

Development of English Textbooks in the Late Oing

【作者】 孙广平

【导师】 龚缨晏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前的学术界,尤其是在教育史研究领域中,兴起了一股对清末民初教科书的研究热潮。在这些研究中,更多的是对清末民初教科书进行宏观性、整体性的研究,很少有针对某一学科的深入研究,并且,由于晚清教科书文本的难以收集,相关的研究主要集中在民初时期。本文作者从英美、日本、港台,以及国内各大知名图书馆多方收集到晚清时期所出版的七十余本原版英语教科书,以真实文本为基础,力图对晚清时期的英语教科书的发展历程进行深入研究。按晚清英语教科书的发展演变历程,本论文划分为三个阶段共六章。第一阶段为晚清英语教科书发展的萌芽期(1807—-1840年)。在这个阶段,中国英语教科书的编写还处于无意识阶段。由中国人编写的供英语学习的材料,基于上都是洋泾浜英语文本。与此同时,以马礼逊为代表的西方传教士为中国入学习英语编写了专门的教科书,标志着中国人接受正规英语语言教育的开始。英华书院在英语教学中所使用的教科书,无疑是中国人学习正规英语的最早文本,在中国英语教科书编写史上具有开拓性的意义。但是由于英语教科书的使用范围所限,这些最早期的英语教科书对中国的传统教育的影响可说是微乎其微。第二阶段为晚清英语教科书的发展时期(18401895),本阶段分两章来阐述。鸦片战争到甲午战争期间为前段时期。值此时期,中国对外开放的大门首次打开,西方传教士带来了英语在中国的渐进传播。清政府首次真正认识到英语学习对提高国家实力的作用。这一时期的晚清英语教科书获得了初步的发展。由中国人自编的英语教科书,最初主要将英语视为对外贸易的重要工具,后来,随着晚清对外开放的范围不断扩大,以及外语学习风潮的不断兴起,中国人开始将英语作为一门系统的学科进行学习,中国人自编英语教科书的门类也渐渐增多,出现了英语语法、英语口语和英语翻译教科书。中国人开始参与到具有现代教育意义的英语教科书的编写工作中。这表现了中国人对英语语言、对西方文化从鄙夷到渐趋接受的变化过程,这一变化具有重大的历史意义。与此同时,西方传教士大批涌入中国。他们通过引入原版欧美英语教科书、编写适合中国人使用的英语教科书等各种手段,丰富了晚清中国人的英语学习资源,也间接地提高了中国人自编英语教科书的质量。第三阶段为晚清英语教科书的成熟时期(1895—1911)。甲午战争的失败,极大地唤醒了民众救亡图存的使命感。随着新式学堂的广泛建立以及《钦定学堂章程》的颁布,在中国的各级各类学校教育中,教育者都把英语学习作为一门必修的主课,英语教科书也在当时强大的社会需求中获得了相当大的发展。这一阶段的英语教科书之发展,呈现了与以往时期完全不同的特点。其一是中国英语教科书的来源更加多元化:既有从西方直接引入的原版教科书,又有受到日本明治改革的影响而大量引入的日本英语教科书;还有中国学者自己编写的专为中国人学习英语所使用的教科书;其二是英语教科书的门类细化:既有以往学习英语所特别重视的语法类教科书、商务英语类学习读本,也有英语口语类教科书等。更为重要的是,此时出现了由中国人编写的专为适合具有现代教育意义的中小学分年级英语教学而使用的系列课本,这在此前的英语教科书编写中是绝无仅有的;其三是英语教科书的编写有意识地体现了当时的教育理论。当时的中国教育界,受日本教育理论的影响非常深远。通过分析此阶段的英语教科书的编写与出版的发展历程,我们可以了解当时中国所盛行的赫尔巴特教育理论,以及代表先进教育法的古安系列教学法,并可以使我们了解教育改革与英语教科书的发展之间所存在的互动关系。本文通过对晚清时期所出现的英语教科书进行文本收集、整理、分析,结合历史学、英语语言教学、文化学、社会学等学科领域的理论知识,对晚清英语教科书做深入的、跨学科的分析与研究,力求表现中英两种截然不同的文化相遇时,在语言接触层面中所表现出的碰撞与交融,从而再现当时的历史原貌。晚清英语教科书,作为当时民众接受西方语言文化的重要载体,反映了中西方文化交流的重要内容,以及文化交流的领域。透过研究晚清英语教科书中关于中西文化的传播内容、传播方式等,为我们了解中西方文化的交流情形提供了真实的参照。

