

The Study of Yunnan Poetry Collection

【作者】 吴肇莉

【导师】 张梦新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文所论云南诗歌总集,包括云南地方诗歌总集,以及云南人所辑其他类型诗歌总集。自明代开始,云南诗歌总集的编纂活动绵延不断,至民国为止,产生诗歌总集至少二百余种,现存一百九十余种。这样丰富的文献留存本身就是一种引人瞩目的文学文化现象,也为云南文学、历史、哲学及自然科学等研究提供了多方面的视角,因此具有非常广阔的学术前景。本文即着眼于此,在广为搜寻,查阅大量文献资料的基础上,采取宏观与微观相结合的方法,对有关云南诗歌总集的几大议题分别予以论述。本文分绪论、正文、结语三部分。绪论部分首先对云南诗歌总集的范畴予以界定,其次介绍云南诗歌总集的研究现状,最后说明本选题的研究意义与思路。正文部分凡十章:第一章《云南诗歌总集的繁荣》,简述其繁荣的原因及具体表现;第二章《云南诗歌总集的流变》,展现自明代以迄民国云南诗歌总集的发展历程,描绘云南诗歌总集编纂活动的整体风貌;第三章《云南诗歌总集的类型》,将云南诗歌总集分为全国、地方、宗族、唱和、题咏、课艺、歌谣、方外、闺秀等九个类型,从文本形态的角度,描述其内部构成、基本特色与成就;第四章《云南诗歌总集的编纂特色》,从编纂宗旨与编纂体例两方面,揭示其基本规律;第五章《云南诗歌总集的文学意义》,从梳理云南诗史脉络、拓展诗人群体研究、考察诗坛交游活动、传达诗歌理论思想、呈现作品文学内涵等五个方面,阐述其文学意义;第六章《云南诗歌总集的文献价值》,从辑佚存遗、有助校勘、提供史料三方面,论述其文献价值。第七、八、九、十章则选取最具代表性的云南省级诗歌总集系列作个案研究。结语部分概述云南诗歌总集区别于其他省地方诗歌总集的特点,并对其研究前景予以展望。在大的框架上,从宏观角度对云南诗歌总集的繁荣、流变、基本类型、编纂特色、文学意义、文献价值予以概述性的研究。同时,结合运用文本解读的方法,从总集编纂过程及内部文本分析的角度出发,通过对单部总集的产生背景、成书经过、基本面貌的描述,以及文本结构、编纂特色、文学与文献价值等予以考察,为深入细致地研究云南诗歌发展及文献整理提供切入点。由于概述性及局部的研究难以囊括全貌,笔者整理了云南省级系列诗歌总集作者名录,以及部分云南诗歌总集序跋、目录等,希望有补于文献,但由于篇幅有限,无法全部收录。最后,附录《云南诗歌总集知见书目》,以作为对云南诗歌总集的概览式介绍。

【Abstract】 Yunnan poetry collections in this paper refer to all the poetry collections that compiled by the people of Yunnan and all the poetry collections with Yunnan as the centre. From the early beginning of Ming Dynasty, people began to compile poetry collections. About two hundreds of Yunnan poetry collections left the fruitful legacy. This is an outstanding cultural and literary phenomena supplied us with such data by which we can study Literature, History. Philosophy, Natural science and so on. In a word, Yunnan poetry collections are very valuable in study. In this paper, I try to discuss a few main questions about the study on the basis of the analytical angel of both macroscopic and microscopic view.This paper contains three sections:foreword, text and conclusion. Foreword defines the scope of Yunnan poetry collection, introduces the research status and demonstrates the research purpose and meaning.Text covers ten chapters. Chapter One describes the prosperity of Yunnan poetry collections, discusses the reason of the generation and booming. Chapter two overviews the development course of Yunnan poetry collections from Ming Dynasty to Late Qing Dynasty. Chapter Three divides Yunnan poetry collections into nine categories, including national, classical, patriarchal clan, writing and responding, narrating and chanting, examing and testing, folk song and ballad, female class, monks and so on; then describes the internal constitute,basic characteristics and achievement of every categories. Chapter Four studies compilation purpose and compilation features of the Yunnan poetry collections. Chapter Five discusses the literary value of Yunnan poetry collections. Chapter six discusses the documental and historical value of the Yunnan collections by means of preserving poetry and writers’ materials. Chapter seven to Chapter ten focus on case studies, i.e.provincal level poetry collections.Finally, this paper concludes the innovaton point of such as the difference from other local poetry collections, and further research direction and future prospect of this topic.From the macro perspective, this paper is undergoing an overview research on the prosperity, development course, categories, compilation purpose and features, literary and documental value of Yunnan poetry collections. Meanwhile, from the microscopic angel, this paper studies the background, basic features of the single collection as well as the text structure, compilation features, literature values, cultural significance through the deep and meticulous research. At last, appendix about the bibliography of Yunnan poetry collections is included.

【关键词】 云南诗歌总集流变类型编纂特色价值
【Key words】 Yunnanpoetry collectionschangesortcompiling featurevalu
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】452

