

Study on the Security and Management of the Capital City in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 杨月君

【导师】 宁志新;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 隋唐时期是中国封建社会发展的全盛时期,而要维持这种鼎盛的局面,离不开强有力的治安管理。相对于其他地方的管理而言,加强对长安城的治安管理是一项事关全局的重要工作。从维护地方的安定团结到实现天下大治的过程中,它起着承上启下的重要作用。学术界现有对唐代京畿地区社会治安管理的研究大多偏重于从治安制度或法定罪名方面入手,而对社会实际运行的治安管理方面的研究显得簿弱。本文在吸取前人已有研究成果的基础上,以传世典籍为主,重点探讨唐王朝是如何加强对京畿地区治安管理的。本文对京畿地区社会治安管理的研究主要从中央层面和地方层面入手。在研究危害京畿地区社会治安的因素时,有三个方面的因素不容忽视,即盗贼对社会治安的影响、妖言惑众对社会稳定的危害和私有兵器对加强社会管理所产生的负面作用,本文在这里也一一加以分析论述。因此,全文主要从以上五个方面展开论述。唐王朝从中央层面加强对京畿地区社会治安的管理,主要通过金吾卫、巡使和街使来具体实施的。金吾卫是唐前期禁卫军的重要力量,它组织严密,机构完整,是唐代期统治的坚强柱石。因此,维护京城社会治安也是其义不容辞的职责之一。本文除简要介绍金吾卫的沿革发展和社会地位外,主要从稳定社会经济秩序、巡视京城街道、监察百官及京师百姓和抓捕处决罪犯等几个方面进行实例分析,以考证其在维护京畿社会治安中发挥的重要作用;金吾卫在唐后期逐渐由军事职官向阶官虚衔转变,其治安职能也逐渐被左右巡使、左右街使及禁军所替代。唐朝使职差遣现象普遍,在长安以殿中侍御史和监察御史担任左右巡,负责监察京城百官和街坊百姓的行为,以期达到管控治安的目的;街使在唐后期逐渐代替金吾卫负责维护京城治安,并逐渐由军事属官变为地方行政管理职官,其职官为五代所沿用。唐王朝从地方层面加强对京畿地区社会治安的管理,主要通过京兆府(尹)、县级政权来具体实施的。京兆府虽是一级地方行政机构,但处于全国各地方政府首揆的特殊地位,直接肩负着维护京畿地区社会稳定的职责。它主要通过缉捕盗贼、惩治违法人员、行使司法权、整饬风俗等方式加强对社会秩序的管理。唐前期诸君主对京畿违法势力能够不假宽贷,使京兆府得以依其职权行事,不受其干扰、破坏,君臣共创盛世;中后期治理效果不彰,由于权贵宦官干扰等因素,造成京兆尹治民理政困难。县作为国家的基层行政机关,由其主官—县令直接负责对地方的治安管理;县尉位于县级官员之末,是负责县级地方治安的专职官员。它除缉捕盗贼、侦察破案外,还辅佐县令审理案件,后期虽位低权重,但受多种因素影响,行权受限。在危害唐代京城社会治安的多种犯罪类型中,盗贼是中国封建社会最为普遍的犯罪类型,也是对社会正常生活秩序冲击最为严重的犯罪类型。唐王朝一直将其作为重点打击对象,特别是在唐后期,唐统治者为了维护摇摇欲坠的统治秩序,对盗贼的打击施以重典,并且注重利用禁军势力联合打击盗贼行为。由于妖言妖书会混淆视听,甚至使信息失真、异变。因此,它的蔓延容易造成严重的思想混乱,影响社会治安秩序,甚至危及国家安全。唐政府继承了前代王朝的做法,通过加强政府监管,鼓励民众检举揭发,铲除策源地等措施来消除其产生的不良影响,从而达到维护统治秩序的目的。但总体而言,在法律规定上比魏晋时期有所缓和。民间收藏和制造武器是影响社会安定的重要因素之一,唐代把管控武器作为最重大的事情来抓,严禁人民私自持有武器,并以法律的形式加以规定。同时,加强对流失在民间的兵器进行收缴,并派专人管理,对兵器持有者实行监控,这对防范农民起义和强盗作乱起了一定的抑制作用。但后期禁贮武器成效并不明显,神策军掌握武器控制权,而主掌神策军的宦官势力借军权掌握唐室命运,加速了唐王朝的灭亡。唐代对京畿地区的治安管理在总体上呈现了两个特点:一是从纵向角度看,唐前期君臣共治,各级部门职能权限能够充分发挥,人民相对生活比较安定,治安案件发生较少,管理效果明显;在唐代中后期,相继出现安史之乱、宦官专权和藩镇割据的局面,社会动荡较大,统治者为了维护统治秩序,对社会治安管理异常严厉,但收效颇微,各级部门治理权限受到干扰和限制不能充分发挥。二是从横向角度分析,设置了专职管理机构等管控京城治安;实行以专门机构为主,相关管理机构协同配合为辅的管理模式,多措并举,综合治理。

