

A Hermeneutic Study on Principles of Translation Criticism

【作者】 张晓梅

【导师】 傅永军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 外国哲学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 诠释学作为理解和解释的一门学科,与翻译(实践和理论)有着紧密联系。18世纪末19世纪初,作为特殊学科——神学和法学——所需要的诠释方法与实践技艺的特殊诠释学,伴随着诠释对象由特殊文本到一般世俗文本的转变,其诠释战略也由个别片断解释规则的收集转变为建构系统的诠释规则体系,并于19世纪中后期广泛渗透到文学、历史学等精神科学诸领域,成为一种为人文科学提供普遍方法论原则的普遍诠释学。普遍诠释学经由海德格尔的现象学改铸,在伽达默尔那里发展为更宽泛的哲学诠释理论。当代哲学诠释学为整个人文科学提供了一种全新的理论视野,改变了人们以往理解人文科学问题的思维方式。哲学诠释学所建构的理解与解释理论对于翻译的性质、翻译的标准及翻译批评的研究都产生了巨大影响,改变了人们对翻译本质的传统思维定势,拓宽了文本意义的理解维度,为翻译研究提供了的新的视野。近年来,在翻译研究的热潮中,许多学派和学者都在著书立说,打造各自的理论框架,从而使翻译研究进入了空前活跃的阶段。但是,不管学者专家们的理论多么标新立异,从翻译现象上讲都没有离开诠释学范畴,即翻译本质上都是一种文本理解和解释活动。20世纪80年代,随着哲学诠释学进入中国学术界,哲学诠释学(Philosophical Hermeneutics)的主要代表人物伽达默尔的有关完全的前把握、理解的历史性、理解的对话模式、前见理论、视界融合、效果历史等的论述,已被中国翻译研究者广泛论证和引用,“翻译即解释”也已为我国许多翻译界学者所接受。诠释学派的翻译理论认为翻译就是解释,强调翻译过程中译者与文本(包括原作者)的主体间性,强调译文读者在翻译文本意义生成中的参与作用,对传统的“忠实”和“对等”的翻译标准提出大胆的怀疑与挑战,使我们改变了对翻译本质的看法,改变了传统的翻译理论所采取的非好即坏、非对即错的定向思维模式,使我们能够用宽容和开放的心态来看待翻译。近年来,翻译界的理论研究不断推陈出新,对翻译标准从单一向多元达成了基本的共识,翻译批评方法的研究也出现可喜的成果,从传统的挑错式、随感式到现在的多层次多角度的动态理论无不显示着多学科翻译批评研究的重大进展,理论成果也从原来的散论逐渐发展为系统的研究。但是,翻译批评研究存在的理论和实践问题仍然很多。围绕翻译标准、翻译批评的方法、原则等问题的争论从未停止过,许多问题的探讨主要停留在方法的层面,翻译界的专家学者们历尽各种努力,期待一种更深邃的视野对这些问题进行深入而系统的研究。翻译批评是翻译研究的组成部分,翻译事业的健康发展离不开翻译批评。翻译批评的使命是为了保证翻译的价值得以实现,使原作和译作的意义能得到拓展、完善和延续。有鉴于此,翻译批评在理论和实践方面存在的问题必须得到有效解决。在本文看来,有效解决翻译批评中所存在的理论及实践问题,最佳进路就是将哲学诠释学的实践智慧及其诠释原则应用到翻译批评中去,形成诠释学视域下的翻译批评原则,并进而建构哲学诠释学的翻译批判理论。当然,建构哲学诠释学的翻译批判理论是哲学诠释学视域下翻译批判研究所欲达成的最终目标,而本文所做的工作是试图为这个宏伟目标奠下一块坚实的基石。具体来说,本文的研究目标是,将哲学诠释学的实践智慧和诠释理论应用于翻译批判之中,探究翻译批判的原则,以为翻译批评开辟新的理论思考和研究领域。依照哲学诠释学必须按照对“事物本身及其存在方式的描述来分析”的观点,本文首先分析了作为翻译批判对象的翻译文本问题。笔者通过对文本的基本概念、文本意义的本质内涵、理解和解释的本质等问题的细致阐述,逐步揭示出翻译批评与文本理解及解释的内在联系。在此之后,笔者将关注目光投向文本意义的理解问题,通过将伽达默尔关于文本概念、类型以及文本的语言性和开放性等哲学诠释学核心概念及思想应用于翻译批评,从理解的角度考察了文本翻译的生成及其性质,分析了翻译的意义实现途径,强调指出,翻译文本的意义是通过批评者与文本的对话而产生的效果历史意义,具有时间性和境遇性,是被批评者(包括原作、原作者和译者、译作)与批评者之间视域融合的结果,具有意义的不确定性特征,因此,对翻译文本意义的评价就不存在单一的标准,翻译批判的标准必然是多元动态的。面对翻译批判标准的多元动态性,在进行翻译批评时就必须拒斥独断态度。这样,如何保证对翻译文本的价值和意义做出合理的且普遍认可的评价就是翻译批评的主要目标。而实现这一目标的关键步骤就是要确立一种可用于合理批评的评价原则。本文作者依据在哲学诠释学所具有的宽容品格中所发现的基本线索,提出建立哲学诠释学视域下的翻译批评的宽容原则。基于这个原则,翻译的批评的研究,就必须强调对话性,充分考虑到作者、译者、读者和理论批评者的理解和解释的境遇。这一原则不是翻译批评的方法论原则,而是为翻译批评的理论建构指出哲学诠释学的向度。这一向度甚至可以延伸至翻译批评理论本身,也就是说,对待翻译批评理论也要有宽容的态度。翻译批评原则具有积极的价值和意义。宽容原则是理解交流得以理性进行的必要条件,是翻译批评理性发展的前提,坚持翻译批评的宽容原则是促进翻译事业繁荣发展的保证,对宽容原则的探讨必将为哲学诠释学的翻译批评理论赢得更加广阔的研究空间。

【Abstract】 As a specialized study of understanding and meaning, hermeneutics is closely connected with translation theory and practice. During the late18th and the early19th century, special hermeneutics provided interpretation methods and practical skills for theology and law, with its interpretation objects changing from special texts to secular ones, and the interpretation strategies changing from collecting fragments of rules into constructing an interpretation system. In the middle and the end of the19th century, it was widely used in literature, history and so on, becoming general hermeneutics. General hermeneutics aims at providing general methodological principles for human science, and it came from Heidegger’s phenomenology and was further developed into Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Contemporary philosophical hermeneutics has provided a new theoretical field of vision for human science and changed people’s ways of thinking. Philosophical hermeneutics has greatly influenced the studies of the nature of translation, translation criteria and translation criticism, changed people’s traditional mindset of the nature of translation, broadened the dimension of the meaning of the text, and thus offered a new perspective for translation studies. In recent years, translation studies have entered an unprecedentedly active stage because of different