

Research on Citizens’ Well-being Based on Leisure Studies

【作者】 陈美爱

【导师】 庞学铨;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 休闲学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 幸福是人类一直坚持不懈所追求的终极目标,国民的幸福也因有助于构建和谐社会和促进经济发展而成为评定政府绩效的标准,因而幸福感研究也一直备受学术界和社会的广泛关注,然而至今从哲学、心理学、社会学和经济学入手探讨幸福感的研究虽不在少数,但尚未见对其进行休闲学视角下的探讨和剖析。本文以杭州市民为研究对象,采用理论与实证相结合的研究方法,从学理层面探讨休闲与幸福感的关系,以期构建市民幸福感的理论。研究发现,杭州市民的休闲动机四大维度(刺激回避、技能掌握、智力、社交)皆处于较高水平;72%以上的市民认为自己很幸福;内在心理性制约是杭州市民参与休闲活动的主要制约因素;杭州市民休闲满意度总体水平较高。深入分析可见休闲需要与动机是幸福感的源泉,休闲体验是幸福感的实践,休闲制约是幸福感的双刃剑,休闲满意度是幸福感的表征。市民只有在休闲需要和动机的驱动下,克服休闲活动中的制约因素,才能在休闲活动中获得休闲满意度,并体验到幸福感。该理论丰富了市民幸福感的评价维度,多元化的研究方法也更易于获得准确的结果。市民休闲幸福感指标体系的建构将是今后努力的方向。本文的基本结构如下:第1章,阐述了市民幸福感研究的选题背景和研究意义,归纳和整理了国内外幸福感研究的现状,概述了本文研究的主要内容。在此基础上,描述了本文的研究方法、研究思路和创新之处。第2章,首先论述休闲需要和动机与幸福感的关系,休闲需要和动机是幸福感的源泉,它们既冲突又相互转换。然后考察了杭州市民的休闲需要和休闲动机,并提出杭州应推出多元的休闲产品,以满足不同阶层市民的差异性休闲需要;引导市民的休闲消费理念,提高市民的休闲满意度;合理规划休闲城市,提升市民的幸福指数。第3章,首先阐述休闲体验的研究现状,论述休闲体验所具有的审美性、和谐性、主动性、整体性和价值性等。在此基础上,深入讨论休闲体验的层次,并结合目前杭州市民幸福感的现状,分析影响市民幸福感的因素,同时探讨休闲体验和幸福感存在的问题,并勾勒出理想的休闲和幸福感的范式。第4章,批判和反思国内外休闲制约研究状况,明确休闲制约研究的困境和出路,论述休闲制约和幸福感的非线性关系,即休闲制约和幸福感之间一致和冲突及其互相转换的复杂关系。休闲制约和幸福感的一致主要表现在基于德性和生活变迁的一致;休闲制约和幸福感的冲突则包括直接冲突和间接冲突。同时,以杭州为例研究市民休闲制约的状况,并提出克服休闲制约和提升幸福感的对策。第5章,论述中国特色的休闲消费满意度、休闲满意度与生活品质的关系,以及北美休闲满意度研究对我们的启示。在此基础上,论述休闲满意度和幸福感的关系,具体讨论休闲满意度是幸福感的预测因素和幸福感的表征。并根据杭州市民休闲满意度状况的调研,提出提升市民休闲满意度的对策和建议。最后一章,尝试论述休闲和幸福感的辩证关系。休闲无论从个体、社会和文化层面都可以提高幸福感。休闲异化对幸福感有着重要的负影响,它降低了人们的幸福指数。同时,幸福感对休闲有着重要意义,幸福是人们对休闲满意程度的主观感受,幸福指数又是休闲质量的主观测度。并在文末指出本研究的不足之处和后续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Happiness is the ultimate goal that human being has been pursuing. National happiness has already become the criterion to evaluate the government performance because it is helpful to construct harmonious society and promote the economic development. Thus, well-being has aroused extensive concern from the academic community and society. Now, well-being has been discussed and elucidated in the area of philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics, however, there’s no report to investigate and analyze it from the aspect of leisure studies. This paper focuses on the citizens of Hangzhou, adapting theoretical method as well as empirical research to discuss the relationships between leisure and well-being from academic level in order to construct the theory of citizens’well-being. The results showed that the four dimensions of leisure motivation (stimulus avoidance, competence mastery, intellectual and social) all have a higher level and more than72%citizens describe themselves as "happy". Intrapersonal constraints are the major factors to prevent citizens from taking part in leisure activities. Leisure satisfaction of citizens in Hangzhou is generally high. By thorough analysis, leisure needs and leisure motivation are found to be the source of well-being, leisure experience is the practice of well-being, leisure constraint is a double-edged sword of well-being, leisure satisfaction is the representation of well-being. Only when citizens take part in leisure activities by the drive of leisure needs and leisure motivation, they can overcome the leisure constraints, obtain leisure satisfaction and then feel happiness in the leisure activity. The research has enriched the dimensions for evaluating the citizens’ well-being and the accurate results are easy to obtain by the plural research methods. In the future, constructing the index system of citizens’ well-being will be the strive direction to discuss well-being.The fundamental structure of this thesis can be summarized as follows,In chapter1, we first