

【作者】 李磊

【导师】 魏继昆;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 众所周知,在中国近现代历史上,特别是在新中国成立后,中国共产党人始终站在时代前列,准确把脉世界科学技术发展趋势,把马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际特别是与科学技术实际相结合,在不同历史时期形成了具有各自时代特色的、丰富的中国化马克思主义科学技术思想,成为指导中国科学技术发展实践的思想武器,直接推动中国科学技术事业不断前进,成为中国共产党治国理政的宝贵思想财富。在中国化马克思主义科学技术思想形成和发展过程中,周恩来与邓小平都做出了卓越贡献。周恩来与邓小平,前者是新中国科学技术事业的奠基人,后者是改革开放以来中国科学技术事业的领航者,他们都与科学技术结下了毕生的不解情缘。周恩来是中共第一代中央领导集体的主要成员,是新中国科技事业的战略决策参与者,又是国家整体科技工作的具体领导者、指挥者和组织者,在长期领导科技工作实践中形成了内涵丰富的周恩来科学技术思想。邓小平是中共第一代中央领导集体的重要成员,在“文革”后期重返领导岗位后,他自告奋勇主管科技和教育,提出许多关于科学技术的重要思想,在他成为中共第二代中央领导集体的核心后,一如既往地关注科学技术,在新时期提出一系列关于科学技术及其发展的新观点、新主张和新论断,形成了丰富、系统的邓小平科学技术思想。周恩来与邓小平的科学技术思想是中国化马克思主义科学技术思想总库中的两块瑰宝,是在不同时期引领中国科技事业发展的行动指南,深远影响了中国科学技术事业的历史进程。本文通过对周恩来与邓小平的科学技术思想进行系统地比较研究,从中汲取营养和智慧,为当下科学技术发展实践提供精神动力和智力支持。全文共分五章:第一章关于周恩来与邓小平科学技术思想的形成。主要从时代背景、思想基础和演进历程三个方面展开阐述,目的在于再现两位伟人科技思想产生和发展的思想渊源和形成轨迹,从总体上概览周恩来与邓小平科学技术思想的全貌。第二章关于周恩来与邓小平的科学技术观的比较研究。主要探讨周恩来与邓小平对于科学技术的基本认识和基本态度,意在指明周恩来和邓小平对何谓科学技术、科学技术有何功能、科技人才有何地位等问题的回答。本章具体从科学技术本质观、科学技术功能观、科学技术地位观和科学技术人才‘观等四个方面予以探讨和分析。第三章关于周恩来与邓小平发展科学技术的思想的比较研究。主要探讨周恩来与邓小平关于发展科学技术的战略擘画和理论指导,意在指明周恩来与邓小平对如何发展科学技术问题的回答。本章具体对周恩来与邓小平科技领导思想、科技体制思想、科技伦理思想和科技政策思想等四方面进行富有逻辑性地梳理和论析。第四章关于周恩来与邓小平科学技术思想整体上的、更深层次的比较分析。阐释两者在思想属性、理论特征上的一致性以及两者在内容侧重、历史贡献和表述风格上的差异性。第五章关于周恩来与邓小平科学技术思想之于当下科技发展实践的有益启示。提出推动科技事业发展必须坚持持以科技发展指导理论创新为先导、以加强和改善党对科技工作的领导为关键、以深化科技体制改革为着力点、以加强社会主义科技伦理道德建设为保证。结束语部分指出要为科学技术发展创设稳定的政治环境、提供切实的政治保障,并要在当前坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,全国上下团结一致,共同努力实现中华民族的科技强国梦。

【Abstract】 It is known to all that in Chinese modern history, especially after the founding of New China, the Communists Party of China consciously adapted the basic tenets of Marxism to Chinese specific conditions in the field of science and technology, formed extremely abundant Marxist Thought of Science and Technology with Chinese characteristics and times features in different historical periods, which becomes a powerful theoretical weapon to guide the practice of Chinese science and technology and to push ahead with the cause of Chinese science and technology. It is an invaluable ideological asset in the course of Chinese nation’s rejuvenation.Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping made an extraordinary contribution to the formation, development and enrichment of Marxist Thought of Science and Technology with Chinese characteristics. For the cause of PRC’s science and technology, the former is the great founder, while the latter is the leader since the reform and opening up, both of the two great men forged a lifelong profound feeling to science and technology. Zhou Enlai is the main member of the Party’s first generation of central collective leadership, the decision-making participant in the undertaking of science and technology, the leader, director and organizer of the overall work of science and technology in the national level. In his long-term leadership practice, Zhou Enlai’s Thought of Science and Technology formed. Deng Xiaoping is an important member of the first generation of central collective leadership. He returned to the leadership position in the later stage of the "Cultural Revolution", volunteered to be in charge of the work of science, technology and education, and raised many ideological theories about science and technology. After he became the core of the second generation of central collective leadership, he concerned about science and technology as always, and put forward a series of new perspectives, propositions and predications about science and technology and its development in the new historical period so that Deng Xiaoping’s Thought of Science and Technology formed. The two historical great men’s thoughts about science and technology that are the same strain are the two treasures in the pool of Marxist Thought of Science and Technology with Chinese characteristics. They led the development and influenced profoundly the historical process of China’s undertaking of science and technology at different times.This paper will provide the spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the contemporary practice of development of science and technology, through the systematic comparative study on Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts of Science and Technology, absorbing nutrition and wisdom. The thesis is divided into five chapters.The first chapter discusses the formation of Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts of Science and Technology, which mainly sets forth from three aspects including the background of the times, the ideological foundation and evolution, aiming to reproduce the thought origin and formation path of two great men’s ideas of science and technology. As a result, readers can overviews the whole picture of Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts of Science and Technology.The second chapter comparatively studies Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s concepts of science and technology, which focuses on their basic understanding of and attitude to the science and technology, in order to indicate their answers to these issues such as what is science and technology, the function of science and technology, the status of qualified scientists and technicians. It will respectively interpret and analyze from four aspects including the concept of the nature, function and position of science and technology, and the concept of the status of qualified scientists and technicians.The third chapter comparatively studies Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts about developing the science and technology, which mainly studies Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s strategic planning and theoretical guidance, to show their answers to how to develop science and technology. The paper will organize and argue from four areas of their views on leadership, structure, ethics and policy of science and technology.The forth Chapter makes a deeper overall comparison of Zhou Enlai’s Thought of Science and Technology with Deng Xiaoping’s, which interprets their consistency of ideological attributes and theoretical characteristics and their difference of content emphasis, historical contribution and presentation style.The fifth chapter discusses the inspiration of Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping’s Thought of Science and Technology to current practice of science and technology development, which is to take keeping up with times and promoting the theoretical innovation of Marxist Thought of Science and Technology with Chinese characteristics as its guide, effective strengthening and improving the leadership capability of the Party to the science and technology work as its key, forging ahead with determination and deepening science and technology restructuring as its crucial tasks, raising ethical standard of socialist science and technology as its basic requirement.The end will point out that it is necessary to create a stable political environment and provide the practical and political security for the development of science and technology, and it is necessary to stick to the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, only so the Chinese nation’s dream of becoming a Powerful Nation of Science and Technology can come true.


