

On Reconstruction of the Imbalanced College English Classroom Ecology in the Context of Informatization

【作者】 刘长江

【导师】 陈坚林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 教育信息化是时代发展的必然,也是我国信息化发展的战略重点之一和教育现代化的必经之路。飞速发展的信息技术不断改变着人们的生活、工作和思维方式,同时也改变着教学。特别是近十年来的大学英语教学,已经和现代信息技术紧密联结。基于计算机网络和课堂的大学英语教学模式在全国范围内广泛推广,促使大学英语教学水平整体跃升。然而,在现代信息技术逐渐从辅助教学走向引领教学的过程中,大学英语课堂教学也出现了一些亟待解决的问题。本研究采用跨学科的研究视角,运用生态学和系统科学的相关理论,按照发现问题、描述问题、分析问题和解决问题的基本思路,对信息化语境下的大学英语课堂生态进行了系统分析和深度探究,最终提出了消解大学英语课堂生态失衡问题的方略和举措。具体地说,就是将大学英语课堂视为一个微观教育生态系统予以研究,重点回答了四个问题:1)大学英语课堂生态具有怎样的结构、功能和特征?2)信息化语境下的大学英语课堂生态存在哪些失衡现象?3)大学英语课堂生态的失衡与现代信息技术的使用有何关联?4)如何在信息化语境下重构大学英语课堂生态?这四个问题属于渐进式问题,关于前一问题的研究构成了后续问题研究的基础。本研究的主要观点如下:1)大学英语课堂具有生态系统的基本属性,其基本结构可以简化为“人+课堂生态环境”,“人”包括构成课堂生态主体的教师和学生,“课堂生态环境”包括课前生成的环境(教室的物理环境、师生背景、教学媒介等)、课中生成的环境(师生关系、生生关系、师生情感态度等)和课后生成的环境(班风学风、课堂规章制度等),课堂生态主体和课堂生态环境之间相互作用,相互影响,共同决定着课堂生态系统的运行状态。从营养结构来看,教师主要是生态系统里的生产者,将来自系统外部或自身创造的信息(即知识),通过课堂环境传授给作为消费者的学生,学生同时作为分解者消化吸收这些信息(知识),再通过课堂环境给老师一定的反馈,实现着生态系统中信息和智能的流动。需要注意的是,教师和学生虽为生态主体,但也可能成为影响学习者的环境因子。教师、学生、课堂环境之间产生着复杂的交互作用,帮助系统发挥着优化结构、调谐关系、促进演化和生态育人等功能。2)现代信息技术强力介入大学英语课堂教学以后,长期处于平稳运行状态的大学英语课堂生态受到了极大的扰动,出现了课堂生态结构上的失衡和功能上的失调。结构上的失衡主要体现在系统组分构成比重的失调、系统组分之间交互关系的失谐和系统内部营养结构的失衡,其中构成比重的失谐主要体现为信息技术应用的增多,交互关系的失谐主要表现为生态主体之间的失谐以及教师、学生、教学模式、教材、教室布局、教学内容、教学评估、教学管理等方面与信息技术之间的失谐,营养结构的失衡表现为大学英语教师缺乏专业发展的机会以及学生缺乏足够的自主学习能力和自我建构知识的能力。功能上的失调包括课堂生态系统结构优化功能衰减、关系调谐功能减弱、演化促进功能退化和生态育人功能降低,生态系统的整体功能难以发挥。3)大学英语课堂生态的失衡和信息技术的应用紧密相关。在信息技术由原先的系统外部环境变为系统内部因子甚至主导因子的过程中,原本相对平衡的课堂生态被迅速带离到远离平衡态的非线性区域,系统进入较严重的失衡状态。在此状态下,信息技术并没有能够如预想地那般强劲地带动系统内部其它因子同步协变而形成合力,各生态因子的联动效应不够,未能较快地帮助系统完成阶段性演化,重新形成生产力大大增强的新的动态平衡结构——耗散结构。在系统失衡的状态下,系统内部各种交互关系出现失谐,课堂生态内部各种矛盾凸现。这些问题汇聚到一起,产生了整体效应,引起了各级教育主管部门的关注,外语教育界开始对大学英语教学目标、教学内容、信息技术的作用、网络自主学习的效果等进行集中反思,导致教改进入一个力度减弱、发展变缓的高原期和迷惘期,课堂生态被带回到线性区域,但仍处于非平衡态。如何重构课堂生态的平衡以提高课堂教学成效,成了摆在广大外语教育工作者面前亟待解决的问题。4)信息技术运用于外语教学的巨大优势以及信息技术使用的不可逆性,决定了大学英语课堂生态的重构必须坚持以信息化为语境,以科学合理地整合信息技术与外语教学为基本策略,这是重构大学英语课堂生态的前提条件。本研究认为,重构大学英语课堂生态必须坚持生态性、系统性、人本性和有效性原则,通过发挥信息技术作为主导因子的引领作用、控制课堂生态中的限制因子、调整课堂生态因子的生态位、引导系统各组分同步协变、规避课堂环境构建中的花盆效应、重塑互动对话的生态课堂交往、恢复信息化课堂的生态功能、保持课堂生态的活水效应等方法,优化课堂生态结构和功能,促进课堂生态的修复。在实践层面,外语教学工作者尤其要注重创新大学英语教学观念,建立分级分类培养体系和分层分类课程体系,构建多元互动课堂环境,提高师生信息技术素养,提供立体化教学资源,采用因境而变的教学方法,调整师生课堂角色,发展平等和谐的师生关系,构建多元多向评价体系,最终创建和谐高效、师生共生的生态课堂。本研究拓展了课堂研究的理论空间,开阔了课堂教学问题的研究思路,同时在跨学科理论运用方面进一步推进了教育生态学的发展,具有较好的理论和实践意义,同时在研究视角、研究对象、理论基础和问题解决方案等方面具有一定的创新性。然而,正所谓研前不知深浅,研后方知短长,本研究在研究方法、理论运用和研究内容上还存在一些局限,需要在以后的研究中予以克服。

