

The Study Yi-zhuan in the Legal Philosophy

【作者】 关梅

【导师】 林忠军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《周易》是中国文化的源头活水,包括《经》和《传》两部分。整个中国文化的基本观念和基本精神都能从《周易》古经及《易传》中找到根源,其中就包括法律文化。《易传》是对《周易》古经最古的阐释,同时又是一部在文献、历史、哲学等方面均产生广泛影响的著作,历来为学人所关注。《易传》以解经的方式阐述其法哲学思想,实现了对古经法哲学思想的继承和超越,其易学思维方式是法哲学思想的依据。《易传》通过对古经的阐释,除去卜筮之意,创造性地构建了自成体系的儒家人生观和世界观,并且把两者统一于天人合一的有机整体中。《易传》法哲学思想在形成过程中,与各家法哲学思想产生了融合,因此具有兼容并蓄的特质,对后世产生了深远的影响,它是先人智慧的结晶,也是今天进行法律思想史研究的重要史料。本文选取《易传》法哲学思想为研究对象,分别从《易传》法哲学思想产生的渊源、主要内容、与先秦各家法哲学思想的关系、主要特点以及对后世的影响等方面进行了论述,本文主要分为五个部分:第一章分析《易传》法哲学思想产生的渊源。本文将《易传》法哲学思想产生的渊源定位于两个方面,一是《周易》古经法哲学思想,一是春秋战国时期各家法哲学思想。《易传》是对《周易》古经最古的阐释,《周易》古经的法哲学思想是《易传》法哲学思想的重要渊源,《易传》通过对古经的阐释,继承、发展和丰富了古经的法哲学思想。本文对古经法哲学思想进行了整理和发掘,为《易传》法哲学思想阐述奠定了基础。《易传》诞生于百家争鸣的时代。春秋时期法律革新思想的出现和战国各家法哲学思想都是《易传》法哲学思想产生的重要渊源。本文通过分析《易传》的成书、学术思想的归属,说明“经”到“传”的关系,论证了《易传》不但凝结了儒家的智慧,也吸取了道家、法家、墨家等各家思想的精华。第二章论述《易传》法哲学思想的主要内容。在前人研究的基础上,对《易传》所包含的法哲学思想进行了系统的总结和归纳。《易传》的成书经历了一个长期的过程,它所蕴含的法哲学思想也必定呈现出不断完善、与时俱进的发展过程。“十翼”各篇各具特色,因此《易传》的法哲学思想内容丰富,且文字流畅,表述清晰。笔者将《易传》法哲学思想的主要内容归纳为明慎用刑、宽柔相济,崇德重民、礼法结合,和谐中正、无讼息讼三个篇节,每一节又论述了这些法哲学思想所包含的具体内容。第三章主要论述《易传》法哲学思想与先秦各家法哲学思想的关系。《易传》虽然是儒家的典籍,但《易传》绝没有拘泥于儒家的视野,因为所处时代的优势,《易传》得以兼容了多家思想,吸收各家思想之所长,形成一个兼容并蓄的庞大体系。作为儒家经典,《易传》法哲学思想与先秦儒家法哲学思想是相互交融的,而对道家、法家、墨家等各家思想则是采取了吸纳和扬弃的态度。通过本章的论述,可以较为清晰的了解《易传》与各家思想之间的关系,这不但能够佐证先秦各家法哲学思想是《易传》法哲学思想的重要渊源,而且可以深刻的理解《易传》法哲学思想兼容并包的特质。第四章主要论述了《易传》法哲学思想的特色。本章分为三部分内容,一是论述了《易传》以解经的方式阐述其法哲学思想;二是论述了“天人合一”是《易传》法哲学思想的哲学基础。三是论述了“崇德重民”是《易传》法哲学思想的价值追求。本章是对《易传》法哲学思想的总结,展现出《易传》法哲学思想成熟发展的一面,也展现出它对于统治阶级和社会发展的重要价值。第五章主要论述《易传》法哲学思想对后世的影响。《易传》成书之后,中国社会步入了“大一统”的时代。因此,本文论述了《易传》法哲学思想对封建社会的影响和对现代法治建设的启示两部分内容。本章落脚于选题之意义所在,以古论今,通过论述《易传》法哲学思想几千年来的深远影响,来寻求《易传》法哲学思想对现代法治建设的重要启示和意义,也是对全文内容的总结和归纳。本文的创新之处:(一)在“经”与“传”分离的基础上论述《易传》的法哲学思想,厘清《周易》古经法哲学思想和《易传》法哲学思想,学术界现有的对《周易》法哲学思想的研究,一般都没有区分经传,而是将两者混合在一起进行分析。笔者认为,《周易》古经和《易传》产生的历史背景不同,因为不同的政治、社会、经济背景,两者所反映的法哲学思想必然有较大的差异。本文选题为《易传》法哲学思想研究,就是建立在这个基础之上。(二)在论述《周易》古经法哲学思想和《易传》法哲学思想关系的基础上,分析了《易传》法哲学思想对《周易》古经法哲学思想的继承和超越。指出《易传》法哲学思想之所以能实现对古经的超越,则在于《易传》对各家思想的吸纳和扬弃,展现出《易传》法哲学思想兼容并蓄的思想特质。(三)分析了《周易》古经法哲学思想和《易传》法哲学思想与儒家法哲学思想之间的相互交融,指出了《周易》古经—《易传》、《周易》古经——儒家法哲学思想、儒家法哲学思想——《易传》之间的关系。同时论证了正是因为这样的相互交融,才使得儒家法哲学思想能够在激烈的交锋中长期占据着封建主流法律思想的地位,也使得《易传》法哲学思想借儒家思想的发展而得以传承并对后世产生深远的影响。本文的不足之处:(一)因为《周易》经传所蕴含内容的博大精深,对其法哲学思想未能进行更为全面的整理和发掘,必定出现了许多遗漏之处。特别是对《周易》古经法哲学思想的论述,因为所学有限,对现有史料的掌握和理解尚有不足,因此未能挖掘出更多且有价值的法哲学思想,必定影响到了对《易传》法哲学研究的深度和广度。(二)在文章的写作过程中,存在着对史料理解不够准确、运用不甚恰当的现象。在许多观点的论证上,不够严密,有牵强之嫌,有待于在以后的研究中进一步考量和修正。(三)文章中某些章节的安排还存有不甚妥当之处,个别章节在前后顺序上似乎不够通顺。论述的内容及引用的资料都存在重复现象,还需进一步完善和提高。

【Abstract】 Zhou-yi is the fountainhead of Chinese culture, including the Zhou-yi ancient classic and Yi-zhuan in two parts. The basic spirit of the whole Chinese culture and can benefit from the Zhou-yi ancient classic and Yi-zhuan to find root causes, including legal culture. Yi-zhuan discussed the legle philosophy thought by the method of interpreted zhou-yi ancient classic,herited and transcend the the legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan contained very extensive, there is not only a natural science, but also the Zhou-yi ancient classic.the mode of thinking is the philosophy basices of the legal philosophy. Though the interpretation of ancient divination, Yi-zhuan creatively constructed a system of Confucian outlook on life and world view, and put both in the organic whole.The legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan had a fally inclusive end equitable character.The legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan in the long historical process of continuous development and improvement, it is the wisdom of our ancestors, but also today’s legal history of the important historical data.This paper selected the legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan as the research object, respectively, from the legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan generated origins, the main content, and pre-qin philosophy various law relationship, the main characteristics and the impact on future generations and other aspects of discussion of this paper is divided into five parts:The first chapter analysis the origin of the legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan. This article will make the origin of legal philosophy in Yi-zhuan aimed at two aspects, one is ancient by the method of the Zhou-yi philosophy, the other is the spring and autumn period and the warring states period philosophy in each method. Yi-zhuan is the interpretation of Zhou-yi ancient classic by the most ancient, the Zhou-yi ancient classics is the most important source of legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan. the Yi-zhuan through the interpretation of the ancient classics, inheritance, development and enrich the method of philosophy of ancient classics.In this paper, the method of the ancient classics philosophy and explore, for Yi-zhuan legal philosophy laid the foundation. Yi-zhuan was born in the era of schools of thought contend. Spring and autumn period, the emergence of the legal innovation thought and the warring states period from legal philosophy is Yi-zhuan philosophy produce important origins. In this article, through analyzing the connotations, the academic thought of the ownership, explains the relationship between classic to biography, not only demonstrates the Yi-zhuan is perhaps the epitome of Confucian wisdom, also learned the essence of Taoism, legalism and mohism and other various.The second chapter focuses on the main content of the legal philosophy.of Yi-zhuan. In previous studies, reviewd and summarized the legal philosophy.of Yi-zhuan. Yi-zhuan.is a book has gone through a long process, and the implication of its philosophy of law must also showed continuous improvement, advancing with the development process. Shi-yi each piece unique, so Yi-zhuan Philosophy of Law is rich in content and writing fluency, expression clear. The author of Yi-zhuan Philosophy of Law summarized the main contents of the caution punishment, supplement with mercy,Respect the virtue and attaches great importance to the public, etiquette combination, harmony and fair, no litigation interest litigation three articles section, each section has discussed the Philosophy of Law contains specific content.The third chapter mainly discusses the relationship between the pre-qin philosophy and the legal philosophy in Yi-zhuan. Yi-zhuan although is the Confucian classics, but it never constrained by the Confucian view, because of the advantage of the time, Yi-zhuan is compatible with several ideas, absorption, director of various thoughts, formed a huge system of eclecticism. As a Confucian classic, Yi-zhuan legal philosophy thought and method of the pre-qin Confucian philosophy is mutual blend, in Taoism, legalism and mohism and other various sublation is adopted to absorb and attitude. Through the discussion of this chapter, can be more clear understanding of the connotations and the relationship between the various ideas, this will not only support the pre-qin’s legal philosophy thought is the important source of the legal philosophy of Yi-zhuan, but also deeply understand the legal philosophy in Yi-zhuan compatible and package quality.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the main characteristic of legal philosophy in Yi-zhuan. This chapter is divided into three parts, inclouds:Yi-zhuan discussed the legal ilosophy thought by the method of interpreted zhou-yi ancient classic, the relationship between man and nature is the philosophical basis of Yi-zhuan, the importance of moral and people is the pursuit of value. This chapter is the summary of the legal philosophy thoughts of Yi-zhuan, show the mature of the legal philosophy thoughts of Yi-zhuan,also show its important value for the ruling class and the development of the society.