

Local Government Performance Evaluation System Oriented by National Happiness Index in China

【作者】 李军

【导师】 徐艳玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 基于现代民主理念,政府的一切作为在于追求与实现人民幸福,政府的终极价值标准和价值导向,甚至存在的理由,归到底在于人民满意与幸福。人民幸福与政府绩效存在必然联系,衡量人民幸福的量化指标“幸福指数”与衡量政府绩效的“政府绩效评价体系”关联紧密。建立以国民幸福指数为导向的中国地方绩效评价体系,是新的历史时期学界、政府和社会广泛关注的重大课题,也是行政体制改革和政府管理创新的前沿课题。国民幸福指数是衡量一国人民对自身生存和发展状况的感受和体验的量化指标,是对国民幸福的评价或测量指数。按照罗纳德·英格尔哈特关于幸福指数的分析范式,幸福指数由主观幸福感和公众满意度两个关键维度构成。政府绩效评价指对一定时期内特定政府对象的成绩和效益的测量评析,体现“结果导向”和“公众满意度导向”,旨在改善政府绩效,提升政府公信力与执行力。幸福指数的公众满意度和政府绩效评价的“公众满意度”是重合的。幸福指数导入政府绩效评价之中,主要是体现政府的价值导向,以幸福看待发展,从幸福指数的独特视角研究政府绩效。政府绩效评价是政府行为的指挥棒,有什么样的评价就有什么样的政府行为和公共政策,也会有什么样的社会经济轨迹与型态。经过改革开放和社会主义市场经济快速发展,我国已进入社会经济的转型期,经济与社会矛盾交织一起。对幸福指数与政府绩效评价的研究,旨在从源头上重构评价政府的体系与机制,坚持以人为本,推动科学发展,增进民生福祉,实现中华民族复兴的伟大梦想。由于幸福指数测量涉及复杂的技术工具与价值导向问题,政府绩效评价和管理在我国处于试点阶段(传统的自上而下的体制内考评本质上并非政府绩效评价),对两者的研究是一个全新的领域,面对一系列环境条件约束。反过来看,凸现了研究的重大理论和现实意义。以国民幸福指数为导向的中国地方政府绩效评价体系研究,涉及多学科理论,包括马克思主义哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义、政治学、经济学、管理学、心理学,以及技术科学。论文对国内外幸福指数和政府绩效评价的理论以及二者关系进行了比较和定位,客观分析并提出了马克思主义幸福思想和幸福指数理论,政府绩效评价理论,幸福指数与政府绩效评价关联性理论,尝试回答“为什么要评价、评价什么、谁来评价、如何评价”等一系列理论和现实问题。通过分析梳理主观幸福感、公众满意度及其构成幸福指数的权重分配,尝试构建了“个体幸福指数”和“国民幸福指数”,为幸福指数导入政府绩效评价建立了理论逻辑。指标体系是幸福指数和政府绩效评价的核心问题。国民幸福指数能否科学、有效、合理地导入政府绩效评价体系中,价值导向固然重要,但从可操作的角度,指标体系更为关键。政府绩效评价本质上是公众对政府的满意度评价,满意度是公众幸福的基础,由于满意度调查与测量已有成熟的理论体系与方法体系,在西方更有环境条件保障,因此,将国民幸福指数导入政府绩效评价指标体系之中,具有技术上的可行性及可借鉴的国际经验。通过论证重要意义、必要性和可行性,尝试建立幸福指数导入政府绩效评价的现实逻辑。理论上,幸福指数是对人类个体的幸福感测量,公众为幸福指数的主体。政府绩效评价的主体处于核心地位,具有多样性。政府绩效评价以国民幸福为终极目标,直接或间接服务于幸福指数的主体。在第三方评价中,幸福指数和政府绩效评价的主体完全一致,是一种理想境界。归根结底,人民政府要为人民服务,人民幸福要人民自己说了算。幸福指数导入政府绩效评价存在理论和现实问题。理论问题如存在评价主体多元性和体制内外评价互补性的问题,技术体系科学性与适用性的问题,信息可得性与研究资源有限性的问题;现实问题如为人民服务与为上级服务的矛盾,过程控制与结果导向的矛盾,绩效评价与原有考评的矛盾,职能定位与评价指标的矛盾等等;论文尝试次从理念、体制、技术等方面分析了原因。国民幸福指数与政府绩效评价及其契合性研究在于取得实证性的量化评价结果,为社会提供监测政府绩效水平的参考依据。论文利用本人参与承担国家重大课题的华南理工大学政府绩效评价中心的抽样调查数据库(有效样本广东全省27640人,其余6省区合计13684人),取得2012年全国7个省级区域幸福指数测量结果(平均值为61.94),并以广东省为例,取得2012年政府整体绩效评价与幸福指数量化关联关系,无论是作为综合指标的幸福指数与整体绩效指数,还是作为结构因子的各领域层指数,相关系数绝对值均在0.5以上(大部分高于0.6),均通过10%以下显著性检验。本文后几章介绍了国内外经验做法。实践中,将国民幸福指数导入政府绩效评价之中可视为各地国民幸福总值考评或幸福考评。国际上,不丹王国及北欧的做法值得借鉴。在国内,2010年政府工作报告提出了“我们所做的一切都是要让人民生活得更加幸福、更有尊严”。“幸福”开始成为许多地方的施政目标及考评标准。据不完全统计显示,全国至少18个省(市、区)明确提出了“幸福”概念,100多个城市提出建设“幸福城市”的口号,广东省连续两年公布了“幸福广东”考评结果。湖北省、安徽省分别建立了幸福指数考评的指标体系,江苏省江阴市是全国第一个提出“幸福江阴”口号的县级市,并将“幸福江阴”实践将国民幸福指数纳入政府绩效评价体系,进行了有益的实践探索,积累了实证经验。本文最后论述了提升政府绩效增进人民幸福的整体思路和对策建议。构建统一高效的政府绩效评价体系,促进行政管理体制变革;以整体绩效评价促进政府职能转变,建设服务型政府:建立相对独立的环保绩效评价体系,建设生态文明;以提升地方政府整体绩效为增进人民幸福奠定基础。提出了构建以幸福指数为导向的政府绩效评价体系的具体对策。协调幸福指数和政府绩效评价的关系,确立国民幸福指数的人本价值导向,实现政府绩效评价的主体多元化,完善公众参与方式和环节,构建科学的幸福指数和政府绩效评价指标体系,并逐步加强以幸福指数为导向的政府绩效评价体系制度建设。

【Abstract】 Based on the concept of modern democracy, Government is devoted to pursuit and realizes National Happiness. The ultimate value orientation, even the reason for existence of Government is public satisfaction and National Happiness. It can be concluded that National Happiness and Government Performance inherently tied, and National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation System relevantly inherent. Constructing the Government Performance Evaluation System oriented by National Happiness Index is the important subject at the forefront of Public Administration and Government Management innovation and the new issue to the academy, Government and society in the new historical era in China.National Happiness Index is a measurement of people’s own feelings and experiences for the survival and development, which is the assessment or measurement index about National Happiness. According to Ronald Inglehart, National Happiness Index is composed of Subjective Well-being and Public Satisfaction. Government Performance Evaluation refers to the measurement or assessment of the government’s achievements and benefits in the period of time, reflecting the Outcomes-based and Public Satisfaction Orientation. Government performance evaluation aims at improving government performance, enhancing the government’s credibility and executive power. It is coincident in the Public Satisfaction in National Happiness Index and in Government Performance Evaluation. Importing the National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation