographical politics, which instrumentally dividesthe world into fragmented spheres, but expands the meaning of human rights and facilitatesdialogues and communications between women from diverse backgrounds to rectify themale-centered national security policies.

  • 【分类号】D971.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】629

