

The Growing Civil Society and Civil Morality Education in China

【作者】 张婷

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 上个世纪90年代以来,因市场经济运行逻辑对个人自主性和权利的尊重,在一定程度上催生了我国公民社会的成长。但公民社会的建构和完善,仅有经济层面的支撑是远远不够的,它同时还需要相应的伦理、文化和意识层面的支撑,需要新公民和新公民道德教育的维护。虽然公民道德教育需要政府、社会、家庭、学校的全方位参与,但在这个系统工程中,学校教育尤其是道德教育无疑是其中最为有效的途径,同时培养现代公民也是学校道德教育不可推卸的社会责任。因此,深入系统地分析我国公民社会的特点与发展趋势,考察其给我国的道德教育带来的影响,指出我国公民道德教育改革面临的困惑,探讨我国公民道德教育在公民社会成长过程中应秉持的使命、诉求和实践路径,无疑富有极其重要的现实意义。另一方面,对我国公民社会成长过程中公民道德教育的探讨,不仅有助于更加全面和深入地把握公民道德教育的基本特性,推动道德教育的学科建设,而且也可为我国公民道德教育改革与实践提供必要的理论依据和参考方案。本研究针对中国公民社会发展的特殊背景,首先厘清中国语境中的公民社会、公民道德教育的基本内涵。此后,以公民道德教育、公民社会作为两条平行的研究路径展开论述,一条路径对中西方公民道德教育资源进行纵向梳理,中国虽不乏公文化资源,但最终没有自发生成公民道德教育的思想,公民道德是极具西化色彩、又极具变动性和包容性的概念;一条路径通过中西公民社会的比较、中国公民社会的萌发与发展阶段的比较,分析中国公民社会的成长性特征。以此得出中西方公民社会发展过程中呈现出的公民道德教育与公民社会的关系模式是相同的,具有变与不变的“双重性格”。不变的是公民道德教育之于公民社会的互动本质,变的是公民道德教育之于公民社会的内涵。只有把公民道德教育放到国家与社会变革的历史背景中,放到变与不变的双重性格中,才能对当前公民道德教育存在的不适应公民社会发展的诸多问题进行反思,直面当前我国公民道德教育改革所面临的重大问题和困惑,从理论上指出公民社会成长过程中我国公民道德教育改革的路向、使命和实践方案。具体而言,本研究的基本内容如下:第一章中国语境中的公民社会与公民道德教育。本章主要是厘清概念和提出问题。公民社会是独立于家庭、政府和市场之外,公民相互间以公民精神善待,主要通过结社提升公共利益的领域。公民道德是公民基于个体的独立人格和主体身份,在理性参与公共生活的过程中,形成的追求公共善的生活方式和精神品质。它主观上表现为对自身正当利益的维护,以及对他人与公共利益的认同与追求,客观上表现为对公共准则的遵守和执行。公民道德教育是以具有独立人格和主体身份的公民为对象,借助公共生活实践,以培养公民德性素质为目标的系统教育工程,还将此与容易混淆的道德教育、公民教育、社会公德教育等进行了辨析。第二章西方公民社会与公民道德教育的嬗变与危机。在西方发生在不同历史时段中的公民道德教育思想的一再变革,从最初受到希腊城邦至上主义基因的滋养,后经罗马共和的权利、法制精神的奠基,以及中世纪西欧臣民道德教育的逆反,近代权利本位公民道德教育的大行其道,直至当代共和主义、社群主义、多元文化等对西方主流公民道德教育内在危机的反思,种种迭加与交融使其成为一种具有杂交优势的复合型亦或嫁接型公民道德教育传统。第三章中国公民社会的萌发与公民道德教育的尝试。19世纪末20世纪初,历史给了中国一次国家与社会分离的机会,从思想观念到社团组织,从地方自治到言论自由,都预示着公民社会的萌芽。作为公民道德的首倡者梁启超既批判了重私德的臣民美德观,又提出公德是新国民的首要素质,但是救国的工具化思维隐含着公民道德的中国式危机。公民社会萌发阶段的国人,不仅在思想、学说上译介和传播西方的公民道德观,而且在制度和实践上努力探索以公民道德教育为核心的新的教育体系。不仅在政治国家的框架内提出以公民道德教育为中坚的教育方针,而且在造就共和国公民的基础上解析公民道德的内涵,以课程为主要载体探索公民道德教育的实践体系,但是后来的公民道德走向了极端国家化,体现在:公民道德教育认识的惟政治化、目标的神圣化和教育实践的运动化。第四章中国公民社会的成长与公民道德教育的启迪。本章重点着眼于中国公民社会的成长特征,以及公民道德教育在其后续健全发展的道德涵养和支撑功能。成长特征有二:一是中国性,一是发展性。无论是西方近代市民社会的形成,还是中国公民社会产生的源动力皆来自于商品经济的繁荣,但在基本属性、国家与社会关系、治理功能上的差别,体现了中国公民社会的国别性特征。发展性主要表现为中国公民社会在清末民初的最初试步与当前发展状态的比较,两个阶段的共通性体现在:对公民社会倡导的现代性价值精神的认同;思想道德状况的芜杂局面客观上为思想启蒙创造了契机;政府成为公民社会的主要推动力;知识分子为公民和公民社会意识传播提供了人力支持。但是两个阶段又有着本质的不同:市场经济和小农经济的不同;国民和公民的不同;救亡图存和公共福祉的诉求不同;城市初步发展与城市规模扩张的社会环境不同。这些不同恰恰体现了中国公民社会的发展性特征。中国公民社会要想在后续发展过程中获得更大的发展空间,必须要有公民道德的涵养和启迪,但是我国过往的公民道德存在被政治道德绑架,远离公共生活,忽视道德回报,主体严重缺位,缺乏健全的机制保障,缺乏对发展性功能的重视,缺乏全球意识等一系列的问题,这些都影响了公民道德的对公民社会发展的内涵支撑作用,也更加体现出对公民道德教育的迫切性需求。第五章中国公民社会的成长与公民道德教育的机遇与隐忧。在分析公民道德教育面临的道德境况的前提下,分析了公民道德教育改革的机遇:拓宽道德教育改革的空间;恢复道德教育主体品格的契机;重估传统公文化道德教育价值的新视角。同时,也指出了公民道德教育改革存在的隐忧:重国民缺公民与公民道德教育主体的缺位;重义务轻权利与公民道德教育取向的模糊;重知识轻理性参与与公民道德教育内容的缺失;重政府轻公意与公民道德教育模式的抉择;重规范轻公共生活参与与公民道德教育方式的匮乏。第六章中国公民道德教育的使命与实践路径。不仅中国公民社会的成长在清末民初没能顺利完成,公民道德启蒙也没能彻底实现。即便现在,我们的相关理论和教育实践依然是不成熟的。现有公民道德教育存在的隐忧,都属于臣民道德、国民道德教育的遗留;至于公民道德教育模式、教育内容和教育方式存在的隐忧则属于私德教育传统的产物。因此,与中国公民社会成长相适合的公民道德教育的使命是公民道德的再启蒙,为此公民道德教育的诉求是:独立人格、公共精神和幸福自由,其中独立人格是公民道德教育的主体性根基,公共精神是公民道德教育的伦理生长点,幸福自由是公民道德教育的最高目标。我国公民道德教育的实践策略可以从三处着手:着眼于现代公民培育调整道德教育的内容;建立日益开放的公民道德教育学科体系,公民道德教育的实践途径着重强调了公民道德社团的作用。

