

Time Scenery of Pre-Raphaelite Artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Paintings

【作者】 王金玲

【导师】 欧阳英;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 但丁·加百列·罗塞蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti)是19世纪前拉斐尔派的领军人物,他的作品带上了维多利亚时代的烙印。对其绘画时间景观的研究,是众多个案研究中的一个新视角,结合其作品形式所展现的时间意味、作品内核中所蕴藏的时间体验,以及其绘画中时间表达方式和观念对后世的影响,探索绘画这一空间艺术所凝结的时间意义。本文梳理了罗塞蒂绘画三种时间景观:一是时间的回溯化,通过对现在时间的重新演绎,打破时间的封闭性,进行时间序列向过去的回归,在绘画作品中再现过去的旧图景,打造回望式的往昔情境。罗塞蒂通过复古手段,在旧题新作、昨日重现、回归经典三种图像模式中,获得当下时间压力的转移和对现代工业文明的逃避。二是时间的凝固化,通过时间序列的阻断,时间被浓缩至某一奇点,在这一冰冻的瞬间,时间高度密集,孕育着一种静中藏动的丰富审美魅力,瞬间永恒的意义取消了时间的向度,忘却了不可逆转的时间之矢带来的紧迫压力。罗塞蒂对性感女子、自然花草等生命主角的歌颂,就是吟唱青春的挽歌,在静态化时间中获得假想存在的轻松感。三是时间的空间化,结合多种艺术形态,整合儿种时间艺术的资源,在空间艺术中创造时间四处扩散、奔突的姿态,世界变成一个可以任意穿行的迷宫,从而在这个敞开的艺术之境中找到驾驭时间的力量。罗塞蒂将设计、文学、音乐等艺术的效果和时间的意味引入到绘画空间,开启交互影响的多元时空镜像,建构时间超越性的系统。罗塞蒂案例的特点主要体现在:第一,罗塞蒂在绘画中表达了人类的时间意识和时间体验,通过绘画的空间形式,寄寓了与时间概念相关的各种命题。第二罗塞蒂绘画中多种时间景观的纷呈,融合了造型类静态性视觉艺术表现时间意味的许多技巧。在内核、形式等不同方面,通过文化记忆的唤醒、想象力的置入、静中藏动的处理、象征隐喻的双关、形式张力的暗示、图像叙事的引导、诗画转换的互涉、视觉音乐的通感等方式,给予审美接受、视觉思维、心理经验更多时间变化的印象。第三,罗塞蒂绘画的时间景观,将时间艺术和空间艺术进行了交互,实践了时间和空间始终不能完全分离的理念,并赋予时空关系这一对复杂概念生动而形象的解读。本论文以罗塞蒂绘画为蓝本,研究其空间中的时间性,并梳理了这一表达方式在后世的继承传播状况,以期全景全息地探索绘画艺术的时间性问题。

【Abstract】 Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelite in Nineteenth Century, whose works accompanied with a mark of Victorian Age. One of the new research perspectives is the time scenery in Rossetti’s paintings, which explores the time meaning reflected by his paintings as a space art by combining the time meanings in the form of his works, the artist’s time experiences lying in the core massage of his works and the express way and idea of time in his paintings, which affects others in later ages.The thesis cleans out three unique time sceneries in Rossetti’s paintings:The first one is the retrospection of time. By representing the past things, Rossetti breaks the limitation of time which regress the time series to the past. Thus, by representing the past things in paintings, Rossetti rebuilds the past sceneries. Rossetti gets a transformation of current time pressure and an escape of modern industrial civilization through retrospective means, such as three image patterns:a new expression of old subject, yesterday once more and the return of classical. The second is the solidification of time. When the time series blocked, time is concentrated to a singularity. During the frozen moment, time is in highly intensive and rich in aesthetic charming with act reservoir in still. Thus, instantaneous eternal significance abolishes the time dimension, which let people forget the pressure form the irreversible time. Rossetti giving praises to the sexy woman, natural plants and other symbols of life is to sing the elegy for youth and obtain the imaginary relief in the still time. The last is the spatialization of time. Combining with varieties of art forms and integrating several time art resources, Rossetti creates a posture of time spreading and rushing in the space art. The world changes into a free maze in space art. Thus people find the control strength of time in the open arts habitat. Rossetti introduces design, literature, music and other artistic effect and time means into paintings, opens interactive influence and diversified time and space scene, constructs transcend time system.The characteristic of Rossetti’s paintings lie in:firstly, in his paintings, Rossetti expresses time consciousness and time experience. He uses the space form of painting to place time concepts related to various proposition. Secondly, three time sceneries in Rossetti’s paintings integrate many techniques of time expression means in visual still art. In different respects of the contents and forms, the paintings give the aesthetic acceptance, visual thinking, psychological experience and more impressions with time change by waking up the cultural memory, putting in the imagination, settling activity in still, using the pun of symbol and metaphor, the suggestion of the form tension, the guide of image narration, the conversion show of poetry and painting, the synaesthesia of visual music and so on. Thirdly, the time scenery of Rossetti’s Paintings interact time art and space art practicing the idea that time and space couldn’t be separated and endowing space-time relationship the complicated concept with active explain. The thesis takes the paintings of Rossetti as chief source to study the time problem in space, and card its state of spread and inherit, in order to explore paintings’time questions in a full and holographic view.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】482

