

The Research on Appellation Words of the Inscription in Wei-Jin and Northern-Southern Dynasties

【作者】 邢慎寶

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以魏晉南北朝石刻语料库(华东师範大学中国文字研究与應用中心製作)中的954方石刻为研究材料,首次對其中的稱谓词进行窮盡性的调查研究,探用統計法、傳统的考释法以及語言—文化分析法的研究方法,力求對其中的稱谓词的概貌选行全面描述和释讀,在此基礎上,探用语言学理論對魏晋南北朝石刻中稱谓词的產生方式以及词義演變機制造行系统研究,總结魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词的特点,并分析其原因。本文共5部份。它们分别是“绪论”,“魏晋南北朝石刻亲属稱谓词分類研究”,“魏晋南北朝石刻社会稱谓词分类研究”,“魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词的產生方式和词義演變機制”,“魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词的特点”。绪論介绍了研究對象、研究现状、研究方法和研究意義。研究對象里主要介绍了石刻材料的信息,以及稻谓词的界定。研究现状主要分陪段讲述稱谓词研究的動態。研究方法主要探用了傳统的考據法、語言—文化分析和统計法、共时和历時相结合的方法、出土文献和傳世文献研究相结合的方法。研究意義主要讲述专类题材的稱谓词研究封汉语词彙史研究具有补充作用。第一章魏晉南北朝石刻亲屬稱谓詞分类研究共分六部份。描述和释讀了亲屬稻谓稱,祖辈亲属稱谓词,與父母有關的亲属稱谓词,与夫妻有關的亲属稱谓词,與兄弟姐妹有关的亲属稱谓词,與子女有关的亲属稱謂词。并勾勒出魏晋南北朝石刻亲属稱谓词的概貌。第二章魏晋南北朝石刻社會稱谓词分类研究,描述和释讀了石刻中社会稱谓统稱,社会关保稱謂词,帝王職官稱司,情感稱谓詞以及佛教稱谓词。第三章運用语言学理論,結合前两章,第一次對魏晋南北朝石刻稱謂词的產生方式和词義演變機制进行了系统分析研究。通過研究发现,魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词的產生方式以词義引申造词主要方式,其词義演變主要有词義引申、实词虚化以及转化。第四章总结魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词的特点。主要有以下特点:男性亲属稱谓词和女性亲属稱谓词的种类和总量不平衡,男性親屬稱谓词總量占优势。4稱直系血亲的男性稱谓词总量占绝對優势。社会关系稱谓词、帝王職官稱谓词在石刻社会稱謂词中占绝對優势。在魏晋南北朝石刻稱谓词複音化的趨势下,同义词、近義词顯著增加。石刻稱谓词产生方式中,地位不同語素的组合為最。石刻稱谓词中的新词的產生方式主要是相似引申。

【Abstract】 The research material of the paper is based on Wei, Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription(made by Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters, East China Normal University).The paper is the first time to make a exhaustive research on the appellation words of the corpus aimed at a comprehensive description and interpretation of them using statistical method, Chinese traditional interpretation method and language analytical method coupled with culture. Then, make a systematic research on the formation mode and meanings evolution mechanism of the appellation words of the corpus while using linguistic theories, summarize the characteristics and analyse the reasons of the appellation words of the corpus.The paper is divided into five parts. It includes introduction, the classification of the relatives appellation Words based on Wei Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription,the classification of the social appellation words based on Wei, Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription,the formation mode and meanings evolution mechanism of the appellation words based on Wei, Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription and the characteristics of the appellation words based on Wei, Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription.The introduction summarizes the object of the research, research situation, research methods and the significance of the research. The object of the research mainly introduces the information of the stone inscription and the definition of the appellation words. The research situation mainly introduces the dynamic research on the appellation words in stages. The research methods include Chinese traditional interpretation method, language analytical method coupled with culture, statistical method,synchronic and diachronic method and the method of using the unearthed documents and the literature handed down from ancient times. The significance of the research is mainly about the complementary role of special kind of appellation words to the study of Chinese vocabulary history. The first chapter called the classification of the relatives appellation words based on Wei,Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription is divided into six parts.They are separately the description and interpretation of the general appellation, relatives appellation words related to forefathers, parents,couples,brothers and sisters and children to make a outline of the relatives appellation words of the stone inscription in Wei,Jin and Northern&Southern Dynasties.Chapter Two called the classification of the social appellation words based on Wei,Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties corpus on stone inscription describes and interprets the general social appellation, appellation words about social relations, appellation words about imperial official positions, appellation words about emotion and Buddhist terms.Chapter Three first makes a systematic research on the formation mode and meanings evolution mechanism of the appellation words of the stone inscription in Wei,Jin,&Northern and Southern Dynasties using the theories of linguistics. The former is typical of the extension of the meaning of a word, and the later mainly includes extended meaning, grammaticalization and transformation of content words.Chapter Four summarizes the characteristics of the appellation words of the stone inscription in Wei, Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties. Firstly, the type and amount of male and female relatives appellation words are unbalanced, and the amount of the male relatives appellation words is dominant. Secondly, appellation words about social relations and imperial official positions are absolutely dominant in social appellation words of the stone inscription. Thirdly, the amount of synonyms and near-synonyms significantly has increased with the trend of polysyllabic appellation words of the stone inscription in Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties.Fourthly,the combination of the morphemes with different status is the main formation mode of the appellation words of the stone inscription.The last one is that new appellation words of the stone inscription are mainly made by similar meaning extension.

  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】363

