

A Comment on the Production System of the New History Play(1942-1978)

【作者】 黄亚清

【导师】 吴秀明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国文学从传统向现代的转型,最大的变化是一种意识形态化生产体制的逐步确立。宏观层面上的文学体制真正有效的实施,必须落实到具体文学形态的创作中。1942至1978年间的新编历史剧,作为与20世纪国家想象有着重要关联的文学形态,它在意识形态化的历史场域中,逐步形成了特定的生产体制和话语规范;同时作为一种微观的制度实践,它具体反映出文学体制的形成和实施,并在一定程度上影响了文学体制的调节和转向。因此,以它的生产体制为研究对象,不仅可以提供我们透视当代文学体制运作实践的一个具体视角;同时亦是进入历史现场和文学现场,考察文学外部各种文化力量角逐,和文学内部诸种要素制约及互动的一条有效的路径。本文以1942-1978年间的新编历史剧作为研究对象,考察一体化的文学体制如何一步步地将特定的意识形态,编织进具有浓郁的民间特色的历史剧中,并逐步确立了与历史剧相适应的管理、创作和评价体系。历史剧参与历史重构和新历史观重塑历史,是执政党贯彻文艺领导权的表现,它是一个从制度到创作乃至知识层面被建构的过程,理清宏观的文学体制如何作用于微观的文学实践,可以从一个层面丰富当代文学生产体制的研究成果。全文分为绪论、正文四章和结论三大部分。绪论总体上梳理了20世纪中国戏曲改革与国家想象的嬗变,揭示了五四戏曲革命、左翼戏剧运动、延安及新中国戏改三个阶段中,国家想象的阶段性特点;同时结合本文的研究目的,梳理了当前历史剧研究和体制研究的成果,分析了历史剧生产体制研究的意义。第一章采用纵横交错的方法,梳理新编历史剧生产体制确立的历史背景及其发展,窥测它在现代民族国家建构中群体意识转移的标识作用。新编历史剧的生产,直接或者间接的借鉴了传统史剧、五四史剧以及西方话剧的成果;所以把它放在史剧发展的历史脉络中进行考察,有利于揭示新编历史剧生产体制建构的丰富性和必要性。第二章主要是历史剧生产管理体制的建构。毛泽东新文化想象和唯物史观,通过一定组织的管理和监督、政策的制定和实施、以及具体的会演评奖的运作,规约历史剧创制意图、过程和方式,在外部建构起历史剧的制度模式和组织保障,确保历史剧一体化生产目标的实现。第三章着重探讨新编历史剧创作模式的确立。在文学管理体制建构的网络之中,按一定的规范秩序,规训史剧“生产者”在“意识形态”的范畴内,利用集体的智慧,生成符合意识形态要求的历史剧文本;同时对历史剧的表导演,以及读者和观众接受秩序的规范,保证历史剧创作与传播环节的控制和规约。第四章阐述在权威话语的控制下,历史剧批评范式的确立。文学论争和批评作为规范历史剧意义生产和秩序建立的一个手段,监控历史剧作家在意识形态设定的框架内创作;特别是当批评论争异化为文化批判和权力争斗的工具时,就更为严苛地制约着历史剧一体化目标的实现。所以,历史剧批评范式是理解新编历史剧生产体制的一个独特视角。结语主要反思体制化生产中的新编历史剧在中国文学现代性过程中所扮演的角色,梳理了新时期历史剧的发展,探讨了当下历史剧创作的新取向和存在的问题,为历史剧的发展提供一定的启示。

【Abstract】 When the Chinese literature transformed from the classic to modem stage, the biggest change was the establishment of a ideological production system. The effective implementation in macro level must depneded on practise of specific literary form. The new history play between1942and1978, as a important litareture form with the national imagination in the20th century, it gradually formed a specific production system and discourse specification in the history field of the ideology.At the same time, as a kind practice of micro system,it reflected a specific literary formation and implementation of the system, and to a certain extent, affected the adjustment and transform of the literary system. Therefore,The research on production system can not only provide us the specific perspective of contemporary literary system. It also is an effective path of entering the history and literary field to investigate the competitive of the external culture, and the restrict or interaction of various factors inside of literature.Based on the new history play from1942to1978, this dissertation deliberately investigates how the integration of the literature system weaves the particular ideology into the history play with a rich folk characteristics,and gradually establishes the management, creation and evaluation system of the history play.Through the history play in history reconstruction and the new conception of reshaping history, the ruling party implemented the cultural leadership,which was a construction process from the system to the creation,even the knowledge.So it is important to clear how the macro literature system effects the micro literature practice,because it can enrich the research results of the contemporary literary production system from one side.The dissertation consists of four chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. The details are as follows:1. Introduction:In this part,the author generally combes the opera reform in China in the20th century and the change of the national imagination,and reveals the phase characteristic through the drama revolution of The May4th,the left-wing drama movement and the drama revolution by the Communist Party,and combined with the purpose of this study, the current research results of the literatue system and the historical play are combed. Also the significance of the historical drama production system are analyzed.2. Chapter1:Through the the method of crisscross,it combes the history background and development of production system of new history play,and assesses the identity transfer of the group consciousness in modern nation-state construction. The production of new historical play benefited directly or indirectly from the products of the traditional history play, the May4th history play and the western drama. So it is helpful to reveal the richness and the necessity of construction of the new history play production system when it is put into the historical context of development, to ensure the realization of the integration production of the history play.3. Chapter2:This part focuses on the construction of the production management system in the new history play. By a certain organization’s management and supervision, policy formulation and implementation, and the operation of the specific festival awards,MAO zedong’s cultural imagination and historical materialism were specificated the created intent, process and methods,through the outside system model and the organization guarantee in history play.4. Chapter3:This part discusses the establishment of the creation model in the new history play. Among the literature network of the management system, according to the certain specifications of the order, and the use of collective wisdom, the system influenced the generator to make the historical texts which conform to the requirements of the ideology,and it specificated the directors,actors,readers and audiences to accept the order in the new history play to guarantee creation and transmission under the ideological control.5. Chapter4:This chapter analyses the establishment of critic paradigm in history play under the control of the authority. The literature controversy and criticism helped the establishiment of the meaning and order in the new history play which can monitor the writers to create within the framework of the ideology, especially when the cultural criticisms and the debate were alienated to the tool of the power struggle, it restricted the goal of the integration in historical play. So,the criticism paradigm of the history play is a unique perspective to understand the production system of the new history play.6. Conclusion:Based on the previous discussion, the author reflects the role of the new history play in the production system in the process of modernity of Chinese literature, combes the development of the history play in the new period, and discusses the new orination and problems, so as to provide some thinkings for its development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

