

Study of Reference Model and Key Technologies of Geological Information Services

【作者】 肖奕

【导师】 王群;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 地质数据信息在能源勘探、矿产开采、大型基础建设和防灾救灾等领域发挥着重要的作用,国土资源部在新发布的《推进地质数据信息服务集群化产业化工作方案》中明确提出了推进地质数据信息服务集群化和产业化,提升服务水平,是国家和广大地质工作者面临的重要任务。本论文基于地质调查局“地质资料信息服务集群化产业化关键技术及体系框架”专项课题,针对地质数据信息服务目前存在的问题,分析了面向服务的信息服务模式、数据集成与融合、服务共享和互操作等相关理论和技术,提出了一种新型的、开放式地质数据信息服务参考模型GeoIOR (Geological Information OpenReference)。论文主要取得了以下成果和创新之处:(1)提出了一种开放式的地质数据信息服务参考模型GeoIOR,从逻辑架构和技术体系方面对该服务参考模型进行了系统描述,为地质数据信息服务的应用系统开发和相关技术研究提供总体框架和顶层设计指导。(2)基于GeoIOR参考模型,就数据采集层的实时集成化空间信息采集方法进行了研究。建立了基于偏态分布的实时集成化空间数据组织模型,针对感知设备的空间分布和能量消耗特点,构造了能量有效索引树EGF(Energy EfficientIndex Tree),设计了传感器非匀态分布下的多区域查询驱动数据聚合方法,验证了EGF索引树及数据采集的可行性。(3)基于GeoIOR参考模型,讨论了空间服务和文本服务方法。针对地质空间数据异构、多源的特性,利用Oracle Spatial组件及中间件技术实现了多源异构空间数据的集成管理,并构建了一个轻量级的全国地质图矢量空间数据的WebGIS系统。(4)针对地质资料的文本服务,结合中文分词技术、互信息技术、C-value和TF-IDF算法,设计了一种地质术语自动抽取算法,基于Lucene建立了地质资料全文检索Web服务原型。(5)基于GeoIOR参考模型,讨论了应用层的服务发现策略。在Web服务模型及发现机制的基础上,设计了一种基于功能说明、空间和时间限制的实时集成化空间信息服务组织模式,通过语义分析和空间索引分析,建立一种服务发现方法,取得较好的测试结果。

【Abstract】 With geological data playing more and more important role in many applicationsincluding energy exploration,mining, large-scale infrasctructure construction, disasterrelief and other related displines.The Ministry of Land and Resources explicitly putforward the promotion of geological data information service clustering andindustrialization with the goal of improving service levelsof data analysis, which is animportant task facing the country and the majority of geologists.In this paper, based on the special topic of the key technology and systemframwork of geological information service clustering and industrialization, weelaboratethe existing problems of geological information service, and thenwe analyzetheories and technologies about information service mode,data integration andfustion,sharing and interoperation. Finally we present a novel open refrence model ofgeological information service—GeoIOR(Geological Information Open Reference).The results presented in this thesis are as follows:(1) In order to provide an overall framework and high-level design guidance forthe technology research and application of the geological information service, thisresearch introduces an open reference model of geological information service(GeoIOR), and describes its logic architecture and technology series.(2) Based on the GeoIOR reference model, the collection method of real-timeintegration of spatial data was studied. Based on the analysis of the spatial distributionand engery consumption of the sensing devices which have integrated real-timespatial information, we propose an EnerGy-eFficency index tree (EGF-tree) for datacollection and aggregation, especially for the situation when sensor nods aredistributed unevenly. We havedeveloped a prototype to verify the applicability of thisEGF-tree and its collection strategy.(3) Based on the GeoIOR reference model, the geospatial service and text servicewere discussed. According to the heterogeneity and multi-source of geological spatialdata, we realized the integration management for these data with Oracle Spatialcomponent and middleware, and implemented a lightweight WebGIS system of vectorspatial data about national geological map.(4) Combined with Chinese word segmentation technology, mutual information,C-Value and TF-IDF algorithm, a method of geological term extraction is designedand implemented. Base on this technique and Lucene, a web service prototype systemof geological full-text retrieval is constructed.(5)Based on the GeoIOR reference model, the method of service discovery wasdiscussed. According to the Web service model and its discovery mechanisem, areal-time service organization model which includes function discription, time andspace constraints is proposed, and a method for service discovery is presented whichis based on the semantic analysis and spatiol-temporal index analysis. Through theexperimnts, we proved the feasibility of the method, and achived the expected results.

  • 【分类号】TP391.3;P628
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】298
  • 攻读期成果

