

The Influence and Presentation of Childhood Experience on Modern Writers’ Writing

【作者】 翟瑞青

【导师】 郑春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文主要探讨童年经验对现代作家创作的影响,目的是从文艺心理学的角度对现代文学进行发生学意义上的研究。全文共分四部分。上编主要从两方面进行第一章重点探讨中国现代作家童年经验艺术世界的意义生成。细致入微地考察中国现代文学为何会成为童年经验的意义生成期,重点从历史背景、原因和心理学依据等三方面进行考察,进一步证实现代文学不同于古代文学的意义之所在。在中国文学的历史长河中,只有现代作家的文学创作非常集中地和他们的童年经验联系密切,作家童年经验世界的意义生成应该说始于现代文学时期。原因是,正是五四时期开始的思想解放,创作主体才得以把童年时期获得的心理体验纳入现代思想意识的参照系中进行观照和审视。西方以“体验”性为主的西方人文主义文论思潮和叙事性文学作品的影响与熏陶也是现代文学的大部分作品成为作家内在经验世界的外在显现的深层次原因。从心理学和文艺心理学角度来看,童年作为生命的起点和全部人生的最初形式,尽管这一过程是相当短暂的,却形成了作家今后接受任何信息的主体图式和先在意向结构,这种主体图式和先在意向结构将成为作家观察世界,感受生活,进而进行文学创作的发生学意义上的起点。第二章重点探讨构成作家童年经验世界的公共资源:地理环境和地域文化,家庭环境和时代氛围。从作家成长的空间结构来考察作家的创作,地理位置、地域文化,家庭环境和时代氛围作为作家生长的主要空间形态,成为探讨作家创作背景、身份谱系、文化身份、发生动力和机制问题的重要方面。作家的成功除了他的天才、勤奋之外,还与特定的时空环境有着密不可分的联系,个性才能、文学表现也与孕育他的特定的家庭氛围、时代要求密切相连。形成作家先在意向结构和主体图式的因素主要包括地理环境、地域文化、家庭环境、时代背景。一个人出生到他成年这一时期,是他人格、品行、文化修养形成的关键时期,也是其深层心理结构成型的重要阶段。社会存在决定人的意识,特定的地理和社会环境、文化氛围、风俗习惯、时代精神、教育方式都会以符号的方式内化到人的头脑中去,对人的心理结构的形成与建构产生关键性影响。一个人在这一时期所形成的人生经验和丰富记忆习惯上被称之为童年经验,这些童年经验又往往会很自然地成为日后作家创作的叙事资源。第三、四章主要探讨童年经验对作家创作的影响及其呈现,有意识地对中国现代文学中出现的多位典型作家的创作与童年经验有关的文学生成现象加以全面而系统的考察,进行深度理论探讨。作家艺术个性的形成,正是依赖于他们所经历的特殊的对象世界而形成的,作家认识对象世界的方式虽然有多种途径,但是最根本的途径还是来源于他们早期的生活经验,为此作家在题材选择、人物形象塑造、审美情感表达、艺术风格形成等方面都呈现出童年经验的影子。由于作家童年经验的不同和差异,因此其叙事视角、叙事方式和语言风格都呈现出明显的区别,所以这是童年经验这一因素在文学创作中成为不可忽略元素的原因。因此这部分主要从作家题材的选择、人物形象的塑造、审美情感的表达、叙述策略的采用、创作风格的形成、文学语言的运用入手,通过选取一些现代著名作家进行全面而深入的考察与研究,以鲁迅、老舍、沈从文、凌叔华、冰心、丁玲、萧红、庐隐、张爱玲、梅娘、赵树理、孙犁等十几位受童年经验影响比较显著的典型作家作为主要研究对象,重点探讨民族衰败、家道中落、父母亡故、母爱缺失等创伤性心理体验作为现代作家一生刻骨铭心的童年记忆,不仅对他们的性格和气质的最终形成起着至关重要的作用,成为构建其独特心理结构的重要组成部分,而且对他们艺术创作过程中审美经验、审美理想、审美心理同样产生了重要影响。重点从六大方面来分析。在题材选择方面,主要是抓住作家的故乡书写、自传体书写和家族书写。现代作家大都在青少年时期甚至从幼年时起就已经离开故土,离开亲人的怀抱,或在外求学,或为生计而奔波,或为战争而流亡在外。虽然远离故乡飘泊异乡,但是又普遍眷恋故土,由于特殊的身份经历、文化视野又决定了他们对故土风俗人情怀有一种特殊的复杂情感,更有一种悲悯情怀和文化批判意识。通过在作品中抒发思乡情怀,呈现他们对故乡家园的精神守望,对童年生活的一种情感慰籍。他们的写作是在故乡的土地上建构了人类的精神家园,写作对他们而言是一种精神还乡,是一次又一次的精神回归之旅。在张扬个性、颠覆权威和审视男权(父权)文化的五四时期,个人与历史的关系非常密切,个人经验、家族叙事本身就承担着历史所赋予它的种种道德的、伦理的批判功能,作为彰显个人生命存在意识的童年经验受到了人们普遍的关注和审视,和童年经验紧密相连的是作家家庭或家族叙事的尽情彰显,成为现代作家审视家庭、时代、历史的重要参照,个人的价值、个人的生命体验成为现代作家叙事的重要维度。在家庭文学书写中,尽管现代作家对其要表现的家族和家庭大都有一种刻骨铭心的感受,但是这种感受可以说在现代作家内心深处是十分微妙和复杂的。一方面,他们无法割舍与家庭的血脉联系,对血缘、亲情怀着深深的依恋之情,另一方面,旧家庭又赋予了他们无法摆脱的情感累赘和精神束缚。在这类叙事中,作家实际上没有把重点放在宏大历史叙事上,把家族的命运或人物的命运同民族或时代结合起来,用家族或人物的命运折射时代或民族的命运,一般情况下仅仅是隐形叙事,或者是一种潜在的结构,尤其是在女作家笔下。但对生活的开掘往往要比一般小说的社会叙事的作品深刻得多,人物形象也往往更具有典型意义,更加立体。尤其是三、四十年代战争背景下出现的家族文学叙事,所呈现出的对家庭的情感依恋和心理回归,使家族文学的叙事呈现出作家情感上的暧昧态度。作为现代作家家庭文学书写重要组成部分的自传体作品的出现,一方面是作家对当时社会背景下家庭或家族的认知与审视,另一方面也是对自我成长的文学书写与表达,对个体生命起源的探寻与审视。其中既包括理性的批判精神,还包括作家对家庭亲情的深深依恋,对童年生活的深情向往。在人物塑造方面现代作家几乎都把童年时期的自己、身边的亲人和熟人纳入到作品构思的范畴,或以他们为模特塑造出成功的文学形象。现代作家通过对审美世界的建构,通过对个人成长经验的追溯确立自我、家人和周围人存在的意义与价值,以“人”的视角在审视社会和现实的同时,也在审视自身和他人在客观世界中的地位、作用、价值,对人物形象进行审视和塑造。在叙事策略方面,现代作家采用了多种视角或者交叉、儿童、女性等视角叙事,并通过童年回忆、回归自然、“纪实”与“虚构”相交叉这种颇具独特意味的叙事策略,具有非同寻常的叙事功能和文体意义。作家童年时期所经历的事情定会在作家稚嫩的内心留下震颤灵魂的记忆,这些难以忘怀的记忆也将形成一定的情绪积累集聚于作家的内心深处,从而形成深层次的内心体验,进而成为作家后天进行文学创作的情感基调。现代作家的审美情感生成一般来说是由两种因素所决定,一是由现代作家在特定时期所处的外部社会环境所决定;一是由现代作家个人早期生活经历所形成的心理反应图式和反映结构所决定。也就是说,由于有了作家最早的心理图式和反映结构,审美情感就有了一种最基本的情感基调。作为一种文化前结构,现代作家的语言深深打上了地域文化的烙印,先在地制约着使用者的思维逻辑和情感取向。现代白话文学语言的形成除了特定地方语言的形式与结构,以及运用语言的技巧的制约,最终还要和作家沉淀萦绕在心里深处的情绪和情感、经验与感受有关。从客观上来讲,地域文化影响了作家的前文化结构,而从主观上来讲,作家的语言品性总是为创作主体的气质和个性所规定,使文学语言成为一种超越公共语言直逼生命本源的尝试。

