

A Study on Frequency-based College English Vocabulary Teaching Model

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 李基安;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在学习理论中,频率是一个核心问题(桂诗春2000:95)。英国心理学教授Ellis认为“频率是语言习得的关键,因为语言规则来源于学习者终生对于语言输入分布特点的分析”(Ellis2002:144)。频率影响着语言从输入到吸收的转化,影响着语言加工的熟练程度和流利性。英国语言学家Leech (2011:17)指出,凡是有关学习者语言输入、学习者语言使用和学习者评估的研究都应当以频率信息为指导。随着认知语言学、心理语言学、语料库语言学等学科的发展,对于频率作用的研究也成为语言学及语言教学的一个研究热点。本研究以频率作用对大学英语词汇教学的影响为切入点,通过对需求分析理论、输入假说、输出假说的理论综述和对频率作用构成要素(词汇的分布频率、覆盖率、复现率和练习频率)等的讨论和分析,提出基于频率作用的大学英语词汇教学模式:为了了解基于频率作用的词汇教学模式对学习者词汇习得的影响情况,本研究设计并实施了一个基于频率作用的词汇教学模式的教学实验,实验历时一个学期共计一百二十余天。通过对实验组和对照组的学生的词汇水平测试、英语综合水平测试和访谈,笔者发现,经过了基于频率作用的词汇教学模式实验后,实验组学生的词汇水平和英语综合水平有了质的提高。这个实验结果说明,基于频率的词汇教学模式在促进实验组受试群体的词汇学习方面有着明显的促进作用。根据基于频率作用的词汇教学模式的实验数据分析和讨论,本研究得出如下四个结论:科学的词汇需求分析能够为词汇教学奠定坚实可靠的基础;目标词汇的高频率凸显式直接教学可以较好地吸引学生的注意力,促进输入的效果;投入量较大的输出任务能够促进词汇知识的深度加工;评估和反馈是学习的可持续发展的保证。在基于频率作用的大学英语词汇教学模式的研究过程中,笔者还得到了一些对英语词汇教学有一定价值的启示。教师在英语教学中扮演着重要的角色,为了使基于频率作用的词汇教学模式更好的应用于和服务教学,教师担负着重要的使命,教师要增强语料分析意识,运用词频研究成果和手段指导、辅助词汇教学;要把词汇学习从课堂延伸到课外,指导并督促学生在课堂之外进行广泛的阅读和听力的输入及练习;有必要帮助学生了解和形成有效的词汇学习策略以利于其后续的学习和发展。

【Abstract】 In learning theory, frequency is a core issue (Gui2000:95). Nick Ellis concludedthat frequency is thus a key determinant of acquisition because rules of language, at alllevels of analysis are structural regularities that emerge from learners lifetime analysis ofthe distributional characteristics of the language input (2002:144). Frequency exertsinfluence on the transformation from language input to language intake, affecting theproficiency and fluency of language processing. Geoffrey Leech pointed out that fromnow on, there is no reason why any choices regarding learner input, learner performanceand learner evaluation should not be frequency-informed (2011:17). With thedevelopment of cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics and otherdisciplines, the effect of frequency has become a research focus in the field of Linguisticsand Language Teaching.The main emphasis of this study is college English vocabulary teaching underfrequency effect. Under the theoretical guidance of Needs Analysis Theory, InputHypothesis and Output Hypothesis, with the discussion and analysis of the frequencycomponents (vocabulary distribution frequency, text coverage, recurrence frequency andtask frequency), a frequency-based vocabulary teaching model is devised and establishedas follows: In order to explore the effect of the frequency-based vocabulary teaching model, thisstudy conducted a one-semester teaching experiment. Results of vocabulary level tests,final examinations and interviews illustrate that the experimental group made significantprogress in both vocabulary level and the overall level of English, which justify theeffectiveness of the model.In reference to the data analysis and discussion of frequency-based vocabularyteaching experiment, this study draws four conclusions: Scientific vocabulary needsanalysis lays a solid and reliable foundation for subsequent teaching; direct, frequent andsalient teaching of target vocabulary attracts students attention and enhances the effect ofinput; tasks of big amount of involvement facilitates the depth of vocabulary knowledgeprocessing; assessment and feedback guarantees sustainable learning.Three implications for pedagogy and future research are made to bring the study to aclose. For the model s better application in vocabulary teaching, English teachers havemore missions to shoulder. They need to foster corpus analysis awareness and practicetheories of frequency to extend vocabulary learning from classroom work toextracurricular study, guiding and supervising students extensive reading and listeningexercises; and to help students understand and acquire effective vocabulary learningstrategies for their future learning and development.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【下载频次】740

