

Research on the Impact of Urban Morphology on Urban Climate in the Built Up Zone

【作者】 周雪帆

【导师】 陈宏;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着改革开放、经济发展,我国各大、中城市均有明显的城市化发展趋势,截止2011年12月我国城镇人口占总人口比例突破50%,标志着我国城市化率突破50%。城市化带来诸如用地面积紧张、人工热排放量增加的问题,而这些问题将一定程度的影响城市热环境及环境的舒适性。在大力发展城市经济基础建设的同时又不忽视对城市环境的保护是现在我国各大、中型城市建设者共同关注的重要课题。城市用地面积紧张带来诸如城市容积率、城市建筑密度的增长,这一情况在城市中心城区内尤为明显。城市化进程的加剧,城市向着高密度、高容积率模式的发展造成城市内废热积聚,城市通风受到影响,这些都将导致城市平均气温的逐渐升高、城市热岛现象的加剧。以武汉为例,近些年来由于城市发展所带来的年平均气温增长可达2-3℃。城市的过度开发也导致了城市中具有调节作用的大型水体及大面积绿地的消失,取而代之的是林立的建筑,例如,由于水域面积巨大被誉为“百湖之市”的武汉,在1965年至2008年间由于城市发展需要城市中心区内有近130.5平方公里的水体面积消失,这几乎占到了原城市中心区水体总面积的1/4。这些改变都将带来城市气候的变化。因此,基于城市气候环境保护的城市中心区发展研究,已经成为城市规划和其它相关领域迫切需要研究的课题。本课题以长江中下游城市武汉为研究案例,针对武汉市区中心城区用地需求日益增加这一现状,结合武汉市年平均气温逐年升高,城市热岛现象逐年增强这一事实展开讨论。以2020年武汉市总体规划为基础,从容积率、建筑密度、大型水体面积变化等3个与城市用地开发强度及发展模式相关的视角出发,探讨不同的城市开发强度与发展模式下城市中心区气候变化趋势。旨在通过计算机数值模拟技术,获得提高城市中心区用地效率的开发强度控制指标与城市中心区气候变化趋势之间的关系,试图通过归纳总结得到城市热环境及环境热舒适性友好型,满足城市中心城区用地需求发展的城市布局、规划策略,为城市规划提供科学依据与决策支持。为了更有针对性的分析研究,本研究分别讨论了高层化与高密度化等两种城市中心区发展模式下对中心城区局地气候的变化影响。通过对城市中心城区容积率、建筑密度、城市中心区内水体面积的变化,三类共十八组案例的研究,计算并比较分析各组案例条件下中心城区平均及局部气温、相对湿度、风速、长短波辐射量、显热及潜热得失量、城市热岛强度值,从而定量化的得到一套城市热环境及环境热舒适性友好型,满足城市中心城区用地需求发展的城市布局、规划策略。为了实现以上研究目的,本研究使用中尺度气象模拟模型WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model)作为计算机数值模拟工具,以便更加精确的模拟城市冠层内的物理过程,本研究在中尺度气象模拟模型基础上加入城市冠层模型UCM (Urban Canopy Model),力求模拟出建筑物之间、建筑物与地面、建筑物与天空之间的多次长波、短波反射过程。为了验证此模拟工具的精确度,本研究采用实测数据同模拟结果相对比的方法确保此模拟方法的正确性及精确性。论文第一章将主要介绍本研究的研究背景、研究目的及意义;第二章将介绍本研究领域的国内外研究现状;第三章主要介绍研究方法及相关介绍,研究方法的验证,计算所使用的设定条件、研究范围、研究案例的设定;第四、五、六章将分别介绍建筑密度变化、容积率变化及城市中心区内水体面积变化三类案例对城市中心区气候环境的影响;第七章将结合实际情况对武汉市未来几十年由于城市发展带来的城市气候环境变化进行预测模拟分析;第八章将给出全文的总结和讨论。

【Abstract】 Because of thedevelopment of urban, urbanization is quite obviously in cities of China these recent years. The population of cities and towns is almost one half of the total population of China till December2011. This is a milestone of urbanization of China. However urbanization might bring a lot of problems such as lack of construction land, the incensement of anthropogenic heat release and etc. All the problems mentioned above may affect the outdoor thermal comfort. How to keep the balance of construction and protection of the environment is an important issue that should be well considered in mega Chinese cities.The lack of construction land is a common problem which mainly happens in the built up area of mega cities. To increase the building density or volume rate of the built up area might be some of the solutions. Gradually, more and more heat will be stored and accumulated inside the urban because of urbanization, which will cause the widely known Urban Heat Island phenomenon (UHI). As in Wuhan, the annual average air temperature has increased2-3℃in recently years because of the urbanization. To alter the land use from water to land is another solution to the problem of lack of construction land in many cities of China. Wuhan, which is one of the mega cities in China and famous for its large amount of water area is of course has changed a lot of water area to land. From1965to2008, inside the built up area of Wuhan there is almost130.5km2water area has been changed to land, which is almost1/4of the former water area inside the built up area. Land use alteration will affect the urban climate and thermal environment. Therefore, the study of strategy of urban planning and design based on urban climate and thermal environment is quite important and needed.This study is based on the cases set in Wuhan, which is located in the geographic center of China along Yangtze River. We discussed the problem of lack of construction land in Wuhan and also the gradually increase of annual average air temperature of Wuhan. This study is applied the mesoscale meteorology model to do simulation, in order to quantitatively analyze the impact of changes based on standards of Wuhan’s planning in year2020for building density, volume rate, and water area on urban climate and thermal environment. To achieve that we set5cases in different building density,5cases in different volume rate, and2cases of different water area in Wuhan and compare the air temperature at2m height above ground level, relative humidity, wind velocity, long wave radiation, short wave radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and urban heat island intensity of each case.The mesoscale meteorology model which we applied in this study is named WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model. For finer accuracy, we also applied the urban canopy model (UCM) coupled with WRF in this study to simulate the processes of reflection of short wave and long wave radiation among sky, buildings, and roads. For validation, we have collected data from field measurement and will do the comparison between measurement data and simulated data.A brief introduction of the background and motivation of this study is given in Chapter1. Reviews of this study field in and abroad are given in Chapter2. The method of this study with some related details such as boundary conditions, case settings and etc. are given in Chapter3. The studies of impact of changes of building density, volume rate, and water area on urban climate and thermal environment are given in Chapter4,5, and6, respectively.7hypothetical cases set to forecast the changes of climate and thermal environment of Wuhan with the rapid development in next decades are given in Chapter7. The discussion and conclusion are given in Chapter8.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113;TU119
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】918
  • 攻读期成果

