

The Study of the Development of Chinese Communists’Thought on Marxism Theoretical Education Since the Reform and Opening

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义理论教育历来是我们党和国家经济工作及其他一切工作的“生命线”。改革开放三十多年来,以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛和习近平为主要代表的中国共产党人始终把马克思主义理论教育摆在重中之重的位置,在积极汲取经典作家的马克思主义理论教育思想精华的基础上,紧密结合我国改革开放和现代化建设的时代主题,不断根据实际形势的发展变化发展创新马克思主义理论教育思想,创造性提出一系列既一脉相承又与时俱进的理论认识和理论原理,形成一套相对完整、科学和独具中国特色的马克思主义理论教育思想。深入挖掘和系统梳理改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想,既是准确把握中国化马克思主义理论教育客观规律的关键所在,也是深化马克思主义理论教育的基础理论研究和实践创新体系建构的必要环节。研究改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展,既要把它放在改革开放以来波澜壮阔的历史长河中,又要把它融进当今瞬息万变的时代大潮流中加以考察。唯有如此,才能使该思想体系真正处在纵向演进、横向发展的历史坐标中,才能在回归历史场境的过程中勾画出其清晰的发展脉络、理清其何以能成为一个科学体系的内容支撑,才能在思想建构和理论阐释上既有广度又有深度。所以,本文着重从纵向维度探索改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想发展的逻辑渊源,勾画以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛和习近平为主要代表的中国共产党人关于马克思主义理论教育的论述及其思想发展的清晰脉络;从横向维度就改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想发展的内容与特点、地位与价值进行剖析和探讨,既突出该思想发展的理论深度,也展现出该思想发展的当代价值。按照这一研究思路,本文主要从历史必然性、发展历程、主要成果、突出特色、历史地位及如何在新的实践中继续坚持和发展六个方面对改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展进行全面分析和系统论述。任何理论和思想的产生和发展都不是无本之木、无源之水,既有其诞生、发展的内部因素,也离不开其赖以支撑的外部条件。改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展也不例外。它是在多重因素影响下形成、发展和完善的。在纵向的历史发展角度,时代变化引领了党的马克思主义理论教育思想与时俱进的实践品质;在社会生态趋势变化的角度,机遇与挑战并存的国内外形势的新变化是党的马克思主义理论教育思想不断发展创新的强劲动力;在理论渊源承继的角度,经典作家马克思主义理论教育思想的前瞻性和指导性是党的马克思主义理论教育思想不断发展创新的理论源泉和思想保障;在主体性价值发挥的角度,中国共产党人的主体素质集中展现执政党的卓越品质,是党的马克思主义理论教育思想实现与时俱进的关键性因素。改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展作为一个动态的整体过程,根据实践的发展变化及不同时期中国共产党人对思想发展的推动,可以归纳为探索发展、开拓创新、繁荣发展和和深入推进四个阶段。其中,以邓小平为主要代表的中国共产党人在我国思想领域拨乱反正和改革开放起步的历史转折时期,初步探索形成马克思主义理论教育思想的基本轮廓,成功打开马克思主义理论教育思想发展的新局面;以江泽民为主要代表的中国共产党人在建设社会主义市场经济体制的新时期,相继提出“一个中心,三个着眼于”、“两个坚定不移”、“三个统一”、“四以”等新的理论内容,成功开辟马克思主义理论教育思想发展的新境界;以胡锦涛为主要代表的中国共产党人在改革开放和社会发展进入整体推进的关键时期和攻坚阶段,从指导理念、意识形态主题、政治保障等层面全面推进马克思主义理论教育思想的繁荣发展;以习近平为主要代表的中国共产党人在全面建成小康社会的决定性历史阶段,着重从强化理论武装、深化教育内容和加强党内教育等层面深入推进马克思主义理论教育思想的深化发展。改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想发展的主要成果集中体现在中国共产党人基于教育的目的、内容、路径、主体、客体和原则六个层面对马克思主义理论教育基本问题的科学探索和理性回答中。其中,关于马克思主义理论教育的目的,中国共产党人主要从国家、社会和个体三个层面突出强调马克思主义理论教育的“生命线”地位和价值;对于马克思主义理论教育的内容,中国共产党人着重要求以马克思主义的基本原理和科学体系为基础性内容,以马克思主义中国化理论创新成果为重点性内容,以中国近现代史、爱国主义和民族精神为拓展性内容;有关马克思主义理论教育的路径,中国共产党人创造性提出了学习教育、舆论导向、典型示范和学科建设等诸多间接的、内隐的和渗透性的有效路径和方法;针对马克思主义理论教育的客体,中国共产党人突出强调既要以党员干部为重点对象、以青年学生为基本着力点,又要广泛辐射军队、农村、企业和社区等社会各领域;有关马克思主义理论教育的主体,中国共产党人明确要求既要以中国共产党为领导核心、以高素质的马克思主义理论教育队伍为宣传主力军,又要依靠全党和全社会群策群力、齐抓共管;对于马克思主义理论教育的原则,中国共产党人重点提出“学马列要精,要管用”、理论联系实际、正面教育与反面批判相结合、因材施教和因人制宜等重要原则。改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想发展逐步跳出传统思维方式的束缚,呈现出五个方面的鲜明特征:其一,既不再将政治化需求和社会发展的需要强加于人的发展之上,也不完全倾向于个体脱离社会的自然发展,而是在充分考虑人与社会发展交互关系的基础上,追求政治化主导的社会教育与个体发展的人本教育之间协调发展;其二,不再单纯从意识形态角度去认识和界定马克思主义理论教育,而是将教育的意识形态、科学性与思想性相结合,寻求意识形态性教育、科学性教育和思想性教育的相互统一;其三,不再片面强调理论教育的政治宣传功效,而是坚持政治宣传、理论探索和教育教学三者并行不悖;其四,不再通过外在强制力单纯对群众进行生硬的灌输教育,而是提出灌输性教育、渗透性教育和自主性教育三者要相互融合;其五,不再单纯重视以党员干部和青年学生为主体的重点性教育,而是把将企业职工和农民群众等不同群体广泛纳入教育的对象范畴,推动广泛性、先进性和层次性教育的协调发展。改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想是在特定历史条件下形成和发展的,具有巨大的理论价值和实践价值,为马克思主义理论教育思想宝库增添崭新的理论成果,为当代中国创建马克思主义学习型政党和学习型社会、稳固马克思主义在社会主义意识形态领域的指导地位、保证中国特色社会主义建设事业的平稳顺利开展提供坚实的思想保障。但它在理论归纳的角度也存在一定的历史局限性:受各种客观条件的限制和多重因素的影响,它所涉及的基本原理的研究范围和相关论述还未能圆满的契合实践,需要在不断探索中继续研究和论证。从当代价值和历史局限正反两方面科学地认识和评价改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的历史地位,既可以使我们更加清醒地认识到在新的社会实践中继续坚持和发展改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的重要性和必要性,也可以为新形势下深入推进马克思主义理论教育思想的深化发展提供可资借鉴的重要思想资源。实践是永无止境的,马克思主义理论教育思想的发展作为我们党领导全国人民开创各项事业取得成功的理论保障,也是永无止境的。在当前与今后,对于这一特定时代背景下党的马克思主义理论教育发展的思想体系和具体内容,我们应当结合新形势下层出不穷的新情况和新问题,坚持做到既坚持又发展。所谓“坚持”,主要是要以科学地态度深入挖掘、认真研究并积极贯彻落实改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想所蕴含的基本原理和科学精神,力争做到“万变不离其宗”,力求实现改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想在当代的最高价值。所谓“发展”,主要是要积极顺应时代与实践的发展变化以创新精神对改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想进行适当的调整、优化和完善,开拓党的马克思主义理论教育思想发展的新境界,实现马克思主义理论教育思想的与时俱进和内在超越。只有这样,我们才能既一脉相承地传承和弘扬改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的本真精神,避免丧失基本立场,又与时俱进地推动改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展创新,避免思想僵化。

