

Research on Jesuits’ Study of China’Geography during the16th-18th Centuries

【作者】 吴倩华

【导师】 计翔翔;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 16-18世纪,以入华耶稣会士为代表的西方传教士,在中国和欧洲两个不同的地理区域和文化氛围中展开了对中国地理的认知和研究。正是他们不断发往欧洲的报告、书信、地图和著作中留下了大量关于中国地理的信息,构成了近代欧洲中国地理知识的来源。以罗明坚、卜弥格和卫匡国为代表先后进行的中国地图的绘制,采用西法对中国地理加以研究,中国地理地貌开始用经纬度的方式被测量,一些重要的地名开始被标注。这项工作和利玛窦绘制世界地图的工作一样重要。一个是努力传播西方地理知识和世界意识,建立新的“世界观”的过程;一个则是向欧洲传播中国地理知识,建设一个新的“中国观”的过程。此期,入华耶稣会士撰写了一批重要的综合性汉学著作,对中国地理的研究也构成了关于中国研究的主要内容。利玛窦—金尼阁的《利玛窦中国札记》、曾德昭的《大中国志》、安文思的《中国新史》、李明的《中国近事报道》等对中国的疆域概况、行政区划、城市、人口、物产及风俗等开始有了比较具体准确的记载,人文地理得以清晰呈现,中国形象更加真实,西方关于近代中国的地理观开始形成,并成为明清之际耶稣会士宣传中国、解释其适应政策、巩固天主教在华地位的有力手段。明清易代之后,耶稣会士取得了清廷的信任,18世纪初展开了大规模实测全国地图的工作。在集体协作、共同努力下最终完成了中国近代具有开创性的成果《皇舆全览图》及《乾隆内府舆图》,使中国在制图学方面走到了世界的前列。这是一个中西地理研究交汇影响的过程,客观上,扩大了中国地理研究的深度与广度,促进了欧洲人对中国地理的认识,使得欧洲在充分利用耶稣会士研究成果的基础上,形成了丰富、准确的中国地理观念,中国地理知识也很好地汇入到了欧洲的学术宝库中,成为近代欧洲人了解中国最直接的载体。然而,中国长期被桎梏的科学研究态度使得国人对自己的地理认识停滞不前,甚至进入近代我们还在采用传统的方法绘制地图。直到19世纪以后,才开始重新学习科学地理调查研究的方法。本文选定16-18世纪的入华耶稣会士为研究对象,探讨他们在两种不同的文化背景下进行中国地理研究的活动历程,采用历史比较、跨文化研究等方法,解析其地理学研究成为跨文化对话手段的原因及其诠释中国地理信息的方法。本文主要从三个方面来加以论述:一、探讨耶稣会士入华前西方人对中国地理的想象及探究,分析17世纪前西方对中国地理认知的程度,揭示入华耶稣会士进行中国地理研究的时代使命和内在价值;二、探讨16-18世纪入华耶稣会士开展中国地理研究的背景和过程,分析三个阶段的入华耶稣会士采取的研究手段和诠释方法、具体的研究内容和成果形式,揭示出这一学术研究的递进过程;三、探讨西方对中国以及中国地理知识的认识与评价,揭示中西地学研究的历史机缘和表现形式,展现出欧洲人认识中国地理的发展过程,进而在宏观层次上探寻不同文化间交流互动的历史意义。

【Abstract】 In the16-18th centuries, living between two geographic regions and cultures, western missionaries, especially Jesuits, started cognizing and studying Chinese geography. They recorded Chinese geographic information in their reports, letters, maps and works, and these became the sources of modern European knowledge on Chinese geography.The three Chinese atlases of Michele Ruggieri, Michael Boym and Martino Martini brilliantly represented European scientific research on Chinese geography. For the first time, China’s geographical features were measured by longitude and latitude, and some important places were marked. The work was as important as drawing world maps, done by Matteo Ricci. This was a process of establishing brand new "world outlook" and spreading western geographic knowledge and world concept; it was a process of building up new "Chinese outlook" and spreading Chinese geographic knowledge to Europe.During this period, Jesuits who entered into China wrote lots of important comprehensive Sinology works such as China in the Sixteenth Century:the Journals of Matteo Ricci,1585-1610written by Matteo Ricci and Nicolas Trigault, The History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China by Alvaro Semedo, A New History of the Empire of China by Gabriel de Magalhaes and A Compleat History of the Empire of China by Louis Le Comte. These works contain detailed records about geographic positions, cities, population, products, custom, and so on of China. With the help of these works, human geography was presented clearly. Based on these research findings, the view on Chinese geography started to form, which also became the powerful ways to publicize China and explain the accommodation policy of Jesuits. By the early18th century, Jesuits in China had started measuring the whole state map massively. Under the group cooperation and with joint efforts, The Huangyu quantu and Qianlong neifu yutu were finally finished, which put China at the forefront of the world in terms of cartography. It expanded the depth and width of Chinese geographic research and encouraged Europeans’understanding about Chinese geography. Thus, Chinese geographic knowledge was included into the academic treasure of Europe and became the most direct carrier for Europeans to understand China.However, Chinese’s understanding about their own geography had been stagnate. Even in modern times, we still want to re-dig and review our national geographic resources from western achievements.The paper focuses on Jesuits who entered China and worked on Chinese geographic research during the16th-18th centuries. Using historical comparison and cross culture research, this paper aims to explore how Jesuits worked on Chinese geography, how their research became an important venue for cultural communication, and how their research can help us understand Chinese geography.It has the following three aspects:Ⅰ. It discusses how Chinese geography was imagined and explored before Jesuits entered China and how Chinese geography was understood before the17th century. It tries to reveal the mission of the time and the inner value of Jesuits’ work on Chinese geography.Ⅱ. It describes the background and process of Jesuits’ work on Chinese geography in the16th to18th centuries. Focusing on the research methods, detailed research contents, and research achievements in three stages, it tries to reveal the progressive course of the academic research done by Jesuits in China.Ⅲ. It examines the understanding and evaluation of China and Chinese geographic knowledge by the westerners. It also tries to explore the historical opportunity and the manifestation of Europeans’ understanding of Chinese geography. Through demonstrating the process of how Europeans understood Chinese geography, this paper also aims to investigate the historic mechanism and the significance of cultural exchange and cultural interaction at the macro level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】K92;K25;K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】970
  • 攻读期成果