theoretical frameworks put forward by many schools and scholars in their writing. However, no matter how creative those schools and scholars are, they can never go beyond hermeneutics. In other words, translation is essentially a kind of text comprehension and interpretation.Philosophical hermeneutics was brought into Chinese academia during the1980s. Its main representative Gadamer and many of his ideas such as the historicity of understanding, prejudice theory, theory of horizons and effective-history have been widely argued and referred to and "translation is interpretation" has been accepted by many scholars of translation studies in our country. In recent years, the subjectivity of translation, the rationality and effectiveness of understanding and interpretation, the limits of interpretation and other issues have aroused heated discussions, which has deepened our understanding of translation and offered new research angles. Within hermeneutics, translation is interpretation, which emphasizes the intersubjectivity between the translator and the text (including the original author), the participation of readers in the generation of meaning of the translated text. It has greatly challenged the traditional translation standard of "faithfulness" and "equivalence", enabling us to change the ideas about the nature of translation and look at translation with tolerance and an open mind. To some extent, the application of philosophical hermeneutics in the field of translation studies has proved fruitful, though its implementation is not at all systematic and deep enough.In recent years, with unceasing innovation of the theory of translation studies, criteria of translation from single to multiple have become a basic consensus, and the study on the method of translation criticism also appeared gratifying achievements, which in the research of translation criticism, the traditional fault-finding or impression type has been shifted to the current multi-level angle dynamic theory. However, there still remains a lot of problems both in the theory and the practice of translation criticism.The debate about the issues of translation standards, methods and principles of translation criticism has never stopped. Many discussions of the issues stay on the method level, experts and scholars are trying to make various efforts, looking forward to a more profound perspective to bring about a thorough and systematic research to these questions.As is known, translation criticism is part of translation studies and it helps the development of the translation cause. The mission of translation criticism is to guarantee to realize the value of translation, to expand and improve the meaning of the original text and the translated text. Because of this, problems in translation criticism must be solved effectively. Here the author holds that, to solve the theoretic and practical problems in translation criticism, we’d better apply the practical wisdom and interpretation principles of philosophical hermeneutics to translation criticism, form certain rules, and then construct the philosophical hermeneutics theory of translation criticism. Specifically, the aim of the present paper is to explore the principles of translation criticism with the application of philosophical hermeneutics, and thus provide a new perspective for the study of translation criticism.Translation criticism is an analytical comment on the translated text and related translation phenomena. It is the understanding and interpretation of the translated text. This paper first analyzes the object of translation criticism, translated texts. The basic concepts of texts, the essence of text meaning and that of understanding