【Abstract】 Since the1990s, the operational logic of market economy to some extent hasdeveloped the growth of our civil society because of its respect to the independenceand human rights. However, to construct and improve the civil society, the support ofeconomy is far from enough, and we still need the support of ethics, culture andconsciousness as well as the protection of new citizen and new civil moral education.The civil moral education needs the participation of government, family, society andschool, among which the school moral education undoubtedly plays the most efficientrole and has the inescapable responsibility. Therefore, it is extremely important tosystematically analyze the characteristics and development tendency of the society,investigate its reflection on the moral education, find difficulties we will face in thereformation, discuss the responsibility and measures the moral education will takeduring the growth of the whole society. Besides, through the discussion we can notonly comprehend the basic characteristics of moral education more thoroughly anddeeply, develop the educational theories and promote the discipline construction, butwe can provide necessary theoretical foundation and referential scheme for thepractical reformation.Firstly, this research will clarify the basic connotation of civil society and civil civilmorality education in Chinese context according to the special development ofChinese society and then denote the indisputable fact of moral deficiency. Next theresearch will focus on expounding by two roads. One road is the civil moralityeducation. It means that through the sorting of Chinese and western resources ofmoral education, we find that we did not lack in the cultural resources, but the civileducation did not generate spontaneously in the end, which was only a western conception full of change and inclusiveness. Another road is the civil society, whichmeans that through the comparison of Chinese and Western civil society and that ofthe starting and growing period in Chinese civil society, we can analyze the growingcharacteristics of Chinese civil society and its differences from other countries.Accordingly, the models of relationship between civil morality and civil society,which was presented from the Chinese and Western civil society, are the same. It is tosay that they both have the double characteristics of change and changelessness. Thechangelessness refers to the interaction of civil morality and civil society, while thechange means the conception of civil morality in the society. We need to relate thecivil moral education to the historic background of national and social transformationas well as the double characteristics. Only by this can we rethink and try to resolve theproblems of the present moral education inappropriate to the development of civilsociety so that we can theoretically offer missions and directions of the civil moraleducation and practical scheme.The first chapter is generally about the analysis of the civil society and civilmorality education in Chinese context. It first clarifies the conception of civil societyand civil morality, on this basis it refers to the moral deficiency and the origin fromdifferent aspects like culture, history, economy and elite class. The second chaptermainly talks about the ideological resources of Western civil morality, which aims toseek culture foundation and development direction for the construction of presentChinese civil morality. The content of the third chapter is that in the late19th centuryand early20th century when Chinese civil society started and civil morality educationbegan to appear, the history gave the nation a chance to separate from the society. Thesprout of civil society could be seen from the ideology, mass organizations, localself-government and freedom of expression. Meanwhile, the Chinese people tried tolearn the Western moral ethics and explore new education system focused on civilmoral education practically and systematically. However, the subsequent civilmorality was nationalized, which deviated from its original intention. The fourthchapter is about the Chinese and the growing characteristics of civil society throughthe comparison between Chinese and Western society as well as that between the starting period and growing period in Chinese society. Based on the clarification ofbasic characteristics in the growing Chinese civil society, the fifth chapter turns to theopportunities and problems we will face in the reformation of Chinese civil moraleducation. The content of the sixth chapter is the mission and practical strategy ofcivil moral education in China. It is another enlightenment of civil morality to makethe moral education fitting to the civil society. The basic points are independentpersonality, public spirit and freedom. What’s more, the practical strategies of civilmoral education can be clarified in three aspects. First is to adjust the content of moraleducation. Second is to build increasingly open subject system. Third is to set up themass organization.


