【作者】 邱雯;
【导师】 任道斌;
【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士
【摘要】 和梅兰竹菊一样,松树自古便被人们赋予高尚的含义,历朝历代咏松诗词不断。自魏晋始,松树便入画图。而至元代,不仅松树图题材入画进入了一个高峰期,而且众多文人画家笔下都涌现出松树的身影。可以说元人绘画在一个新的时空拓展了新的领域。这种新虽然是承传了旧,但却赋予时代了新内涵,注入了深入发展的新动力。自唐代王维树立了文人画雏型,经过了宋代苏东坡、米芾等的努力,确立了文人画的范畴。宋画也将绘画的笔墨、画面及布置尽情发挥,使文人画的意义涵盖面更广阔更深远。至晚明董其昌等画家的筛选,文人画才以风格笔墨来区分;以个人自我意识强弱,能否将心中丘壑真率地流露,寄情藏意于纸绢笔墨间作为品评文人画作品高低的准则。而元代文人可谓是这其中的中流砥柱,起到敞开文人画大门的作用。关于梅兰竹菊的绘画内涵,研究者颇众。而相比之下,后人对松树图,包括文人画松的研究却较为薄弱,甚至没有专门的成果,为弥补画史研究的缺憾,加深对中国绘画内涵的认识,本文拟从松树入画及元代文人画松两个方面进行研究。第一部分,将对松树的概况、各朝松树入画的由来及其在绘画中的含义进行分析。第二部分,将首先分析元代画松题材之所以复兴的几个方面(历史背景、社会环境及政治取向等,)其次,分别以元十位文人画家的画松作品为例,具体分析在特定的时代背景之下,元文人画家松树图的丰富含义。最后部分将说明元代松树图对后世的影响及其元之后松树图的创作特点。在结论中,拙文将归纳总结元文人松树入画的最终目的——即画为心印,以画为寄,以画体道,而这些,恰恰是中国画的优秀传统,也是元代文人画的重要贡献。
【Abstract】 Since the ancient times, Pine is endowed with loftyimplication by Chinese people. There are a lot of poemsand songs about Pine in each dynasty. Since the WeijinDynasty, Pine has become a principal motif of paintings.Up to the Yuan Dynasty, the trend of painting Pinereached its summit. A lot of the literati painters began tochoose this motif to express their ideas and ideals.Historically speaking, the literati painting wasrenovated during the Yuan Dynasty. And the new literatipainters expanded their themes and refection on thepaintings, thus played a crucial role in Chinese arthistory. The Yuan intellectuals also experiencedtremendous restrictions and great hardship on theirstudy and work. Thanks to this turbulent era, alandscape painting legend was born. The literatipainters in the Yuan Dynasty are very helpful in therealm of painting for the following literati painters inMing and Qing Dynasty.This article is divided into two parts. One is aboutwhen the ancient painters began to draw the picturesabout Pine. The other part is about the literati paintersand their relative works in the Yuan Dynasty. The wholepaper analyzes the history and background of the YuanDynasty, the social environment at that time, thepolitical phenomena and other factors related withpaitings. Ten literati painters of that period are listedand their paintings of Pine are focused and analyzed.Different painters drew Pine for different reason andendowed with different significance; however, they allrendered their ideals and ambitions in the paintings.
【Key words】 painting of Pine; literati painting; paintingas ideal; imprint of heart;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 中国美术学院 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
- 【分类号】J212
- 【下载频次】598