

The Origin of Conveying Spirit Theory

【作者】 罗小珊

【导师】 金观涛; 毛建波;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国绘画独特的审美范式是在中国文化以道德为终极关怀的思想模式下孕育的。顾恺之的传神论在后世成为中国画审美的一个重要标准,开出了与西方“求真”标准完全不同的审美范式。本文的写作尝试把中国思想的视角加入中国美术史研究中,来探索魏晋时期传神论的起源。通过对顾恺之生活的时代思想以及对顾恺之个人经历和绘画理论的深入考察,发现传神论起源于魏晋的原因与道德追求如何影响审美导致的从汉到魏晋的审美转变,以及玄佛合流的背景有着千丝万缕的联系。对“神”的推崇首先是因为才性论的影响,使“神”成为道德追求对象,也成为人物画表现的对象。而“形神之辩”的影响使人们产生形神二元论的想法,“神”和“形”的分离,在思想史上意味着魏晋玄学对佛学的亲和,而在美术史中则是“传神”标准的最终形成。顾恺之明确的把形神分开,并且认为神主形次,神起决定作用。在晋末,佛学思潮日益脱离玄学独立发展,佛教基本义理得到重视。在运用历史语义学方法分析顾恺之画论时,发现顾恺之的一些重要观点与佛学的基本义理存在一定程度的印证关系,尤其与小乘佛学有关。本文最后还涉及传神论与气韵生动的关系。

【Abstract】 This study is mainly focused on the origin of Conveying Spirit theory.Chinese culture attaches great importance to moral influenced Chinesepainting aesthetic. The vividness theory has become an importantstandard of Chinese painting aesthetic in history. It is completely differentfrom the western aesthetic standard. This article attempts to use Chineseideological perspective to the research of Chinese art history, to explorethe origin of the Wei and Jin Dynasties Conveying Spirit theory. By GuKaizhi life times thought and in-depth study of Gu Kaizhi’s personalexperiences, find the reasons of vividness theory, and the integration ofmetaphysics and Buddhism background. The "Spirit" become the moralpursuit,but also become the object of figure painting. This study attemptsto use historical semantics method to analysis Chinese art history, findthe relationship of Conveying Spirit theory and Buddhism,especiallywith the Theravada Buddhism.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】401