【Abstract】 The thesis mainly discusses the influence of childhood experience on modern writers’creation, with the purpose to carry out studies on embryology of modern literatures in the angle of literary psychology. The text is divided into the four chapters.The first chapters mainly includes two aspects. The first chapter focuses on the meaning generation of Chinese modern writers’ childhood experience to the art world. Examine why the Chinese modern literature could become the meaning generation period of childhood experience carefully, mainly investigate from three aspects about historical background, causes and psychology basis, further to confirm the significance of the differences between modern literature and ancient literature. In Chinese literature history, only the modern writers’ literature creation was concentrated connection with their childhood experiences closely. Writers’experience world meaning generation began in modern literature arguably. The reason is that the ideological emancipation beginning in the May4th of1919period made the creation subjects brought the psychological experience of childhood into the frame of modern ideology reference to study closely. The western humanism literature thought especially emphasize "experience" and narrative literature’s influence become deep-seated reasons which made writers’ inner experience explicit. In the angle of psychology and literary psychology, childhood as the beginning of life and the initial form of the whole life, although this process is quite short, but the subject schema and first intentional structure the formation of a writer accepted in the future eventually formed. The two will become the the starting point, which a writer observes the world, feel the life and carry on literary creation on embryology.The second chapter mainly focuses on the public resources composed writers’ childhood experience world:the geographical environment, regional culture, family environment and atmosphere of the times. These resources as spatial structure become an important aspect for reviewing writers’ creation of the creation background, the identity ancestry, cultural identity,main space form of family environment and atmosphere of the times as a writer of growth, power spectrum and mechanism problems. A writer’s success not only thanks to his talent and diligence, but also has a close relationship with the particular space-time environment. In addition, personality and literature expression are also closely linked with his particular family atmosphere and the times’ reequipments. Geographical environment, regional culture, family environment and background form the subject schema and first intentional structure the formation of a writer. A man born into his adult life is the key period for forming his personality, morality and culture. It is also an important stage for forming the deep psychological structure. Because social existence determines one’s consciousness, the specific geographical and social environment, culture, customs, the times’spirit, education will be internalized into the human mind as a symbolic way, which make an important influence on the formation of the psychological structure and construction. The life experience and rich memory accumulated during this period used to be called the childhood experience, which often naturally become the writers’ narrative resources.The third and fourth chapter mainly discusses the influence and presentation of childhood experience on the writers. Make a full review the typical writers in Chinese modern literature creation related to childhood experience consciousiy and make academic discuss in-depth. The formation of writer’s is dependent on their experiences of special artistic world. There are many ways for writers understanding