

Dissemination of the Tang Dynasty Novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 孔敏

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文《唐代小说的明清传播》探讨的主要问题是唐代小说在明清时期的传播与接受的各个方面,包括唐代小说的保存情况,以及唐代小说在明清时期的传播环境、传播渠道、传播者与受众、传播方式、传播效果等。另外,唐代小说在明清时期的重新创作及其对明清文学的影响,也同样被视为传播与接受的一个方面在文中加以论述。唐代小说是中国古代小说发展里程上的一个重要阶段,以唐传奇为突出特色的唐代小说取得了令人瞩目的成就,并对后世文学产生了深远的影响。因此,关于唐代小说传播的研究具有极其重要的意义,对文学与新闻传播学领域的打通也有助于小说研究课题在更深广的层面上开展。本文通过探究唐代小说在明清时期的传播问题,展现了唐代小说的面貌与成就,并清晰地展现出中国古代小说自觉意识形成之后的发展脉络,以及各时期小说之间的承继、影响关系。论文的第一章首先从整体上探讨了唐代小说在明清时期传播的基本问题:传播环境,包括社会政治、经济、思想、文化环境;传播渠道,包括口头传播与书面传播,书面传播又从抄写逐渐发展为印刷,成为唐代小说传播的主要渠道;传播者与受众,主要分析二者对于唐代小说传播与接受的作用;传播噪音,针对小说传播过程中的各种阻碍性因素做出一定探讨,借助传播学理论对文学史进行辅助性研究,这是本篇论文的创新点之一。第二章以唐代小说作品作为研究对象,系统梳理、归纳了唐代小说的著录与保存情况。参照宋元明清史书之艺文志、各家书目文献的著录,以及众多丛书、类书、小说专集的收载、引录,从普遍意义上将唐代小说作品一一列出。这里的难点在于如何准确定义并把握小说这一概念,本文以多数评论者的意见为准,尽量纳入公认符合小说特征的唐代作品。在这一问题上,学者意见不尽一致,故本文所录或有舛漏不当之处。第三章重点分析唐代小说在明清时期的传播方式。主要分为单行、类书、丛书以及小说专集等几种方式,其中又以类书和丛书二种方式对唐代小说的传播意义更为重大。论文选取了影响最为深远的几部类书、丛书进行考索,包括类书《太平广记》、《永乐大典》、《古今图书集成》,丛书《类说》、《说郛》、《绀珠集》、《四库全书》等。通过研究它们收录唐代小说的情况,论述其对于唐代小说明清传播的重要性,及其在中国古代小说发展史、传播史上的重要地位。因而研究者可以发现,在今日的唐代小说研究课题中,类书、丛书是不可或缺的珍贵文献资料。第四章主要从明清文学对唐代小说的再创作问题入手。以唐小说作品为原文本进行重新创作,在原文本基础上形成新的再创作文本,亦可视为唐代小说的一种间接传播方式。再创作文本的产生可以扩大原文本的影响,普及对原文本的认知,从而很好地推动原文本的传播,唐代小说在明清时期的再创作同样如此。明清时期文言小说、白话小说、戏曲等文学样式中的大量作品都是在前代文学基础上的再创作,其中不乏优影响极为广泛的优秀作品,如“三言”等。这些再创作文本以自己独特的艺术成就赋予唐小说原文本新的时代色彩,使之在明清时期得到了新的生机。第五章从艺术角度进行考量,论述了唐代小说在艺术方面对于明清文学的深远影响。从这一方面亦可以窥见唐代小说在明清时期的传播情况之一斑。这一章主要分析了典型人物、典型情节在明清文学作品中的传承;唐代小说轶越前代的艺术形式在明清文学创作中的沿袭与发展;以及唐代小说之人物、故事固定化,成为典故在明清文学作品中被大量使用等几方面问题。通过论述明清文学对于唐代小说在艺术方面的继承关系,从侧面展现唐代小说在明清时期的传播,这也是本篇论文的一个创新点,在此前小说传播的相关论文中还很少有人详细论及。最后的结语指出了唐代小说传播研究的重要意义与价值,同时指出该课题研究中面临的若干问题:古代文学研究者如何更好地打通文学与新闻传播学的界限,运用后者的理论、概念来补充、扩展对前者的认知;古代小说作品浩如烟海,小说概念则莫衷一是,如何在研究过程中更好地对小说做出定义,明确区分小说与非小说的界限;如何在使古代小说研究走出狭窄的区间,能够与更多的理论和方法相结合,等等,都是需要去探讨、去解决的课题。总而言之,唐代小说的明清传播研究,是唐代小说传播领域中的一个重要环节,既涉及到包括唐代小说在内的中国古代小说问题的研究,也涉及包括明清时期小说传播在内的文学传播问题的研讨。本篇论文正是试图在更广阔的空间中重新审视唐代小说的成就与意义,在整个中国古代小说史的发展脉络中重新把握唐代小说的独特地位与深远影响。