and interpretation are explained, and then the inner relationship between translation criticism and text understanding and interpretation is revealed. After that, the author focuses on the understanding of the meaning of texts, and, by citing some core concepts and ideas of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, analyzes the generation and nature of translated texts and approaches to realize the text meaning. The author emphasizes that the meaning of a translated text is the effective-history meaning produced by the dialogue between critics and the text and changes with timing and situation. It is a result of the fusion of horizons between critics and the original text, the original author, the translator and the translated text, and therefore it is not fixed. Consequently, in translation practice, how to realize the meaning of the translated text varies because of the translator, since he is in his own unique history and culture, while the original text and original author are also in their own unique historical and cultural circumstances. This will inevitably result in differences of the fusion of horizons between the translated text and the original one, the translator and the original author, and therefore generate different meanings for the same text. For that matter, there is no single standard to evaluate the meaning of a translated text, and critical standards must be multivariate and dynamic. So, to guarantee a reasonable evaluation of the value and significance of the translated text makes the main target of translation criticism. And the key is to establish a set of evaluation principles. In this sense, certain reasonable and effective principles of translation criticism should be set before we could finally establish a philosophical hermeneutics theory of translation criticism.In this paper, the author has found in the characteristic of charity in philosophical hermeneutics some basic clues to the principle of charity on which to build translation criticism. Besides, the author puts forward that charity should be treated as a principle rather than an attitude.According to this principle of Charity in translation criticism, the author points out that translation criticism is a rational dialogue about meaning, and meaning gets regenerated in the dialogue. The basic task of translation criticism is to discard prejudices through the dialogue and to ensure the scientificity, validity and rationality of translation. However, to have this dialogue we must respect our partners and acknowledge that they may be right. In addition, we should fully consider the situations in which the original author, the translator, the readers and critics understand and interpret. For that matter, we should admit that the essence of translation criticism is to raise questions and provoke thinking rather than answer all questions (as methodological hermeneutics does). It may not necessarily solve a problem, but lead to deep thought of new problems. So, this principle of Charity based on philosophical hermeneutics is not the methodology of translation criticism, but rather a new angle for the theoretical construction of translation criticism. It can also be used in analyzing translation criticism theories.The principles of translation criticism are of great value and significance. The principle of Charity is necessary for rational understanding and communication; it is the premise of the development of translation criticism; it is a guarantee of the booming of translation cause. The discussion of the principle of Charity will surely lead to more researches on translation criticism theories from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

