

The Study of the Effect of Objective Affect Labeling on Positive and Negative Emotions

【作者】 岳鹏飞

【导师】 白学军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 狭义的情绪标注即客观情绪标注指个体用语言描述刺激物的情绪特征。目前客观情绪标注的研究中存在着三个有争议的关键问题:(1)客观情绪标注能否抑制情绪;(2)客观情绪标注对情绪的作用是否是由于言语加工造成,即非情绪标注能否抑制情绪;(3)客观情绪标注对情绪作用的时间进程。研究从主观体验、外周神经活动以及脑机制等方面来探讨上述问题。共包含三项研究,研究一的目的是采用主观报告的方式来探讨客观情绪标注对正负性情绪的作用以及被试对客观情绪标注的主观预期。其包含3个实验。实验1,检验负性情绪条件下,客观情绪标注是增强了情绪还是减弱了情绪,同时考察被试对客观情绪标注的主观预期情况。实验采用2(任务:观看,客观情绪标注)×2(情绪强度:高,低)×2(组别:实验组,预期组)的三因素混合设计。让被试完成任务,并对图片做成情绪评定或预期评定。结果发现,与观看相比,客观情绪标注在实验条件下对情绪刺激评定更低,而在预期条件下更高。实验2A,检验正性情绪条件下,客观情绪标注是增强了情绪还是减弱了情绪,同时考察被试对客观情绪标注的主观预期情况。实验采用2(任务:观看,客观情绪标注)×2(情绪强度:高,低)×2(组别:实验组,预期组)的三因素混合设计。让被试完成任务,并对图片做成情绪评定或预期评定。结果发现,与观看相比,客观情绪标注在实验条件下两者无差异,而在预期条件下被试评定情绪更高。实验2B采用了更高唤醒度的正性情绪图片来检验实验2A中正性情绪下客观情绪标注没有抑制情绪是否是因为情绪刺激唤醒度较低造成。研究2B采用2(情绪强度:高,低)×2(任务:观看,客观情绪标注)的两因素被试内设计,对上述问题进行了进一步检验。结果依然没有发现客观情绪标注对正性情绪的抑制作用。研究二的目的是在研究一的基础上,采用多导生理记录仪进一步探索客观情绪标注和非情绪标注对正负性情绪的作用。其包含4个实验。实验3采用2(加工类型:情绪,性别)×2(任务类型:标注,匹配)的被试内设计,以皮电、皮温和指脉率为指标,来探讨负性面孔条件下客观情绪标注和非情绪标注对外周神经活动的影响。结果发现,客观情绪标注和性别匹配条件相比,客观情绪标注时指脉率更低,而性别标注和性别匹配相比,则没有差异。这说明客观情绪标注抑制了情绪而非情绪标注(性别标注)没有抑制负性情绪。实验4以负性情绪图片为材料,采用单因素被试内实验设计,自变量为任务类型(情绪标注,人工或自然标注,图形匹配),进一步探讨客观情绪标注和非情绪标注对负性情绪的作用。结果发现,和其他条件相比,客观情绪标注下指温更高,说明客观情绪标注抑制了情绪,而非情绪标注没有抑制情绪。实验5以正性情绪面孔为材料,采用了和实验3相同的设计来探讨客观情绪标注和非情绪标注对正性情绪的作用,结果发现各条件在各指标上均无差异。实验6以正性图片为材料,采用和实验4相同的设计来探讨客观情绪标注和非情绪标注对正性情绪的作用,结果发现,各条件在各指标上均无差异。研究三的目的是探讨了客观情绪标注对正负性情绪的作用进程。其包含一个实验,其采用ERPs技术探讨在正负性情绪刺激下,客观情绪标注的时间进程。采用2(标注类型:情绪标注,性别标注)×2(情绪类型:正性,负性)的重复测量被试内设计,记录被试的正确率、反应时和被试执行任务过程中的脑电。结果发现,负性情绪下,客观情绪标注和性别标注在早期LPP波幅之间没有差异;正性情绪下,客观情绪标注比性别标注时LPP波幅值更大。无论是正性情绪还是负性情绪下,客观情绪标注在晚期LPP波幅值均小于性别标注。说明客观情绪标注对情绪的抑制主要发生在标注之后。综合三项研究的结果,可以得出以下结论:(1)客观情绪标注能够抑制被试对负性情绪的主观体验,同时被试不认为客观情绪标注可以抑制负性情绪,甚至认为会增强负性情绪。客观情绪标注未能减低被试对正性情绪的主观体验,并认为其会增强正性情绪。(2)客观情绪标注能够降低被试对负性情绪的生理反应强度,而非情绪标注则不能。客观情绪标注和非情绪标注一样不能降低被试对正性情绪的生理反应强度。(3)客观情绪标注对情绪的抑制主要发生在命名之后而不是判断阶段。(4)对正性情绪的客观情绪标注存在先增强后减弱的过程。

【Abstract】 Affect labeling refers to the simple act of using words to characterize feelings or the emotional aspects of stimuli and events.This dissertation consists of three studies, a total of eight experiments. The purpose of the first study was to explore the role of affect labeling on positive and negative emotions form the the aspect of subjective responses of subjects and the anticipation of subjects about effect of affect labeling on emotions. The result showed that the negative emotion of subjects were lower in the watching condition but they expected the emotion of themselves would be higher in the affect labeling condition.The purpose of the second study was to explore the role of affect labeling and non-emotion labeling on positive and negative emotions form the aspect of autonomic nervous responses of subjects. This study consists of four experiments. To test the effect of objective affect-labeling and non-emotion labeling on emotions, negative faces pictures were used in the4experiment. The result showed that in the first experiment, the finger pulse rates were lower in the affect labeling condition than in the affect-matching condition, but there were no differences in finger pulse rate between the gender-labeling and the picture-matching condition. In the5experiment28female university students participated. The pictures of negative scenes were used as materials. The result showed the finger temperatures were lower in the affect-matching condition than in the affect-labeling condition, and they were also lower in the artificial vs. natural labeling condition than in the affect-labeling condition. In the experiment of6and7, we tested the effect on positive emotions used the similar design with experiment of4and5, the results showed there were no differences between all the conditons.The third study only one experiment. In this experiment we using the ERPs technology to explore the effect of objective affect label on the positive and negative emotions. A2(label type:affect labeling, gender labeling)×2(type of emotions: positive, negative), repeated measurements were performed. The resuls showed that the waves of early LPP were higher in the affect labeling codition in the positive emotion condition but no differences in the negative condition; but the waves of late LPP in the affect labeling condition were lower whether in the positive condition or the negative condition after they compelted the tasks.Based on the results of three studies, the following conclusions can be drawn:(1) Objective affect labeling help the subjects reduce the feeling of negative emotions, but they did not think so.(2) Objective affect labeling but not the non-emotion labeling help the subjects reduce the physiological reaction intensity of negative emotions. But whether the objective affect labeling or the non-emotion labeling can not help the subjects reduce the physiological reaction intensity of positive emotions.(3) The inhibition of the objective affect labeling on emotions occurs arising after the subjects labeled the emotional stimulus.(4) In the processing of affect labeling the positive emotion was enhanced and then was weakened.

  • 【分类号】B842.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】279