can reflect the human centered government value. TREATING DEVELOPMENT AS HAPPINESS proposes a unique perspective of National Happiness Index to research Government Performance Evaluation.Evaluation brings about Government behavior and public policy, and leads to the socio-economic trajectory and patterns. Since the implementation of reform and opening up, socialist market economy has got rapid development, China has entered a period of social and economic transformation, with economic and social conflicts intertwined with. Study on National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation is designed to reconstruct the systems and mechanisms that evaluate Government Performance from the source, so that to promote scientific development, and improve people’s livelihood and well-being and achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese Dreams. Meanwhile, the measurement of National Happiness Index involves complex technical and value issues, Government Performance Evaluation and Government Performance Management in our country is in the pilot phase (traditional top-down evaluation within the system is essentially not Government Performance Evaluation). Study on National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation is a new field, and faces a series of environmental constraints. It highlights the significance of the study conversely.Government Performance Evaluation System oriented by National Happiness Index, involves multi-disciplinary theory, including Marxism Philosophy, Political Economics, Scientific Socialism, Political Science, Economics, Management, Psychology, and Technical Sciences. Especially compare and locate the Happiness and National Well-being Index Theory, Government Performance Evaluation Theory, National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation Relevant Theory, and put forward the Marxism Happiness Thoughts, trying to answer theoretical and realistic issues about why, what, who, how to evaluate Local Government Performance in China.This dissertation attempts to establish the academic logic by constructing Personal Well-being Index and National Happiness Index though the analysis of Subjective Well-being, Public Satisfaction and Weight Allocation in National Happiness Index. Indicator System is the core issue of National Happiness and Government Performance Evaluation. Indicator System is more critical than the Value Orientation to import National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation System scientifically, effectively and rationally in the perspective of maneuverability. Based on Government Performance Evaluation is essentially Public Satisfaction for Government Performance, and Public Satisfaction is the foundation of National Happiness, Satisfaction surveys and measurement are already mature theory and method system, and guaranteed by environmental conditions in the West, therefore, importing National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation System with technical feasibility and international experience.This dissertation also attempts to establish the realistic logic through the demonstration of significance, necessity and feasibility to import National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation System. Theoretically, Happiness Index is a measurement of Personal Well-being, and the public is the subject of National Happiness Index. The subject of Government Performance Evaluation is in the core position with diversity. The ultimate goal of Government Performance Evaluation is National Happiness, and it serves the subject of National Happiness Index directly or indirectly. In third-party evaluation, the subject of Government Performance Evaluation and National Happiness Index is fully associative, and it is an ideal realm.In the final analysis, people’s Government should serve its people, and people’s Happiness is decided by themselves.There are theoretical and realistic problems in importing National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation. The theoretical issues contains subjective diversity and complementarities in internal and external evaluation system of