

On Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

【作者】 刘宝才

【导师】 张健;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着入世的成功及奥运会、世博会的成功举办,中国的国际地位日益提高,中外合作交流领域日渐扩大。越来越多的中国企业和商品进入了国际市场,外国企业和产品也不断涌入中国市场。在此背景下,商业广告的翻译,价值不可估量。然而,中国翻译协会数据显示,中国翻译人才匮乏:一方面翻译行业高级翻译人才紧缺,另一方面许多翻译专业和外语专业毕业生满足不了翻译市场的需求。目前,有关我国广告翻译的研究,大部分只涉及广告翻译的策略、技巧、方法以及翻译时所出现的问题,而理论角度的研究较少,且分散而不成系统。有鉴于此,本论文尝试从顺应理论的语用学视角对广告翻译过程进行研究,构建出一个实用型的广告翻译框架,为培养市场广告翻译人才提供指导和借鉴。比利时国际语用学学会秘书长维什尔伦在语用学新解中认为,顺应理论从认知、社会、文化的综观下解释语言的使用,认为语言使用的过程是在不同意识下为适应交际语境而不断做出选择的过程。在英语广告翻译中,顺应理论强调源广告和目的语广告的语境的动态性和译者的能动性和相随的制约性。论文首先从顺应视角分析了中英广告的语言特点。广告语言是一种市场和文化为导向的交流工具,由于其赋予了广告的目的,它的词、句、音、语篇、修辞等都必须顺应消费者的心理世界,顺应信息的传递特点,顺应不同地域的文化。在分析中英广告的语言顺应特点后,译者翻译时必须在目的语语言结构上顺应消费者,根据不同的语境作出最后唯一的选择。其次,从顺应视角阐述了广告翻译的过程。这一过程就是译者在社会文化、广告目的、译者自身和消费者等各种条件制约下不断做出选择、不断去适应的过程:广告原作者产出源广告文本,通过分析广告商的目的,广告的受众,作出语言上的选择。译者通过选择,分析出源广告文本的功能和语境;在解码过程中作出选择,产生原始目的广告文本;进而分析目的语语境和受众,再次在语言层作出选择,最终形成目的语广告文本。受众最后对目的广告文本作出选择。从这一过程可知,广告原作者、译者、广告受众三者均受到各自语境的影响,整个过程是个动态的选择过程。最后,本论文以新加坡世界娱乐中心的广告为例,分析广告翻译过程中译者是如何运用具体翻译策略在语言上做出选择的。此外,本论文还提出了广告翻译者应具备的能力:精通双语(语用知识,社会语言学知识,语篇,语法和词汇知识),翻译知识(翻译职业,翻译理论,翻译市场知识包括客户和受众等),世界具体性知识(双文化知识,广告知识等)和程序性知识(翻译中应用的资料、信息和技术)等。综上所述,本论文拟通过从顺应理论的视角构建广告翻译框架,以期对广告翻译人才的培养在理论与实践上做出有益的尝试。诚然,广告翻译是一个尚待不断研究的领域,作者也呼吁更多人更好地参与到这一研究中来。

【Abstract】 With the entry into the WTO and the successful bid for the World Expo, Chinaenjoys more and more prestige and increasing cooperation with other countries.There has been a dramatic rise in the number of Chinese enterprises and productswhich flow into the international market while at the same time more foreign goodsflood into our domestic market, leading to the invaluable translation of commercialadvertisement in the heated war of competition. However, according to the surveymade by the Translators’ Association of China, China lacks talented translators. Forone thing, lots of qualified translators are needed, for another, graduates whomajored in translation and English can’t meet the need in the translation market.Currently, the research on advertisement translation is mainly about strategies,techniques and skills, and translation problems and phenomenal analysis, buttheoretical research is weak and its research is loose and unsystematic. This presentresearch chooses to explore the process of advertisement translation from theperspective of Adaptation Theory, and tends to build a practical framework ofadvertisement translation, for the purpose of providing instruction and reference forfostering advertisement translators.Jef Verschueren proposes a holistic perspective to Adaptation Theory tointerpret language use in a social, cognitive and cultural way, assuming thatlanguage use is a continuous making of linguistic choices consciously andunconsciously to adapt to communicative aim. In advertisement translation,Adaptation Theory stresses the dynamics of contexts and subjectivity of a translatoras well as the corresponding constraints.First, this paper analyzes the linguistic features of English and Chineseadvertising languages from the perspective of Adaptation Theory. Advertisinglanguage is a market-oriented and culture-oriented communicative tool, and with an advertising goal, it should adapt to consumers’ mental world, to messagetransmission, and to different cultures at every level of vocabulary, sentence, sound,discourse and rhetorical devices. Therefore, the translator has to choose linguisticobjects to adapt to target consumers and then makes the final choice according todifferent contexts after analyzing the linguistic features.Second, in light of Adaptation Theory, in the advertisement translation process,the translator is making continuous choice and adaptation in the constraints of socialculture, advertising purpose, translator self and consumers: Considering the goal ofadvertisers and recipients, the advertisement producer works out the original text bymaking the choice in language. Having analyzed the function and context of theoriginal text, the translator works out the original text by making a choice indecoding process. The text in the target language comes into being after a secondchoice by analyzing the context and recipients of the target language. Then therecipients will make a choice of the ultimate advertising text. From the process, wecan see the original author, translator and recipients are influenced by the respectivecontext. The whole process is a dynamic choice.Finally, this research uses advertising cases from Singapore World ResortSentosa to analyze how the translator makes linguistic choices and what kind oftranslating strategies can be used.Besides, a translator’s competence has been mentioned: They are bilingualproficiency (language application, sociological knowledge, context, grammar andvocabulary), translation knowledge (translation career, translation theory,knowledge of translation market including clients and recipients), specificknowledge of the world (bi-cultural knowledge and advertisement knowledge) andprocess knowledge (the material applied in translation and IT)In sum, this research tends to construct an advertisement translation frameworkfrom the perspective of Adaptation Theory, tentatively contributing to the fosteringof advertisement translators. Admittedly, advertisement translation has attracted growing attention, but the actual translation theory and practice, still as yetunder-explored, is an area which calls for more research.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2902