【Abstract】 Marxism theoretical education has always been the "lifeline" of our Party’s economic work and all other work. For over thirty years since reform and opening, with Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping as the core of the central collective leadership of the party, have always put Marxism theoretical education in the most important position. On the basis of inheriting the classical writers’ Marxism theoretical education thought, they closely combined with the social theme of reform and opening up and socialist construction, according to the change of the actual situation with great theory innovation courage to innovate Marxism theoretical education thought, and finally creatively put forward a series of complete and scientific thought, which not only come down in one continuous line, but also keep pace with the times. To deeply and systematically research the thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening, is not only the key to accurately grasp the objective law of Marxism theoretical education, but also the necessary link to deepen the basic theoretical research of Marxism theoretical education.The studying of Chinese Communists’ thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening should be placed in the long history of reform and opening and today’s rapidly changing trends of the times. Only this can guarantee the thought be attached to the historical coordinate system of the longitudinal development and the crosswise relation, can clarify its historical developing process, can explain the reason why the thought is a scientific system and also can discuss deeply and widely in theatrical explanation. Therefore, this article explores the origin of the thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening from the vertical dimension, and analyzes its contents and characteristics, status and value from the horizontal dimension, in order to highlight the thought’s theoretical depth and contemporary values. Overall, this article mainly analyzes and discusses the thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening from the five aspects (also namely five chapters of the content).The emergence and development of any thought is not water without a source or tree without root, but has the internal factors and the external conditions which it depends on. Chinese Communists’ thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening is no exception. In the longitudinal direction of historical development perspective, the development situation of the times and the law of historical development have led Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening to keep pace with the Times; In the perspective of socio-ecological change trends, both opportunities and challenges of the new changes in domestic and international situation since the reform and opening are strong driving forces of the development of the thought on Marxism theoretical education; in the perspective of theory inherit, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao Zedong and other classical writers’ thought on Marxism theoretical education which can be inherited, are the theoretical sources of the thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening.According to the constantly evolving practice and the role of Chinese Communists playing in promoting the development of the thought, Chinese Communists’ thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening as a dynamic process, can be divided into for stages:outline form, in-depth development, overall prosperity and further deepened. Among them, the Party’s second generation of central collective leadership with the core of Deng Xiaoping, in the historical turning period of Chinese ideological field brought order out of chaos and the reform and open policy started, gradually explored the basic profile of the thought, and initially built up a scientific system systematically, so as to open a new situation of ideological development; The Party’s third generation of central collective leadership with the core of Jiang Zemin, in the period of China’s reform comprehensive and in-depth development, successively put forward a series of important thoughts, such as,"one center, three focus on","two firm", "three stresses education","four unity", so as to comprehensively promote the deepening development of the thought; The central collective leadership with the core of Hu Jintao, in the key period of China’s reform development entering a crucial stage, expanded the scientific connotation of the thought from the guiding philosophy, ideology theme, political security and other aspects, so as to promote the thought on Marxism theoretical education to achieve full prosperity.Through tracing the origin of the thought, we can find that the achievements of Chinese Communists’thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening is mainly reflected in the Chinese communists’ answers to the basic questions of tasks, content, methods, subject, object and principle. Among them, for "the tasks of Marxism theoretical education ", they mainly emphasis the "lifeline" position and value of theoretical education from three aspects of country, society and individual; for " the content of Marxism theoretical education ", they put forward to the scientific system and the basic principles of Marxism as basic contents, the innovation theory achievement of Marxism in China as the key content, and the modern history of China, patriotism and national spirit as the development content; for "the methods of Marxism theoretical education ", they gradually explore many effective education paths which are implicit and permeability, such as, study and education, guidance of public opinion, typical demonstration and discipline construction;for " the subject of the Marxism theoretical education ", they point out that the communist party of China is the core leadership, and high quality education teams are the main force. Meanwhile, they also point out that every party member should be a propagandist; for "the object of the Marxism theoretical education ", they repeatedly stress that the communist party of China and the young students are the most direct target of the education. At the same time, they also focus on education on the party members and cadres, youths, farmers and intellectuals.Through integrating and anglicizing many scattered and complicated contents, and grasping its generality and regularity, we can see clearly that Chinese Communists’ thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening presents bright characteristics of five aspects:Firstly, it no longer imposes political needs and the needs of social development on individual development, but in the fully considers the interaction between human development and social development, on the basis of pursuing the coordinated development between the social education of political dominance dominant education and the education of individual--oriented development; secondly, it not only understands and defines Marxism theoretical education purely from the ideology angle, but seeks the mutual unification of ideology education, scientific education and ideological education; Thirdly, it no longer one-sided emphasizes on the political propaganda effect of education, but adheres to the political propaganda, theoretical exploration and teaching run paralleled; Fourthly, it no longer carries out indoctrination education to the masses by external force, but insists on the combination of indoctrination education, permeable education and self-education; Fifthly, it no longer simply focuses on education for Party members and high school students, but promotes the coordinated development of extensive education, advanced education and the level of education.The Chinese Communists’ thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening has both contribution and historical limitations.In terms of contemporary value, the thought greatly enriches theoretical treasure-house of Marxism theoretical education thought and has a profound impact on the Party’ theoretical education practice. It also provides a strong ideological guarantee for firming Marxist guiding status in the field of socialist ideology and for ensuring the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics smoothly carried out; In terms of historical limitations. On the one hand, the construction of the thought is not perfect.On the other hand, between the thought and practice has split and fault.It is necessary to study how to stick to and develop the thought on Marxism theoretical education in new practice. For Chinese Communists’thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening, we should not only seriously carry out its basic principle and scientific spirit, but also should actively change it for proper adjustment, enrich and perfect with the development of the times. For example, we should actively innovate theory resources to expand the connotation of thought; we should absorb cultural resources with dialectical conceptto enrich the content system of thought; We should use modem science and technology resources with scientific philosophy to enhance the thought’s effectiveness and appeal; we should use promote education practice with pragmatic spirit,to spur educational thought to achieve a "soft landing".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

