

A Research on the Book Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu of Nitao

【作者】 钱伟强

【导师】 祝遂之;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 清初学者倪涛所编撰的《六艺之一录》一书,是迄今为止最大的一部书学文献纂集类著作,系此类著述的集大成之作。全书凡420卷,500余万字,共征引历史文献1366种。乾隆以前有关书学(含金石、文字学等)的资料此书收罗极备,具有非常重要的文献学意义。基于此书的学术特征,本论文主要分四个部分研究此书:第一部分主要对《六艺之一录》作者倪涛的生卒年、生平、家世、著述等问题及此书的编纂、流传过程等情况进行细致地考辨,并通过对其《易》学思想的剖析,研究倪氏家学及清初学风对他学术思想的深刻影响。第二部分首先对倪涛的交游情况作了全面的考察,并在此基础上,将《六艺之一录》的编纂置于清初学术发展的背景下进行描述,将清初南方的访碑运动、杭郡文化群体的学术活动等问题与此书的编纂结合起来进行研究,使得《六艺之一录》的编纂有了一个更为广阔的学术背景。第三部分则具体对《六艺之一录》的征引、分类、著录等体例作出细致分析,并对书中的存疑文献作了全面的考论。另外还对书学文献纂集类著作的发展沿革作了纵深性探讨,以期在历史的视域中突显《六艺之一录》一书的学术地位。并且进而指出此书在体例、内容等方面的不足之处,探讨其编纂得失对当下建构更为成熟的书法文献学体系的启示意义。第四部分实际上是第三部分的延伸,即以个案研究的形式呈现《六艺之一录》的体例特征及文献学意义。此部分内容以颜真卿所生活的唐玄、肃、代、德四朝的书人为基点,通过梳理《六艺之一录》中碑石书人材料,考辨钩沉,以期在文献研究的基础上为书史研究提供一种新的参考,进而呈现其在学术研究中的广阔前景。

【Abstract】 Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu (Record on one of the Six skills), compiled by Ni Tao at the early Qing Dynasty, is by far the largest collection of the calligraphy theory, thus to be the masterpiece of these writings. The book collection contains420volumes composed by more than5million words, and refers to and cites1366kinds of historical literature. All the material about calligraphy (on gold-bearing, Philology, etc) before Qian Long Dynasty are all contained in this book which thus has very important literature significance. Based on the academic characteristics of this book, this paper contains four chapters studies this book. Chapter one mainly explains Ni Tao’s date of birth, life, family, works, and the compilation of this book and the spread process in detail, and then, through the detailed analysis of the thinking of Yi (the book of change) embraced in this book, studies the profound effect of Ni family, study atmosphere and style in early Qing Dynasty on Ni Tao’s academic thoughts. Chapter two comprehensively introduces the situation of Ni Tao’s social intercourse, and accordingly, describes the compilation of Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu in academic development background, and refers to the monument-visit movement in Qing Dynasty in the South, cultural groups’academic activities in Hangzhou County for the compilation in a broader academic background. Chapter three specifically analyzes the stylistic issues including quotation, classification and cataloging, and then overall discusses the doubtful literatures in the book. In addition, the development of literature works of calligraphy collection is probed in longitudinal discussion, in order to highlight the academic status of Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu from perspective of history. Next, the deficiencies in stylistic aspects and content are pointed out, and the implications of its advantages and disadvantages in compilation on construction more mature calligraphy document system currently are investigated. Chapter four, actually the extension of chapter three, does case studies to present the stylistic characteristic and literature significance of Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu. This part, focused on the calligraphers in the era of Emperor Xuanzong, Suzong, Daizong and Dezong in Tang Dynasty which Yan Zhenqing lived in, combs their material presented in the Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu and makes profound discussion, so as to provides new references for the research on calligraphy history based on literature research and shows its broad prospect in academic study.

  • 【分类号】J292.1;K825.7
  • 【下载频次】302