【Abstract】 Educational informationization is one of the major strategic focuses of China’sinformatization development and the main path to the educational modernization ofour country. It is also an inexorable trend of the times. The rapid development ofinformation technology has been constantly changing people’s ways of life, work,thinking, and teaching as well. College English teaching, in particular, has beenclosely connected to modern information technology in the recent decade. Computer-network-and classroom-based College English teaching model has been widelyspread across the country and the overall level of College English teaching has gotgreatly enhanced. However, during the function transformation of modern informationtechnology from an instrumental role to a leading role in College English classroomteaching, there arose some urgent problems to be solved.From an interdisciplinary perspective, the study applies ecology theories andsystem science theories to a systemic analysis and in-depth exploration of the CollegeEnglish classroom ecology in the context of informationization by following the basicroute map of discovering, describing, analyzing and solving problems, on the basis ofwhich some methods and measures are put forward to reconstruct the ecologicalequilibrium in College English classroom. To be specific, the present study views theCollege English classroom as a microcosmic educational ecosystem and particularlyanswers four questions:1) What are the structure, functions and features of theCollege English classroom ecology?2) What kinds of imbalance and mismatchesexist in College English classroom ecology in the context of informationization?3)What is the relationship between the ecological imbalance of College Englishclassroom and the application of modern information technology?4) How toreconstruct the College English classroom ecology in the context ofinformationization? The four questions above are step-by-step ones and the answer toa former question lays a research foundation for the latter one. The main ideas of thestudy are as follows:1) The College English classroom has the basic attributes of ecosystem and its basic structure can be simplified to “human beings+ecological classroomenvironment”. Here “human beings” include teachers and students who are theecological classroom subjects;“ecological classroom environment” includes thepre-class environment (physical environment of classroom, backgrounds of teachersand students, teaching media, etc.), in-class environment (teacher-student relationship,student-student relationship, emotions and attitudes of teachers and students, etc.) andafter-class environment (class atmosphere, study style, class rules and regulations,etc.). Classroom subjects and classroom environment interact with each other and thusdetermine the run state of classroom ecosystem. From the perspective of trophicstructure, teachers, as the producers in the ecosystem, impark through classroomenvironment the information (knowledge) that comes from outside of the system orfrom their own creation to students who act as consumers. And at the same time,students also act as the decomposers who digest and absorb the information(knowledge) and give some feedback to teachers through classroom environment. Inthis way, the flow of knowledge and intelligence in the ecosystem gets realized. Itshould be noted that teachers and students, though they’re the ecological subjects, canalso become the environmental factors that affect learners. The complicatedinteraction among teachers, students and classroom environment helps the systemfulfill the functions of optimizing the structure, coordinating the relationships,promoting the evolution, cultivating both learners and teachers ecologically, and thelike.2) After the strong intervention of modern information technology in the CollegeEnglish classroom teaching, the College English classroom ecology that has enjoyed along-term stable state got greatly disturbed. This disturbance resulted in the structuraland functional imbalance of the classroom ecology. The structural imbalance ismainly reflected in the disproportion of and disharmony between system components,and the imbalance of trophic structure within the system. Among them, thedisproportion is mainly embodied as the intensified application of informationtechnology; the disharmony is mainly embodied as the mismatches betweenecological subjects, and the mismatches between information technology and teachers, students, teaching modes, teaching materials, classroom layout, teaching contents,evaluation of teaching, management of teaching, etc.; the imbalance of trophicstructure is mainly embodied in the problems that College English teachers lackopportunities of professional development and that students lack abilities to self-studyand self-construct knowledge. Functional disorder