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the connotations law philosophy thought influence on later generations. When the Yi-zhuan in book form, Chinese society entered a unified era. Therefore, this paper discusses the method of Yi-zhuan philosophy for the influence of the feudal society and the enlightenment to the modern rule of law. Arrival of this chapter in the meaning of topic selection, to the ancient theory of today, through discussing the connotations for thousands of years, the profound influence of the law philosophy to seek legal philosophy in Yi-zhuan enlightenment and significance of the modern rule of law, and the contents of the full text summary and induction.The Innovation of This Thesis(一) Based on the separation between Yi-jing and Yi-zhuan, the author of this paper distinguishes the philosophy of law in Yi-jing from that in Yi-zhuan. Most of the present studies on philosophy of law of Zhou-yi root in the combination of Yi-jing and Yi-zhuan, instead of separating the two area. Since the historical background of Yi-jing and Yi-zhuan are different, specifically in the aspects of politics, society and economics, the philosophy of law of Yi-jing and Yi-zhuan are necessarily of apparent difference. The choice of research topic, i.e. the study on the philosophy of law of Yi-zhuan, is made on such consideration.(二) On the basis of elaborating the relationship between the two laws of philosophy, i.e. that of Yi-jing and that of Yi-zhuan, the author analyzes the heritage by Yi-zhuan from Yi-jing and the transcendence by the former over the latter. The author points out that the transcendence by the philosophy of law of Yi-zhuan lies in the absorbing and abandoning all schools of thoughts, which presents the inclusive characteristics of philosophy law in Yi-zhuan.(三) The author analyzes the interactive and blending between the two philosophies of laws, and points out that the triangle relationships among Yi-jing, Yi-zhuan, philosophy of law in Confucianism. Meanwhile, the author also points out because of such blending and interaction, the philosophy of law in Confucianism can take the dominant position in feudalism law system, which in return makes it possible that, with the development of Confucian thought, the philosophy of law of Yi-zhuan develops itself and influence the future generations.The inadequacies of this paper(一) Since Zhou-yi is profound and contains abundant knowledge, the author should have made a more complete exploration, which leaves a lot of blanks. Particularly, for the discussion and elaboration of philosophy of law of Zhou-yi, because of the limitation of the author’s knowledge, the lack of historical data and the insufficient understanding of the literature, the author has not made more valuable conclusions about philosophical thought, which hampers the depth and width of the study on the philosophy of law of Yi-zhuan.(二) During the writing process, the author is not able to avoid the imprecise understanding and inappropriate application of the historical data. For some proposed ideas, the author has not made sufficient argumentation nor provided adequate supporting evidence, which is left for further research in the future.(三) The arrangement of some of the chapters is not appropriate, and especially, some chapters contains certain disorder. The quotation and reference are repeated sometimes, which is supposed to be improved further.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】D90;B221
  • 【下载频次】802