【Abstract】 The main issues discussed in this thesis, Dissemination of the Tang Dynasty novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is in aspects of dissemination and acceptance of the Tang Dynasty novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, including preservation situation、dissemination environment、channels、mode、effect as well as its communicators and audience etc. In addition, its re-creation and the effect to the Ming and Qing Dynasties literature, is discoursed in this thesis considering as an aspect of the dissemination and acceptance.The Tang Dynasty Novels is an important stage on mileage in the course of the Chinese ancient novel development history, with Tang Legend as the highlight characteristics made a remarkable achievement and exerted a far-reaching influence on the literature of later ages. Therefore, it has an extremely vital significance to study the dissemination of the novels of Tang Dynasty, may also contribute to novels studying subject in deeper level by getting through in the field of the literature and the journalism and communication. This thesis reveals the features and achievements of the Tang Dynasty novel, and demonstrated clearly Chinese Ancient Novels development after the formation of the development context, as well as the period between the inheritance of the novel, affecting relationship.The first chapter discusses the Tang Dynasty novel dissemination basic questions during the Ming and Qing Dynasties:dissemination environment, including social, political, economic, ideological, cultural environment; communication channels, including verbal and written dissemination, and written dissemination gradually developed from copying to printing, has become the main channel of the Tang Dynasty novel; communicators and audience, the main analysis of both transmission and reception for the Tang Dynasty novel role; dissemination noise, discuss various obstacle during the dissemination process, study assistantly the literature history with dissemination theory.The second chapter analyze and summarize systematically the Tang Dynasty novel bibliographic and preservation conditions through the Tang Dynasty works as studying subject. List the Tang Dynasty novel works from the general sense referencing the Ming and Qing Dynasties historical, each bibliographic bibliography, as well as numerous books, reference books, novels album’s collection contains, verbatim. The difficulty is how to accurately define and grasp the concept of the novel, in this thesis, the majority of commentators are of opinion prevail, as far as possible into line with generally accepted characteristics of the Tang Dynasty novel works. On this issue, scholarly opinion are not consistent, so this thesis has some inappropriate.The third chapter focuses on analysis of the Tang Dynasty novel mode of dissemination during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Mainly divided into single row, encyclopedias, books, and other ways fiction album, which went like books and books are two ways to spread the Tang Dynasty novel is even more significant.This thesis select several most far-reaching books to study, including the classical books Taiping Guangji, Yongle Dadian, Gujintushu Jicheng, series books just as Leishuo、Shuofu、 Ganzhuji、Siku-Quanshu and so on. Discusses the Tang Dynasty novel dissemination importance during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, its history importance position in ancient Chinese novels. Thus the researchers can find that sorts of books, series of books are indispensable precious literature in today’s studies on the Tang Dynasty novel.The fourth chapter focuses on the aspect of the Tang Dynasty novel re-creation during the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Re-creation with the Tang Dynasty novel works as the original text form the new re-creation text based on the original form, can be regarded as a simple connection Tang Dynasty novel dissemination mode. The re-creation text can expand influence, universal awareness, promote the dissemination of the original text, the same way in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Tang Dynasty novel re-creation. It has some classical novels, vernacular fiction, drama and other literary style of a large number of literary works are based on the previous generation of re-creation, many of them excellent effects of the extensive good works, such as "Sanyan" and so on. The re-creation of the text in their own unique artistic achievement given the original text of the Tang Dynasty novel new era colors, so that got a new lease of life in the Ming and Qing dynasties.The fifth Chapter discusses the far-reaching impact of the Tang Dynasty novel to the Ming and Qing Dynasties novels on the art considerations from an artistic point of view. From the one hand, we can also get a glimpse of the Tang Dynasty novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This chapter analyzes the typical characters, typical plot of the Ming and Qing literary heritage; The Tang Dynasty novel creation and development during the Ming and Qing Dynasties literary beyond the former art forms; and some questions on use of typical characters and plot of the Tang Dynasty novel in the Ming and Qing dynasties works. Show the dissemination of the Tang Dynasty novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties through discussing the Ming and Qing Dynasties literary novels for inheritance in the arts, from the side to show the Tang Dynasty novel in the Ming and Qing Dynasties spread, which is an innovative point, but rarely mentioned in previous relevant thesis.The final conclusion point out the importance and the value of the Tang Dynasty novel dissemination studies, while some questions during the studies on this issue:How to get through the boundaries of Journalism and Communication, the use of the latter theory and concept to supplement, to expand awareness of the former; vast ancient novels, multitude of ancient works of fiction, the novel concept is no consensus, and how the studying process to better define the novel to make a clear distinction between the boundaries of fiction and non-fiction for ancient literary scholars; How to get out of the study of ancient novels narrowly, to combine with more theory and methods, etc, it is a important subject to explore and solve.All in all, the dissemination studying of the Tang Dynasty novel during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a link in the dissemination field of the Tang Dynasty, both with the studying on the Chinese ancient novel issues including the Tang Dynasty novel,and the studying on the dissemination problem including dissemination of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novels. This thesis is an attempt in a broader space to re-examine the achievements and significance of the Tang Dynasty novel in the whole history of the development of ancient Chinese novels re-grasp the context of the unique status of the Tang Dynasty novel and far-reaching implications.

【关键词】 小说明清传播
【Key words】 Tang DynastyNovelMing and Qing Dynastiesdissemination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