【Abstract】 At the present, the researches on textbooks in the Late Qing and Early Republican China have become a hot topic. Among the recent research findings, most of them were macro and general rather than specific. Further, more focus has been laid on the textbooks in Early Republican China than in the Late Qing due to the difficulty in collecting the original textbooks.The author has spent much time and energy collecting more than70precious English textbooks published in Late Qing from the libraries in Britain, American, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as from the libraries in the mainland of China. With these authentic textbooks as the research foundation, the developmental course of English textbooks in the late Qing canbe found.According to the different developing stages of the Egnlish textbooks in the Late Qing, the paper can be divided into three parts. The first part is about the germination period (1807-1840). At this stage, Chinese English textbooks were compiled spontaneously, with no guiding principles. Most textbooks were Pidgin English. At the same time, with Morrison as the representative of the western missionaries English textbooks written by the western missionaries could be specialized for Chinese learning, which marked the beginning of Chinese formal English language education. Undoubtedly, the pioneering English textbooks used in Anglo-Chinese colleges can be regarded as the earliest one for Chinese English learning in the history, thus it has the historical significance. But pitifully, because of the these English textbooks did not make any influence on traditional Chinese education because of the limited textbook users in missionary schools.The second part is about the slow development in the Chinese English books during the Opium War and the Sino-Japanese war (1840-1895).Between the Opium War and Sino-Japanese War, English textbooks were developed slowly and gradually. With the opening policy to the western world, the number of western missionaries who came to China increased dramatically. These missionaries set many missionary schools, bringing original English textbooks from their motherland, and also editing English textbooks catered to Chinese learners. Their practice enriched the Chinese English learning resources, also increased the quality of English textbooks in China indirectly.Meanwhile, the Qing government first was awared of the importance of learning English. Under such circumstances, the publishing of English textbooks became better qualied and with more diversity.During that time, Chinese attitude toward English language and English language learning has been changed gradually with the expending scope of opening to the outside. English, once was looked down upon, at that period,was regarded as a discipline of education. Many kinds of English textbooks were published and used, such as English vocabulary books, spoken English textbooks, English-Chinese translation books, even English grammar textbooks. Therefore, the category of English textbooks compiled by Chinese increased gradually. This change is of great historical significance.The third stage is the mature period (1895-1911). The failure of Sino-Japanese War greatly aroused people’s strong desire for revitalizing the country. Many new schools were established; many laws for regulating education were enforced. In the middle schools and colleges English was regulated as a compulsory subject. Such big and strong social demand for English learnig set the good and solid foundation for the development of English textbooks in China.English textbooks edited and published at that period presents quite different features from the former two. One is that English textbooks were coming from three main sources. The first source is introducing the original English textbooks from western countries, the second is translating Japanese English textbooks, the third is writing English textbooks by Chinese themselves.The second feature is English textbooks were divided into many subcategories, such as English grammar books, Business English books, English Spoken textbooks, etc. And what the most important feature is, that during this period, English textbooks were written for different levels from beginners to the advanced learners.The third feature is that influenced by the practice from Japan and western countries, the English textbook writers applied educational theory to their textbooks consciously and paid much attention to the teaching methods. Analyzing these English textbooks will enable us to understand the interactive relationship between the development of education reform and the English textbooks in China.In a word, having collected and studied the English textbooks in the Late Qing, and combining with the research theories in history, English teaching, culture studies, and sociology studies, the author of this paper has done the in-depth research, trying to find the process of communication between English and Chinese in the early period.The English textbooks, as an important culture carrier, must reflect the ways, the degree and the depth of culture communication at that time. The study of the English textbooks in the Late Qing will provide realistic reference for understanding the cultural exchanges and the interactive relationship between the development of education reform and the English textbook.

【关键词】 晚清英语教科书发展
【Key words】 the Late QingEnglish textbooksDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】H319.3;K252
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1309
  • 攻读期成果