the world, but the most fundamental way rooted in their early experience. So the the choice of theme, character images, aesthetic emotion expression and artistic style emerge the shadow of childhood experience. Because the difference about writers’childhood experience, the narrative perspective, narrative mode and language style are obviousiy different, so the childhood experience becomes the element causes in literary creation. This part mainly from the choice of subject, the character image, aesthetic emotion expression, narrative strategy, the formation of creation style and the literary language to discuss, make in-depth investigation and study on the typical writers affected by childhood experience, through selecting some modern famous writer, such as Lu Xun, Lao She, Shen Congwen, Ling Shuhua, Bing Xin, Ding Ling, Xiao Hong, Lu Yin, Eileen Chang, Mei Niang, Zhao Shuli and Sun Li. The traumatic psychological experience such as the declined nationa, the straitened family, died parents and lacking of maternal love become imprints engraved on their hearts. The memories not only play a very important role to their character and temperament, which have an become an important part of constructing the unique psychological structure, but also have an important influence on the aesthetic experience, aesthetic ideal and aesthetic psychology of their creation process.The key to the analysis from six aspects. In the subject choice, mainly grasp the writer’s writing of hometown, autobiographical writing and familial writing. Most of modern writers have left their native land and left their family in their teens, even from the youth. They went abroad to study, or making for a live, or exile for the war. Although they were far away from hometown as wandering strangers, they had universal love of their native land. The special identity, culture determined that they have a special complex feeling for the homeland custom, with a kind of compassion and cultural criticism. By expressing the feelings of homesickness in their works present their watch to the spiritual homeland, which is a kind of emotional comfort to childhood. Their writing constructed the spiritual home of human beings in the homeland. Writing a kind of spiritual home for them and a spiritual journey. In the May4th of1919period with publicity personality, subverting the authority and examining the male (patriarchal) culture, the relationship between the individual and history is very closed. Personal experience and family narration bore the critical function of ethics moral by history giving it. The childhood experience as looking at human beings in individual life consciousness got the highlight attention. Writers’ family narrative is closely linked to the childhood experience, which become an important reference to modern writer examing the age, family and history. Personal value and life experience had become an important dimension of modern writers. Although the family literature writings have an imprint engraved on the family in their hearts, the modern writers’ feeling,as is it were, is more subtle and complex. On the one hand, they can’t give up the attachment with their family relationship in deep feelings of the blood, kinship; on the other hand, the old family also gave them the emotional burden and spiritual shackles which they can’t get rid. In this kind of narrative, the writer actually does’t focuse on the grand historical narrative. They put the fate of the family or the characters with the