

The Optimization and Coordination Theory of Petri Nets and Its Applications

【作者】 方欢

【导师】 陆阳;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 Petri网作为一种形式建模和系统分析工具,既有直观的图形表示,又可以引入许多数学方法对其性质进行分析,被广泛应用于离散事件系统,如柔性生产制造、交通运输控制、计算机网络等系统中,取得了很好的效果。然而,Petri网在系统性能建模、优化协调等方面的理论还不太成熟,限制了它在事件驱动型调度系统更深、更广层次的应用。本文针对Petri网的优化协调控制理论及其在矿井机车调度系统中的应用进行研究,主要研究工作摘要如下:(1)阐释了基于经典排队论和随机Petri网的性能评价方法的局限性,提出基于层次颜色Petri网仿真的性能评价方法,给出经典排队系统向层次颜色Petri模型转换的步骤和规则。通过CPN Tools的Data Collector工具采集系统仿真时的动态模拟数据,并在此基础上形式化定义一些主要性能指标的数值解计算公式,利用一些经典的排队系统和休假排队系统案例进行案例分析,仿真结果表明了所提出的性能评价方法是有效的和准确的。(2)根据资源分配Petri网系统的RT-回路理论,分析系统运行中死锁与潜在死锁的行为特点,研究在两类相关资源约束下的无死锁调度条件,提出被控系统满足无死锁调度的充分条件和充要条件,并进行形式化的证明。另外,在无死锁调度的基础上,提出系统无死锁标识的最大设置边界集求解算法,并证明了调度策略在最大标识边界设置下的无死锁性。进一步,设计遗传优化算法,给出具体的编码方案和算法步骤。最后,以三种调度策略下的矿井机车调度系统为例,研究其无死锁优化调度方案,并进行算法仿真,实验结果表明基于Petri网的无死锁优化调度方法是实际可行的。(3)通过拓展变迁(组)公平性定义,对混杂Petri网系统中变迁(变迁组)之间公平关系和同步距离的概念进行定义;利用修剪的IB演化图,给出了混杂Petri网中同步距离的计算算法,证明了变迁公平关系判定的充要条件,同时证明了变迁公平关系、同步距离和修剪的IB演化图之间的联系。针对事件驱动型调度系统中不同对象和行为之间协调控制问题,提出基于同步距离的同步协调控制器设计步骤,并进行举例说明。(4)针对已有的部分可观系统中故障诊断算法的不足,考虑满足故障诊断条件且仅有部分库所可见的系统设计问题,提出故障定位表和监控库所集的确定算法FLT&MPD,并证明该算法解的存在性条件和正确性,同时指出该算法是多项式复杂度的。进而,给出系统运行状态判别的诊断算法SOSD,通过算法SOSD可以对系统状态进行诊断,若有故障发生则可以准确定位发生的故障类型。给出一个复杂的柔性生产系统的部分可观系统设计,以及相关的故障诊断条件,结果表明了提出的部分可观系统设计方法拓展了已有研究结论。(5)将研究的Petri网优化控制协调理论应用于矿井机车调度系统,着重分析了系统的层次颜色Petri网性能建模方法,并通过仿真实验说明了该性能评价模型的有效性;根据基于同步距离的同步协调控制方法设计步骤,给出事件驱动型调度系统中同步协调控制器的定义,并以矿井机车调度系统为例,设计了两类同步协调控制器,实现了机车调度系统中机车运输行为与开采行为的协调,以及保证各类机车发车次数公平性的协调控制;针对矿井机车调度系统中两类典型的故障,通过层次颜色Petri网建立形式化的故障检测与诊断模型,利用在线无二义性的故障诊断算法,给出各种故障进行无二义性诊断的判别条件,从而保障了机车调度系统运行的安全性和可靠性。