includes the declining ofstructure-optimizing function, the weakening of relation-coordinating function, theslowing-down of system-evolving and promoting function, and the decreasing oftalent-fostering function, which makes the overall functions of ecosystem ineffective.3) The imbalance of College English classroom ecology is closely related to theapplication of information technology. With the information technology changingfrom an external environment factor to an internal and even a leading factor, theoriginally balanced classroom ecology is dragged quickly to the nonlinear area andthe system enters a serious non-equilibrium state in which information technologyfails to lead other internal factors to synchronize along with it. Therefore, no resultantforce forms and no chain reactions occur in the ecosystem, which makes it impossiblefor the disturbed ecosystem to complete its periodic evolution into a dynamicallybalanced structure—dissipative structure, which is thought to be more productive. Inthe off-balance ecosystem, the internal interrelationship becomes disharmonious andcontradictions inside the classroom ecology appear. All these problems gather together,leading to the holism effect which attracts the attention of education authorities at alllevels. In the circle of foreign language teaching, many people begin to reflect on theCollege English teaching objectives, teaching contents, the role of informationtechnology, the effect of self-access online learning, and so on. Thus, the teachingreform enters a plateau phase when many English teachers are puzzling over thereform, the push-forward from the government has been reduced and the pace ofreform has been slowed down. The classroom ecology has been brought back to thelinear area, but it still stays in the non-equilibrium state. How to reconstruct thebalance of classroom ecology and increase the efficiency of classroom teaching? Thishas become an urgent problem left for many foreign language educators to solve. 4) In view of the great advantage of applying information technology to foreignlanguage teaching and the irreversibility of its usage, the reconstruction of CollegeEnglish classroom ecology must be conducted in the context of informationalizationand adhere to the basic strategy of integrating information technology into foreignlanguage teaching scientifically, which is the prerequisite condition for thereconstruction. The present study suggests that in order to reconstruct College Englishclassroom ecology, we must stick to the four principles of being ecological, systemic,human-oriented and effective, optimize classroom ecological structure and functionsand promote ecological restoration of classroom ecology by means of makinginformation technology play a leading role as the dominant factor, controlling thelimiting factors in the classroom ecology, adjusting the ecological niches of classroomecological factors, leading the system components to synchronize with each other,avoiding the flowerpots effect in the construction of classroom environment,reshaping the ecological classroom communication and interaction, restoring theecological functions of informatized classroom, maintaining the flowing-water effectof classroom ecology, etc. In practice, foreign language educators should particularlyattach importance to innovating College English teaching notions, establishing aclassified and hierarchical educational system and curriculum system, constructingmulti-dimensional and interaction-friendly environment, improving teachers’ andstudents’ information literacy, providing three-dimensional teaching resources,adopting flexible teaching methods in different situations, adjusting the roles ofteachers and students, developing equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship,building a pluralistic and multi-directional evaluation system, and finally creating theharmonious, efficient and teacher-student symbiotic classroom ecology.The present study not only extends the development space of classroom research,broadens the research approaches to problems in classroom teaching, but also hasgreat theoretical and practical significance for it promotes the development ofeducational ecology in terms of the application of interdisciplinary theories. The studyis to some extent innovative in such respects as the research perspective, researchobject, theoretical foundation, and the solution to the existing problems. As is known to all, it is impossible for us to be clear about everything to be studied until we havefinished the research. In such respects as research methods, theory application andresearch content, the study still has some limitations that should be noted in futurestudies.

【关键词】 大学英语课堂生态系统失衡重构
【Key words】 College Englishclassroom ecologysystemimbalancereconstruction
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】3706