【Abstract】 Sui and Tang Dynasties were the heyday of the Chinese feudal society. To maintain theirprosperous situation, strong social security administration was inseparable. Compared withthat of other regions, strengthening the security management of Changan city was of vitalimportance since it concerned the stability of the whole country. It functioned as a linkbetween the maintenance of local stability and the unity of the whole nation. Studies on socialsecurity management in the capital area in Tang Dynasty mainly focus on the public securitysystem or statutory crimes, but the research is little on the actual operation. Based on thecomprehensive absorption of the available previous studies, using historical documents as thebasis, this thesis focuses on how the government of Tang Dynasty strengthened the securitymanagement of capital area. This research proceeds with the central level and local level.Three factors are considered the most harmful in damaging the social stability, includingrobbers, spells cast on people and the hazards of private weapons. Therefore, the paper mainlydiscusses the above five aspects.From the central level, the Tang government mainly strengthened the securityadministration of its capital city through Jinwu Guard, inspection officials and street patrols.Jinwu Guard was the leading force of palace guards in the early Tang Dynasty. With its closeorganization, institutional integrity, it served as a mainstay of the early Tang government’sreign. Naturally, the maintenance of social order was its undisputable responsibility. Besides abrief introduction of Jinwu Guard’s evolution and social status, the thesis mainly made caseanalysis of its important role in maintaining social and economic stability, patrollingChangan’s streets, monitoring officials and common people, arresting and executing criminals.Later it gradually changed from a military office to a nominal title of official rank, with itsfunction in public security gradually taken over by Left and Right inspection officials, streetpatrols and imperial guards. In Tang Dynasty, appointing special commissioners was verycommon. In Changan, censors and the supervision censors served as Left and RightInspectors, responsible for monitoring the capital officials and neighborhood people’s behavior, in order to achieve the purpose of public security. In the late Tang Dynasty, JinwuGuard was gradually replaced by street patrols to maintain the capital security; it graduallychanged from a military subordinate office to a local administrative one, which was also usedin the Five Dynasties.From the local level, the Tang government buttressed the social order of the capitalmainly through the prefecture of Jingzhao and the county government. The prefecture ofJingzhao was an administrative unit, but had a special status as it was the most important ofthe various local governments throughout the country. It directly shouldered the maintenanceof social stability of the capital through arresting thieves, punishing law-breakers, executingjudicial power and straightening customs. The Emperors of the Early-dynasty could controlthe disposals of illegal forces.the prefecture of Jingzhao could perform its power normallywithout interference and destruction. The monarches and their subjects created flourishing agestogether. In the middle-late Tang dynasty, the treatment effect was not obvious because of thefactors of the obstruction of the influential officials and eunuches.A county was the nation’s primary administrative organ and its officer---the magistratewas directly responsible for the order in the place. The Military Assistant was the lowest ofthe county officials, who was specifically responsible for county’s peace. Besides arrestingthieves and surveillance detection, the Military Assistant also assisted the magistrate inhearing cases. In the latter stage, powerful as it was, the office was affected by many factors,with its exercise limited.Among the various types of crimes endangering the social order of Changan, theft wasthe most common in China’s feudal society, which was also the worst in shattering normalsocial order. Tang Dynasty attacked it as a key target, especially in the later stage, when therulers imposed heavy penalties on thieves and made use of the imperial guard forces in thejoint fight in order to maintain the shaky ruling order.Since heresy confused the public, and even distorted information, its spread was likely tocause serious confusion, affect social order, and even endanger the national security. In orderto maintain the ruling order, the government of Tang inherited the practice of the formerdynasty to eliminate its adverse effect by strengthening government regulation, encouraging people to expose and eradicating the source of such heresies. But generally speaking, the legalprovisions were less severe than in Wei and Jin dynasties.Private collecting and manufacturing weapons was one of the important factors affectingsocial stability, which was also taken seriously by Tang Dynasty. The law strictly prohibitedpeople’s unauthorized possession of weapons. At the same time, weapons lost among civilianswere seized and weapon-holders were monitored, which had certain inhibitory effect on theprevention of peasant uprisings and bandit insurrection. But the result of prohibiting people’spossession of weapons is not obvious in the late-Tang dynasty. The shence-Army control thepower of the weapon. The eunuch-group not only control the shence-army bue also master thefate of the Tang dynasty,which accelerated the destruction of the Tang dynasty.In general, there are two characteristics in Changan’s public security management. Firstly,viewed from a vertical perspective, in the earlier stage, because of the prosperity, people’sstable life and fewer cirme cases, the administration was moderate.the effect was obviouswithout disturbing; while in the latter stage, turbulence such as insurgence of An Lushan andShi Siming, eunuchs’ monopolizing power and separatist regimes caused great social unrest,which made the rulers resort to harsher measures to maintain the ruling order. Secondly,viewed from a horizontal perspective, the government set up special management institutionsto implement the security administration of the capital which cooperated with the relevantinstitutions to achieve the purpose of long period stability.

【关键词】 唐代京畿治安管理
【Key words】 Tang Dynastycapital areapublic securitymanagement