investigated the background, discussed research significance on the study of citizens’ well-being, then reviewed the status of abroad and domestic research for well-being, and summarized the headlines as well. The research method, design and innovations were also described.In chapter2, we first discussed the relationship between leisure needs, leisure motivation and well-being. Leisure needs and leisure motivation are found to be the source of well-being and they are both conflict and conversion. After that, we examined the leisure needs and leisure motivation of citizens in Hangzhou by interview and scale, and put forward that multiple leisure products should be introduced to satisfy the different leisure needs of the various classes of citizens, the leisure consumption concept of citizens should be piloted to improve their leisure satisfaction and enhance the well-being index of citizens.In chapter3, we clarified the status of leisure experience, discussed the aesthetic, harmonious, initiative, integrity and value of it, and then discussed the levels of leisure experience deeply. In this chapter, we also analyzed the factors that affecting citizens’ well-being on the basis of current status of citizens’ well-being, and investigated the current situation of Hangzhou citizens’ well-being. At last, the problems that exists in the leisure experience and well-being were explored, the ideal paradigm for leisure and well-being was proposed and outlined.In chapter4, we criticized and reflected on the study of leisure constraints on the basis of fully understanding the domestic and foreign research, and explicited the predicament and outlet of leisure constraints. In this chapter, we also discussed the nonlinear relationship between leisure constraints and well-being, that is, leisure constraints and well-being are both consistent and conflict. The consistency and conflict can convert to each other. The consistency for leisure constraints and well-being identifies with the virtue and life changes. The conflicts of leisure constraints and well-being comprises the direct conflict and indirect conflict. Then we took Hangzhou as an example to study the condition of citizens’leisure constraints, and proposed the countermeasures to overcome leisure constraints and promote well-being.In chapter5, we first discussed the Chinese characteristics of leisure consumer satisfaction, the relationship between leisure satisfaction and quality of life, and enlightenments of the study on leisure satisfaction in North America to us. On this basis, we expounded the relationship between leisure satisfaction and well-being, that is, leisure satisfaction is the predictive factor and presentation of well-being. The countermeasures and suggestions to improve the citizens’ leisure satisfaction were advanced according to the investigation of the leisure satisfaction of citizens in Hangzhou.In the last chapter, the dialectical relationship of leisure and well-being was first explored and discussed. In our research, it was found that leisure could enhance well-being from individual, social and cultural level. While leisure alienation has negative effect on the well-being, which reduces the index of citizens’ well-being. At the same time, well-being is very important for leisure, it is the subjective feeling for the leisure satisfaction, and happiness index is also the subjective measurement for leisure quality. In the end, the shortcomings of the thesis were pointed out, and the follow-up research was proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