【Abstract】 Petri Nets, as a formal modeling and analysis tool, not only has visual graphical descriptionability, but also easy to adapt profound mathematical method for properities analysis. It had beenwidely applied in discrete event systems, such as flexible manufacturing systems, transportationcontrol systems, computer networks, etc, and its theory has made a good effect. However, the Petrinets theory in system performance modeling, optimization and coordination still has many immatureaspects, which prevent it from applying to deeper and wider area in the event based dispatchingsystems. In this dissertation, the research works are carried out to resolve some important problemsof optimization and coordination theory based on Petri nets, and their applications in locomotivedispatching system of coal mine. The main works are summarized as follows:(1) As the beginning of studies, the dissertation interprets the limitations of the performanceevaluation studies by classical queue theory and stochastic Petri nets, and presents the performanceevaluation methods based on hierarchical colored Petri nets (HCPN) simulation, furthermore theconverting steps and rules from queue systems to HCPN models are given. By using the DataCollector kit in CPN Tools, the dynamic simulation data is collected, and then the performanceindices calculation formulas are defined. Based on the metioned above, several examples of classicalqueue system and queue system with vacations are analyzed, and the simulation results show that theperformance evaluation methods based on HCPN simulation are effective and correct.(2) According to the RT-circuit theory of the constructed resource allocation Petri net models,the deadlock and impending deadlock states are analyzed, and then the deadlock-free dispatchingconditions are studied under two correlated resources, the sufficient condition with the necessary andthe sufficient condition are presented and proved. Furthermore, based on deadlock-free dispatching,the maximal makings boundary setting algorithm is proposed, and the deadlock-free property ofdispatching under maximal marking boundary setting is proved. Then, a genetic optimizationalgorithm frame is constructed, and the coding method and algorithm procedures are elaborated indetail. Lastly, based on the mentioned above, the locomotive dispatching system of coal mine underthree control strategies is studied and simulated actually, the exprimental results show that thedeadlock-free optimization method based on Petri nets is feasible.(3) By extending the definitions of transitions (transition sets) fair relationships, the concepts offair relationship between transitions (or transition sets) and synchronic distance in hybrid Petri netsare defined, by using pruned IB evlution graph, the synchronic distance determination algorithm isfirst put forward. Then, the sufficient and the necessary conditions for fairness determination areproved, and the relationships among fairness, synchronic distance and the pruned IB evolution graphare certified. As for the coordination control problems occurring in the situations that differentdispatching objects or behaviors synchronize control, the design procedures of synchronizationcoordination controller are given, and some cases are exampled for interpretation for the proposedtheory.(4) As for the immature aspects of fault diagnosis algorithms in partially observed systems, thepartially oberseved system design method is considered, which satisfying fault diagnosis conditionsand has only some places can be observed, then the fault location table and monitoring placesdetermination (FLT&MPD) algorithm is constructed, whose correctness and solution existence areproved formally. In the meanwhile, it is pointed that the complexity of the proposed algorithm ispolynomial. Furthermore, the system operating state diagnosis (SOSD) algorithm is presented. Through the SOSD algorithm, the system’s state can be judged, and the occurred fault can belocated correctly. A partially observed system design is exampled for a complex flexiblemanufacture system, and a series of faults diagnosis conditions are listed, the example shows that theproposed partially observed system design method extends the existed studied results.(5) By applying the optimization and coordination theory of Petri nets studied in dissertation inthe locomotive dispatching system of coal mine, the performance modeling method is emphaticallyanalyzed firstly. Through actually simulation, the experimental results show that the proposedperformance evaluation method is effective. Secondly, according to the synchronization coordinationcontroller design procedures based on synchronic distance, the definitions of synchronizationcoordination controller in event based dispatching system are formulated, and exampled two kinds ofsynchronization coordination controller in locomotive dispatching system of coal mine, whichrealizes the coordination between locomotive transporting behavior and mining behavior, and thecoordination between different locomotive transport frequency to ensure fair property. Lastly, as fortwo typical faults, the fault detection model is constructed using HCPN, and each fault unambiguousdiagnosis condition is calculated by algorithm proposed, which can ensure the safety and reliabilityof locomotive dispatching system of coal mine.