Government Performance, science and applicability of technical system of Government Performance Evaluation, availability of performance information and limits of resources on research and so on. The realistic problems contains the conflicts between Serve the Public and Serve the Supervisor, Process Control and Outcomes-based Orientation, Performance Evaluation and Examination Before, Positional Functions and Indicators System and so on. The dissertation tries to analysis the reason in conception, systemically and technological factors.From an empirical perspective, research on the coincidence between National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation aims to obtain a quantitative evaluation of empirical results, and provides the reference for the public to monitor Government Performance. This dissertation make a good use of the sample survey database of Government Performance Evaluation Center in South China University of Technology (valid sample of Guangdong’s27,640people, and the remaining6provinces total13,684people), obtained7provincial areas of National Happiness Index (average of61.94) in2012, and Guangdong achieved quantitative relationship between the Overall Government Performance Evaluation and National Happiness Index in2012. Either National Happiness Index and Overall Performance Index as a composite indicator, or the Domain Layer Index as a structural factor, the absolute value of the correlation coefficient were0.5or more (mostly more than0.6), and were significantly below10%by the test.This dissertation describes the experiences and practices at home and abroad in the few chapters later, and proposes countermeasures to answer the questions. In practices, the Government Performance Evaluation System oriented by National Happiness Index can be considered as Gross National Happiness or Happiness Evaluation. Internationally, the approaches in the Kingdom of Bhutan and the Nordic are worth learning. Government Work Report In2010presented that the only purpose of what we have done is to make people live happier and happier with more dignity. Happiness becomes the policy objectives and evaluation criteria in many parts of this country. According to incomplete statistics, at least18provinces clearly stated that HAPPINESS concept, and more than100cities propose the slogans of constructing Happy Cities. Guangdong announced Happy Guangdong evaluation results for two consecutive years. Hubei and Anhui have always established their own Indicator System of National Happiness Index. Jiangyin in Jiangsu is the first city that proposed the slogan Happy Jiangyin in China. Jiangyin imported National Happiness Index into Government Performance Evaluation System and several years ago and has got a lot empirical experiences.At last, this dissertation presents the countermeasures to construct Evaluation System of Chinese Local Government Performance Oriented by National Happiness Index. The whole ideas to improve Government Performance and National Happiness are that constructing unified evaluation system of Government Performance, promoting Administrative Reform, promoting transformations of government functions by evaluating Government Performance, constructing Service-Oriented Government, constructing Environmental Performance Evaluation System relatively independent, constructing Ecological Civilization, reconstructing competing platforms among local governments and let them compete in performance, improving Local Government Performance to provide conditions for improving National Happiness. The countermeasures includes coordinating relationship between National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation, establishing Human Centered Orientation for National Happiness Index, implementing diversification of Government Performance Evaluation System, making it perfect for public participation style in process, building scientifically indicators system of National Happiness Index and Government Performance Evaluation, and improving scientific level of Government Performance Evaluation System Oriented by National Happiness Index.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