national or the times together, with the fate of the family or the characters to reflect the fate of the time or the nation.Under normal circumstances, the narrative is only invisible narrative, or is a potential structure, especially in the female writers’ works. The family narrative writing much deeper than general social narrative works in the exploration of life and the characters are more typical, more stereo. Especially the family narrative literature in the Three and Forty years’ war background shown the family emotional attachment and psychological regression make the family literature narratives present the writer emotionally ambiguous attitude. On the one hand,the autobiographical works as an important part of modern writers family literature writing’s appearance is a writer’s cognition and scanning on the family under the contemporary society background; on the other hand is the literary expression of self-improvement and the examining to the origin of individual life. Theses subjects include rational critical spirit and the writers deeply attached to their family, even yearning for their childhood life. In characterization, modern writers almost have put themselves in childhood, their relatives and acquaintances into the conception category, or use them as models to create successful literary images. Modern writers through the construction of aesthetic world establish the meaning and value of self, family and the others’existence by tracing back to personal growth experience. Review society and the reality in "person" perspective at the same time, also look at themselves and others’status, function and value in the objective world. They examine and shape diverse character images. In the narrative strategies, the modern writers use different perspectives or cross, children, women and other narrative perspectives. Through childhood memories, returning to nature, the unique narrative strategy "documentary" and "fiction", the works produce extraordinary narrative function and style significance. The writers’childhood experiences are certain to leave a tremor soul memory in their tender hearts. These unforgettable memories also form a certain emotional accumulation gathered in the writer’s inner mind, thus forming a deep inner experience and become the affective tone for a writer acquired in literary creation. Modern writer’s aesthetic emotion generation in general is decided by two factors, one is the external social environment the writer lived in, the other is the psychological reaction pattern and the reaction structure formed by modern writers early life experience. That is to say, because of the writer’s early psychological schema and reaction structure, the aesthetic emotion has a basic emotional tone. As a kind of front culture structure, modern writers’ language deeply marked regional culture, to restrict the users’logical thinking and emotional orientation. The modern vernacular literary language in addition to the formation and structure of specific local language, the restriction of language skills, as well as related to the emotion, experience, feeling deep in the heart. Objectively speaking, the regional culture influences the front culture structure of the writer, and from the subjective sense, writers’ language traits are always determined by writers’ temperament and personality. The two sides make literary language into a language trial close to the origin of life beyond the public language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

